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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I have probably seen enough. Lulu top is dead. Attack speed is so much more expensive and you are getting so little return on the items. She just doesn't synergize well with what's available either. Not having Ionic Spark really hurts more than I thought it would. This really bites.

Time for tank lulu to shine?
Play Kog.

Ditch IE for another BT.

Lifesteal for 72%.

Maybe Graves too, I have to try it later. Lifesteal should work great with his tankiness and slightly shorter ADC range.

Those are my two main ADCs. It's not a bad item, it just might not mesh with my playstyle, generally aiming for whoever is closest/out of position just to avoid getting dove onto.


dont you just love this game

team pushes all game gets ganked by making hes 11 and 0 by 15 minutes

blames jungler for not ganking


1. I dislike the Machete being the new "every jungler build this item" item.
2. A sustain-counterpart to Machete would have been nice to get more jungling in low level games.
3. Beyblade Nocturne is pretty cool but playing him again now reminds me that he's kind of lacking. If you build him damage he gets blown up; if you build him tanky he lacks the peel and utility of other junglers.


I have probably seen enough. Lulu top is dead. Attack speed is so much more expensive and you are getting so little return on the items. She just doesn't synergize well with what's available either. Not having Ionic Spark really hurts more than I thought it would. This really bites.


Am the only one who likes getting Revolver on Eve? Too busy pushing and ganking to go home. :/ Before I started taking Revolver I had to take a lot of potions to sustain myself, even before the nerf. I normally go Boots+pot->Revolver->Sorc->Guise->Abyss->DFG->Deathcap on her now. I often go home with about 2000 gold.

I eventually sell Guise and Revolver for other stuff. I don't like Liandry on her.


1. I dislike the Machete being the new "every jungler build this item" item.
2. A sustain-counterpart to Machete would have been nice to get more jungling in low level games.
3. Beyblade Nocturne is pretty cool but playing him again now reminds me that he's kind of lacking. If you build him damage he gets blown up; if you build him tanky he lacks the peel and utility of other junglers.

cloth 5pots is the sustain equiv

you build noct tanky and he anticarries and starts fights like no other though
cloth 5pots is the sustain equiv

you build noct tanky and he anticarries and starts fights like no other though

True.... tanky noc is just a beast. Even with a tanky build he can get descent damage... and if he is the only tank in your team you should have good damage overall.

1. I dislike the Machete being the new "every jungler build this item" item.

I have skipped it and am jungling "like before" (With Skar) and TBH I don't see a huge difference. I still gank early and I still level up almost same speed.


I love machete because spirit stone is so damn good, some champions like skarner/mundo can be played without it though.
I like machete because of the clear speed advantage, but it make you valnurable since it stats only effect monsters.


My first S3 game last night I was going to play mid but there was a real nice guy lower that was really gung ho for it so I decided to try out the new jungle. Picked Rengar (I usually do well with him in the jungle).

The end result was a win. Which was good. However I can't say I contributed that much other than some early ganks. I did a buff transfer to Diana mid almost immediately after getting double buffs. Worked out well. She started with a kill and double buffs lol. I was just a hair too low to pull off that gank successfully. First clear wasn't too bad though. Machete and pots and I think I had 1 pot left and was level 4.

From there I screwed the pooch on farming. Normally I'd clear a camp or two and gank another lane but somehow I ended up roaming a little more than usual and with no boots I started to fall behind. I only successfully ganked a lane once more but tried 3-4 times. I was a level or two behind the team from then on. My presence greatly diminished. Part of it was that every lane started winning hard but I think I needed more farming time.

Overall when I jungle again I'm going to have to stay focused on farming more than ganking if I want to keep up. I used to be 80/20 ganking now it'll probably be the other way around.

Love the new spirit stone though. Built the tanky one asap and it was great with Rengar. Didn't get to build much more than that, opponents surrendered around 25min.

Liking a lot of the changes though.


I have probably seen enough. Lulu top is dead. Attack speed is so much more expensive and you are getting so little return on the items. She just doesn't synergize well with what's available either. Not having Ionic Spark really hurts more than I thought it would. This really bites.
I buy Static Shiv to replace Ionic Spark on Lulu. It's not bad. Plus she charges it so fast, each auto attack builds 10 charges so it's fully charged within seconds between AA, spells and moving.


tank MF is pretty OP.

aim for a 40 minute IE for finishing damage.


Edit: In regards to Season 3 so far, I'm still sad that I've yet to build a SotD :( Why do people keep surrendering at 20m and don't let me finish off assassin core builds why

Ruby Sightstone after boots on junglers. Save all your teammates who are too cheap to ward.

It's a fantastic amount of map control especially now oracles is temporary.

I've basically gotten in the habit of an early Sightstone on Riven. I don't need the help to damage out a lane beyond runes + starting item and getting the extra health is nice. Plus, y'know, being ungankable for 6 minutes every back + having vision control for the late game.

Does it set me behind in items? I guess. It's probably part of the reason I can't get a ~25m BC + Hydra + SotD. But considering I don't die to ganks and I get to keep top warded during laning (/their top jungle warded after I take first turret), it's very much worth the investment.


I have probably seen enough. Lulu top is dead. Attack speed is so much more expensive and you are getting so little return on the items. She just doesn't synergize well with what's available either. Not having Ionic Spark really hurts more than I thought it would. This really bites.

I just watched salce eat faces top lane with wits->statikk

you just arent loyal enough to the lulu


Twin shadows looks really cool, from what I've witnessed via streams. Potential choice for aggressive supports?


Twin shadows looks really cool, from what I've witnessed via streams. Potential choice for aggressive supports?

Best new active for supports. Will win team fights because shadows have amazing range and grant vision in bushes. Last night there was a late game team fight brewing at dragon and enemy team (purple) was split in the two entrances from their side in the bushes. Activate twin shadows, reveals both sides, my team gets initation and cleans up with ace/victory.

Just doing that once opened my mind to all the possibilities... cooldown is low, range is enormous, and they travel really fast.


Yeah, I feel like Riot definitely has to nerf teleport+Homeguard. As a jungler, I've started rushing Homeguard boots after a few basic items and have been teleport ganking like a boss. Fuck Flash, just teleport into a forward ward down bottom and zerg them with Skarner ult. Literally no way to escape it. It's a guaranteed kill. Late game it's obviously not as good (no Flash), but you can snowball lanes so quickly, especially if the game is in the laning phase for 20-25 minutes. With all the wards people are using now and the nerfs to oracle, traditional ganking has gotten a lot harder, but theres no way to escape a Skarner that has ported in behind you with 800 million move speed.

Of course, this is all in normals, but we'll see. Feels too cheesy right now.


Twin shadows looks really cool, from what I've witnessed via streams. Potential choice for aggressive supports?

Can someone explain to me how it works? 120s CD, summon 2 ghost and it find 2 person and reveal them.

Does it reveal more than 2 if they group up together? How far does the ghost travel? Works on shealth? I had a match where akali was inside her shroud right in front of me, I summoned the stupid ghost, and it went for someone else a screen away from her.

Do you point the direction for where the ghost travel or they do it automatically? What if the enemy champions are too far away, do the ghost still try to head to their direction (then expire in the middle)?


Yeah, I feel like Riot definitely has to nerf teleport+Homeguard. As a jungler, I've started rushing Homeguard boots after a few basic items and have been teleport ganking like a boss. Fuck Flash, just teleport into a forward ward down bottom and zerg them with Skarner ult. Literally no way to escape it. It's a guaranteed kill. Late game it's obviously not as good (no Flash), but you can snowball lanes so quickly, especially if the game is in the laning phase for 20-25 minutes. With all the wards people are using now and the nerfs to oracle, traditional ganking has gotten a lot harder, but theres no way to escape a Skarner that has ported in behind you with 800 million move speed.

Of course, this is all in normals, but we'll see. Feels too cheesy right now.

Eh, It's cheesy, but it's counterable. The movespeed is lost when you enter combat so a support on the ball could cc you and then proceed to kite as normal. Also, having tried it I found that I only had time for 2 maybe 3 ganks before laning phase ended and losing flash for initiation during team fights was pretty bad, and the setup for it during a fight (6.5 seconds b and 3.5 tele) to be too long. Will probably try it again because it's mad fun but I don't think it's strong enough to be the new meta. Maybe if a co-ordinated 5s team has the whole map warded to jump on anybody out there alone...

Can someone explain to me how it works? 120s CD, summon 2 ghost and it find 2 person and reveal them.

Does it reveal more than 2 if they group up together? How far does the ghost travel? Works on shealth? I had a match where akali was inside her shroud right in front of me, I summoned the stupid ghost, and it went for someone else a screen away from her.

Yeah that was lame. I even had a pink ward for her I was going to place but then I saw the ghosts run away from the shroud they were sitting in so I ran back top...


I have probably seen enough. Lulu top is dead. Attack speed is so much more expensive and you are getting so little return on the items. She just doesn't synergize well with what's available either. Not having Ionic Spark really hurts more than I thought it would. This really bites.
Try static shiv as suggested. However, Riot probably didn't want Lulu going mid (nerfs to Q) or top, so maybe you should play her as support!

Am the only one who likes getting Revolver on Eve? Too busy pushing and ganking to go home. :/ Before I started taking Revolver I had to take a lot of potions to sustain myself, even before the nerf. I normally go Boots+pot->Revolver->Sorc->Guise->Abyss->DFG->Deathcap on her now. I often go home with about 2000 gold.

I eventually sell Guise and Revolver for other stuff. I don't like Liandry on her.
I think I tried revolver a few times, and I loved it on Katarina, but on Eve I imagine that rushing DFG would work out better. DFG is more expensive now and doesn't have the benefit of kage's, but I still suspect sorc shoes + DFG + abyssal would be the most effective early items for AP Eve. I stopped playing AP Eve much since I started failing miserably after the DFG nerf.

At any rate, if you're having problems recalling, try the homeguard boot upgrade. I tend to play mobility boots with homeguard for mid lane, since sometimes you just really want 800 movespeed after you recall to buy something.


Can someone explain to me how it works? 120s CD, summon 2 ghost and it find 2 person and reveal them.

Does it reveal more than 2 if they group up together? How far does the ghost travel? Works on shealth? I had a match where akali was inside her shroud right in front of me, I summoned the stupid ghost, and it went for someone else a screen away from her.

Do you point the direction for where the ghost travel or they do it automatically? What if the enemy champions are too far away, do the ghost still try to head to their direction (then expire in the middle)?

It does reveal everything near it, travels automatically, doesn't reveal stealth. Definitely heads towards people it may not reach(has a very fast travel time however). I'm not sure on the maximum range on detection as every time I've used it I had reason to suspect enemy champions were close by. I'm going to start getting it earlier than shard now so I can play with it more. I love it because its safer than warding in those dangerous mid/late game objective situations.


Twin Shadows is supposed to work with it. Maybe do a custom game later to test. I remember someone from Riot (Xypherous maybe? Might've been FeralPony?) mentioning it works vs an Akali and other situational stealth (along with bushes, etc.) but it's not a practical counter due to the cooldown.

Eh, It's cheesy, but it's counterable. The movespeed is lost when you enter combat so a support on the ball could cc you and then proceed to kite as normal.

Honestly, it's best served for long range initiates that don't really need Flash. Malphite ult is probably the best use of it.

It honestly seems more like a top lane thing. Get someone in top that can gank fairly well and have them run Flash/Teleport. Then again, having to back out of lane to do this really hurts your ability to farm in top.
Support is so much more fun now. I love it and love all these items having passives/actives. I really want to explore different roles in addition to different support characters.

Elise and Voli being two I want to try at support.


Again, he's my main ADC. People keep saying it's good on him but I just feel more efficient when I focus on chunking down single targets one at a time.

What it will come down to is team comps, probably. If the enemy team has that heavy dive tank you need to burst down super fast or else, single-target damage is better. If the enemy team doesn't have that kind of tanky dive (and/or you have really good AoE CC), Hurricane is most likely better.

There's also some itemization choices (e.g., BT + Hurricane vs IE + Shiv) to think of.


Twin Shadows is supposed to work with it. Maybe do a custom game later to test. I remember someone from Riot (Xypherous maybe? Might've been FeralPony?) mentioning it works vs an Akali and other situational stealth (along with bushes, etc.) but it's not a practical counter due to the cooldown.

I'll watch the replay tonight and re-evaluate/post it. But yeah, I haven't found any bug reports about it and I even found that post you were referencing inferring that it works against Akali. http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=9568517#9568517

Honestly, it's best served for long range initiates that don't really need Flash. Malphite ult is probably the best use of it.

It honestly seems more like a top lane thing. Get someone in top that can gank fairly well and have them run Flash/Teleport. Then again, having to back out of lane to do this really hurts your ability to farm in top.

Makes sense. Hecarim would probably be scary with it too. I also tried Rammus powerball to get to mid lane w/o teleport and it didn't work :< I feel lied to and disappointed.
Draven's passive damage over time procs black cleaver with every tick, so one spinning axe will build the full 4 stacks of armor reduction in 1.5s with just one hit. Interesting.

Edit: I wonder if static shiv's lightning proc critting also procs draven's passive and therefore also black cleaver.
I like how they made LeBlanc's new splash even sluttier.

Love the new Yi splash. Also, can they not decide on a bloody splash art for Morde? Nearly every patch changes his splash art.


I love hurricane with miss fortune myself. Paired with a BT it's nasty. Not to mention clearing waves takes NO time. You can push like mad.


I'll watch the replay tonight and re-evaluate/post it. But yeah, I haven't found any bug reports about it and I even found that post you were referencing inferring that it works against Akali. http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=9568517#9568517

I even got the right guy (on my second try).

Reminds me, I need to buy Akali. She seems to be in a fairly good place right now with the prevalence of "everything fucking dies" going on. Same for (AP) Nidalee. And I want to make Fiora work.

...this kind of experimenting may not end well.


I'm actually revisiting Leblanc now. The new DFG is a godsend.

I need to play Annie mid with the new items... DFG into Liandry's followed by Rabadon's and Rylai's? so much yummy burst :3 And twin shadows for kiting?!?! :D

Hmm with the Kage's I should probably do Kage's->DFG->Boots->Twin Shadows->Rabadon's->Liandry's->Rylai's


I even got the right guy (on my second try).

Reminds me, I need to buy Akali. She seems to be in a fairly good place right now with the prevalence of "everything fucking dies" going on. Same for (AP) Nidalee. And I want to make Fiora work.

...this kind of experimenting may not end well.

I love Akali. I stopped playing her because I couldn't carry the same way I could with other AP mids. I'd go something like 10/1 and still lose the game. She is just a squishy melee champ without the mobility of Kat or Kassadin. Then when Diana came out I really saw no reason to play Akali. I'd love to give her another shot though.

I'm actually revisiting Leblanc now. The new DFG is a godsend.

I wish LeBlanc had a better wave clear. That's her only drawback. Farming is a pita, especially if you get shoved on the tower. I still have a soft spot for her. She was my first assassin. :p


I even got the right guy (on my second try).

Reminds me, I need to buy Akali. She seems to be in a fairly good place right now with the prevalence of "everything fucking dies" going on. Same for (AP) Nidalee. And I want to make Fiora work.

...this kind of experimenting may not end well.
Has anyone tried buying hextech sweeper to counter Akali in lane yet? I'm curious if it's good enough to counter, or not really viable.


I need to play Annie mid with the new items... DFG into Liandry's followed by Rabadon's and Rylai's? so much yummy burst :3 And twin shadows for kiting?!?! :D

Hmm with the Kage's I should probably do Kage's->DFG->Boots->Twin Shadows->Rabadon's->Liandry's->Rylai's

Kage doesn't build into dfg anymore, it build into that "summon stupid ghost that won't touch akali" crap.


I don't know if I've commented yet, but I love the oracle nerf. Even though there's 100 new ways to kill everyone with the new League of Assassins, the lack of a persistent oracles (most junglers in my lowly elo aren't even bothering buying one anymore) means you can establish vision and benefit from it even if you are behind. It's making roaming more difficult and junglers have to get more creative to gank.


I wish LeBlanc had a better wave clear. That's her only drawback. Farming is a pita, especially if you get shoved on the tower. I still have a soft spot for her. She was my first assassin. :p

Ya, that's what holds her back. Starting to use my W more for clearing, especially if I have blue.

Also with the spellblade mastery you can actually CS!


I don't know if I've commented yet, but I love the oracle nerf. Even though there's 100 new ways to kill everyone with the new League of Assassins, the lack of a persistent oracles (most junglers in my lowly elo aren't even bothering buying one anymore) means you can establish vision and benefit from it even if you are behind. It's making roaming more difficult and junglers have to get more creative to gank.

and the rise of sight stones.. lol
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