No amount of fury given will help tryn
That's true with most tops.
The thing with those shrooms is they were a death sentence to any types of squishies. Even if they don't die, they'd be hurt enough that they'd have to B, further losing out on money and exp.
I've noticed that support players either play too aggressive and get chunked therefore making them irrelevant during laning phase and/or die making them even more irrelevant later on or they just play too passive and don't do anything letting me get chunked while they do nothing. No trade. Nothing. *sigh* I'm sick of getting zoned because supports just die and I can't farm.
During laning phase it's the ticking toxic shot that's sending people back to base. I'll concede that hitting random shrooms later game before/after baron for instance is probably too strong. I guess I don't feel it'll affect the way I play him very much.
Conversely, the same can be said about ADCs: Ones that get too aggressive and take free damage when harassing (and/or harassing and giving up cs) while others are too passive and don't follow up on the support. It's a two-way street down there. There's problems on both sides.
Given no shrooms, every one of my top laners will beat a Teemo once I get items. It's the shrooms mid all-in that get him his kills after his 1-6 pressure.
Wow, they really stepped all over diana too. poor girl :/. I feel that the BC nerf isnt enough, that thing needs to be gutted more or made more expensive
Do you really have to ask?NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Zyra nerfs!? Whyyyyyy!?
Do you really have to ask?
I'm just saying that I've been seeing a surge of bad support players. Mostly Nami.
At minimum you'd have to change that to 1-10, since his level 1 shroom is the same. Only thing that affects him from level 1 is the on-hit ratio nerf. Once Teemo is 16+ he shouldn't be looking to duel anyway, just push/kite/ward map/blind ADC in team fights.
You're so mean. You just said that every one of your top laners will beat a Teemo when you get items, yet you still want him gone.All I know is, I hope to see less Teemos.
You're so mean. You just said that every one of your top laners will beat a Teemo when you get items, yet you still want him gone.
Oh. Well, if we're talking about champions we don't like laning against, I'd like Darius, Orianna, Jax, and Diana to get crushing nerfs. It looks like I may get 1/4 of that wish.He's a terribly unfun laner to go against. It's such a frustrating lane to deal with.
Two day in a roll with a pentakill? Can we keep this going GAF?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Zyra nerfs!? Whyyyyyy!?
Oh yeah. I completely agree. I've given up trading though. If you see my recent games most of the times I'm in the back because I want to focus on honing my farming abilities. I only die because I commit too much because of something the support did or because I get caught out. Both of which are my fault. I'm just saying that I've been seeing a surge of bad support players. Mostly Nami.
He's a terribly unfun laner to go against. It's such a frustrating lane to deal with.
Edit: Of course, a Teemo game.
Apparently you just need BC to get penta. Also ROW.Two day in a roll with a pentakill? Can we keep this going GAF?
The adc has to try to trade/poke when the support trade/pokes.
At least he was a dumb Teemo and built straight AP and no armor. ha
That cheese is so bad.
You complain that your supports are getting chunked and yet youre just sitting in the back and farming. Right.
The adc has to try to trade/poke when the support trade/pokes.
Perhaps you are the reason why your support is getting owned, since if their adc is on the ball, its literally 1v2 for your support.
I felt like I read it somewhere, but want to clarify. They said they're going to rework Heimerdinger, yes no? If so, I want to buy the his Christmas skin before it's gone again.
I felt like I read it somewhere, but want to clarify. They said they're going to rework Heimerdinger, yes no? If so, I want to buy the his Christmas skin before it's gone again.
don't buy the skin, crack would be sad.
scy, right about manga, right about gaming, right about everything....er, Veigar's?
But I assume you're talking about Kat. Christmas Kat's new recall is pretty much incredibly bad and lazily done. I really hope it gets looked at. Say what you will about her stripper recall, at least it was well animated. The new one is just a step below completely awful.
I don't know I like playing as Cait, she's basically the LoL version of Sniper except with an escape. If you've ever killed someone with Net, hilarity ensues.I find Cait's set to be kinda boring. The only time I had fun with her is when a friend ran Nid support so we just filled both brushes with wards heh...
And my problem with Ez is that everybody plays him...
Yup, I like it alot.Sherrif caitlyn has the cutest splash
I like these changes. Diana is retard mode.
It's a good thing they didn't have more cleavers...
Take a break. It's honestly healthier than playing when you're frustrated, in my opinion, and you can still come back later if you want.Thinking of quitting League. It's throwing me into a fit of depression. -_-'''
I really like Cait's passive and her traps, but I dunno. She's the one I'm leaning the most, but I hate her default look so much I feel like it's a champion that's gonna cost me 5 bucks to buy, in addition to the IP.I don't know I like playing as Cait, she's basically the LoL version of Sniper except with an escape. If you've ever killed someone with Net, hilarity ensues.
Yeah, both Sheriff and Resistance look really good, though I don't like neither of the 3D models. At least they're cheap.Yup, I like it alot.
I think that they just went overboard. I mean, nerfing all her skills feels like too much, and she wasn't THAT OP.Diana will still be strong, her E nerf is kinda eh though, her damage needed to be adjusted, don't see the point of that as well.
Take a break, come back later. No point in letting feeders ruin your life.Thinking of quitting League. It's throwing me into a fit of depression. -_-'''
This is what happens when you guys aren't playing for fun. Stop taking the game so seriously.Thinking of quitting League. It's throwing me into a fit of depression. -_-'''
And then we lost.
Dr McNinja MD and Magic Love Hands are awesome summoner names...This is what happens when you guys aren't playing for fun. Stop taking the game so seriously.
And then we lost.I did a good job with Poppy though! It was exciting. And funny chaining together Poppy, Kayle, and Zilean ults.Although it was a surprisingly close game.
support kayle is a real thing, yes?
Support Kayle is pretty bad.support kayle is a real thing, yes?
really? she has a slow, heal and steroid plus her passive doesnt hurt in a duo lane. seems like she'd be a better nunu pre-6; just with worse health and a worse ult.Support Kayle is pretty bad.
Her heal is garbage. The slow isn't very much and isn't that useful. The passive is bad as a support, particularly early game, and she has no way to apply it without investing into E, which her kit is based around.really? she has a slow, heal and steroid plus her passive doesnt hurt in a duo lane. seems like she'd be a better nunu pre-6; just with worse health and a worse ult.
Compare that to Taric. He has a stun (which only needs 1 point to gain full effect), a heal that affects both, an aura that grants armor (doubled for Taric himself) and doubles as an AoE nuke that shreds enemy armor. Oh and another AoE nuke with aura- buffs.really? she has a slow, heal and steroid plus her passive doesnt hurt in a duo lane.
B-b-but we haven't even played a game together!Thinking of quitting League. It's throwing me into a fit of depression. -_-'''
Thinking of getting both of these skins as well, if only because I don't like Janna's default in game model. The splash is gadlyke though.New sale, frost skins: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-skin-sale-ice-fort-war
Bought me 10 bucks and got me frost Janna. No one told me that skin was so good. Splash art is pretty smexy as well.
Thinking of doing Malph too, but I barely even play him anymore since someone spilled the beans and now he's always banned.
Ahh I see, if it's an aesthetic thing then I can see where you're coming from. She's really grown on me since when I first started League I also said she was a bad ADC back when I mained Kog. I think what I like most about her is her range, but loses badly to Vayne.I really like Cait's passive and her traps, but I dunno. She's the one I'm leaning the most, but I hate her default look so much I feel like it's a champion that's gonna cost me 5 bucks to buy, in addition to the IP.
Yeah, both Sheriff and Resistance look really good, though I don't like neither of the 3D models. At least they're cheap.
I'm in agreement, she's one of the few viable AP junglers, don't know why they're nerfing her utility AS WELL as her damage. Might have to go back to Skarner for jungling.I think that they just went overboard. I mean, nerfing all her skills feels like too much, and she wasn't THAT OP.