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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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One last question before I head into a few more matches. And I apologize if it's not allowed to ask this here:
Will I get banned if I use SIU? I was looking for info on how some skins would look and found you could edit yours client side but Idk if its bannable or not.

Is SIU just custom skins or what? I used custom skins a while ago and never got banned or any warnings so I don't think so. Not a 100% sure though.


I'm going to try that long sword + pots start instead of boots for ADC. In fact it's really dumb I didn't think of that first considering I don't have AD quints. Doran's doesn't really provide the sustain I need.


Soraka is fun to play but her lack of offensive abilities makes it hard when the bot A.I keeps running away after killing a few minions. Damn annoying as they keep moving left and right but not forward lol.


so what's up with the black cleaver thing, is it really that effective? when do you do it?

It's really cost effective for what it does and Armor Pen stacking is basically the best return on damage. It's a reasonable first choice item for pretty much every AD character. The fact you can stack all of the stats (the passive sort of stacks; it builds faster with more Cleavers) makes it a really cost effective option for repeated stacking.

Edit: Though, I don't think it's the best option to stack repeatedly. When you shred enough Armor, Bloodthirster's higher AD gets to be more attractive (and, well, Life Steal is nice to have as well). Hydra gets you an extra 1.0 AD ratio skill to spam on a 10s cooldown. SotD lets you turn your AD into a 6.0 AD burst. There's better combinations of items.

Multiple Cleavers just gets you really good Health, CDR, Armor Pen, and AD. That collection of stats is just really good and hard to pass up.


I've been starting to time dragon and baron recently, and it really is a game changer. We were losing a match the other day and I just got us dragon after dragon until we balanced it out in money and ended up taking the win.

Carrying as a support :3


well they lost.

The fact it looks like a close game is reason enough to nerf it. If you can stack a single item on every member of the team and not get rolled, then the item is OP.

There was a thread about that on reddit. Apparently they were winning by a solid margin but didn't close out the game because they wanted to farm up 6 black cleavers a piece and it let the other team get an ace and finish the game.


I've been starting to time dragon and baron recently, and it really is a game changer. We were losing a match the other day and I just got us dragon after dragon until we balanced it out in money and ended up taking the win.

Carrying as a support :3

Regardless of role, I try to time: Dragon, Baron, any global ults, Flash/Teleport timers, Ward timers, and I try to keep an eye on Blue/Red ideal respawn timers (e.g., 2/7/12/17). Probably a few other things I'm forgetting. Time everything, basically.

Hell, I do damage calcs for Karthus ult (250/400/550 + 60% AP). Just helps a lot.
At least, I think it does. I dunno. Just reflex at this point to do it.


Regardless of role, I try to time: Dragon, Baron, any global ults, Flash/Teleport timers, Ward timers, and I try to keep an eye on Blue/Red ideal respawn timers (e.g., 2/7/12/17). Probably a few other things I'm forgetting. Time everything, basically.

Hell, I do damage calcs for Karthus ult (250/400/550 + 60% AP). Just helps a lot.
At least, I think it does. I dunno. Just reflex at this point to do it.

Scy making me look bad/lazy. I only do like half of that. Ward timers when I see them in my lane. Really helpful if you retreat ping where you see them placed because that puts a chat log for you to check with later on timestamps. Dragon/Baron because you can check those after a few minutes by reading your log/hitting 'z'. And red/blue buffs you can basically gauge on a 2+5.1x minutes if they are being taken on a regular level. One thing I should try is when I notice enemy junglers warding my blue @ the 5-6 minute mark to steal it is to counter-steal theirs first.


Regardless of role, I try to time: Dragon, Baron, any global ults, Flash/Teleport timers, Ward timers, and I try to keep an eye on Blue/Red ideal respawn timers (e.g., 2/7/12/17). Probably a few other things I'm forgetting. Time everything, basically.

Hell, I do damage calcs for Karthus ult (250/400/550 + 60% AP). Just helps a lot.
At least, I think it does. I dunno. Just reflex at this point to do it.

Even with the amount of jungling I've been doing lately I don't do half that. Guess that's why I'm not gold :p

I barely keep track of the timings on my own buffs. Dragon and Baron I do. Especially if I can solo dragon stealthily (Lee sin with Wriggles and a sightstone yay).


I think I prefer Ashe. :D Need way more practice to be a Support, so having a ranged Champ to actually win some rounds helps.


Regardless of role, I try to time: Dragon, Baron, any global ults, Flash/Teleport timers, Ward timers, and I try to keep an eye on Blue/Red ideal respawn timers (e.g., 2/7/12/17). Probably a few other things I'm forgetting. Time everything, basically.

Hell, I do damage calcs for Karthus ult (250/400/550 + 60% AP). Just helps a lot.
At least, I think it does. I dunno. Just reflex at this point to do it.
Look at scy, dick measuring us with his superhuman lateral thinking, eh.

Really helpful if you retreat ping where you see them placed because that puts a chat log for you to check with later on timestamps.
Good advice, will do this next time...


Scy making me look bad/lazy. I only do like half of that. Ward timers when I see them in my lane. Really helpful if you retreat ping where you see them placed because that puts a chat log for you to check with later on timestamps.

Yeah, I may say that I time wards but, most of the time, it's just a retreat ping to get the time stamp and to tell my jungler about the ward. Then I have an answer to the "is warded?" question later. Better yet, I can say when it won't be warded!
Unless their jungler is a dick and warded top river for them and I didn't see it >>

And red/blue buffs you can basically gauge on a 2+5.1x minutes if they are being taken on a regular level.

I like to time blue/red, depending on which side I'm on, so I have the timing to try to steal it for myself. Denying blue buff from their mid laner helps a lot with certain mids. Plus, I like blue buff in top lane too. All that mana regen for Riven and all.

Even with the amount of jungling I've been doing lately I don't do half that. Guess that's why I'm not gold :p

To be fair, I do it because A) I can and B) It doesn't take THAT much time to make note of timers. Buffs you get a feel for eventually (like Merc says, 2m + 5m5s-5m10s guesses will work like 95% of the time), Dragon/Baron have a time-stamp in game so it's easy to keep track of later, and you can just use retreat pings to note ward position + time.

I do the big ult timers (+ Teleport) because it lets you know why certain things seem fishy. Top lane all of a sudden tryng to hard push the lane? His teleport might have come up. Bot lane getting a bit aggressive? Shen ult (or Karthus ult) may be up. Being able to remove the "may" from those scenarios is a pretty big deal for a team to be able to deal with a situation.

Look at scy, dick measuring us with his superhuman lateral thinking, eh.

Not really my intent :(

I think I need to work on more efficient ways to make gold as support. Learning all this lane stuff and then some random Jungling is all new to me. :D

You don't really make gold as a support. You get items that save you money (Sightstone) and items that generate it (Philosopher's Stone, Kage's Lucky Pick) but you basically just rely on passive gold generation (16 Gold per 10 seconds base value) and Assists to fund your stuff.

Or you "accidentally" stealsecure a kill or two. Or seven.


I'm going to try that long sword + pots start instead of boots for ADC. In fact it's really dumb I didn't think of that first considering I don't have AD quints. Doran's doesn't really provide the sustain I need.
I've seen a plethora of AD's going for that start and absolutely wrecking their lanes. After witnessing it, I tried it with Draven and beat my opponent into a pulp.

I feel like MS/lifesteal quints would work really well with this start.


I've seen a plethora of AD's going for that start and absolutely wrecking their lanes. After witnessing it I tried it with Draven and beat my opponent into a pulp.

I feel like MS/lifesteal quints would work really well with this start.

Boots just aren't that big of a difference anymore. It helps (25 movement + another 2 or so from runes/masteries) but the damage helps more.

I just wish there was a comparable start for midlane. Even running health regen seals I want pots.


formerly sane
I've seen a plethora of AD's going for that start and absolutely wrecking their lanes. After witnessing it, I tried it with Draven and beat my opponent into a pulp.

I feel like MS/lifesteal quints would work really well with this start.

The same can be said for armor pen this season on runes. Been wrecking people no matter who I try on adc. Out of ez all the other adcs I use or use rarely the damage increase has been sweet. Now instead of chasing people for kills smart positioning and just click to do the work. Draven just goes through people this season especially a lot of the top tiers who people thought were untouchable. You cannot eat his harass for more than one or two shots before lvl 4 before outrighting dying in 7 shots or less.


Wow I took a ban bullet, and was revived by the dead by Evilore. Wooo. Was going to be sad that I couldn't shoot the shit about LoL for 2 weeks.


So apparently the login screen video and music is just an swf file that you can replace with one of your own to have your own custom login screen. I stopped playing LoL for about a year and missed a lot of the official character login screens and thought it would be cool if I could swap out for some of the newer characters I like a lot now but missed on release. Does anyone know of a site that might have the official swfs backed up somewhere that I could check em out?


So apparently the login screen video and music is just an swf file that you can replace with one of your own to have your own custom login screen. I stopped playing LoL for about a year and missed a lot of the official character login screens and thought it would be cool if I could swap out for some of the newer characters I like a lot now but missed on release. Does anyone know of a site that might have the official swfs backed up somewhere that I could check em out?

You want Diana's.


I want all of em! I saw a post where a guy had made some of his own custom logins and then made a utility that would random pick one for you when you launch the game. Sounded pretty cool but I'd love to get a bunch of the official screens and use those if possible.


So what's everyone's default starting items now?

ADC: longsword, 2 pots. Go into brutalizer, or vamp scept.
Top: longsword, 2 pots, or boots 3 pots.
Mid: Boots, 3 pots. I can't kick an old habit. Need to dodge skillshots too.
Support: I still do the classic philo start.

i cant live without starting boots

i would feel like a peasant without them


Evilore exercising that supreme authority in a questionable matter. Two days or a week would have perfectly reasonable.

Not really. He laid down the law on how things were to be handled from now on regarding moderation in a previous thread, what the mods did in that thread was exactly opposite what he had promised.

Making people afraid of posting stuff because on the offchance it might be banned by an overzealous mod has stiffled discussion in lots of threads and goes against the whole reason of a "discussion board".
Not really. He laid down the law on how things were to be handled from now on regarding moderation in a previous thread, what the mods did in that thread was exactly opposite what he had promised.

Just because he said it doesn't automatically make it justifiable, it just makes it his will.


Oh yeah don't trust a Pantheon pick either. Gave him two kills at level 1 and 3 and he still lost the lane.

It's like...if you pick Pantheon to win early game but you can't even do that after two free kills you should stop playing.


Just like I said a few pages back... lux is the only character I ever see take clarity.. and is a bad sign.
I see a lot of Veigars take Clarity too. I don't know why anyone would need it, really, even on Orianna I rarely get out of mana unless I get a kill and even then by the time the second blue buff spawns the spell turns useless.


I see a lot of Veigars take Clarity too. I don't know why anyone would need it, really, even on Orianna I rarely get out of mana unless I get a kill and even then by the time the second blue buff spawns the spell turns useless.

Think lux just attracts those people who want to spam E. Veigar... hell i i know.
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