hey rex what do you recommend as a general item build for varus
what is that
ps i've been going BT -> Hurricane but I still don't see the value in hurricane. After that I just make last whisper because idunno.
BT always then:
Hurricane is situational.
You don't get it if there are alot of initiators on the other team with gap closers. E.g malphite, xin zhao, diana, leona etc....
You want hurricane when you know you can kite the other team with attack move when you have red. If you don't have red at mid-game, you are at a very large disadvantage. (hence why i always say wait for red to spawn before fighting).
You can go zephyr/statik shiv in other cases as your second major item
Third would be that QSS ad item or GA depending on your playstyle. But i'm fully against GA on varus because if you die, you're probably going to die again without doing anything. I mean if people were able to get through your ult and your E slow without dying then you're screwed.
Fourth would be Last whisper
then my fifth and final item on all my adcs is a frozen mallet. Love the perma slow and don't have to wait for red to spawn. Makes kiting even easier.