Those builds...
i like my ghost blade
Those builds...
Gonna have some 15 minute queues because every champ select will be Nami ban->queue dodge.
I think Vi looks like a discarded Boredlands character
This is why you play blind pick. At least then the turnaround is quicker -- instant queue dodge when you manage to click Nami before someone else, rather than them waiting 5 minutes for the game to be about to start, then dodging at the last second.Gonna have some 15 minute queues because every champ select will be Nami ban->queue dodge.
Perhaps it's selective memory, but I feel like ALMOST WITHOUT EXCEPTION, if anyone is talking trash or bragging about how they will "rape" or "destroy" or "whatever" their respective target champions, they will end up losing.Pantheon: TEEMO??? FREE LANE FOR ME.
Pantheon becomes first blood.
Duo bot feed Graves/dies to minions.
I think Vi looks like a discarded Boredlands character
Perhaps this is not the perfect place to ask for an objective advice but I'm thinking of starting to play MOBA games and was wondering what the main difference between this and DOTA 2 were. From what Ive looked around, the main thing seems to be that supports in DOTA 2 are more fun to play.
As for background, I am a very quick learner and I'm pretty good at objective based / team based games, therefore different learning curves would not affect my decision in which to pick.
From what Ive looked around, the main thing seems to be that supports in DOTA 2 are more fun to play.
hey I heard we were having another LoL vs DOTA2 in here
What is dota2?
CM is a viable roamer/ganker/jungler. That is, she can move from lane to lane when opportunities arise to apply pressure or help someone getting pressured, while pulling jungle creeps in between to get some exp. There are lots of supports that can do this, actually, owing to the abundance and power of CC in DOTA 2.
Pulling crackbabyjr out of the dumpster with Lux.
Typical Neki.
edit: To clarify I'm asking which one requires lower specs to run well
Agkels you better advert your eyes from this...
to everyone else,
1/10; angry player would not play with again
It can be, but there are options, whereas supports in League are almost always pigeonholed into babysitting the ADC (or weird banana lanes like Leona/Jarven or Leona/Blitz). The idea of "support" in DOTA 2 just encompasses more concepts than it does in League.I just meant that her kit can be boring if you are playing hard support. It's not necessarily that the role is more fun in Dota 2. It can be just as boring as playing Soraka.
League, probably. But as long as your computer has come from the last 4 years or so it shouldn't have a problem running either.edit: To clarify I'm asking which one requires lower specs to run well
Its an easy game for an easy life.
Agkels you better advert your eyes from this...
to everyone else,
1/10; angry player would not play with again
I see, I understand it's not as simple as "X is better than Y, period". It's good to hear then that LoL has fun support. Well then I will be going out of town for the Holidays and I will only have my laptop to play and considering that both seem interesting to me I guess I could start with the least resource hoggerrequired first and try the other once I return back home.
For reference I can play Torchlight II on my laptop on med-high settings just fine.
edit: To clarify I'm asking which one requires lower specs to run well
It's Tomat.Is this guy a GAFer? What's his GAF tag?
So...everyone have full build
Some of us forgot about lvl 3 boots tho
I play a lot of support and it can be a lot of fun if you don't care so much about the spotlight of getting all the kills. It's exciting because you feel like more of an strategist, timing big objectives up, creating opportunities for the other players, granting vision, etc., but also then actually actively entering combat and turning fights around through skill and smarts.I see, I understand it's not as simple as "X is better than Y, period". It's good to hear then that LoL has fun support. Well then I will be going out of town for the Holidays and I will only have my laptop to play and considering that both seem interesting to me I guess I could start with the least resource hoggerrequired first and try the other once I return back home.
For reference I can play Torchlight II on my laptop on med-high settings just fine.
edit: To clarify I'm asking which one requires lower specs to run well
what is
Ugh... I hope the splash art is good at least...
How difficult could it be to make a cute Lux...
Why you are that crazy pretty hard I would imagine.