It just donned on me that Mitsuru from Persona 3 and Kat probably have the same voice actress.
It just donned on me that Mitsuru from Persona 3 and Kat probably have the same voice actress.
Whoa. So all this time I've been listening to Kat, what have I been learning? D:Background: Tara Platt is also a Certified Hypnotherapist, Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, and Neuro-Linguistic Programing Practitioner. She is a certified Shambhalla Feng Shui Consultant.
By the time I get 2000 wins I want at least one of these. ;_____;PentaScy46
Probably abusing Black Cleaver. Not impressed.PentaScy46
He had three. I only played one game today, and I think our team only had two black cleavers (both on me), but the other team still complained about it afterwards.Probably abusing Black Cleaver. Not impressed.
Only three black cleavers?
Probably abusing Black Cleaver. Not impressed.
I know right? I get 4 on my supports and 6 on every other role.
support lux doesn't mean start boots 1 ward and build into chalice/sorc boots thx
But if she doesn't rush chalice she HAS to take clarity so its lose lose either way.
I wondered why I only let certain people support me and I'm beginning to rediscover why. Doesn't help that I'm even more agitated cuz it's finals week. *sigh* w/e. fuck everything.
how bout she just doesn't play ranked or say something about how they don't know how to support so i dont give ffreelo
hehehe ffreelo i should work for kojima and come up with amazing things like transfarring
You let me play support with you. Your standards must be pretty low.I wondered why I only let certain people support me and I'm beginning to rediscover why. Doesn't help that I'm even more agitated cuz it's finals week. *sigh* w/e. fuck everything.
Guess I could have picked Nunu...but then I thought about team fights and how Sona is better at it then nunu. The life of a support...get all the blame none of the glory.
You let me play support with you. Your standards must be pretty low.
You don't have to completely sacrifice teamfight potential of a support so we do better in laning phase. We can have both. Regardless. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm actually fucking pissed about how that entire laning phase went and wasn't happy the moment you chose Sona. So w/e.
You don't have to completely sacrifice teamfight potential of a support so we do better in laning phase. We can have both. Regardless. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm actually fucking pissed about how that entire laning phase went and wasn't happy the moment you chose Sona. So w/e.
Yay for Fiddlesticks.Except you don't get caught, you know how to play support, you and I can sync pretty well, and you choose someone with CC when I'm playing Vayne.
so what was the excuse the match before? I mean at one point you have to really start thinking maybe just maybe you got outplayed by EZ
I haven't played since Nami came out. Is she having an impact on regular games?
Ez wasn't that great. Yes I fucked up. Yes we lost lane. I understand that. However, that Ez snowballed which kept going out of control during laning phase. I recognized how I fucked up. Plus it wasn't that the Ez was good. Their Nami was.
EDIT1: The match before I just did flat out bad. That's all. I already know I fucked up in that game.
When I played her on the PBR it was really annoying trying to land that ability. The travel time makes it feel like it has a weird delay that isn't well telegraphed.only if she land her q, think cho's rapture but smaller.
When I played her on the PBR it was really annoying trying to land that ability. The travel time makes it feel like it has a weird delay that isn't well telegraphed.
I wondered why I only let certain people support me and I'm beginning to rediscover why. Doesn't help that I'm even more agitated cuz it's finals week. *sigh* w/e. fuck everything.
I supported you that one time and you got mad at me
good times
When I played her on the PBR it was really annoying trying to land that ability. The travel time makes it feel like it has a weird delay that isn't well telegraphed.
I didn't get mad iirc. I let it go because it was your first time playing League in months. It's hard to get me legitimately mad. People get confused on me being excited and me being actually mad. You will easily know if I'm mad because I will say I'm mad during a game. If I say I'm not mad I'm not mad. Though people have asserted that I am mad when I'm not and that ends up getting me mad because I hate it when people accuse me of shit I did not do or am.
Cause ranked is awful.
League is like riding a bicycle, sometimes the only way to learn is crashing into everything.
not if ur kayos because it's the world crashing into him and not him crashing into everything hehehehe
While this may be true, you do shout a lot which is both distracting and annoying at times.
not if ur kayos because it's the world crashing into him and not him crashing into everything hehehehe
mebbe this is how it is
scy46: "you do shout a lot"
kayos90: ""
It happened after she was attacked by Draven and she punches him 100 times not unlike Chun-Li does to Vega in SF2 The Movie. League of Legends anime incoming. Ok now I'm just being silly.I like to imagine she had a full on tutu or some shit and went, "Fuck this, I'm bashing skulls in" and ripped it all off.
I might skip buying her skin if only for how awesome this splash is.
Yah, that's what I mean! French Maid in game looks good now, but the Splash doesn't reflect this =(French Maid splash is so-so compared to her new default one. Looks good in game though!
Hmmm the skin itself is ugly but those effects look mighty appealing... fuck...Lux new skin have new particles too
That looks more like a potential Pantheon skin than Leona. Leona needs a Saber skin.
Ore wa Graves. Trans-LoL. etc
My shitty Snow Bunny Nidalee will forever be exclusive.
Still pretty pissed at that game.
I wondered why I only let certain people support me and I'm beginning to rediscover why. Doesn't help that I'm even more agitated cuz it's finals week. *sigh* w/e. fuck everything.
What? Sona SHITS all over laning phase. Sona would pick up vayne and put her into a corner and poop all over her. And there is nothing wrong with sona vayne.You don't have to completely sacrifice teamfight potential of a support so we do better in laning phase. We can have both. Regardless. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm actually fucking pissed about how that entire laning phase went and wasn't happy the moment you chose Sona. So w/e.
Except you don't get caught, you know how to play support, you and I can sync pretty well, and you choose someone with CC when I'm playing Vayne.
Agreed, Sona Q-> passive burst is so beautiful.What? Sona SHITS all over laning phase. Sona would pick up vayne and put her into a corner and poop all over her. And there is nothing wrong with sona vayne.
I'm thinking of buying a girly ADC to
Ah, forgot about Bowie. Yeah I'll probably buy Bowie.varus
Next champion after Vi will be a RADC.
Cool. U can add me. Gazzawa69 b the name.I think theoddone started playing too. You guys should play together. I have a level 7 smurf account too that I could use to play with you guys.