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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I keep hearing nerf this, nerf that on new champs but nothing about buffs on Sejuani, Riot why you no love the under-used champs :'(.
Didn't Rengar have a terrible win rate? Then people realized AP could work in some situations, people complained about that, Riot nerfed the AP and buffed a couple of other things, and suddenly Rengar apparently has a 60% win rate? I don't know that people will ever be happy. :p I guess balancing is difficult though.

Zone Control champs should be a good matchup for Evelynn, assuming you don't try and hang back at the edge of their range. Evelynn is best suited for being aggressive in lane, pushing lane and then roaming. Zoning champs don't do well with champs that easily get in their face. Especially so on skillshot champs where you can just outplay them and safely be aggressive in lane.
I may just be a terrible Eve, but I think the idea is that if you're pushing with Morde and have max shield, or if you have a couple of plants/guns up, if Eve tries to be aggressive on you and trade damage, she's going to take full damage from the minion wave plus the guns/plants and not going to be able to farm as many minions in exchange. Picking someone squishy against Eve seems like asking for trouble unless you get a kill early though. That's another thing that might work -- get an early kill and end up a level or two ahead of her (can also happen if she roams to a side lane and fails a gank, thus losing a level), then outdamage her if she doesn't have DFG + ult up yet.


Didn't Rengar have a terrible win rate? Then people realized AP could work in some situations, people complained about that, Riot nerfed the AP and buffed a couple of other htings, and suddenly Rengar apparently has a 60% win rate? I don't know that people will ever be happy. :p I guess balancing is difficult though.

The sad part is that Rengar merely got quality of life changes (smoothed out how jumping works, fixed issues with his auto attack on skill use) and not really any significant buffs to his Q/E. He was basically this good before, though the no cast time W really does help him out.

I may just be a terrible Eve, but I think the idea is that if you're pushing with Morde and have max shield, or if you have a couple of plants/guns up, if Eve tries to be aggressive on you and trade damage, she's going to take full damage from the minion wave plus the guns/plants and not going to be able to farm as many minions in exchange.

Why would you try to go on Morde when he has full shield? Or if plants are actively up? No real comment on Heimer since nobody really plays him so I can't comment on how to deal with that. Eve's stealth means that she picks when she tries to harass so you force your opponent to be overly cautious or to spend resources to keep your harass from being as effective.

Eve's play style is getting in a few hits whenever you can. Get Tough Skin and some defensive Masteries if you fear low level minion damage. Clear minion waves rather than trying to always stabilize lane (especially against most zone champs who can wipe out waves just as aggressively). Take wraiths whenever you can
even if your jungler complains

Granted, you have more experience with Eve than me but I see her as a similar to Kat mid as for general laning playstyle.


The sad part is that Rengar merely got quality of life changes (smoothed out how jumping works, fixed issues with his auto attack on skill use) and not really any significant buffs to his Q/E. He was basically this good before, though the no cast time W really does help him out.
Release Rengar was garbage and clunky as fuck, anyone can escape the jump even when u use the E slow and if u used ferocity E then ur sacrificing damage. E didnt even proc sheen which made trinity really bad on him since only his W proc it.

his quality of life changes were huge:
*much much better jumps from a bush or an ultimate.
*on the fly w.
* E proc sheen.

the buffs:
*movement speed increase in ultimate.
*late game Q buff.

remove buffs, tone down the Q ferocity and W healing.

Rengar currently is a better version of renekton (similar to Darius > Garen argument) with much better late game and sustain.


Scy, I believe this will be true for you no matter the role you choose to play. Even support. :p

"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm taking Wra---oh, right, I'm top lane. My bad."


And take the enemies wraiths when your lane is pushed and you know where their jungler is ;)

Yup. I love pushing lane, grabbing wraiths, and then roaming to bot. Or maybe getting lucky and catching their jungler mid taking their red. So good.

Release Rengar was garbage and clunky as fuck, anyone can escape the jump even when u use the E slow and if u used ferocity E then ur sacrificing damage. E didnt even proc sheen which made trinity really bad on him since only his W proc it.

The jump was awkward. Mostly from ult just due to the lack of a good speed increase to really get that "hunting down your prey" feel to it. Then there's just the kind of awkward firing it had. It's been smoothed out but I wouldn't necessarily claim it to be one of his game changing adjustments, however. Just something that makes playing him not feel so clunky. I still felt he was fairly good in the top lane before his tweaks when AD.

As for his E, I think it is the best part of his laning phase to be honest. Unless you're in a situation where you're in dire need of wave clear, maxing E first is arguably his better choice. Resource-less ranged harass that deals good damage by itself is just hard to give up. Plus the extra slow helps his jumps out immensely for jump harassment. W's heal doesn't require more points so you don't even sacrifice healing to do this and his Q at Level 1 is perfectly fine for laning phase.

* E proc sheen.

Honestly, Trinity Force isn't even a good item on him in general.
LoL-GAF this is a heavy post.

My father has passed.

I share this with you because you guys really are a community to me. You've put up with me for more than a year (almost two now, I think...), from when I had to pester everyone via PM to join games to making the OT2 and OT3... from my horrible Cait games to my not-quite-so-horrible Ez games, from questionable JARVAN ULTS and post game salt...

You guys put up with me through it all and formed a friendly community where I could retreat to for a while while I led the family in my father's stead as he fought pancreatic cancer. I know we snipe at each other at times, but it's all in good fun, and while we bitch and complain a bit... we hit "Accept" when we get those in-house SR/ARAM invites.

Thanks guys. It's meant a world to me. To more games to come (yes, I will play even as I do a joint Masters program)!


Sorry for your loss man. I know what you're going through having lost a parent to cancer as well. You've got a good head on your shoulders though so stay strong.
I'll see if I find time to play tonight. I really want to and need it. I unfortunately cannot grieve outloud too much right now since my mom and sister are now entirely dependent on me, so I'll be grieving later. I'm sure they'll forgive a game of LoL tonight.

Sorry for your loss.

I'm also sorry for your loss.

sorry for your loss

I know this is a particular bit of awfully corny black humor, but the first thing that came to mind was

"Man, I hope I can get a Loss Forgiven"



Tragic victim of fan death
LoL-GAF this is a heavy post.

My father has passed.

I share this with you because you guys really are a community to me. You've put up with me for more than a year (almost two now, I think...), from when I had to pester everyone via PM to join games to making the OT2 and OT3... from my horrible Cait games to my not-quite-so-horrible Ez games, from questionable JARVAN ULTS and post game salt...

You guys put up with me through it all and formed a friendly community where I could retreat to for a while while I led the family in my father's stead as he fought pancreatic cancer. I know we snipe at each other at times, but it's all in good fun, and while we bitch and complain a bit... we hit "Accept" when we get those in-house SR/ARAM invites.

Thanks guys. It's meant a world to me. To more games to come (yes, I will play even as I do a joint Masters program)!

Oh man... I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it's like to lose a family member.


LoL-GAF this is a heavy post.

My father has passed.

I share this with you because you guys really are a community to me. You've put up with me for more than a year (almost two now, I think...), from when I had to pester everyone via PM to join games to making the OT2 and OT3... from my horrible Cait games to my not-quite-so-horrible Ez games, from questionable JARVAN ULTS and post game salt...

You guys put up with me through it all and formed a friendly community where I could retreat to for a while while I led the family in my father's stead as he fought pancreatic cancer. I know we snipe at each other at times, but it's all in good fun, and while we bitch and complain a bit... we hit "Accept" when we get those in-house SR/ARAM invites.

Thanks guys. It's meant a world to me. To more games to come (yes, I will play even as I do a joint Masters program)!

u da man southern

we can gripe about our master's programs together, though I'm sure yours is more rigorous


Neo Member
I've gone through that too Southern, and man it was tough. Always is when it's someone so close. Condolences for you and stay strong!


I know this is a particular bit of awfully corny black humor, but the first thing that came to mind was

"Man, I hope I can get a Loss Forgiven"


Maybe if we ask nicely we can get you a Teacher Caitlyn skin.



Mech KZ is less awesome than I expected it to be.


After playing some games on Syndra yesterday, here are my thoughts:

She's mad fun to play. Setting up Q->E combos for stuns make you feel amazing.

I frequently overestimate the range of my E and mess up Q->E combos.

Gotta level W first, best damage, range & AP ratios.

W is screwy and if you throw minions they won't always explode on impact because they bug with terrain. This bug sorely needs to be fixed for Syndra to be worth anything. I've had many occasions where I Q+E stun, then W->W a minion on them and they leave the area after the minion lands but before it explodes.

She has a good wave clear time that will let her roam and help other lanes.

Her ult requires you to get really close compared to her other abilities so I wouldn't suggest saving it to burst a carry, and instead just use it on whoever wanders too close and shotgun the orbs into their team for AOE stun. Would also not suggest going for a 6-7 orbs until you feel more comfortable with Syndra's kit.

Her AP ratios really kinda suck so my build has been pure armor pen and CDR. Sorc shoes, DFG, Athene's, Abyssal, Void Staff, & Zhonya's in no particular order.

Laning-wise, she has really good range + harass with her W. It's like Galio's Q but buggy. She also probably can't guarantee a burst until the enemy is sub 50% hp, unlike other burst carries that will do from 75%+.


After playing some games on Syndra yesterday, here are my thoughts:

She's mad fun to play. Setting up Q->E combos for stuns make you feel amazing.

I frequently overestimate the range of my E and mess up Q->E combos.

Gotta level W first, best damage, range & AP ratios.

W is screwy and if you throw minions they won't always explode on impact because they bug with terrain. This bug sorely needs to be fixed for Syndra to be worth anything. I've had many occasions where I Q+E stun, then W->W a minion on them and they leave the area after the minion lands but before it explodes.

She has a good wave clear time that will let her roam and help other lanes.

Her ult requires you to get really close compared to her other abilities so I wouldn't suggest saving it to burst a carry, and instead just use it on whoever wanders too close and shotgun the orbs into their team for AOE stun. Would also not suggest going for a 6-7 orbs until you feel more comfortable with Syndra's kit.

Her AP ratios really kinda suck so my build has been pure armor pen and CDR. Sorc shoes, DFG, Athene's, Abyssal, Void Staff, & Zhonya's in no particular order.

Laning-wise, she has really good range + harass with her W. It's like Galio's Q but buggy. She also probably can't guarantee a burst until the enemy is sub 50% hp, unlike other burst carries that will do from 75%+.

so high risk shit reward ?
she will be buffed eventually anyway.


High risk? Not really. She has really long range on her abilities except for the ult so her harass in lane is really good, plus her q+e is near instant and has about the same range as jayce's combo which you can use to set up for w or ult. She also has a good auto attack compared to most mids so csing is easy even at early levels.


Southern :(

After playing some games on Syndra yesterday, here are my thoughts:

Her Q range feels a tad short compared to other mids though my largest complaint would be the Q animation is a bit too long before it deals damage. Her E range is a bit short but I suppose it has to be since it'd be such a ridiculously good knockback otherwise. Her ult range is just awkward period. Her coming buff (+10 Q damage, +.1 Q ratio, -10 Q Mana cost) will probably put her Q back up. Maybe? We'll see.

Kha'zix will probably hit when her buff goes live, dunno which I want to try to play more of yet!

High risk? Not really. She has really long range on her abilities except for the ult so her harass in lane is really good, plus her q+e is near instant and has about the same range as jayce's combo which you can use to set up for w or ult. She also has a good auto attack compared to most mids so csing is easy even at early levels.

I'd say she actually doesn't have that great of a range for mid. At least as far a her Q harass is concerned. Her Q>E can be used to setup some damage but it's also her escape (outside of Flash) so that's worth a thought as well.


Her Q range feels a tad short compared to other mids though my largest complaint would be the Q animation is a bit too long before it deals damage. Her E range is a bit short but I suppose it has to be since it'd be such a ridiculously good knockback otherwise. Her ult range is just awkward period. Her coming buff (+10 Q damage, +.1 Q ratio, -10 Q Mana cost) will probably put her Q back up. Maybe? We'll see.
Regarding Q: I think you really should be using Q as setup for Q+E/Ult and W for harass. Even with the Q buffs listed W still scales better and has better base damage and range. If you do land the W then the Q is easy to hit right after.

I'd say she actually doesn't have that great of a range for mid. At least as far a her Q harass is concerned. Her Q>E can be used to setup some damage but it's also her escape (outside of Flash) so that's worth a thought as well.

Really? I guess it's because I'm used to playing Annie mid so having spell ranges beyond my AA are "long" to me. Looking at other mids like Ahri, Cassiopeia, Galio, TF, her W range is somewhere in between them all and I'm pretty sure her Q+E combo is greater than her W range. So while not the best range like lux/tf/gragas, I'd say she's got a decent one.


Regarding Q: I think you really should be using Q as setup for Q+E/Ult and W for harass. Even with the Q buffs listed W still scales better and has better base damage and range. If you do land the W then the Q is easy to hit right after.

You get more Qs per W and Q will be more mana efficient than her W. W is easier to land (and slows) while being better damage per cast, however.

Edit: I do think you're right for where she is now with her W harass. We'll see how it changes come her buff. I think she needs more than this Q/R tweak, though, but we'll see.


Junior Member
Man, my condolences Southern. Meet some friends, go out into nature,m play LoL. Just have a good time, you hear me?

Also, Teemo pulls blue... blue chases so far thanks to poison he resets. Worst start ever.
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