The big question would be on average what time in the game would it transform.
Her cooldowns would limit things. Without Manamune's AA charging, it would probably take her ~12 minutes to max the Tear with her QWE being used basically as optimally as possible. Edit: And that's ignoring, say, mana costs.
Any tips on how to properly play a melee character that doesn't have a long range poke spell? I would like to get Wukong and possibly Vi, but based on my Riven experience I'm absolutely horrible at it. Feels like I'm always getting kited for free.
Don't give it to them for free, basically. I did Riven vs Jayce last night and this was basically how the match goes: Jayce steps in to auto attack, I E to him, Q to get closer (should take one Q if he was at max AA range and you dashed the moment he stepped in), W, Auto, Q, Auto, Q (reposition to land behind him so he's pushed the step away rather than towards his turret). I run 16/14 (...I think? It at least gets Unyielding+Block) so I can do this sort of hard gap close to deal with their harass. If they want to poke me, I'll just go and catch them out for it.
Basically, you hard gap close when they go in for their auto attack harass. Their goal is to step up, attack, disengage constantly: Giving them free damage by playing scared of it is playing it exactly how they want. The damage you'll do when you catch them is a lot more than what they will so you just need to turn their free harass into a damage trade.
My experience with vs Wukong as Elise is he gives zero fucks about ranged harass. Nimbus Strike in, Auto attack, Crushing Blow, Auto attack, Decoy out. Honestly, Wukong has a really safe way to deal with squishy ranged harass in lane due to Decoy. Whenever you're going for the kill, just Nimbus -> Auto -> Crushing Blow -> Cyclone. They're basically just done.