I recently started playing again after a long break. I had quit right when Jayce was released. Could anybody catch me up to speed on any major changes that have been made since then? The new store is really throwing me off. I've noticed leashing doesn't work like it used to, but are there other jungle changes? Any major character remakes or balance changes?
I recently started playing again after a long break. I had quit right when Jayce was released. Could anybody catch me up to speed on any major changes that have been made since then? The new store is really throwing me off. I've noticed leashing doesn't work like it used to, but are there other jungle changes? Any major character remakes or balance changes?
I recently started playing again after a long break. I had quit right when Jayce was released. Could anybody catch me up to speed on any major changes that have been made since then? The new store is really throwing me off. I've noticed leashing doesn't work like it used to, but are there other jungle changes? Any major character remakes or balance changes?
Look at you guys...stealing my things.Sejuani might be my to-go-to jungler now.
Look at you guys...stealing my things.
Look at you guys...stealing my things.
Look at you guys...stealing my things.
Do LeBlanc's abilities reset quickly enough for her single target damage to do it? Maybe Leona.So who's the hardest non-support champ to get a penta with?
Udyr? Trundle?
Do LeBlanc's abilities reset quickly enough for her single target damage to do it? Maybe Leona.
As much as I like lux, ziggs is becoming one of my favorite mid.
I'm having a good time with jungle/top Jarvan, won most games with him. Not entirely sure what's best to build on him though, any ideas?
Suppressed, bandaged, mummy ult. But still survived.
Would take forever to catch you up. We *just* had a season 3 patch, tons of new items and reworks, and jungle rework. Lot of us are still getting used to it too.
No more leashing. Camps attack whoever is closest.
Wraith camps devalued. Wolves and Golems buffed.
Uhh...everyone starts Machete now.
http://competitive.na.leagueoflegends.com/preseason/introThat link isn't working for me![]()
What was their reasoning behind the jungle changes? Do even junglers who don't build Wriggles(Skarner, etc.) start Machete
You are just asking for them to lose their lane. "Leashing" now is just having people help you damage the targets to take them down.If not, then make sure you got your team has a tanky ad carry bot or top and let them tank the damage from the monster.
I believe the general goal with the jungle- changes was to make it more difficult early on (at least for the first initial clear), to mitigate early jungle pressure.What was their reasoning behind the jungle changes?
Man, once you get Nami's Q down she absolutely wrecks. Gimme Q and W, then copy and paste them into E and R (the ult is still escaping me...it just travels too slowly) and I'd be unstoppable.
But everything doesthat e is great man, makes your allies go faster.
liar, janna had to buy that charm.
Build an Ionic Spar...oh. Oh.best build for Voli please!!
Suppressed, bandaged, mummy ult. But still survived.
Man just watched two hours of sykkuno and I have work tomorrow... it's so fucking late...
Going to main twitch because lol, IE+SoTD = Pentakills
best build for Voli please!!