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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Varus has always been strong, even before the slight buffs. Now with the new items he is in the top tier of ADCs.

He lacks escape therefore he will never be in the top tier of adcs because of cc tanks like malphite. He'll just get one shot no matter how fed he is.

To me, Varus is a stronger mf who has skillshots so you can abuse that in solo queue and win all the lanes and I do. I mean, I chunk 3/4 of the enemy's hp in 3AAs and 1 e at level 2 and they can't do anything about it. It's just hilarious how people don't know how to play against varus.

Playing varus also made me realise that I should have required timers on my items.
17minute bloodthirsters are a norm now and now i'm slowly making that into 16minute bloodthirsters by getting more dominant in lane with varus. However, i get real mad at myself if i play poorly and don't get a BT by 17mins.



Hmm, my problem is that I'd start with literally 3, 4 AP. I just played against a 30 AP Ahri. She does an extra 20 damage per harass.

Stuff like that scares me.

In any case, I won anyways with my puny 17 AP. I'm really liking Diana

If someone's starting with 30ap then they are sacrificing other things like MR, regen, magic pen, movespeed. Movespeed quints lets you dodge those skillshots better and faster. Plus someone like Diana is a little vulnerable to ganks, that extra movespeed always helps me.

I dont think Rengar can recover from this nerfs like he did in the past.

The new skins are shit tier (except vi), they all look so damn bad.

That's a pretty big Regnar nerf. Especially AP Rengar. Looks like I'll get shit on for playing him again. If he has 3500 hp, it's a 175hp per heal nerf (not to mention the damage reduction). Pretty rough.

*edit* Katarina: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-V_-g_wOf_-E/UMGNr4RZKpI/AAAAAAAAK3c/LxhqvcS_ZsQ/s1600/katarina.png

Maybe the splash will be nice, but the skin itself... :|

I want that skin. They always look better in motion.

edit: Nami's champion spotlight looks great. Got my 6300ip waiting for my next support champ. Even in the spotlight it seemed like she was doing squat for damage. Not sure if she'd play out well in mid at all.


Playing varus also made me realise that I should have required timers on my items.
17minute bloodthirsters are a norm now and now i'm slowly making that into 16minute bloodthirsters by getting more dominant in lane with varus. However, i get real mad at myself if i play poorly and don't get a BT by 17mins.

I feel like I'm letting someone down if I don't have at least 1.5 items (+Sightstone) by 20m :|

Edit: Holiday Kat recall is a stripper pole?


I'll still buy it because Legacy and all but wut


I feel like I'm letting someone down if I don't have at least 1.5 items (+Sightstone) by 20m :|

Edit: Holiday Kat recall is a stripper pole?


I'll still buy it because Legacy and all but wut

League of Assassin Strippers.



Winter Solace WARDS
Tried AP Maokai in Proving Grounds. Got paired with a Blitz. No one got away. Ooh sweet Jesus Sapling Toss is so strong (460 + 100% AP) and it's hilarious for zoning because there's no telling who it'll go after. My passive goes up so frequently.


formerly sane
He lacks escape therefore he will never be in the top tier of adcs because of cc tanks like malphite. He'll just get one shot no matter how fed he is.

To me, Varus is a stronger mf who has skillshots so you can abuse that in solo queue and win all the lanes and I do. I mean, I chunk 3/4 of the enemy's hp in 3AAs and 1 e at level 2 and they can't do anything about it. It's just hilarious how people don't know how to play against varus.

Playing varus also made me realise that I should have required timers on my items.
17minute bloodthirsters are a norm now and now i'm slowly making that into 16minute bloodthirsters by getting more dominant in lane with varus. However, i get real mad at myself if i play poorly and don't get a BT by 17mins.


With the new patch you should have that down to 11-14 mins. I can build the lizard item in 8 especially if I get no other items. If you start off with long blade you can do those really quick if you're being fed.


Everything is moe to me
I just legitimately raged for the first time. :(

fucking worthless sona kept needling me all game because i was freezing our lane just infront of our tower. sorry i dont want to suicide on an eZ when you never ward our bush that kayle camps in for days and when we have an amumu jungle. couldnt understand why i wasnt trying to kill them. then the fucking morg and amumu get in on it. and only top zed keeps quiet. they shut up and we eventually start clawing ahead on the backs of Zed while i farm to catch up.

then they start again! while we're winning! when they have nothing to complain about, they just start needling me again! the fuck, i swear people try to lose. anyway i told them we started winning when they shut up and they shouldnt ruin a good thing, they shut up and we win.

After the game i messaged him and told him i'd be the better man and offered to coach him to help him with his sub 50% winrate, he never responded. bm as fuck i know.

so. fucking. mad. about. that. stupid. sona.

1 game away from 100; wont play it now because i'd just tilt at the smallest thing.


Vi should probably be pronounced vye, to rhyme with lye, short for violet, which is sort of similar to her purple hair color, and presumably her full name, abandoned in her headlong escape.


Last night I tried the build I mentioned with Annie yesterday.

I need to play Annie mid with the new items... DFG into Liandry's followed by Rabadon's and Rylai's? so much yummy burst :3 And twin shadows for kiting?!?! :D

Hmm with the Kage's I should probably do Kage's->DFG->Boots->Twin Shadows->Rabadon's->Liandry's->Rylai's

Didn't like it. It lacks the mana regen I require for my playstyle as this was more a one and done type of deal.

DFG is definitely amazing as it is now, a mini vlad ult. I will rush this over Rabadons since it's just that good.

Twin Shadows, I was hoping it + the Furor enchant would replace my need for ghost to escape/move faster but sadly no. Will instead build a Chalice and convert to Athene's at some point. Alternatively, I could try rushing Morellonimicon as my first item. It would almost be like me getting Kage's + Chalice to start anyway, except more offensive oriented. Hmmm. Maybe a situational lane pick.

I never got to build Liandry's so still waiting on the verdict there.

Also tried the Furor boots enchant on Annie. As stated above I still didn't feel I could replace ghost with it so it's back to ghost/flash Annie with Distortion for me. 3 minute flashes and 2 minute ghosts sound perfect to me.


Everything is moe to me

100 wins. :D

a small first milestone, but im still proud damnit!

for some reason adding attack damage ruins to MF made my CS worse. >_>
subconscious laxness!


signs of abusive relationships

They aim so high, they are in a different league than us. My only goal is to not give first blood, and call out all the MIA before someone die, then I done my part. The rest is depend on how hard you guys carry me.


They aim so high, they are in a different league than us. My only goal is to not give first blood, and call out all the MIA before someone die, then I done my part. The rest is depend on how hard you guys carry me.

You forgot about bad baron calls. And baiting teammates to fight and then using Ahri ult to run away.


Oh, maybe. These are just in the patch note changes I see off a third party site.

Looking at the updated notes on Reign of Gaming, I'm not so sure anymore. But only because they didn't put "Tooltip now says" in front of the first change.

Reignofgaming said:

[Passive] - Pyromania
• Now works after casting 4 spells (down from 5)
• Tooltip now says only works with next offensive spell

Either they don't play Annie and don't realize that the new wording is exactly how Annie plays now, or it really is a giant buff to her play.

For reference, the current/original tooltip is this:
After casting 5 spells, Annie's next spell will stun the target for 1.75 seconds.

and the listed change is this:
After casting 4 spells, Annie's next offensive spell will stun the target for 1.75 seconds.

Even though they changed how it worked back in April.
lol-patch.com said:
v1.0.0.138 - 2012-04-17

Pyromania now works like other charged passives (activating a spell with the stun no longer builds a charge, but number of charges required to energize reduced to 4 from 5)

With the April change, after you cast 4 spells, your next offensive spell will stun. I.e. your 5th spell will stun the target.

Fun Fact: In reality, this was actually only a minor buff to Annie because the way it worked before (cast 5 then stun), Annie's 6th spell (the stun) would also add a charge towards the next stun, requiring only 4 casts before making the next stun work. The only real effect of this was that when Annie revived at fountain she needed to cast 1 less spell to start her engine again.
I don't think I'm ever going to get to try my new full Wukong build. Every game seems to end early now. I should see maybe if I can do it in Dom.
Looking at the updated notes on Reign of Gaming, I'm not so sure anymore. But only because they didn't put "Tooltip now says" in front of the first change.

Either they don't play Annie and don't realize that the new wording is exactly how Annie plays now, or it really is a giant buff to her play.

For reference, the current/original tooltip is this:

and the listed change is this:

Even though they changed how it worked back in April.

With the April change, after you cast 4 spells, your next offensive spell will stun. I.e. your 5th spell will stun the target.

Fun Fact: In reality, this was actually only a minor buff to Annie because the way it worked before (cast 5 then stun), Annie's 6th spell (the stun) would also add a charge towards the next stun, requiring only 4 casts before making the next stun work. The only real effect of this was that when Annie revived at fountain she needed to cast 1 less spell to start her engine again.
Maybe it's just a matter of different wording in different patches and the new one is really three spells, then stun on fourth.


Maybe it's just a matter of different wording in different patches and the new one is really three spells, then stun on fourth.

Yeah, that's where my confusion lies. I kind of hope they don't because that would be ridiculously OP. But I also kind of hope they do so I can just get free elo until they rebalance it.

It makes more sense to me that they re-worded the tooltip to more accurately represent how the passive works. It's only confusing because the 3rd party site didn't reference the change as a tooltip fix.


They aim so high, they are in a different league than us. My only goal is to not give first blood, and call out all the MIA before someone die, then I done my part. The rest is depend on how hard you guys carry me.

My basic goal is to just never be a significant reason to losing. Try to not lose lane, try to not give up kills to other lanes, try to be ahead in items/gold, try to do what needs to be done in teamfights, etc. I never want to be able to go "I was the reason we lost."

Start playing Swain again!

See, we make fun of kiunch's baron calls and now you want him to play the tactician? We just keep wanting it to happen.


Wow, Nami looks really strong. 2 slows and 2 knock-ups, plus a double heal or double damage and a heal. And a buff.


Madness and genius are just the different sides of the same coin!

It all depends on what happens!

Time for Baron:
Did it work? -> Praise Rizzle/Merc/Rex/whoever is jungling.
Did it fail? -> Blame kiunch.
Did nothing happen? -> Blame kiunch, steal his blue buff.


My Noc seems to be total shit in the jungle now.

Anybody running him jungle with success? What build? Runes?

attack speed reds (with 2 armor pen), armor yellows, mr blues, AD quints

edit: and just for funsies I looked up TheOddOne's noc page and it's almost identical. He uses a mix of flat MR and MR/lvl and he uses 3 armor pen marks, rest attack speed.

Build wriggles, black cleaver, sightstone



Can just search for Armor Pen. I'd imagine ArP works for a shorthand way of searching for it (just like "gold" or "GP10" works for ... well, GP10 items).

cool...will try "arp" out

So what about Rengar's nerf? Will it be enough?

I don't see how it affects rengar that much.... the people that played him without looking at the map will start losing cause they can't panic R or panic W but he can still do the same thing as before as long as you pay attention now.


My Noc seems to be total shit in the jungle now.

Anybody running him jungle with success? What build? Runes?

There should be a bigger emphasis on getting help with your initial leash. Also, for best initial clear go machete + 5 pots. Other than that, it should feel pretty much like S2 jungling, with more emphasis on doubles and wolves since they lowered wraith gold and in turn buffed the gold from those camps.
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