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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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So played Syndra in a blind, got matched up against a veigar. I played pretty aggressive at first, but their jungler and top and bot were keeping me honest. So it turned into a farm lane. I went Muramana+DFG. So both me and veigar were nukes from hell. Basically whoever fired first would win the exchange.

Unfortunately lost the game.


I'd really like a general guide on the new items. I'm not patient enough to try them all out one at a time and just some general idea would help tons.


Iceborne Gauntlet on Ez just for giggles.
One of the best Ezreal's I had recently seen (1800+ elo) was styling against GAF with that a week or two ago. They built some unusual item, iceborne gauntlet, bloodthirster, and then were starting black cleaver. I wish I remembered what the other early item was, since the combination was hilarious and people kept getting iced.
Merc carried me on our smurf. I was lagging hardcore for like the last 20 mins. :( I didn't even notice I wasn't even connected to mumble anymore.


I'll try not t--wait a second, my penta got stolen last night!
Fucking bind.



weird, snow day ziggs have a bug with his w.

He threw the snowman out but then it changed to the normal satchel.
It really seems to me that BT first is only good if you need to farm or have the opportunity to farm up the stacks for it.

Otherwise IE lets you kill people a lot faster so you can push your advantage or create one if you're behind.


I've gotten a ranked quadra with Karthus and a ranked penta with Morde in S2 I think.

It was so good I skipped the quadra so no one could see it coming.


kat vs swain

kat: swain is 1550 elo i need early gank mid pls

kat gets ganked by mundo but gets the kill on mundo anyways

i go in on swain after red and he's pretty much dead but kat is no where to be seen. i see kat getting snared and after the snare she's just auto attacking minions. it's not until 5 seconds later when swain gets to wraiths from mid bushes that she finally comes in to exchange kills with swain when it could have been in our favor

kat: it's k i've got 2 kills i win this lane

kat loses lane

kat: he's 1550 elo i'm only 12xx idunno why they put him against me EVERYONE WOULD HAVE LOST TO HIMMMMM

Corgi the Chloe: top
Ctrl inn0ut: mid prease
BicBoi0123: let me top teemo
Corgi the Chloe: why
Corgi the Chloe: why teemo
BicBoi0123: i can shroom their whoole top jungle
Corgi the Chloe: who cares
WildboyO: i will mid stu
BicBoi0123: full ap teemo is hella op bro
WildboyO: sry



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Rito are taking Sejuani feedback and potentially looking to change her. Oh boy. Maybe her Q will finally go through multiple targets to allow her passive to be applied to multiple targets so her E can actually work right. Or even better maybe her W will apply her passive! Or they could always lower the ridiculous cooldown on her Q.


Rito are taking Sejuani feedback and potentially looking to change her. Oh boy. Maybe her Q will finally go through multiple targets to allow her passive to be applied to multiple targets so her E can actually work right. Or even better maybe her W will apply her passive! Or they could always lower the ridiculous cooldown on her Q.

sejuani buffs
can now move through every third minion


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I was waiting for some water to boil to make dumplings so I drew this. I don't know why but yeah.


Looks like midget Batman with double peg legs and a burger backpack...

New champ riotpls.


Today's match: note that I'm lvl 7 and so everyone sucks.

I got Nidalee in a support mood, on the top lane with a Garen. And I'm on my "just don't die" mode, just playing conservative, and literally spending all my mana healing this Garen who keeps throwing himself against two other dudes while typing, in caps lock, WHERE ARE YOUR SPEAR THROW YOUR SPEAR HELP DO SOMETHING, and I'm like, healing the dude a lot, really a lot, but fuck it, my peace of mind in this game is not to interact with people in-game and then bitch on GAF later.
So we keep at it, I'm keeling the little dudes, poking other champions here and there, throwing a spear only when I'm sure I'll hit and even then missing it a lot, and basically only healing this dude on caps lock HELP ME FUCK HELP ME ARE YOU RETARDED HELP ME THROW YOUR SPEAR.
So eventually he really takes a step forward alone against the two enemies and dies horribly. He ragequits, we win the game and I report him.

So I'll say that I'm satisfied for today.


Do you use the ultimate DFG manamune combo build?

Manamune doesn't work on her, she doesn't even spam single target spell.

Can't afford dfg, need a lot of mana regen on her, and hourglass/rylais so she can actually survive to do something.
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