Well I just ran a hurricane kog build and turned the entire game around for my team for a win. Ended with 24/7/10. I guess I'm beginning to believe.
Kage doesn't build into dfg anymore, it build into that "summon stupid ghost that won't touch akali" crap.
I was so confused.Kage doesn't build into dfg anymore, it build into that "summon stupid ghost that won't touch akali" crap.
Wait the ghosts don't go after akali?
Didn't win a single game yesterday. Lot of people are trying really stupid stuff, thinking the changes could cause certain characters to actually do well in lanes they're usually not in. Also the lack of Diana bans is astounding, she somehow squeaks by often.
People are still banning Alistar and don't realize the new jungle completely shits on him.
People are still banning Alistar and don't realize the new jungle completely shits on him.
You should never ban Alistar. 90% of the people are totally shit with him, so most of the cases it pans out good for you.
You should never ban Alistar. 90% of the people are totally shit with him, so most of the cases it pans out good for you.
True, trueAh but the ban is also for TEAMMATES wanting to play him.
I just ban him so I can't play him, I'm pretty good at saving people with headbutt.
My time as Katarina (and, to a lesser extent, Diana) has given me an unnatural hatred of all Tristana, Janna, and Lee Sin players.
Not enemy ones, mind you. Allied ones. Stop knocking things out of range.
Yeah when I play as a Janna I hate Katarinas and MFs because they tend to ult as I do mine. Most people don't get there's such a thing as disengaging, just watch them waste all their CC, then come back and clean up...My time as Katarina (and, to a lesser extent, Diana) has given me an unnatural hatred of all Tristana, Janna, and Lee Sin players.
Not enemy ones, mind you. Allied ones. Stop knocking things out of range.
I've done that with lee sin a few times. Usually it's along the lines of "Hey one ult should kill them" KICK.... now they're far away with 20 hp.
Big deal. I could win games here and there and dominate the lane still. You still are buying into a worse Wits. A garbage Recurve. And Shiv is junk on her. Again, more gold completely wasted as you buy into crit for an item that is procs less often than Spark or just as much if you're running around like an idiot. Shiv is more expensive than Spark while providing less attack speed, and crit instead of health. When it does proc it deals significantly less damage. Lulu is only a viable option top against the worst players who can't deal with a champion that is wasting massive amounts of gold.I just watched salce eat faces top lane with wits->statikk
you just arent loyal enough to the lulu
Yeah I went Hurricane/Shiv/Blade of Ruined King on Kog the other night and it was pretty evil.
Kage doesn't build into dfg anymore, it build into that "summon stupid ghost that won't touch akali" crap.
Wat that item is awesome. 2 seeking 40% 2.5s slows is already a fantastic peel item and on top of that it can save your whole team instead of walking blindly into ambushes at baron. And it has good stats.
I thought season 3 brought it to summoner's rift. My fault.That's not an SR item.
Kiunch is disillusioned because he tried to use it next to an Akali and instead the ghosts ran to her teammates 2 screens away.
I know she is a support. That's not as fun for me and Lulu top was one of my stronger champions prepatch.Try Lulu support, I hear she's intended to be support.
Yeah when I play as a Janna I hate Katarinas and MFs because they tend to ult as I do mine. Most people don't get there's such a thing as disengaging, just watch them waste all their CC, then come back and clean up...
Aaaahhh. Yeah nah it it would be straight up op as fuck if it also revealed invisible champions.
She's a champ that needs more communication than usual to avoid that happeningThe problem being some Janna ults are ones that think they're disengaging but all they did was reset a team fight that their team would've won.
Not a bad idea, though unfortunately it doesn't build off kage's anymore.Gotta consider DFG on supports now. Active no longer scales with AP (better for supports) but boosts everyone's magic damage against the target (yay I'm helping), plus sweet AP and CDR. DFG support Zyra is legit.
The problem being some Janna ults are ones that think they're disengaging but all they did was reset a team fight that their team would've won.
Cool, I'd love Bowie to be a serious carry now so I can buy himMOTHER OF GOD
Hurricane Varus is OP. It's like being Vayne and silver bolting entire teams at the same time.
Hurricane Varus is OP. It's like being Vayne and silver bolting entire teams at the same time.
Wat that item is awesome. 2 seeking 40% 2.5s slows is already a fantastic peel item and on top of that it can save your whole team instead of walking blindly into ambushes at baron. And it has good stats.
I think of it as everyone always going boots in S2, most junglers getting it is natural now. The sustain is really what makes it versatile though instead of getting a philo and building Shurelia out of it later.1. I dislike the Machete being the new "every jungler build this item" item.
Ha, that's what I joke about with my friends, it's like a shittier version of Necronomicon.I imagine the ghost item must be fun on Yorick.
Hurricane Varus is OP. It's like being Vayne and silver bolting entire teams at the same time.
If they are dumb enough to face check bush when everyone is afk, a 120 second cd will not save them. I do like the 5% movement speed, and the slow is pretty good for ganging lanes, too bad the magic resist is kind of a waste stats for ganging.
Everyone knew Hurricane on certain champs was going to be ridiculous, I mean you don't even have to see it in action to know its OP.
I view it as a way to give AP/MR for laning and +Movement/Active slow for roaming. Katarina or Evelynn with it gains a lot of roaming power with it I think.
The best part is the little orb.
It's like the option upgrade in that one 2d side scrolling space game that I can't remember the name of :<
Gradius probably.
And to those who have been hoping to be able to purchase RP or champs/skins as gifts for in-game friends during the holidays, your wait should be over soon...
Gifting coming soon:
I know what I want for christmas
Fixed it.LoL secret santa waifus exchanges.
I think I'm gonna switch my 2 points from Brutal Force to AP Mental Force, since I can't see how 3 AD can make a big difference on last-hitting (scy, do the math for me :3) and 4 AP in the initial race for who trades better is almost another AP quint.
Fixed it.
Ahhh, you were trying to have fun. I just found your first problem, Riot nerfed "fun" in this patch (at least for non-support Lulu's).I know she is a support. That's not as fun for me and Lulu top was one of my stronger champions prepatch.
I feel like I've already seen 3+ Varus in 5 or so season 3 games, and none of them were good, but maybe there's some way to do it properly.MOTHER OF GOD
Hurricane Varus is OP. It's like being Vayne and silver bolting entire teams at the same time.
It would be funny (ok not funny, kind of sad) if they nerf it and it becomes something no one buys -again-. On the bright side, at least moonflair spellblade is gone. Such a cool name but no one buys.I like the new Black Cleaver. Too bad it's going to be nerfed.