COOLDOWN: 90 / 80 / 70high cooldown ult.
Without any cooldown reduction.
COOLDOWN: 90 / 80 / 70high cooldown ult.
Lane gank, go through jungle to tribush, show up at bot to instill the fear onto their bot lane , ask bot to get pink, get pink yourself
The 2 p's of jungling. Presence and Pressure
He seems pretty good, but I like him better top, where he can constantly make use of brushes to bully his lane to victory. Also he's fucking annoying since you're constantly calling mias because he's never in sight and you never know when he might use his ult.What about Rengar? Is Rengar cool?
Cho's Q is 9 seconds. Rammus and Ammumu have 10ish second ganks. Waiting for, say, 50 seconds to get another chance at a decent gank seems too much for my tastes, is all.COOLDOWN: 90 / 80 / 70
Without any cooldown reduction.
Yeah I don't think ganking and not getting a kill/tower/burnt flash is worth it on 90% of the times. It's cool if you want to take some pressure off a lane or force a base so you can snatch dragon or something but otherwise I find it's pretty useless. Guy just backs off, loses 10 creeps, goes back.From my experience showing up doesn't do anything other than let the other enemy lanes know where you are. The expectation being that if you gank/show up at all you get a kill/force a flash/ or force someone to go back to base. Otherwise you pose no threat because you are not doing anything that's threatening and you are losing out on farm/experience.
Assuming your approach is warded, you can't get an immediate successful gank unless the laner destroys the ward, because if you destroy it yourself your location will be revealed and naturally the enemy(s) in lane will play defensive because they know you're there.
This is all under the assumption that the person asking for the gank is expecting an immediate successful gank, which is 95% of gank requests in solo queue. This does not apply to players who do not ward or do not pay attention to the wards they place.
Barring absent-minded players, the only way I can see ganks against warded lanes and attentive players working is if you are Lee Sin, or a jungler with high mobility and/or long range initiation, like Rammus, Sejuani, Nocturne, or Hecarim along with the laner(s) assistance.
Most of the time when I see "I NEED GANKZ NAOW!!!!" though it's because the teammate in question is losing/low on health and can't really help out in a gank without dying.
Just play Fiddlesticks or something.This makes me sad. Jungle ww is great when you are new and have no runes like me.
Consider yourself lucky or playing against someone unskilled. Shyv is so useless right now.welp, shyv vs naut turns out to be as easy as i expected it to be.
i dont think he got a single buff beyond his starting blue. 4 level difference at the 20 minute mark.
cass hits like a truck though...
compared to naut? i did wraith/red/wolves/blue and still got to his red before he did. its just a horribly shyv favoured fight.Consider yourself lucky or playing against someone unskilled. Shyv is so useless right now.
I don't do red before golems because I don't think it's safe to do without smite, both for yourself and your buff.Do Wolves > Blue > Wraiths > (Either level 2 mid gank or wait for wolves) > Red > (Gank top or mid or bot)
Golems do just as much damage as red, so I wouldn't do them before red.
Also, this is your set path, but once you hit level 3, you should gank based on what lanes need help/camping, and what lanes are low/gankable.
I would still probably take Naut over Shyvana. Sounds like he was just bad. In most situations counter jungling just isn't very valuable or worthwhile right now and Shyvana has no other strengths.compared to naut? i did wraith/red/wolves/blue and still got to his red before he did. its just a horribly shyv favoured fight.
Yeah, taking off pressure is kinda good but a kill in a tied lane can push things in your favor and then you got that guy roaming or getting fed, etc.If one of your lanes is a bit behind early on, "just showing up" can actually help quite a bit, at the very least it forces the enemy to back off and let your teammates get some cs, which obviously isn't anything crazy, but if you're near the lane anyway, and you've killed all the jungle creeps on that side of the map, it's probably worth your time.
Yup, I guess I'll move to wolves->blue->wraiths->golems->red->gank->wraiths/wolves->gank/base.I don't do red before golems because I don't think it's safe to do without smite, both for yourself and your buff.
Holy shit that's brutal. Q's apparently nerfed a bit too.
Also, new Kayle skin is BAWS. Lightsaber? YES PLEASE
Playing just one role isn't ever good. You might be really good at playing that guy but it serves to know many different champions and to understand the trials and tribulations we all go through.
I know I'm finding enlightening to play jungle for the first time.
I'd buy the new Kayle skin if she didn't suck.
Kayle is seeing a lot of play (and bans) in OGN so she can't be all bad.
I played her mid in a game yesterday hybrid AD/AP and beat a Zed with her by leveling Q>R>E>W priorities.
I could pump out damage but I was pretty squishy.
Maybe I should try building her like I would build a tanky top?
I'd buy the new Kayle skin if she didn't suck.
Or try building her correctly....
Pfft, I'm complete shit and I post in here all the time.
I get bored of playing one role really quickly, but I wanna get really good at one instead of just getting slightly better at all of them slowly, help?
What about Rengar? Is Rengar cool?
Intense game on right now. Azubu teams playing each other in a bo5.Currently game 4.Going to game 5!
Truth is: yes, it's hard, but not impossible, and just because I show up in your lane doesn't mean we need to get a kill.... we can damage the enemy forcing them to burn a flash or even recall, I can zone the enemy out for a bit for free farm or lane push.
Jungle is not all about ganks, it's about providing another solo lane, creating a fear of the unknown, and capitalizing on the enemies mistakes, sometimes coming down and standing in the enemies warded bush can be enough to get into their head.
At least that's what I think... being lvl 20 and all.
Most of the time when I see "I NEED GANKZ NAOW!!!!" though it's because the teammate in question is losing/low on health and can't really help out in a gank without dying.
It's kinda weird for me. It's like I was too ashamed to post here because I know I can do better lol.
The E nerf is the brutal one. :<Holy shit that's brutal. Q's apparently nerfed a bit too.
The gank will fail if it's warded though. What do you propose they do?
From my experience showing up doesn't do anything other than let the other enemy lanes know where you are. The expectation being that if you gank/show up at all you get a kill/force a flash/ or force someone to go back to base. Otherwise you pose no threat because you are not doing anything that's threatening and you are losing out on farm/experience.
Assuming your approach is warded, you can't get an immediate successful gank unless the laner destroys the ward, because if you destroy it yourself your location will be revealed and naturally the enemy(s) in lane will play defensive because they know you're there.
This is all under the assumption that the person asking for the gank is expecting an immediate successful gank, which is 95% of gank requests in solo queue. This does not apply to players who do not ward or do not pay attention to the wards they place.
Barring absent-minded players, the only way I can see ganks against warded lanes and attentive players working is if you are Lee Sin, or a jungler with high mobility and/or long range initiation, like Rammus, Sejuani, Nocturne, or Hecarim along with the laner(s) assistance.
Most of the time when I see "I NEED GANKZ NAOW!!!!" though it's because the teammate in question is losing/low on health and can't really help out in a gank without dying.
I don't do red before golems because I don't think it's safe to do without smite, both for yourself and your buff.
Yeah, this is one thing with junglers. They're threatening because they can pop out at any moment. If you know the enemy jungler is very far away, you can play a lot more aggressively in your lane. People ask or mention the last sighting of the enemy jungler so they can gauge for how long they can play more aggressive.Yeah, if I come across harsh on this it's not really my intent. Just that there's a point where "showing up" ends up being too costly. If you appear top lane and they back off for it, the other two lanes can potentially react similarly. I'll keep a jungler top as long as I reasonably can if it means everyone else can do something with that.
The E nerf is the brutal one. :<
Buy a pink/oracle and kill it while you're nearby farming. Go back to the jungle and gank after 30 seconds, or immediately gank even if they know you're there. Some people stay and let you move up further when you kill their wards, likely because they thought it died naturally and/or didn't see you.
Yeah, this is one thing with junglers. They're threatening because they can pop out at any moment. If you know the enemy jungler is very far away, you can play a lot more aggressively in your lane. People ask or mention the last sighting of the enemy jungler so they can gauge for how long they can play more aggressive.
Because who the fuck camps that bush for two minutes.
Then again, I've definitely had those occasions where I see the jungler come top and just assume he left and then I die to the gank.
Because who the fuck camps that bush for two minutes.
Are you talking about Shyvana? I think some champions still get low on red. Thanks for the tip about skipping wraiths though. That sounds helpful if a team helps kill wolves and blue.Are we still spreading this nonsense? If you skip wraiths with a blue start and go straight to red, you'll have near enough 100% HP left with a pot or two and be ready for a gank and you'll hit level 3 fast enough that the solo lanes should still be level 1 when you get to them.
A truly dedicated camper.
dat Vi.
Are you talking about Shyvana? I think some champions still get low on red. Thanks for the tip about skipping wraiths though. That sounds helpful if a team helps kill wolves and blue.
Do you use attack speed or lifesteal runes when jungling, or do you do enough damage to stay alive? One of my biggest problems while jungling is, if I recall correctly, I might use nearly all my pots making it through wraiths or golems, unless my team provides a lot of help on wolves and blue.I'm talking about all junglers with a machete/5 pot blue start. I usually run this especially if I get a smiteless pull because of how quick it is.
She doesn't suck, she can actually counter a lot of tough guys top, it's just that her kit is weird as hell.I'd buy the new Kayle skin if she didn't suck.
What did they do to her E?The E nerf is the brutal one. :<
Really champ dependent. I'd rather use armor quints than either ASPD or lifesteal quints if champ is squishy.Do you use attack speed or lifesteal runes when jungling, or do you do enough damage to stay alive? One of my biggest problems while jungling is, if I recall correctly, I might use nearly all my pots making it through wraiths or golems, unless my team provides a lot of help on wolves and blue.
She doesn't suck, she can actually counter a lot of tough guys top, it's just that her kit is weird as hell.
What did they do to her E?
Do you use attack speed or lifesteal runes when jungling, or do you do enough damage to stay alive? One of my biggest problems while jungling is, if I recall correctly, I might use nearly all my pots making it through wraiths or golems, unless my team provides a lot of help on wolves and blue.
+20 Damage per Rank, down from +25 Damage per Rank (e.g., 35/55/75/95/115 instead of 35/60/85/110/135).
Edit: Just to clarify, that's per-hit. So +40 Total Damage per Rank instead of +50.
If you get ZERO help on blue then yes, likely you will have to use all your pots before red, especially if you go the long way with Wo->B->Wr->Go->R. You should still be healthy if you instead run a path like Wo->B->R though, but w/o help on blue you'll likely end around 80% hp with zero pots.
Just play FTL you posers.
So you can play two shit games at once? (Whatcha gonna do Achtius? =p)