Forgot to mention this would be for jungling.I was thinking of picking Poppy back up.
Forgot to mention this would be for jungling.I was thinking of picking Poppy back up.
Just played a match using Kayle. Awesome best yet.
Was getting kills. Saving team mates from death with that invulnerability.
Her w ability heals and gives a speed boost. Handy after a recall.
Still up in the air at the item shop.
That shop wud make and RPG game proud.
Anyone use Kayle?
it really was in bad taste.
It really wasn't. But I do agree with Riot that it didn't make sense for that particular skin. Plus I never play Kat so I guess whatever.
It's a Christmas skin? I mean Veigar gets a chimney out of nowhere but that's pretty sweet.
It's a Christmas skin? I mean Veigar gets a chimney out of nowhere but that's pretty sweet.
Right, but the logic was that it made no sense for Kat to get a stripper pole animation because it doesn't fit her; it works for Nidalee because she has her spear anyway. So the logic behind removing it seemed to be around the candy cane itself; if this was a Christmas Nidalee skin, for instance, the recall animation would have totally remained.
Anyway, the recall animation now is just kind of boring. Just have her twirl at the candy cane ala her ult or something. It seems more fitting than the kind of bored auto attack animation.
Also, I can't come up with good jokes about TheOddOne just starting to play support, someone help...
Here's the problem: that wasn't the argument at all. Their point was that it may be fine for Kat, but not fine for Kat in this particular skin. Since the skin is a lighthearted Christmas theme they thought a pole dance was out of place. Kind of like if Snowball Ziggs threw Easter eggs or if Bloodlord Vladamir made fart jokes (ew, blood farts). The skin needs to be consistent with itself, and they felt that the recall didn't make sense with the rest of the skin.Right, but the logic was that it made no sense for Kat to get a stripper pole animation because it doesn't fit her
They already have one on Nidalee. Riven has a snow bunny outfit. Heartseeker Vayne is basically a Victoria's Secret model. I really don't think Riot has any problem making their girls sexy.They don't want to admit that they made a stripper pole animation and hope everyone forgets about it.
All these Varus players leveling up Q
Only time that I enjoyed one of my underplayed champs going on the FoTM cycle.
Here's the problem: that wasn't the argument at all. Their point was that it may be fine for Kat, but not fine for Kat in this particular skin. Since the skin is a lighthearted Christmas theme they thought a pole dance was out of place. Kind of like if Snowball Ziggs threw Easter eggs or if Bloodlord Vladamir made fart jokes (ew, blood farts). The skin needs to be consistent with itself, and they felt that the recall didn't make sense with the rest of the skin.
I got banned for 3 days for calling out some instigating assholes on their shit. I have no regrets.
Don't play Soraka dude, she's so boring :/Picked up Soraka. Played with Ken's suggestions and had a blast, I think I will use this character for a while just to feel out the game some more.
At least play Taric, he's free this week.She's a nice way to ease into learning things about the game though. No skillshots to worry about and all.
Might give him a spin, thanks.At least play Taric, he's free this week.
Nothing actually wrong with Soraka, so it's all cool if you like her, I just think she's boring since you're basically a walking potion to your adc. I'm sure you'll have more fun with other supports, and be sure to mix up your roles, since this is the perfect time to screw up. Don't be like me and have 600+ matches and don't know how to jungle.Might give him a spin, thanks.
At least play Taric, he's free this week.
Also this is a pretty cool shirt. It's says LoL without having to be all like DUH BLITZ SO PRO
Blitz is pretty pro though.At least play Taric, he's free this week.
Also this is a pretty cool shirt. It's says LoL without having to be all like DUH BLITZ SO PRO
Annie.Whats with the girl and bear combo? Looks hilariously fun to play.![]()
Hey guys,
I wanted to take a moment and fill you in on our reasoning behind today’s balance update.
This patch was mostly focused on champion balance and dealing with the biggest hot-button issues. We want people to explore and experiment as much as possible (allowing us to gather feedback over a longer period of time), but we need to make sure the game isn’t damaged by one or two crazy options!
Black Cleaver is probably the biggest culprit here, as are a few champions (namely Teemo, Zyra, Rengar and Diana). We’ve done some balance work to ensure the game doesn’t come down to a few godlike picks, and to ensure that one item doesn’t trump all other itemization efforts. Many of you have pointed out that these are the obvious things to hit, and we agree. We think the latest changes will leave these champions and items viable while keeping them from invalidating other choices.
Some of you may have expected more sweeping changes, especially to items and the jungle. We want to avoid any knee-jerk reactions and give you guys more time to really dig into the substantial preseason modifications. Some of the issues (especially the jungle) are more complicated, so we’d rather avoid giving everyone balance whiplash by waiting a bit longer and ensuring any changes are accurate and effective. We’re still listening to your feedback, and we’re looking critically at all this, even if we don’t change everything in every patch.
League of Legends v1.0.0.153
Carnivore health restore adjusted to 20-71 from 34-68
Crescent Strike
Base damage reduced to 60/95/130/165/200 from 70/110/150/190/230
Pale Cascade
Orb detonation damage radius reduced
Adjusted orb hit box to better match the visual effect
Maximum pull distance reduced
Lunar Rush
Cast range reduced to 750 from 900
Volatile Spiderling
Fixed a bug where Volatile Spiderlings were only lasting for 2.5 seconds, rather than the intended 3 seconds
Skittering Frenzy
Now immediately starts Elise attacking at her faster attack speed, rather than waiting until her next attack starts
Blade Waltz
The cooldown and manacost are refunded if Fiora is suppressed while casting Blade Waltz before it has started to have any effect
Master Yi
Alpha Strike
Initial cast time reduced
Chance to deal bonus minion damage adjusted to 50% at all ranks from 20/30/40/50/60%
Bonus minion damage adjusted to 260/320/380/440/500 from 400 at all ranks
Reduced the startup time before channeling
Wuju Style
Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 25/23/21/19/17 seconds from 25 seconds at all ranks
Nidalee and all her skins are looking stunningly stylish after receiving a complete Visual Upgrade this patch. For more details, read the original announcement or check out Nidalee's Champion Spotlight.
Battle Roar
Base damage reduced to 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/100/140/180/220
Heal reduced to 10% from 15%
Thrill of the Hunt
Fade time increased to 1.25 from .75 seconds
Now has fade pushback time (1 second per hit, up to 3 seconds)
Toxic Shot
Ability Power ratio on impact reduced to 0.3 from 0.4
Noxious Trap
Damage reduced at later ranks to 200/325/450 from 200/400/600
Fixed: Tooltip now indicates the correct cooldown
Rise of the Thorns
Damage reduced to 100-440 from 124-549
Missile Speed reduced to 1900 from 2200
Missile Width reduced to 70 from 90
Grasping Roots
Missile Speed reduced to 1150 from 1325
Vine Lasher
Fixed a bug where the plant was sometimes slowing by more than 30%
Aegis of the Legion/Runic Bulwark
Fixed a bug where the Legion Aura from both items was stacking on teams
Blackfire Torch
Fixed a tooltip inconsistency with the cooldown reduction value
Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15
Spirit Visage
Fixed a bug where the item was healing for less than intended
The Black Cleaver
Armor Reduction per stack reduced to 6.25% from 7.5% (Maximum reduction is now 25% from 30%)
Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15 and is now UNIQUE
Youmuu’s Ghostblade
Flat Armor Penetration is now UNIQUE
Summoner Spells
Smite damage increased to 490-1000 from 445-870
Twisted Treeline
Changed altar capture mechanics
Taking damage while capturing an altar will now cancel the capture and prevent capturing for 2 seconds
Capture interruptions will be denoted by a shiny particle
Crystal Scar
Tweaked global aura
Armor penetration removed
Magic penetration removed
Energy champions now receive 2 bonus energy per second
Fury champions now benefit from the aura
Tryndamere receives 33% bonus Fury for attacks, critical strikes, and kills
Renekton receives 33% bonus Fury for attacks
Shyvana receives 25% bonus Fury for attacks
Healing reduction now only affects self-heals and regeneration
Reduced ranged minion base magic resistance by 5
Reduced super melee minion base magic resistance by 15
Crystal Scar and Proving Grounds
Health Relics will now grant Fury
Tryndamere receives 10 Fury
Renekton receives 20 Fury
Shyvana receives 6 Fury
Summoner Name Changes
Several million inactive summoner names in NA, EUW and EUNE have been made available for purchase
Summoner name changes are 650 RP (50% off) in the Other tab of the Store until December 26
Ward Skins
Two Snowdown Showdown ward skins can be placed in-game for free during the holiday
The ward skins can be activated and deactivated in the Ward Skins tab in the Store
The ward skins will be removed from all accounts at the end of Snowdown Showdown
Gift Center
The Gift Center will be accessible in the Store through December 26
Players may purchase RP, champions and skins for summoners that were on their friends list in early December
Only new purchases can be gifted – not pre-owned content or RP
There are several additional restrictions on gifting, including:
Only Level 20+ summoners can send gifts
Only Level 10+ summoners can receive gifts
Summoners with active bans cannot send gifts
Rioters are ineligible to send gifts
A maximum of 3 RP gifts and 3 gifts of other types can be sent per day
A maximum of 15,000 RP can be gifted per day
Payment information must be re-entered for each RP gift
Consumable items now display a stack count in the scoreboard
Fixed a bug where Honor animations would sometimes play more than once for users that have already unlocked the crest
Fixed a rare bug where the incorrect Honor animation would play for users with a lot of Honor
Friend Notes
You can now add and edit notes about your friends by right-clicking their name or clicking on the note icon that appears when you hover over their name. You may view friend notes by hovering over the note icon that appears once you have saved a note for that friend. Friend notes are tied to your account and can be accessed anywhere you log into League of Legends
Changes have been made to the scoreboard to improve readability
Adjustments have been made to the in-game chat box font size
Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when closing the shop while the scoreboard was open
Why is this impressive to you?what in the hell...?
stacked in only 25minutes? How in the hell?
My cute sensors just blew up
OMG at Diana nerfs, they're making plush rammus sad
Skittering Frenzy
Now immediately starts Elise attacking at her faster attack speed, rather than waiting until her next attack starts
Am I reading that right? Elise gets an aa-reset on spider W now? I suppose I could interpret that it would reduce the time before your next aa accordingly, but that seems clunky.
i forgot they changed tear
I think Black Cleaver is still core on some champs but it won't be stacked anymore.
Am I reading that right? Elise gets an aa-reset on spider W now? I suppose I could interpret that it would reduce the time before your next aa accordingly, but that seems clunky.
I think Elise is slowing usurping Rumble as my favorite champ.
Now she needs some better skins. Mecha/Battlecast Elise / Brown Recluse Elise (plays her "violin" when recalling) / Gentlewoman/Lady Elise (to compliment Cho) / Sk8r Gurl Elise (where she rides the board on her spider belly and then carries it in human form)
lolRammus is just happy to see you
Spider W didn't change her attack speed until after you auto attacked after enabling it. Now it will lower the delay from activation to her first attack. Basically, you don't need to time it to cast right before an auto attack anymore.
So, no, it is not a reset.Unfortunately.
Oh, I misread and thought it was 650. 900 to 650 felt like a huge nerf, specially compared to other champs with dashes like Akali's 800. 750 is a lot better, so we'll have to see.800 instead of 750 is what I would have expected. 750 is quite a bit shorter than Q's max range (830).
We'll see how much this actually changes, though. I rarely land max range ults, for instance, barring chase situations. And, even then, I'd default to Flash+Q+R to guarantee the kill.
150.250 is a lot to lose
I did the math right, did the reading wrong (read 650 instead of 750). I need glasses.150.
Math! It's awesome, just like Lux's new skin.
Damn you guys are fast.
Diana got hit hard, and they nerfed the thing that actually needed nerfing (Range on her ult). Think they did it a bit tad too much though. Having it 70 less range than her Q is silly. Going to be harder to clear waves now with the Q and W nerf.
Was hoping my second hunch was wrong, oh well. The question I have then is this. What if you activate W in the window where you would've attacked using the new AS but not using the old speed? Will you attack immediately? Looks like it will be most ideal to treat it like an auto-attack reset and hit it right after an aa.
Teemo shroom nerf doesn't really affect him in this meta. I think he'll still be OP when going AS/AP/Split Push build. Needs a Chipmunk Skin.
I'm glad I never picked her up. She was certainly a free win for a while, so it was tempting. This nerf fundamentally changes how she plays. People will have to relearn her.
Rengar and Diana got demolished.
-150 Damage on the Level 16 Shroom is almost 190 AP worth of damage lost. Personally, that's a pretty big deal for dealing with going all-in on a Level 11/16+ Teemo.
I suppose, but I think Teemo's strength is his ability to snowball early and counter/control his lane. His late game shrooms don't affect that. Still, since it nerfed the base damage, that build doesn't get as much free damage. I probably would've liked to see a slightly bigger nerf to the base damage and an increase in the AP ratio.
Basically, the Teemo has to snowball or he's going to be useless.