Yeah, I feel like Riot definitely has to nerf teleport+Homeguard. As a jungler, I've started rushing Homeguard boots after a few basic items and have been teleport ganking like a boss. Fuck Flash, just teleport into a forward ward down bottom and zerg them with Skarner ult. Literally no way to escape it. It's a guaranteed kill. Late game it's obviously not as good (no Flash), but you can snowball lanes so quickly, especially if the game is in the laning phase for 20-25 minutes. With all the wards people are using now and the nerfs to oracle, traditional ganking has gotten a lot harder, but theres no way to escape a Skarner that has ported in behind you with 800 million move speed.
Of course, this is all in normals, but we'll see. Feels too cheesy right now.