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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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He'll get a bit less base damage on his W, and it will be possible to delay his stealth for a maximum of 1.5 extra seconds if you hit him a lot while he tries to stealth.

That's not the worst I suppose. The ulti as an escape move is broken, so I can see why they're doing that.

Still, hurts when one of your favourite champs gets a nerf. I feel sadness.


Just to clarify, the Rengar changes:

Battle Roar: 50/80/110/140/170 Damage (down from 60/100/140/180/220).
Empowered Battle Roar: Heals for 10% of Max Health (down from 15%).
Thrill of the Hunt: 1.25s delay for Stealth, up to 3 seconds if taking damage.

Basically, W deals 10 less damage and gains 10 less damage per rank up and his heal loses 33% of it's heal. His stealth is more proactive to escape rather than reactive.


formerly sane
Ya I could pink up a storm, but fuck I don't know if it's really worth it or not unless all other lanes are doing fine.

Generally I just go in there and run around clearing out shrooms the old fashion way. Then try to come back before he sets up again.

Not a storm my friend. Think of it like a blitz in football you don't put all the players on the line you just stack a few more. I tend to use pinks at very specific times or specific places. Say an akali I wait till she fights and plop it down on that circle. For a teemo usually I use about 3 or two pinks in random spots on my way to somewhere or once i get there throw them out for a bait.

Also rengar is going to get nerfed till he stops snowballing at a rate that ticks riot off. That's how it works for all champions if you snowball and have high troll factor you will be nerfed till they fix or in the case of someone like eve till they want you to be broke again.


In my experience so far, almost every mid doesn't have an Armor page so AD Mids tend to have a bigger advantage than they should (though many AD Mid picks just counter a lot of AP Mids anyway, e.g., Zed, Talon). Then you have Cleaver's Armor shred helping them get to true damage and giving them better bulk so it's a lot harder for an AP to outright kill them. Still, a lot of the AD Mids can get free harassed early on if they lack a good 1-6 engage+CC.
I always use full armor and magic resist runes mid lane but yes, I love running into people with like 19 armor. I think even with brutalizer, I may have the hardest time when an enemy AP mid is smart and builds armor and/or health (tanky diana for instance), instead of trying to outdamage me.

In my experience with Teemo, it's more for how annoying the whole thing is. Walk into shrooms, eat his Blind+auto, watch him run the fuck away. Rinse. Repeat. It's so, so annoying. As I'm sure a lot of people can attest to with the like 10 Teemo games I've had over the past few days >>
I don't get how you would really run into mushrooms in lane though. Obviously the bush will have them, so you stay out of the bush. The jungle route will also have them, so you stay out of there. If Teemo uses shrooms in lane, he's going to need teleport/mana regen/CDR/something or else he will either run out of mana or not be able to place shrooms often enough. ALSO, if he places shrooms in lane, you should be able to follow the minions to take the safe route.

This thread makes me want to play Teemo though, since presumably there are OP Teemo secrets I must learn. Is everyone doing AS + AP?

Honestly, Alistar isn't ban worthy anymore. His jungle is worse than terrible now.

Besides, after like 6 months of permanently banned status everyone has forgotten how to play him anyway. Free wins.
I normally agree with this but then I had a miserable game where some Alistar was doing things like ganking from out of my own jungle behind golems, going all the way through the tower or whatever, plus completely destroying our teamfights due to knockups. It just reminded me that good players can be annoying with Alistar.

Zed can be pretty damn insane if played right. Too bad a lot of people don't play him to his full capabilities.
I play Zed mid a lot, and I had my first person complaining about Zed being OP recently. :( The truly bizarre thing though, was that it was Soraka...who traded Cho (should have countered me or at least made it a farm lane) mid at level 2...PLUS their team had a Diana who could have gone mid and let Cho jungle. But nope, Soraka vs Zed, what could go wrong.
He deserved it for trying to play Zed top. I went against a Zed top as Jax once, and I still have no clue what I'm doing as Jax...still beat him down.

I've seen a good Zed destroy a lot of people top. He's good against passive top laners, but Rengar just counters him hard, with his gap closer, slow, sustain and sustained damage.


formerly sane
I don't know how to play any of these people anymore and I'm pretty sure I hate all of them.

What should I do?

Get more characters most of those are boring, typical, or don't really fit the current meta. Do you hate teh jungle or having adcs that can snowball. Almost every type of class you're missing some of the more exciting people in it especially junglers, aps, and supports.

No ez, graves, vayne, or draven how?


I'm going to start playing ranked again. Just so I can complain some more. I'm -15 on w/l in normals since S3 patch. Seems like people are just derping all over the place recently. It's very disheartening. I used to win a lot more than I lost when I took it seriously but now it seems like I am shedding blood sweat and tears just to pick up a normal game. Might as well tryhard in ranked.

If I'm first pick, I'm banning teemo pantheon and blitz. I'd rather face all the Rengar/Shen/Malphites in the world than teemo.
I suggest staying out of ranked until they patch the effing Black Cleaver out. It's not even fun to exploit, it's just dumb watching everyone roll AD casters stacking BCs. You can buy some health and counter it but it just makes the whole game a lot less interesting and if your team decides to derp you'll lose because people like Panth will stun and 100 to 0 you in a second, before you can even pop your Diana shield.

I'm not sure I've even seen more than 1-2 pantheons in my own games in the last week or so, so maybe it comes down to elo or luck.

I suspect pantheon is one of those champions that AP mids are not used to playing against, however (like Zed or Talon), and it may take some playstyle adjustment to not get countered.
Totally, I run mana regen yellows, mres blues, and 21 0 9 so he can just throw a spear and take like 1/5th of my health, and I barely know what these champs do. It doesn't help that Talon, Panth, etc., got gapclosers on their basic skills, so they pretty much hard counter every mid I like to play. They also have no skillshots, so really it's stacked against you. I just build RoA (which I have a general dislike for, not as much as Rylai tho) for the extra health against AD casters but it's no fun :/


Zed is bad against people with long range poke (Malzahar), long range poke and sustain (Ahri), sustain and tankiness (top laners), and Pantheon (duh).


formerly sane
I suggest staying out of ranked until they patch the effing Black Cleaver out. It's not even fun to exploit, it's just dumb watching everyone roll AD casters stacking BCs. You can buy some health and counter it but it just makes the whole game a lot less interesting and if your team decides to derp you'll lose because people like Panth will stun and 100 to 0 you in a second, before you can even pop your Diana shield.

The game has always had this and this isn't half as bad as teh abuse of warmongs or dfgs.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Get more characters most of those are boring, typical, or don't really fit the current meta. Do you hate teh jungle or having adcs that can snowball. Almost every type of class you're missing some of the more exciting people in it especially junglers, aps, and supports.

No ez, graves, vayne, or draven how?

My last game played was in October, before that was April, and before that was January. I haven't played much this year at all.

I never learned how to jungle because I'm terrible with coordinating ganks.


I suggest staying out of ranked until they patch the effing Black Cleaver out. It's not even fun to exploit, it's just dumb watching everyone roll AD casters stacking BCs. You can buy some health and counter it but it just makes the whole game a lot less interesting and if your team decides to derp you'll lose because people like Panth will stun and 100 to 0 you in a second, before you can even pop your Diana shield.

The issue on getting nearly insta-gibbed won't really change with the Black Cleaver change, honestly. The problem with Black Cleavers is that you get incredibly tanky while getting a lot of CDR, ArPen, and AD. Optimal damage builds (e.g., not stacking BCs) will do more damage in a shorter amount of time. BC stacking just maximizes the tank and Damage you get for the gold spent.

If your complaint is about AD damage output, things will be just as bad post-change with BC+BT+LW builds. It may actually be worse.

Zed is bad against people with long range poke (Malzahar), long range poke and sustain (Ahri), sustain and tankiness (top laners), and Pantheon (duh).

Champs like Ahri open themselves up for Zed to outplay them due to skillshots though. Plus, don't forget that spell vamp was nerfed.

...that said, I hate Zed vs Ahri. Triple Dash :(


The issue on getting nearly insta-gibbed won't really change with the Black Cleaver change, honestly. The problem with Black Cleavers is that you get incredibly tanky while getting a lot of CDR, ArPen, and AD. Optimal damage builds (e.g., not stacking BCs) will do more damage in a shorter amount of time. BC stacking just maximizes the tank and Damage you get for the gold spent.

If your complaint is about AD damage output, things will be just as bad post-change with BC+BT+LW builds. It may actually be worse.
It's ok to be instagibbed, I just hate seeing freaking Pantheon all the time...

Also I like Zhonya's a lot better than RoA and basically I can't build it anymore without wasting a stat.


Just played a blind pick normal where our Lulu went mid and absolutely raped Nidalee mid.

This actually bothers me. I don't rage. I've played with you once (I think?) and you lashed out at everyone in the game after your mistakes. The few times I've actually gotten angry at anyone is when they try to spin the blame onto everyone else; I don't mind admitting my mistakes but I'm certainly not going to take the blame for someone else.

I didn't even rage in that game with you.

You and I remember the game quite differently. I don't particularly care either way.


*sigh* No one plays Viktor but me, so no one cares about him being disabled. It's a tragedy.

Hey I play(ed) him...but I haven't played LoL in a while. That last tourney got me in the mood to play again though.

When they bring him back they could toss him a few buffs. It's not like anybody plays him. I remember him being decent in laning phase, but he would usually fall in later game. Mainly his range and mobility sucks, which would make me die easy in team fights... Plus his item slot thing was stupid.


I don't get how you would really run into mushrooms in lane though. Obviously the bush will have them, so you stay out of the bush. The jungle route will also have them, so you stay out of there. If Teemo uses shrooms in lane, he's going to need teleport/mana regen/CDR/something or else he will either run out of mana or not be able to place shrooms often enough. ALSO, if he places shrooms in lane, you should be able to follow the minions to take the safe route.
I've not problems with mana on Teemo, he can only hold 3 shrooms on him at once, then it takes a bit to load up a new shroom. By that time you are either back at the fountain or have gained the mana you lost placing a shroom. Left alone long enough, the only mana you will be using is on shrooms anyway.

Had a game recently where I was Teemo and basically just held top forever by placing a parade of shrooms in lane up to my tower. Every time I would push the enemy wave back I would place another shroom behind me as I went.

That way whenever I left or if the enemy team decided to push back - their minion wave would be dead long before reaching my tower. Then I would come back and replace the shrooms that were missing.

What ended up happening is that mid/bot got pushed all the way to our base. I on the other hand ended up easily backdooring top. I would destroy usually 2 minion waves when the enemy would catch on and then I'd just stand still and go into stealth. They would come and destroy my wave, look around a bit for me and leave. As soon as they left, another one of their waves would come and I would just go to town again. Rinse and repeat till I took out their inhibitor. Then do the same for the other lanes.

Every couple feet I would place another shroom in lane. I shroomed the river and their jungle so I would have extra time to hide if they came for me - or escape through top lane as they would run into any of my shrooms trying to chase.

Basically I was always drawing someone's attention away from everything else going on and they'd have to come after me - not find me, waste time - leave - have to come back again. Why they never bothered with buying an Oracles I have no clue. Oracles is the only thing that ruins Teemo's day.
I don't get how you would really run into mushrooms in lane though. Obviously the bush will have them, so you stay out of the bush. The jungle route will also have them, so you stay out of there. If Teemo uses shrooms in lane, he's going to need teleport/mana regen/CDR/something or else he will either run out of mana or not be able to place shrooms often enough. ALSO, if he places shrooms in lane, you should be able to follow the minions to take the safe route.

I've fought a VERY good AP Teemo who used shrooms in lane. He was really darn good at kiting. If you try to chase him he'll plop a shroom then back off a bit. If you don't chase him, he'll chase you, poke you with Q+AAs. It was very irritating being poisoned/blinded all the time. He carried the game because we just couldn't push back. Our jungle was already completely shroomed. He was simply untouchable even if we had Malph and I was Vayne. He just kept slipping away.


It's ok to be instagibbed, I just hate seeing freaking Pantheon all the time...

Also I like Zhonya's a lot better than RoA and basically I can't build it anymore without wasting a stat.

For what it's worth, Armor will still be a bad stat to stack after the BC change. BC+LW will still shred the majority of your Armor. BC+LW+Youmuu's still gets you a lot of Armor shred and flat pen. You just aren't as tanky as the stacked BC build was.

Honestly, proper item stacking post-patch will get more Armor shred and effective damage than current BC stacking. They just won't get as much Health out of it.


For what it's worth, Armor will still be a bad stat to stack after the BC change. BC+LW will still shred the majority of your Armor. BC+LW+Youmuu's still gets you a lot of Armor shred and flat pen. You just aren't as tanky as the stacked BC build was.

Honestly, proper item stacking post-patch will get more Armor shred and effective damage than current BC stacking. They just won't get as much Health out of it.
Well so RoA on all mids then. Sucks.


I've fought a VERY good AP Teemo who used shrooms in lane. He was really darn good at kiting. If you try to chase him he'll plop a shroom then back off a bit. If you don't chase him, he'll chase you, poke you with Q+AAs. It was very irritating being poisoned/blinded all the time. He carried the game because we just couldn't push back. Our jungle was already completely shroomed. He was simply untouchable even if we had Malph and I was Vayne. He just kept slipping away.
My problem with this is if I would try to kite, Darius would pull me if I ever didn't correctly dodge behind minions, and once I was pulled and slowed because I didn't time blind correctly, W doesn't escape you quickly enough to avoid the Darius ult combo (800+ true damage + ignite + bleed I think).

I've not problems with mana on Teemo, he can only hold 3 shrooms on him at once, then it takes a bit to load up a new shroom. By that time you are either back at the fountain or have gained the mana you lost placing a shroom. Left alone long enough, the only mana you will be using is on shrooms anyway.

Had a game recently where I was Teemo and basically just held top forever by placing a parade of shrooms in lane up to my tower. Every time I would push the enemy wave back I would place another shroom behind me as I went.

That way whenever I left or if the enemy team decided to push back - their minion wave would be dead long before reaching my tower. Then I would come back and replace the shrooms that were missing.

What ended up happening is that mid/bot got pushed all the way to our base. I on the other hand ended up easily backdooring top. I would destroy usually 2 minion waves when the enemy would catch on and then I'd just stand still and go into stealth. They would come and destroy my wave, look around a bit for me and leave. As soon as they left, another one of their waves would come and I would just go to town again. Rinse and repeat till I took out their inhibitor. Then do the same for the other lanes.

Every couple feet I would place another shroom in lane. I shroomed the river and their jungle so I would have extra time to hide if they came for me - or escape through top lane as they would run into any of my shrooms trying to chase.

Basically I was always drawing someone's attention away from everything else going on and they'd have to come after me - not find me, waste time - leave - have to come back again. Why they never bothered with buying an Oracles I have no clue. Oracles is the only thing that ruins Teemo's day.
Thanks for the tips. If I try AP Teemo top again and manage to push out of my tower it sounds like putting mushrooms behind waves is a good strategy.



omg XD


Also others:


formerly sane
My last game played was in October, before that was April, and before that was January. I haven't played much this year at all.

I never learned how to jungle because I'm terrible with coordinating ganks.

Play in groups and use voice makes jungling a billion times easier. It's easy as fuck to coordinate ping and if they go in clean up or initiate hard. One of the two usually gets a kill on a lane.

Othernews a beastmode with shadow. Good plays on tops these guys got rolled all day. I only noticed some of their names at the end of the game. BTW 4 shotting most of their team was priceless. Scy totally agree on the bc and more effective penetration with better item.s Personally I don't stack bcs, blade of the ruined king and lw are too good to ignore on my vayne.


That veigar skin is amazing. Fiddle is a bit lackluster compared to the others.

Want to buy bad Santa but its impossible to play veigar with an intention to win. Hope fiddle looks a lot better when it is finished since im going to start playing him again but it looks so dull right now :(

R.I.P. my gandalf veigar skin. Never to be
seen again.

And the vi and nidalee art is amazing


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Why did they take Kat pole dancing out?

Pole dancing is a mature subject for mature people and I'm pretty sure we as adults can handle it.
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