LoL GAF has never said anything harsh to me.
I do enjoy my creams and sugars. ;_;Sometimes you make weak coffee?
w-what anime is that?
Franken Fran; it's about a medical scientist frankenstein girl who respects life to the point she wont let anyone die, no matter what bodily horror their continued life requires. she also has a sister; an assassin whose respect for life causes her to want to give people quick and painless deaths.
LoL GAF has never said anything harsh to me.
Franken Fran; it's about a medical scientist frankenstein girl who respects life to the point she wont let anyone die, no matter what bodily horror their continued life requires. she also has a sister; an assassin whose respect for life causes her to want to give people quick and painless deaths.
Hijinks ensue. it's comedy/horror
Please don't.Are we turning into ManGAF2? I can live with this.
w-w-what is manGaf?
I'm sad these players lost:
I don't care if it is an ARAM. I got PENTA KILL
Ugh, even when I win I hate this game.
Was it from one bomb?
I know some people who would have a cry about it
if anyone ever says they will win their lane in the lobby, especially if they trashtalk and say they'll "rape" or "destroy" or "pillage" or "crush", it's like a 80% chance that they will lose.
As I've probably mentioned, if anyone ever says they will win their lane in the lobby, especially if they trashtalk and say they'll "rape" or "destroy" or "pillage" or "crush", it's like a 80% chance that they will lose.
So for the Lanes, is one of them classically more contested that the others? I would have thought Mid would be the main straight access right?
They've got "top" right there in their name, seems legit. That's a tough one though. They only said "easy", and not "destroy" or "obliterate", plus they actually said "please", so I'm not sure if the trashtalk quotient is high enough.Topiim: let me top, please.
Topiim: darius, easy.
Let's see if your theory holds true.
hint: everyone but you always loses their lane
hint 2: you would've won your lane if jungler would've came when you pinged
Lee Sin and Cho jungler are crushing Darius so far, so it looks like the mild darius = easy comment wasn't enough (or this is the 20% case), clearly. STAND BY FOR FURTHER UPDATES.
*edit* Well, Darius is still down in kills after giving up first blood, but he outfarmed Lee and won the lane...however, that seemed more like due to jungle assists.
pdotz: report me for what
HADES2: lol
HADES2: graves
DaedalusR: negative attitude mate
pdotz: i had the most passive leona
HADES2: i lolkingd u
pdotz: ever.
HADES2: good thing we dont have u as our adc
HADES2: gg
pdotz: rofl
pdotz: ive won every game
pdotz: today
pdotz: as adc.
pdotz: nt though
Choochiee: You are a fool
Choochiee: you push lane
pdotz: really nt.
Choochiee: to under their turret
Choochiee: and you want me to dive on a varus soraka?
Choochiee: Your a complete fool
Choochiee: look how fast he leaves when he gets called out on his stupidity.
You crushed 17-6 for a quick surrender, good job.never got to go back and spend mah gold
Don't really know what happened in top lane but it seemed like he was getting wrecked.
Oh god, horrible Aguirre flashbacks.
In the event you're serious on the ManGAF bit, it's the Manga thread. We're a boring bunch though.
As I've probably mentioned, if anyone ever says they will win their lane in the lobby, especially if they trashtalk and say they'll "rape" or "destroy" or "pillage" or "crush", it's like a 80% chance that they will lose.
I don't know, the last 2 pages were pure entertainment!
please keep franken fran out if this![]()
Can someone please explain the following defense masteries?
Unyielding: Reduces the damage taken from enemy champions by 1/2
Block: Reduces damage taken from champion basic attacks by 3
Defender: Grants +1 Armor and Magic Resist for each nearby enemy champion
What I mean is, these numbers seem really low, so I'm guessing they convert to something better than, like, 2, right? Cause reducing damage by 2 sounds lame. 2 what?
Can someone please explain the following defense masteries?
Unyielding: Reduces the damage taken from enemy champions by 1/2
Block: Reduces damage taken from champion basic attacks by 3
Defender: Grants +1 Armor and Magic Resist for each nearby enemy champion
What I mean is, these numbers seem really low, so I'm guessing they convert to something better than, like, 2, right? Cause reducing damage by 2 sounds lame. 2 what?
Franken Fran; it's about a medical scientist frankenstein girl who respects life to the point she wont let anyone die, no matter what bodily horror their continued life requires. she also has a sister; an assassin whose respect for life causes her to want to give people quick and painless deaths.
Hijinks ensue. it's comedy/horror
Can someone please explain the following defense masteries?
Unyielding: Reduces the damage taken from enemy champions by 1/2
Block: Reduces damage taken from champion basic attacks by 3
Defender: Grants +1 Armor and Magic Resist for each nearby enemy champion
What I mean is, these numbers seem really low, so I'm guessing they convert to something better than, like, 2, right? Cause reducing damage by 2 sounds lame. 2 what?