Karma, Karthus, and Master Yi.
Sounds about right.
Karma, Karthus, and Master Yi.
Sejuani, Sejuani, and Sejuani.
Yeah, typically "one shotting" people means using a characters complete combo in LoL, since essentially only Nidalee sniping squishies or a fed Veigar can actually oneshot someone. It's a bit wrong, but flows easier off the tongue than "one comboing" someone.
You keep saying "one shot". Do you mean R + E? DFG + R + E? R with nothing else? Using more than one ability sounds like the more than "one shot" to me.
Secondly, can someone run the damage numbers on this? Just off the top of my head, I thought both DFG and R have their max magic damage set as % total enemy HP. This means that unless they have crazy magic pen (Eve does build that, we'd need to know your Miss Fortune magic resist), their max early game will be limited to 35 (45?)% max health, or whatever the minimum value of DFG + R is. Maybe the pure minimum flat damage of R + E is enough to do 100% of Miss Fortune's health at level 10 from a level 9 Eve but I find that hard to believe.
Thirdly, I would almost be surprised if Eve managed to get DFG by level 9 while going 1/3/2 unless they were rushing it as the first item, let alone consistently do so. And I think someone was just posting on here or saying in the lobby that rushing DFG first on Eve is not very good anymore.
Lots of people use "one shot" to mean 100-0 in a few seconds. It bothers me, but that's how it is.
Playing Eve as she is now, she does a lot of damage once she hits levels 5+ and you can outtrade/force out most mids in lane around then without any items. Whoever said rushing DFG first on Eve is bad is clearly wrong. It's one of the strongest items in the game for burst mages right now.
Sejuani, Sejuani, and Sejuani.
Just got this weird bug where it said I had 10 seconds left to choose and then it auto-randomed me a hero
dat Riot
Dat Adobe Air client. It's such a buggy piece of crap, I don't understand why Riot just doesn't create their own in-house client. Surely they have the funds and manpower to do so. I'm sick of accepting custom game invites and then waiting up to 45 seconds for it to put me in the lobby.
[*]I'm doing blue>wolves>wariths>golems>red>gank top/mid>wraiths>gank the other one> base. Seems to be working ok. I use about 3 or 4 pots but it feels like I could use less.
[*]I didn't miss one smite, even on a very contested Baron(thanks to a lucky enemy stun lol)
I was gonna nomnom+smite too early but got stunned, so waited a bit and then got it right on the second timeSmite can be used while stunned. If you steal one due to a CC'd Jungler, they're just bad at smiting (or you reflexed faster, whichever).
I start blue because I'm not very comfortable on the jungle so I don't want to ask much from my laners. Yeah, I know, but I don't wanna get too trashed if I do terribly.
I've had a losing record ever since the elo reset occurred and have been down about it. I finally build myself back to a winning record and can feel comfortable again posting in this thread ha!
Hello guys (and girls (though there are no girls on the internet))
I'm new here, and I wanted to introduce myself as I play LoL and would be happy to discuss about the game with you.
Pfft, I'm complete shit and I post in here all the time.
If there were, they'd be ugly as sin!
I get bored of playing one role really quickly, but I wanna get really good at one instead of just getting slightly better at all of them slowly, help?
stick to 2 roles then? or just play a role with different style champs
I love it when people go "I dont or cant gank bot because its warded". I mean seriously?
Holy shit that's brutal. Q's apparently nerfed a bit too.
Playing just one role isn't ever good. You might be really good at playing that guy but it serves to know many different champions and to understand the trials and tribulations we all go through.I get bored of playing one role really quickly, but I wanna get really good at one instead of just getting slightly better at all of them slowly, help?
The gank will fail if it's warded though. What do you propose they do?
Playing just one role isn't ever good. You might be really good at playing that guy but it serves to know many different champions and to understand the trials and tribulations we all go through.
I know I'm finding enlightening to play jungle for the first time.
Holy shit that's brutal. Q's apparently nerfed a bit too.
Just got pounded to the ground by a Maokai mid. Was just checking his abilities, and holy shit that guy scales like crazy.
It's the second time this has happened to me, either I'm terrible or Mao mid is super underapretiated.
The gank will fail if it's warded though. What do you propose they do?
Never get bored, that's my motto. If what your playing's boring, just do something else. You'll get the urge to go back eventually, and playing to get better is only worthwhile when it doesn't interfere with your enjoyment of the game.I guess, but I'm at a point where I've been through each role several times now and I can play every one decently, I just want to get properly good at one!
Ah, ok. I had a buddy that just played Eve for the first time and got fed all five matches he played with her. He was crushed when I told him lolQ was nerfed last PBE build (.45 AP/AD -> .4 AP/AD). It's been reverted.
Yeah, no shit, I was playing Lux and he'd just throw babies at me I couldn't outrun (he had a great aim, I gotta say) and when I was <50% he'd just baby+flash+root+ignite me to death.Mao is a good mid. He was actually really supposed to be mid until someone popularized him as a jungler. He sucks against heavy sustain mids though.
Makes me sad when people think the only reason for the jungler to come to a lane is for killz.
stop jungling ww.
This makes me sad. Jungle ww is great when you are new and have no runes like me.
mantheon needs no runes
(this is probably false)
Fidd, Cho and Nunu don't need runes and they're better junglers to be honest.This makes me sad. Jungle ww is great when you are new and have no runes like me.
Fidd, Cho and Nunu don't need runes and they're better junglers to be honest.
Yeah I don't like WW at all. Like Malph or Skarner, I don't like my whole gank potential to be linked to a high cooldown ult. He's got other uses but still.