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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I understand what you're saying. The problem is that many of these supports go beyond our minion wave and into the midst of theirs and attempts to fight a 1v2. All the while, I'm trying to babysit this support who doesn't really know how to support and farming. It's annoying when I have to save the support's ass and we lose out on the trade because he made a reckless decision. Of course, then the support, let's use Nami in this case, starts yelling that I didn't follow up on the bubble opportunity he created when he doesn't consider how far out he went to bubble and the distance between me and the opponent.

Point being, I can't babysit a reckless support from doing stupid things and making bad decisions while farming. A support should be mindful of their opponent's abilities, the adc's capability, the positioning, the opportunities that are available. Not a suicidal champion that runs in trying to create opportunities, when in reality it's not but for the opponent.

Trust me. I've considered a lot about what I'm doing wrong and I find it very hard to believe that it's majority my fault. Granted it's my fault for not being able to babysit the support as well a pro but a support shouldn't be an idiot and not know how to play the role either.
Yeah, it's very hard to support someone as you have to sort of meld to their playstyle. I've had people who are super passive and just want to farm CS all day or stay under our tower, and then I've had others who ignore CS all together and just want to go hog wild attacking enemy champs.

And from what I've heard and seen, there are very few who want to be the support. So you'll get someone who doesn't really know the role or how to adjust to the conditions present, who just wants to kill kill kill as a support or they are lost in what they should be doing so they just stay in the back or in the bush and toss out buffs/heals but never gets involved.

My question to you is how communicative are you with your supports? It might be worthwhile before the match to let them know your general gameplan as an ADC, and talk about how their skills will synergize with your champ. And if things are going wrong in game, you should know their skills well enough to advise them on what you want them to do (ie: focus on poking enemy with x-skill, or focus on buffing me with y-skill). If you want them to stop being reckless, tell them to back off so you can farm. If you think you two can make a kill, let them know you'll be watching for any opportunities they provide. Let them know they are doing a good job when they are or let them know to try something different if they are getting themselves or you killed.

I look at my role as a support to be there for my teammates in whatever way they need. So if they need me to do XYZ, I'll do my best to do XYZ. But if no one is telling me anything one way or the other I'll just go by their actions and look for signals in how they play. But again, most people who get 'stuck' with support won't be doing that.

Basically long winded way to say that communication is key. And if you are doing that and they aren't listening, don't feel you have to save their asses if they are going all in. Better they die than both of you.

ALSO - If you are leaving fountain with 75 or more gold, go back and buy 1 ward. Takes so much pressure off of supports when laning partners buy a ward every now and then. I could buy sightstones, buy wards, but they run out so fast, and there is always complaints that I'm not warding the whole map with the little money I make. Just think that buying a few wards for your support over the whole game will mean they can save money to maybe buy something nice that boosts their skills which go toward supporting you and the team. Won't you think about pledging a few wards for your support today? If so call 1-800-BUY-WARD. Thank you!




Really getting into it now and having fun.


scy, right about manga, right about gaming, right about everything.


Thinking of quitting League. It's throwing me into a fit of depression. -_-'''

Like we were saying last night, take a break from the game if need be. Relax during the game, none of us are putting anyone on blast for minor things. We all want to win and we all want to do our best when we're playing but it isn't that high pressure of a situation. I know how you feel in that regard since I'm beyond critical of myself but try to view that critique as targeting areas for improvement rather than things you did wrong that caused things to get out of hand.

Disable your Tab key if need be so you can just focus on playing your lane, can have one of us keep tabs on things for you. Play other lanes if that would make you a bit more comfortable.

This is what happens when you guys aren't playing for fun. Stop taking the game so seriously.

Taking the game seriously is my idea of having fun. Especially because it's a team game where the other people I'm with may share that philosophy.

Also he had heal and not exhaust. nnnnnnnnnnnnn

Exhaust on the ADC + Heal on the support is ultimately the better combination. Heal + Locket is just a massive amount of bonus "Health" in a team fight and just really good in bot lane all-ins. Not good enough to warrant a zero Exhaust team vs a Twitch though but ... Heal isn't really a bad choice these days.


Yeah, it's very hard to support someone as you have to sort of meld to their playstyle. I've had people who are super passive and just want to farm CS all day or stay under our tower, and then I've had others who ignore CS all together and just want to go hog wild attacking enemy champs.

And from what I've heard and seen, there are very few who want to be the support. So you'll get someone who doesn't really know the role or how to adjust to the conditions present, who just wants to kill kill kill as a support or they are lost in what they should be doing so they just stay in the back or in the bush and toss out buffs/heals but never gets involved.

My question to you is how communicative are you with your supports? It might be worthwhile before the match to let them know your general gameplan as an ADC, and talk about how their skills will synergize with your champ. And if things are going wrong in game, you should know their skills well enough to advise them on what you want them to do (ie: focus on poking enemy with x-skill, or focus on buffing me with y-skill). If you want them to stop being reckless, tell them to back off so you can farm. If you think you two can make a kill, let them know you'll be watching for any opportunities they provide. Let them know they are doing a good job when they are or let them know to try something different if they are getting themselves or you killed.

I look at my role as a support to be there for my teammates in whatever way they need. So if they need me to do XYZ, I'll do my best to do XYZ. But if no one is telling me anything one way or the other I'll just go by their actions and look for signals in how they play. But again, most people who get 'stuck' with support won't be doing that.

Basically long winded way to say that communication is key. And if you are doing that and they aren't listening, don't feel you have to save their asses if they are going all in. Better they die than both of you.

ALSO - If you are leaving fountain with 75 or more gold, go back and buy 1 ward. Takes so much pressure off of supports when laning partners buy a ward every now and then. I could buy sightstones, buy wards, but they run out so fast, and there is always complaints that I'm not warding the whole map with the little money I make. Just think that buying a few wards for your support over the whole game will mean they can save money to maybe buy something nice that boosts their skills which go toward supporting you and the team. Won't you think about pledging a few wards for your support today? If so call 1-800-BUY-WARD. Thank you!

You hit the nail on the head. The number 1 problem is most people don't want to play support. So they kind of phone it in and they aren't really applying the same skill to the role they would in another role. In some cases the support might be a little more skilled at the bot dynamic and the ADC should take his lead from the support. Other times it's the other way around but since support is USUALLY the one with the CC, it's going to be up to the support to create kill opportunities if that's what the duo wants to do. Communicate. When I play support I'll usually say my intentions right off. Like if I'm Zyra, I'll let them know that I'm going to try and punish them for overextending and follow up on my roots. If I'm sona I'll tell them that I just intend on harassing while he farms but look for opportunities to all in if they are low. Once I hit 6 I'll tell him I'm going to ult if I can catch them within range if they're low.

Sometimes I'll have the ADC just say "hey I want to farm" so I'll play defensively. It's fine.

Man they hit every one of Di's skills hard. I think they may have gone a bit overboard.

Omg. Diana is nerfed into the ground. I thought moonfall was already pretty small. The ult nerf is probably the worst. Her range is even smaller than Akali's now. Imo, just tweak the ratio on the shield and lower the damage on the Q would have been all that was necessary.

Guess I'm retiring Diana for a bit :(

Nerfed Zyra's passive too lol.

Taking the game seriously is my idea of having fun. Especially because it's a team game where the other people I'm with may share that philosophy.

This is why I like you. I share the same mindset.

New sale, frost skins: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-skin-sale-ice-fort-war

Bought me 10 bucks and got me frost Janna. No one told me that skin was so good. Splash art is pretty smexy as well.

Thinking of doing Malph too, but I barely even play him anymore since someone spilled the beans and now he's always banned.

Damn. I don't even play Janna or Malphite and I want those skins. Especially the malphite one (I could see myself playing him).


http://i.minus.com/jrUoLfJMPolyZ.png[/IM G]


Really getting into it now and having fun.

omg....I just realized that Ice King would totally kidnap Sejuani, a princess with ice power.


I understand what you're saying. The problem is that many of these supports go beyond our minion wave and into the midst of theirs and attempts to fight a 1v2. All the while, I'm trying to babysit this support who doesn't really know how to support and farming. It's annoying when I have to save the support's ass and we lose out on the trade because he made a reckless decision. Of course, then the support, let's use Nami in this case, starts yelling that I didn't follow up on the bubble opportunity he created when he doesn't consider how far out he went to bubble and the distance between me and the opponent.

Just from the description of this event, it sounds like the ADC is being bad for not positioning near the support to allow the support to create plays. To be more detailed, the above shouldn't happen unless the support needs to move that far to get the opposing laners in range, meaning that the enemy is well behind their minion line and your support is creating an effective zone against them. If that isn't the case, and they're in the midst of their minions like your support is, then your support is being bad. However, if that is the case, then you should move up from behind your minions and strengthen the zone your support has created while continuing to farm. Continuing on that, if you didn't move up as ADC, then support shouldn't be trying to create plays in that position, but that really weakens the zone and allows the enemies to easily regain position.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Taking the game seriously is my idea of having fun. Especially because it's a team game where the other people I'm with may share that philosophy.
Taking the game seriously and playing to improve are not disparate ideas, the issue for me with GAF games arises more when a bunch of low level players keep trying to pass every game off like it's a life or death situation. Too much rides on the win instead of just having the desire to play a good game on equal footing with an enemy team.
Exhaust on the ADC + Heal on the support is ultimately the better combination. Heal + Locket is just a massive amount of bonus "Health" in a team fight and just really good in bot lane all-ins. Not good enough to warrant a zero Exhaust team vs a Twitch though but ... Heal isn't really a bad choice these days.
I don't really see it. If the enemy team runs Cleanse + Exhaust they will have the advantage in any straight fight. Unless I'm supposed to be impressed the support healed the ADC for 70 or something...even if they ran the extremely common Ignite + Exhaust they are countering you. This isn't even factoring in the fact that Heal runs on a significantly longer cooldown timer. I do not really think Heal is an ability fit for support champions.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The league of cleavers is finished! For now...

Taking the game seriously and playing to improve are not disparate ideas, the issue for me with GAF games arises more when a bunch of low level players keep trying to pass every game off like it's a life or death situation. Too much rides on the win instead of just having the desire to play a good game on equal footing with an enemy team.

I don't really see it. If the enemy team runs Cleanse + Exhaust they will have the advantage in any straight fight. Unless I'm supposed to be impressed the support healed the ADC for 70 or something...even if they ran the extremely common Ignite + Exhaust they are countering you. This isn't even factoring in the fact that Heal runs on a significantly longer cooldown timer. I do not really think Heal is an ability fit for support champions.

Normals are serious business. Ranked is for running clarity lux. Also, I disagree on heal being a bad option for supports. It may not be optimal for laning but with cleanse being available on several items like mikal's, it's more optimal for teamfighting. The ADC can exhaust a bruiser or assassin that rushes at him and with the combination of the new locket and a heal on the support can dish out a surprising amount of healing+shielding during crucial engagements.

As Xpecial says though:

Heal is excellent on supports now. The full heal on 5 targets in a teamfight amount to a lot of HP. Heal is better when you're going against AoE damage.

Exhaust is still great. Better used against assassins or champions extremely dependent on attack speed, like Irelia.

It all depends on the enemy team composition.


Heal/exhaust bot is a team fighting combination, its mostly to respond to aoe threats since the heal on others is so high now

I dont think theyre saying it's the defacto bot standard, but that it's viable, and it is, for the said reasons.

ignite/exhaust is clearly more aggressive, and still a good choice since laning is important in solo queue


You hit the nail on the head. The number 1 problem is most people don't want to play support.

It's pretty easy for a dedicated support + ADC to beat a "I got stuck with support" + ADC. It feels like too many people don't realize what a support does in lane. They just assume "Oh, they support. That's passive stuff, right?" Sitting in bush all lane, hooray.

This is why I like you. I share the same mindset.

The way I see it, it's less selfish of me to play seriously. Even if the rest of my team doesn't care, the chance that they could means I shouldn't goof off. Besides, it's more fun for me anyway so it's a win/win to me if I just play seriously.

This doesn't really mean I have a stick up my ass about how people play, either. I mean, I'm pretty critical of myself but I don't do more than detached assessment of others (e.g., ADC needs better positioning, we need better peel, need a Flash+Sona ult initiate for us instead of waiting). It's not about assigning blame, just noting what we didn't do / can be done better*. And then we move on from the game; don't really care about who did/didn't do what, just remember the general advice for the future.

*95% of the time, it's getting caught out (everyone spread out or two or more people show at once bot, etc.) or bad team fights (either initiating poorly or getting initiated on and everyone scrambling to react).

so who's turn is it today to get a penta?

I didn't get a penta yesterday and I even played a Fiora game. wtf game?!

It's my turn. It's always my turn.

Just from the description of this event, it sounds like the ADC is being bad for not positioning near the support to allow the support to create plays. To be more detailed, the above shouldn't happen unless the support needs to move that far to get the opposing laners in range, meaning that the enemy is well behind their minion line and your support is creating an effective zone against them. If that isn't the case, and they're in the midst of their minions like your support is, then your support is being bad. However, if that is the case, then you should move up from behind your minions and strengthen the zone your support has created while continuing to farm. Continuing on that, if you didn't move up as ADC, then support shouldn't be trying to create plays in that position, but that really weakens the zone and allows the enemies to easily regain position.

A lot of it really is a case-by-case thing. The best place to be in lane is between the two minion lines. That way they have to approach you to last hit; you're basically controlling whether or not they can cs. This applies to all lanes, though mid is basically "who clears the fastest" so it doesn't apply as long.

It, however, is also a position that's easy to get engaged on if jungler or mid shows up. It also doesn't mean that you blindly chase into the minion wave or engage in the middle of their minions (unless you know you're getting the kill out of it).

...basically comes back to the two need to be on the same page.


Thinking of getting both of these skins as well, if only because I don't like Janna's default in game model. The splash is gadlyke though.
Dem legs!


feet :3

Damn. I don't even play Janna or Malphite and I want those skins. Especially the malphite one (I could see myself playing him).
The Malph skin is specially good because it has new particle effects for all skills and has a big fucking ice blade instead of an arm :D

I play a lot of Blind, so I could see myself playing him again, but I dunno...


Taking the game seriously and playing to improve are not disparate ideas

What I'm getting at is that a lot of the "I PLAY FOR FUN" comes across as "I don't care what I do in the game or what happens." I suppose it's less "serious players" vs "for fun players" and more "people who want to improve" vs "those who don't care if they do." I want to play with people who want to play good games and strive to get better.

I don't really see it. If the enemy team runs Cleanse + Exhaust they will have the advantage in any straight fight. Unless I'm supposed to be impressed the support healed the ADC for 70 or something...even if they ran the extremely common Ignite + Exhaust they are countering you. This isn't even factoring in the fact that Heal runs on a significantly longer cooldown timer. I do not really think Heal is an ability fit for support champions.

At level 3, Heal is 150 Health for both of them (75 + 25/Level). That's ~2.5 auto attacks each. That isn't exactly an insignificant amount in lane. If they Ignite early, you disengage; if they don't, you can Heal early. Even then, half a Heal is enough to survive one extra auto attack (and/or deal with the Ignite damage itself) which may be the difference in a low level bot lane engage, though it's not an efficient use of Heal at all. Play around Ignite, it's not exactly that hard.

And I don't see Cleanse as having the advantage in a straight fight at all unless you hard engage with the Cleanse up for them to use it on your Exhaust. Even then, Heal is a good amount of healing that should equalize the damage difference from the Exhaust.

What I'm saying is if the support runs Heal, the ADC runs the Exhaust. It gives the ADC better options when dueling or getting caught out as opposed to Ignite, though Cleanse may save their life just as well vs cc. Cleanse/Heal could work if someone else grabs Exhaust for team fights later but I'd hate to have a no Exhaust bot lane in general.

Ignite ADC + Exhaust Support
Cleanse ADC + Exhaust Support
Exhaust ADC + Heal Support

Those are the three primary options, each with their own niches. Heal Support (+ Locket) just works out to giving a lot for team fights (vs AoE damage) while still being useful in lane. All of these options can work against each other with varying amounts of success depending on how they're played.


Jax players, what are you building now with the S3 items?

Triforce and GA both got small nerfs, but still seem pretty viable. I've been experimenting with Bilgewater>Rageblade>Iceborn Gauntlet>BotRK/Gunblade depending on the matchup. Does a lot of burst, the slow from Iceborn lets you stick to targets, it's also pretty tanky.


Jax players, what are you building now with the S3 items?

Triforce and GA both got small nerfs, but still seem pretty viable. I've been experimenting with Bilgewater>Rageblade>Iceborn Gauntlet>BotRK/Gunblade depending on the matchup. Does a lot of burst, the slow from Iceborn lets you stick to targets, it's also pretty tanky.

I just ripped a build from voy boy. It starts the same as yours, Bilgewater->rageblade->zephyr->BotRK->GA.

I'm not too sold on the zephyr part though, since it really holds off getting your ga.

Iceborn sounds nice, but god damned is it costly. Also league of cleavers was making the armor kinda useless.


No love for Barrier on ADCs? I found it useful a tons of times I would've gotten killed by Ez's ult or Ignite or Singed's poison or whatever.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There's a statistic in after game stuff for damage dealt to enemy champions now.


@scy, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't want to play good games and actively doesn't want to get better

I'm not sure if you're saying something contrary to this but

I think there is something fundamentally good in being able to enjoy a loss, in not having your enjoyment be based on this success definition that Riot has essentially laid out. I don't really think having this ability is a detriment in any sense, in many cases I believe its pretty much the only thing that will make you better at the game

like its pretty unfortunate that you are equating I PLAY FOR FUN with a lack of care, but it's also pretty understandable, like a lot of people will throw that out when they are doing poorly as some sort of excuse. but i think soda is talking more about this environment of pressured performance, like acting like we are pro teams at ipl or whatever; like that is literally an extraneous factor that pro's have to deal with that detriment their play at LANs which have no real basis at the level in which we play, anonymously on the internet with only summons watching. like watching kayos unproductively agonize about his play is like torture


@scy, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't want to play good games and actively doesn't want to get better

Wanting to get better does not necessarily equate to tries to get better. I'm not saying there's a lot of people that do this or anything here, though; I'd like to think everybody here deep down does want to be a better player and tries to improve at some level.

I'm not sure if you're saying something contrary to this but

I think there is something fundamentally good in being able to enjoy a loss, in not having your enjoyment be based on this success definition that Riot has essentially laid out. I don't really think having this ability is a detriment in any sense, in many cases I believe its pretty much the only thing that will make you better at the game

Winning isn't everything. Learning something from a game is more important than the win or loss. I'm not really in disagreement here at all.

like its pretty unfortunate that you are equating I PLAY FOR FUN with a lack of care, but it's also pretty understandable, like a lot of people will throw that out when they are doing poorly as some sort of excuse.

Yeah, and that's doing a pretty huge disservice to those who do play for fun to do that kind of equating since that's not exactly what I mean. Or, rather, I'm talking specifically about those that "I PLAY FOR FUN DO WHAT I WANT" when playing and don't try to cooperate with the team. Or, "Who cares what happens, I'm having fun" kinds of attitude. Playing selfishly in a team game but, hey, they had fun, right?

Likewise, playing "seriously" doesn't mean being a hardass on everyone for every little mistake or being unable to enjoy the game while taking it seriously.

Is this our version of the hardcore vs casual terminology debate? Hm. I'm just being bad with words probably.

like watching kayos unproductively agonize about his play is like torture

I don't think any of us enjoy this at all.


Is there anyone here that plays for fun as according to scy's definition (basically "I don't give a shit so I do whatever I want"... believe me, I know the type)?

I haven't played with any gaffer in that style yet, even if they do like to goof around and try weird stuff, like I do.


Wanting to get better does not necessarily equate to tries to get better. I'm not saying there's a lot of people that do this or anything here, though; I'd like to think everybody here deep down does want to be a better player and tries to improve at some level.

Winning isn't everything. Learning something from a game is more important than the win or loss. I'm not really in disagreement here at all.

Yeah, and that's doing a pretty huge disservice to those who do play for fun to do that kind of equating since that's not exactly what I mean. Or, rather, I'm talking specifically about those that "I PLAY FOR FUN DO WHAT I WANT" when playing and don't try to cooperate with the team. Or, "Who cares what happens, I'm having fun" kinds of attitude. Playing selfishly in a team game but, hey, they had fun, right?

Likewise, playing "seriously" doesn't mean being a hardass on everyone for every little mistake or being unable to enjoy the game while taking it seriously.

Is this our version of the hardcore vs casual terminology debate? Hm. I'm just being bad with words probably.

I don't think any of us enjoy this at all.

Is there anyone here that plays for fun as according to scy's definition (basically "I don't give a shit so I do whatever I want"... believe me, I know the type)?

I haven't played with any gaffer in that style yet, even if they do like to goof around and try weird stuff, like I do.

i dunno basically anyone that says "tryhard" to make themselves feel better, but that's not really the worst thing in the world


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Man I can't believe I used to poor the milk out after a bowl of cereal.

Drinking the leftover milk is the best part of having cereal.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Man I can't believe I used to poor the milk out after a bowl of cereal.

Drinking the leftover milk is the best part of having cereal.
Gross. I am pretty sure this is how you catch mouth scabies.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Man I can't believe I used to poor the milk out after a bowl of cereal.

Drinking the leftover milk is the best part of having cereal.

What the fuck? People throw out perfectly good milk?


Milk after cocoa crispies is the best. MMmm.

Edit; Why don't we have an official inhouse DERP mode game to clear our systems?


Is there anyone here that plays for fun as according to scy's definition (basically "I don't give a shit so I do whatever I want"... believe me, I know the type)?

On a regular basis? Probably not. Have there been games with people that do this? Yes. Also, this is half of GAF whenever an in-house happens.

But, I never said people here were like that. I was just saying I don't enjoy people doing their own thing under the guise of playing for fun.

@milk - Fucking monsters.


Kinda sad about this year's holiday skins sale and resale

Ziggs - AP
Fiddle - Jungle
Viegar - AP
Katrina - AP
Maokai -Jungle
LeBlanc - AP
Heimerdinger - AP
Gangplank - Top/Jungle

It's mostly AP or Jungle


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Was thinking about switching to a Nami avatar (I can't decide lately). Is the second avatar too much?



Wtf, this gifting madness needs to stop.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Pancaks why are u so popular.

why am i not getting any gifts ;(

I can't buy gifts with IP otherwise I would get you something :(. I'm already going broke buying gifts for all these people.


Was thinking about switching to a Nami avatar (I can't decide lately). Is the second avatar too much?

It's just not Koi enough.

This is a pretty cool picture, though I dunno how it'd look avatarized.


Also, I'm now feeling like doing some cereal. Haven't eaten some in like 8 years


The snowdown showdown is here. I think I'm weak and will end up buying the Kat skin even though it kind of sucks. :( She's my most played champ. What can I do?

Buying her skin with no regrets.


Then I'll play more Nidalee games instead of Kat ones.


You dirty dirty man. I know where that second picture comes from... you took the ... non bannable version.
Huh, now I'm curious.

I think I'll buy Nid after she gets prettied up. I played a bit of her yesterday and she was fun, though managing her forms seems to be kind of a brain-melter.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Huh, now I'm curious.

I think I'll buy Nid after she gets prettied up. I played a bit of her yesterday and she was fun, though managing her forms seems to be kind of a brain-melter.
It's not that hard once you get use to it. Human form for poke and heal, couger form for running/manning up.

The really difficult part is using her pounce to hop over walls consistently. The collision is kind of wonky and it's not smartcast so you need to turn manually.


It's not that hard once you get use to it. Human form for poke and heal, couger form for running/manning up.

The really difficult part is using her pounce to hop over walls consistently. The collision is kind of wonky and it's not smartcast so you need to turn manually.
Yeah I don't like how the pounce works like Riven's Q at all, jumping towards where she's facing instead of where my cursor is. I find that really really difficult to use.


Yeah I don't like how the pounce works like Riven's Q at all, jumping towards where she's facing instead of where my cursor is. I find that really really difficult to use.

Well, Riven's Q goes to target enemy if your cursor is over them. But, yeah, Pounce is a little awkward to use at first.
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