Cool. U can add me. Gazzawa69 b the name.
I also play with a friend from rl. He's lvl 8.
I'll hit oddone up on the twitters
Are you in NA servers?
Cool. U can add me. Gazzawa69 b the name.
I also play with a friend from rl. He's lvl 8.
I'll hit oddone up on the twitters
Ah no Western Europe.Are you in NA servers?
Ah no Western Europe.
So Odd One is GiantGodzilla on the twitters
Np. Go to bed.I'm on NA. Sorry.
ranged ad carry
Thought as much.
Nice to see more EUW- gaffers. There are more of us in neogaf- chat if you're LFG.Ah no Western Europe.
So Odd One is GiantGodzilla on the twitters
Awesome. I should be playing it a fair bit over the Xmas. In still up in the air about what class to use.Nice to see more EUW- gaffers. There are more of us in neogaf- chat if you're LFG.
I'm thinking of buying a girly ADC to join Graves and Corki. So I'm with MF (her skillset is kinda fun, haven't tried her against humans yet tho), Caitlyn (Resistance Cait is pretty great and cheap) and Ezreal (he's expensive but extra flash...).
I think I got to a point in which I don't feel like buying anyone else. I thought about Zyra for a bit but eh... Nidalee too, etc. I think that if I liked jungling maybe I'd have a bigger champion pool to tempt me.
Hello cowboy.Anybody got tips on somebody who just stepped in on the best support class (or any other class)? What should I upgrade when I level up? Thanks.
Just started playing this. Surprisingly enjoyable so far as playing a support kind of character (even got some honor points for my hard work). Have yet to make a kill though, my kill/death ratio is laughable at this point. Have not done the PvP stuff yet, but do dabble in the PvAi area just to get familiar with everything.
Anybody got tips on somebody who just stepped in on the best support class (or any other class)? What should I upgrade when I level up? Thanks.
Hey, big bews guy!Hello cowboy.
Awesome, thanks.leveling up skills i just go to guides on solomid. of course, you can do your own leveling sequence but guides tend to also list out their reasonings as to why they do a certain sequence over others. it's pretty helpful.
i don't do much supporting. ask achtius best talon support na but a super basic support overview is:
general start is faeri charm for mana regen, and as many wards you can get (usually 4 I think but that might be with masteries) and one potion.
ward around the tribush/dragon area and in bushes as a way to gain bush control. early items can be those sightstones (new item that gives you wards) and philosopher stone (gives you another gold source since you aren't last hitting for gold) uh item builds supports tend to go for are things with auras to support their team (they give aoe buffs) like aegis -> runic bulwark (for tankiness), shureliya reverie (speed boost for engages/disengages). you usually don't get enough gold for "full builds" so don't worry too much past these two items. you'll usually be spending all your gold on wards. support guides usually have nice maps on places to ward for best coverage.
Wats ur name ill add u.Hey, big bews guy!
Hey, big bews guy!
Awesome, thanks.
Just started playing this. Surprisingly enjoyable so far as playing a support kind of character (even got some honor points for my hard work). Have yet to make a kill though, my kill/death ratio is laughable at this point. Have not done the PvP stuff yet, but do dabble in the PvAi area just to get familiar with everything.
Anybody got tips on somebody who just stepped in on the best support class (or any other class)? What should I upgrade when I level up? Thanks.
leveling up skills i just go to guides on solomid.
[post=45384096]Way ahead of you.[/post]It's funny because he is TheOddOne
Sherrif caitlyn has the cutest splashOut of the 3 you suggested Ez would probably be the best but Caitlyn is awesome. Waiting for Sheriff Cait myself.
It's no secretWhat would you say to 425 health and 35 armor and 10% cdr plus a little health sustain on an item that only costs 2k gold? What if that item could also protect your team to the tune of 200+ damage each? Ladies and gentlemen that item is Locket of the Iron Solari, and it might the most underrated S3 item.
Just started playing this. Surprisingly enjoyable so far as playing a support kind of character (even got some honor points for my hard work). Have yet to make a kill though, my kill/death ratio is laughable at this point. Have not done the PvP stuff yet, but do dabble in the PvAi area just to get familiar with everything.
Anybody got tips on somebody who just stepped in on the best support class (or any other class)? What should I upgrade when I level up? Thanks.
In case he (or someone else) wants to read up: and prepare for confused people - since you share names with a pro player
What would you say to 425 health and 35 armor and 10% cdr plus a little health sustain on an item that only costs 2k gold? What if that item could also protect your team to the tune of 200+ damage each? Ladies and gentlemen that item is Locket of the Iron Solari, and it might the most underrated S3 item.
And we are the same age. Awkward.In case he (or someone else) wants to read up:
Maybe I am just psychic in knowing where people will end up. I've not had problems trapping people unless they are actively running away and trying to escape. In that case I just wave to make them stand still so I can q.When I played her on the PBR it was really annoying trying to land that ability. The travel time makes it feel like it has a weird delay that isn't well telegraphed.
Better lighting and more red hair. yay.
The veigar skin is awesome though. That recall lol.
Rageshot kayos GG bming his support.
but then he later admits he fucked up hard that game.
I dont get it.
What? Sona SHITS all over laning phase. Sona would pick up vayne and put her into a corner and poop all over her. And there is nothing wrong with sona vayne.
It's not later. I had already known I fucked up my part. I was just pissed period.
its ok kayos I forgive you for raging.
Better lighting and more red hair. yay.
The veigar skin is awesome though. That recall lol.
it really was in bad taste.
it really was in bad taste.
Thinking about getting Poppy. Is she good? I don't see a lot of people play her.
She's underrated. She can carry really hard - but you need early kills to really dominate.Thinking about getting Poppy. Is she good? I don't see a lot of people play her.
There is a reason no one plays her. She's not very good right now.
Here is 1 reason:
[ img][/img]
Lighting did her face wonders. Maybe buy if she isn't 1820.
I recommend you get into PVP and just get wrecked a couple times. Playing against bots teaches you a bunch of bad stuff that will hurt more than help in the long run. Just play trying to learn a bit and just "u mad" the haters.Just started playing this. Surprisingly enjoyable so far as playing a support kind of character (even got some honor points for my hard work). Have yet to make a kill though, my kill/death ratio is laughable at this point. Have not done the PvP stuff yet, but do dabble in the PvAi area just to get familiar with everything.
Anybody got tips on somebody who just stepped in on the best support class (or any other class)? What should I upgrade when I level up? Thanks.
I find Cait's set to be kinda boring. The only time I had fun with her is when a friend ran Nid support so we just filled both brushes with wards heh...Out of the 3 you suggested Ez would probably be the best but Caitlyn is awesome. Waiting for Sheriff Cait myself.
Here is 1 reasonyou can't get it anymore, so I guess there is no reason
Poppy has a good passive and ult (that both confound people who don't know better) and she has a lot of burst. Her problem is that there are a lot of champions who share the same role but with an easier laning phase. Or they just do their damage better. Or do their damage with better team fight utility.
Plus, the sheer fact that Lollipoppy exists is enough reason to never think about playing that foul creature.