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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Don't you guys just hate waiting on that one guy with the PSX as his computer making the rest wait 15 minutes until the game starts only for you to be browsing the web without noticing the game finally started...


Nah. Wouldn't really be fair on the other team, not their fault someone on your team left. Would be impossible to balance.

Plus 4 v 5, while definitely a big setback, isn't necessarily game over. Depends on who you lose I suppose. Losing your AP carry or even your AD carry can be really sucky, but you can survive without a jungler tbh. Just have to play safe and well coordinated.

Yea, that's true. The punishment for leaving needs to be more severe then.


In Dota 2, if someone disconnects - everyone can leave after 5 minutes without it being considered an abandon

I'd love that. I'm still holding out hope they do something along those lines. They've implemented a lot of the DOTA2 features (like the honor thing).


His ultimate is like a joke. There is no range to it because it spawns on top of him. It is like trying to position a Veigar wall if the wall spawned directly off of Veigar. Really easy to jump the wall too, and its effects aren't worth the difficulty of its use.

It's meant to dissuade disengages. To force a situation where crossing the wall means someone gets left behind and dies; most likely the tank in organized play but randoms will have the wall broken by whomever is trying to run away first. That said, I can't imagine it being super useful if you're behind (e.g., they just stay and fight inside it anyway) and fairly absurd if you're ahead. Pretty damn good in a comp with a persistent AoE (e.g., Karthus Defile) or anything else that forces repositions though.

Alternatively, can just try landing it on someone on the cast. Though that doesn't seem to be the best way to utilize it (barring low health escaping target, the wall range is roughly his auto range) and if you need an on-demand slow that badly, buy Twin Shadows or something.

It also serves as a way to split people. Ulting to separate an ADC from his support and then Sweep + Shackle them even farther from each other. Being stuck outside his wall means crossing it to engage which just should never be a smart decision for the ADC; gap closing over it is even worse.

Q grab just feels bad.

His Sweep move is maybe the worst. Just super unimpressive. Low range again, doesn't really displace people in the way you would want it to.

Two displacements means two non-Tenacity stuns. Considering the problem people had with Diana's pull, I can imagine landing Sweep into Shackle to be two auto attacks worth of a delay. Two free autos for your ADC is a fairly big deal in lane, though it also requires the ADC to actually be there taking advantage of it.

He feels like a bodyguard or something since his follow up post grab is so poor (again, very reliant on his team). He doesn't seem like a good bodyguard to me though. If champions dive in on top of him he cannot do much to protect himself or a carry. He will probably be super weak to champions that come all in on him like Leona, but also to harass like Lulu or Sona with their range advantage.

I can see him as a support to do well at picking off the enemy support. Splitting them from the ADC and forcing them to Flash his ult wall or to wait out the timer (or just running through it and hoping for the best). Double displacements, even if small, matter a lot on killing someone with no built-in escapes.

His Lantern should also be good for diving past turret for chasing a low health kill and then dashing back out of range. But it also points out the same thing the rest of his kit does as a support: He's a lot of playmaking potential for the ADC to take advantage of.

His free stats may make him one of the best tanks in the game but not sure if that'll be A) Relevant in laning phase or B) Possible during game as a support. Maybe more of a nice bonus for playing him jungle/top lane that someone will inevitably try
Day 1 top Thresh or feed


Junior Member
First game I spectated on East:



If you are a fan a silly Blitz jokes, here's one:

What do you call a Graves/Blitz bot lane?
Cowboy Beep-Boop! :D

Before you punch me, I didn't come up with it!

Stop feeding nub.

I will dent your face.

I sometimes troll the jungler by pulling out Blue / Red with blitz just before he wants to smite.

I approve.

What's a xcloser?

I'm not sure, but we've established that it lives in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.


In Dota 2, if someone disconnects - everyone can leave after 5 minutes without it being considered an abandon

They didn't implement it due to abuse. Just imagine a game where a player got outplayed and snowballed by the other team, the other 4 teammate will shame and harass the poor soul into disconnecting so they can move on to another game without waiting for surrender.
This is like...the opposite of where the game is at right now.

I've got to agree with dimb here. Lately you can see almost any champ do well in almost any lane.

I saw a team win with an accidental random pick LeBlanc top. Mid is a crap shoot now. You see AP, bruisers, AD casters, amumu, even the sporadic AD carry.

I've seen bot lanes go double AD and win, Melee AD and win. Top lane is assassins, bruisers, AD carries. Jungle is a wide variety of stuff. StVicious played a jungle Ezreal in a recent tourny.

The lanes are more dynamic than ever.

For the past two years I've only ever seen the typical tanky bruiser/rare assassin top, tanky jungler, ap mid with the rare Talon, and AD carry/support bot. Any deviation is regarded as trolling by randoms.

Maybe at your elo's all kinds of crazy fluid play/lane choice happens, but my play experience is comprised of the same champions in the same lanes all the time.

excited to play?

I play because I want to disappoint myself day after day with my bad plays.

Take a break. There is no point in playing if you're not having fun.

This is probably for the best. Maybe things will have changed a few months from now.


For the past two years I've only ever seen the typical tanky bruiser/rare assassin top, tanky jungler, ap mid with the rare Talon, and AD carry/support bot. Any deviation is regarded as trolling by randoms.

Even now?

AP Mid is more seen as a troll than an AD Caster or Assassin mid, honestly*. Top is still bruiser heavy though assassins aren't uncommon there (Zed, Kha'zix), though they're stronger in terms of game presence now than before. Top and mid are probably the most changed lanes from S2 -> S3, really.

I sincerely doubt anything will change the bot lane dynamic and the Jungle still doesn't feel very carry Jungler friendly.

What elo range are we talking about here?

*Not really but ... it's hard to really see many AP Mids as viable as some of the better AD Caster/Assassin options for mid lane. Wukong, Kha'zix, Talon, Pantheon, Zed, etc.


God eve is so broken.

Why can a champ run into melee range and one shot someone then be able to run out alive.
I was actually just asking about the numbers on this, both in the lobby and on another forum. If I'm understanding correctly (I need scy to run the numbers through various seasons and Eve and DFG iterations), when Eve was at her best, if fed and she had like 400-600 AP, she could do maybe 60-65% HP damage using DFG and ult to a single target. Since she's an assassin, I personally think that's feasible. Yes she is good at chasing down a single target if they're alone, but again, assassin. Now, with reduced scaling, it's like 35-45% max HP from DFG and ult combined? Then whatever else results from DFG-enhanced magic.

Are you playing AD carries when this happens? If you're with at least one other player, unless the Eve is fed, I don't think this should be happening. And if the Eve is fed, then it's a fed assassin, and I think nuking an AD carry is something assassins typically do.

On an unrelated note, I like the cowboy beep-boop joke.
Even now?

AP Mid is more seen as a troll than an AD Caster or Assassin mid, honestly*. Top is still bruiser heavy though assassins aren't uncommon there (Zed, Kha'zix), though they're stronger in terms of game presence now than before. Top and mid are probably the most changed lanes from S2 -> S3, really.

I sincerely doubt anything will change the bot lane dynamic and the Jungle still doesn't feel very carry Jungler friendly.

What elo range are we talking about here?

*Not really but ... it's hard to really see many AP Mids as viable as some of the better AD Caster/Assassin options for mid lane. Wukong, Kha'zix, Talon, Pantheon, Zed, etc.

1300-1400 range. Talons mid lane are usually met with suspicion from randoms, doubly so if one of them wanted to go AP mid. I've never seen a Zed mid lane but I assume the vitriol would be doubly worse.

Pre-season changes brought a lot to the table, but it seems it's not enough to keep me interested. Like someone mentioned before, I should probably take a break, and perhaps things will seem new to me again when I decide to come back.


AS reds
Armor Yellows
MR/level blues
movespeed quints (I use AP quints because it uses the same page as Maokai)


Machete + 5 pots

R > E > W > Q (except Q at level 2)

Cho does decent strong level 2 ganks, if one lane is trading well in your favour, try to set up an early gank to blow a flash by using well placed ruptures

I try to get at least boots + flask on my first trip back. My boots of choice are usually mobility because I can build machete into spirit of ancient golem

If I'm playing well I skip sightstone and go straight into Abyssal Scepter - > Frozen Heart - > whatever you like

otherwise, sightstone into tanky jungle items with preference on cdr/ap
I like everything about this.

Only thing I don't have are quints, so I'm thinking if I should use AD or AP quints, I suppose AP so his E can scale, right?
So... Urgot can be a pretty decent top if he isn't against another ranged top. His damage output can get really stupid once you get a Black Cleaver and a Manasume up and running.
First Kat game. Putting that skin to good use:


Kat so stronk. I got two triples in that game. Zyra was pretty nasty to lane against, although it was even at 2/2 before I got my ult. Got the ult, roamed bottom and got a triple, GGWP.

As an aside, that skin kinda sucks hard.


1300-1400 range. Talons mid lane are usually met with suspicion from randoms, doubly so if one of them wanted to go AP mid. I've never seen a Zed mid lane but I assume the vitriol would be doubly worse.

Pre-season changes brought a lot to the table, but it seems it's not enough to keep me interested. Like someone mentioned before, I should probably take a break, and perhaps things will seem new to me again when I decide to come back.

Weird. I play mostly normals but it's in the 1200-1300 range. I still see APs mid but just as often as Kha'zix, Zed and Talon.

I personally play Talon and now Kha'zix mid a lot more than any other champ. It's a stomp against a normal AP mid. Even if it's not, you roam and smash the other lanes.

High elo streams I see Wukong, Riven, Panth, nidalee and Jax just as often mid. Tops are katarinas, dianas, Zeds, etc.

Top and mid are all shook up and I wouldn't be surprised to see anything at all tbh (I had a game with an amumu mid. He actually crushed).


1300-1400 range. Talons mid lane are usually met with suspicion from randoms, doubly so if one of them wanted to go AP mid. I've never seen a Zed mid lane but I assume the vitriol would be doubly worse.

Pre-season changes brought a lot to the table, but it seems it's not enough to keep me interested. Like someone mentioned before, I should probably take a break, and perhaps things will seem new to me again when I decide to come back.

I played against a mid lane Zed the other night in a ranked game. I was Kassadin.

Our jungle gank worked early on him and he could never keep up with my AP burst .... that and it doesn't help him that he is a skill spammer which fed the charges to activate my E all the time.

Played against a Pantheon as well in a mid once where I was again Kassadin. He'd jump at me to stun but get silenced in the process and be unable to follow up with his spear spammy.

I think Kassadin handles the AD mids pretty well ... especially at 6 onward.


I'm fucking tired of Pantheons mid. I'm banning him now every game. Fuck you Pantheon.

First Kat game. Putting that skin to good use:


Kat so stronk. I got two triples in that game. Zyra was pretty nasty to lane against, although it was even at 2/2 before I got my ult. Got the ult, roamed bottom and got a triple, GGWP.

As an aside, that skin kinda sucks hard.
Kat's OP, I wouldn't say near Zyra-back-in-the-day levels, but she's OP.

I like doing Haunting Guise -> Abyss -> Rabs -> GA but that's me.


Kassadin's hard matchups are basically every AD Mid. Except Zed. Kassadin vs Pantheon is a fight for the early advantage.

I like doing Haunting Guise -> Abyss -> Rabs -> GA but that's me.

It's her best build path, though Deathcap before/skipping Abyssal is worth it if their AP damage is too low to matter since you spend a lot for the MR that you may not need. Early Liandry's is just not that good with her and Rylai's is unnecessary in general.


It's her best build path, though Deathcap before Abyssal is worth it if their AP damage is too low to matter since you spend a lot for the MR that you may not need. Early Liandry's is just not that good with her and Rylai's is unnecessary in general.
Yeah, you can swap Rabs with Abyss if you're shutting down the other mid, but you'll eventually need the MR, as well as the overall defenses from the GA.

I don't really like Liandrys or Rylais on her. Liandrys I feel is kinda wasteful since Kat's not really spammy like a Ryze or Cassiopeia, so you won't make the most use of the passive. Rylais, I just don't have much problem chasing people with Kat, you can shunpo towards ally and enemy minions or friendly wards, her Q has a lot of range with the rebounds, her W gives you speed, and your skills reset on kills/assists, so people don't usually escape you. And your whole "combo" relies on being on top of the guy you're attacking, so if the guy got away you probably engaged at the wrong time :p
How do you guys build Nocturne? I die so fast its ridiculous....

Wriggles, Frozen mallet, Wits end and Randuins was how i built him in S2. Might be better items now(mainly just build randiuns because I would get Heart of Gold, and maybe better choices for Wits end now with the price increase for Attack speed items.)


How do you guys build Nocturne? I die so fast its ridiculous....

Wriggles->Brutalizer->Frozen Mallet (usually) or some other HP type item

From there it's all situational.

Go tanky with Randuin's or maybe a Wit's end if you are up against a big MR team. GA is an option.

Black Cleaver is perfectly viable to keep building damage.

Early game treat him like an assassin. Get in and out quick. Initiate, soak a little damage and then bail while your teammates plunk on the enemy. If they aren't focusing you then just keep beating on them.


Junior Member
I just don't care much for comicbooks, manga or otherwise, that's it. Nothing against them, I just like either books or anime better.

I'd like, though, to someday get around reading Satoshi Kon's work because he is/was one of my favorite people in the world, and also Akira, Berserk and Evangelion (if they ever finish it).

Captain Tsubasa was the shit back in the day here in Argentina.

Money/time is the reason why I can't get into them.

Miss Fortune is dangerous for melee champs. Use w then q/e then finish off an ult. Hard to read that w, I know the icon appears over your head but still in a groupfight, hard to tell.


Yeah, you can swap Rabs with Abyss if you're shutting down the other mid, but you'll eventually need the MR, as well as the overall defenses from the GA.

If they don't have any relevant magic damage, you really don't :x Abyssal is still nice to have, though. If I recall, it actually takes quite a bit of MR for Void Staff to be more cost effective ... not that cost efficiency is that relevant in the late game argument.

I don't really like Liandrys or Rylais on her. Liandrys I feel is kinda wasteful since Kat's not really spammy like a Ryze or Cassiopeia, so you won't make the most use of the passive.

Not even max CDR W spam is timed to it (2.4s vs 1.5s) which really hurts the usefulness of it. So, yeah, she doesn't really get the most out of it honestly. You get it eventually just to make the slot more efficient rather than because it's core on her.

Rylai's is just bad on her though. Your defensive AP item of choice is Zhonya's, not really Rylai's.


Wriggles, Frozen mallet, Wits end and Randuins was how i built him in S2. Might be better items now(mainly just build randiuns because I would get Heart of Gold, and maybe better choices for Wits end now with the price increase for Attack speed items.)

5 PD and a BT


Money/time is the reason why I can't get into them.
Yeah it costs a small fortune here in Argentina to get into comics or whatever, which is the reason I stopped buying manga and never went back.

I got a ton of butchered manga collections, like one Death Note tankobon, two Hellsings, maybe half of Evangelion in Spain spanish and half in argie spanish, etc.

Stuff like that. It's just too much money.

If they don't have any relevant magic damage, you really don't :x Abyssal is still nice to have, though. If I recall, it actually takes quite a bit of MR for Void Staff to be more cost effective ... not that cost efficiency is that relevant in the late game argument.
Well of course if they're going AD comp or a Soraka support or something you won't find any use for it but on an underfarmed Ryze with a Lulu or a Sona or something, if you let him, he will get some strength back and you'll want to have the MR.

And yeah, I never ever buy Void Staff anymore. I gotta try it on Lux, because I may be wasting money if I'm not hitting anyone inside Abyss' range with her, but the MR is just too useful to compare, and people rarely even build armor/MR, at least the shit players I run into, so Abyss+Sorcs normally suffices.

Not even max CDR W spam is timed to it (2.4s vs 1.5s) which really hurts the usefulness of it. So, yeah, she doesn't really get the most out of it honestly. You get it eventually just to make the slot more efficient rather than because it's core on her.

Rylai's is just bad on her though. Your defensive AP item of choice is Zhonya's, not really Rylai's.
I like Zhonya's a lot but on Kat I leave it for last. I like a quick GA on her so you're a bit more sturdy.


And yeah, I never ever buy Void Staff anymore. I gotta try it on Lux, because I may be wasting money if I'm not hitting anyone inside Abyss' range with her, but the MR is just too useful to compare, and people rarely even build armor/MR, at least the shit players I run into, so Abyss+Sorcs normally suffices.

Bulwark alone means Void Staff is better net damage than Abyssal. And that's just based off the Aura + base MR. Remember, Void Staff kicks in before flat Spell Pen so it hits an effective -20 MR at 60 MR (~57ish but whatever, rounding).

But, yeah, it's a case-by-case thing.

I like Zhonya's a lot but on Kat I leave it for last. I like a quick GA on her so you're a bit more sturdy.

It depends on the team comp. Generally speaking, Zhonya's lets you do your job better than the GA since it gives you a good amount of AP for a negligible cost difference (500 Gold, no MR). Of course, if you don't actually use the Hourglass (or mistime it, etc. etc.) then it's not exactly being used to it's fullest.


Yeah it's just one of my go-to items.

GA, Athene's (I think Athene's got hit hard on S3 since now it's so much more effective to get damage) and Abyss, I <3 them all.


Yeah it's just one of my go-to items.

GA, Athene's (I think Athene's got hit hard on S3 since now it's so much more effective to get damage) and Abyss, I <3 them all.

Athene's got hit really hard. It lost around 650g worth of AP for a -150g change in price. Unless you're one of the AP Casters that needs like ... all of the Mana Regens* ever, Morellonomicon is a lot better for AP + CDR. Plus, cheaper!

Meanwhile, Morello sits at Riot HQ cackling.

*I really want to sit down and figure out how effective Chalice really is. It's +X% Mana Regen based on %Mana missing. So at half Mana, you gain 50% to your listed Regen. So @1000 Mana with 30 MP5, it takes ~83s to go from half to full. With Chalice, that would be ~55s. But, every tick of regen reduces the effect so, realistically, you're seeing about half that bonus from 50% Mana -> 100% Mana. This puts the time at close to 70s, not 55s.

Just random numbers and quick head math. Stuff like that makes me want to sit down and figure it out with real numbers but I haven't thought too hard on AP Mids that buy Athene's that I play. And then it's hard to really factor the on-kill/assist restore so eh.


*I really want to sit down and figure out how effective Chalice really is. It's +X% Mana Regen based on %Mana missing. So at half Mana, you gain 50% to your listed Regen. So @1000 Mana with 30 MP5, it takes ~83s to go from half to full. With Chalice, that would be ~55s. But, every tick of regen reduces the effect so, realistically, you're seeing about half that bonus from 50% Mana -> 100% Mana. This puts the time at close to 70s, not 55s.

Just random numbers and quick head math. Stuff like that makes me want to sit down and figure it out with real numbers but I haven't thought too hard on AP Mids that buy Athene's that I play. And then it's hard to really factor the on-kill/assist restore so eh.

I think you'll want to look more at it's regen from 0-50, since that's where it's strength lies and if there's enough regen to get enough mana to cast your spells between cooldowns then who cares if your pool is empty in the interim.


Ideally, you just want to keep your mana at the optimal % (<50%) to have good regen while having enough for a full combo. No reason to worry about time to refill to 100%.

Edit: Beaten.


I think you'll want to look more at it's regen from 0-50, since that's where it's strength lies and if there's enough regen to get enough mana to cast your spells between cooldowns then who cares if your pool is empty in the interim.

It also needs to be looked at how long does Mana Font delay the the 100->0 process in the first place. After that, yeah, the real concern is gain per cooldown rotation and not time-to-full or time-to-X% values. And even then, it's hard to say for sure unless you're literally spamming the spell every time it's up. Though, that's probably the ideal test case to work with anyway.

That said, it would basically just be figuring out Max Mana and then just calculate mana spent per rotation, mana gained during cooldowns, rinse, repeat until oom. And then look at how big of a deal it is to have X rotations from full to zero mana compared to Y.

Edit: Essentially, calculate all-out spell spam time-to-zero.


Athene's got hit really hard. It lost around 650g worth of AP for a -150g change in price. Unless you're one of the AP Casters that needs like ... all of the Mana Regens* ever, Morellonomicon is a lot better for AP + CDR. Plus, cheaper!

Meanwhile, Morello sits at Riot HQ cackling.

*I really want to sit down and figure out how effective Chalice really is. It's +X% Mana Regen based on %Mana missing. So at half Mana, you gain 50% to your listed Regen. So @1000 Mana with 30 MP5, it takes ~83s to go from half to full. With Chalice, that would be ~55s. But, every tick of regen reduces the effect so, realistically, you're seeing about half that bonus from 50% Mana -> 100% Mana. This puts the time at close to 70s, not 55s.

Just random numbers and quick head math. Stuff like that makes me want to sit down and figure it out with real numbers but I haven't thought too hard on AP Mids that buy Athene's that I play. And then it's hard to really factor the on-kill/assist restore so eh.
I'm buying it as a second item on Lux/Orianna/Anivia, but I'm gonna start trying Morello's on Lux. I have zero mana issues with Lux so Chalice is a bit overkill and Kage's awesome. I wish DFG still built off it.

On the mana regen affair, I love Chalice because it basically allows you to forever hover in the 50% mana region, unless you're Anivia.


I was actually just asking about the numbers on this, both in the lobby and on another forum. If I'm understanding correctly (I need scy to run the numbers through various seasons and Eve and DFG iterations), when Eve was at her best, if fed and she had like 400-600 AP, she could do maybe 60-65% HP damage using DFG and ult to a single target. Since she's an assassin, I personally think that's feasible. Yes she is good at chasing down a single target if they're alone, but again, assassin. Now, with reduced scaling, it's like 35-45% max HP from DFG and ult combined? Then whatever else results from DFG-enhanced magic.

Are you playing AD carries when this happens? If you're with at least one other player, unless the Eve is fed, I don't think this should be happening. And if the Eve is fed, then it's a fed assassin, and I think nuking an AD carry is something assassins typically do.

On an unrelated note, I like the cowboy beep-boop joke.

Eh no. All eve had to do late game is DFG, ult and E and that'll pop a GA or one shot them. W out with no punishment.

I'm being tower dove by evelyn who are underfarmed and underleveled. I'm a level 10 miss fortune getting one shot from 100% life at my own bloody turret by a level 9 eve who is 1/3/2


Eh no. All eve had to do late game is DFG, ult and E and that'll pop a GA or one shot them. W out with no punishment.

I'm being tower dove by evelyn who are underfarmed and underleveled. I'm a level 10 miss fortune getting one shot from 100% life at my own bloody turret by a level 9 eve who is 1/3/2
You keep saying "one shot". Do you mean R + E? DFG + R + E? R with nothing else? Using more than one ability sounds like the more than "one shot" to me. :p

Secondly, can someone run the damage numbers on this? Just off the top of my head, I thought both DFG and R have their max magic damage set as % total enemy HP. This means that unless they have crazy magic pen (Eve does build that, we'd need to know your Miss Fortune magic resist), their max early game will be limited to 35 (45?)% max health, or whatever the minimum value of DFG + R is. Maybe the pure minimum flat damage of R + E is enough to do 100% of Miss Fortune's health at level 10 from a level 9 Eve but I find that hard to believe.

Thirdly, I would almost be surprised if Eve managed to get DFG by level 9 while going 1/3/2 unless they were rushing it as the first item, let alone consistently do so. And I think someone was just posting on here or saying in the lobby that rushing DFG first on Eve is not very good anymore.


You keep saying "one shot". Do you mean R + E? DFG + R + E? R with nothing else? Using more than one ability sounds like the more than "one shot" to me. :p

Secondly, can someone run the damage numbers on this? Just off the top of my head, I thought both DFG and R have their max magic damage set as % total enemy HP. This means that unless they have crazy magic pen (Eve does build that, we'd need to know your Miss Fortune magic resist), their max early game will be limited to 35 (45?)% max health, or whatever the minimum value of DFG + R is. Maybe the pure minimum flat damage of R + E is enough to do 100% of Miss Fortune's health at level 10 from a level 9 Eve but I find that hard to believe.

Thirdly, I would almost be surprised if Eve managed to get DFG by level 9 while going 1/3/2 unless they were rushing it as the first item, let alone consistently do so. And I think someone was just posting on here or saying in the lobby that rushing DFG first on Eve is not very good anymore.

Lots of people use "one shot" to mean 100-0 in a few seconds. It bothers me, but that's how it is.

Playing Eve as she is now, she does a lot of damage once she hits levels 5+ and you can outtrade/force out most mids in lane around then without any items. Whoever said rushing DFG first on Eve is bad is clearly wrong. It's one of the strongest items in the game for burst mages right now.


You keep saying "one shot". Do you mean R + E? DFG + R + E? R with nothing else? Using more than one ability sounds like the more than "one shot" to me. :p
Yeah, typically "one shotting" people means using a characters complete combo in LoL, since essentially only Nidalee sniping squishies or a fed Veigar can actually oneshot someone. It's a bit wrong, but flows easier off the tongue than "one comboing" someone.
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