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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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You get more Qs per W and Q will be more mana efficient than her W. W is easier to land (and slows) while being better damage per cast, however.

Edit: I do think you're right for where she is now with her W harass. We'll see how it changes come her buff. I think she needs more than this Q/R tweak, though, but we'll see.

Hmm. I did the math and if you land a W->Q combo @ lvl 5, you have the same damage at 50 AP if you have rank 3 W and rank 1 Q as you do with rank 3 Q and rank 1 W. Makes sense since both spells scale at the same rate (+40 dmg per rank), so really the only benefit of leveling W is to use it in combo to harass more often and the added slow for escapes. On the other hand, not leveling W will give a cheaper up front cost to attempt harassing and you don't have to commit until you land the W, and make you more useful in team fights when you can land multiple Qs in short succession.

Conclusion: Going to level Q first over W, but still harass with W and be sure to follow up with a Q when they hit. Harassing with Q is still kinda risky since even when you land it there's no stopping them from trading back just as hard and is probably better used to focus on farming and clearing creep waves. Until the patch though, W still has a better rank 1 than Q, so until then I'll still probably go W->Q->E or W->Q->Q for levels 1-3.


Also, Teemo pulls blue... blue chases so far thanks to poison he resets. Worst start ever.
Could be worse, poison could have stolen blue.

If your Teemo is starting with poison and he's pulling for you, ask him to wait till after he pulls to slot poison dart.

If the enemy invades he can still just quickly select it.


@Syndra: They buffed her range. Her W range :| She did get a few more tweaks though (W range, E range, projectile speed on her E). Should be interesting.

No KZ this patch though :(


Holy crap it's FeederStar. Welcome back!

I fixed it for you. You don't have to thank me.


Edit: I should probably post something constructive.

After playing with gaf quite a bit the last 2 weeks, i've realized that I usually end up playing ADC. Its actually my favorite role, but it does get boring after awhile. It seems like we all usually play the same role and what not when we do the normal drafts, and its normal and all, but I still feel like I should try-hard and play something i'm comfortable with. Do you guys feel the same? I'd like to just queue normal blind picks with new champs, and take the pressure off, while still playing with people I know.

This game is seriously the worst game to play by yourself.


@Syndra: They buffed her range. Her W range :| She did get a few more tweaks though (W range, E range, projectile speed on her E). Should be interesting.

No KZ this patch though :(

Still single target ult, right now nearly all viable mid have some kind of aoe ultimate. Syndra can do sustain damage, but she is not tanky like ryze, and her CD isn't as spamable as cass...

One big advantage syndra had is she can pull one enemy minion closer to your tower, so the wave will stop and fight near your tower instead of in the middle.


Anyone good at top lane can tell me, how the heck you fight against Jayce? Beside picking Rengar -.-.


Skarner my man! My journey out of ELO hell so far.



Tragic victim of fan death
Still single target ult, right now nearly all viable mid have some kind of aoe ultimate. Syndra can do sustain damage, but she is not tanky like ryze, and her CD isn't as spamable as cass...

One big advantage syndra had is she can pull one enemy minion closer to your tower, so the wave will stop and fight near your tower instead of in the middle.


Anyone good at top lane can tell me, how the heck you fight against Jayce? Beside picking Rengar -.-.

Ask Dyrus. Use Champion Select and see what counters show up. Other than that... idk.


Anyone good at top lane can tell me, how the heck you fight against Jayce? Beside picking Rengar -.-.

He's actually fairly squishy. His E at low levels isn't amazing (40 Damage + 8% HP, +30 Damage/3% HP per rank) so you're basically going to try to make the best out of the early levels. Alternatively, you can hope that he's leveling Q first.

Yorick does well against him, Teemo is probably one the best top-lane bruiser counters in general. Cho'gath, Rengar, Riven, Lee Sin can also handle the match up.

Edit: Oh yeah, Kayle top isn't a fun match up either.
LoL-GAF this is a heavy post.

My father has passed.

I share this with you because you guys really are a community to me. You've put up with me for more than a year (almost two now, I think...), from when I had to pester everyone via PM to join games to making the OT2 and OT3... from my horrible Cait games to my not-quite-so-horrible Ez games, from questionable JARVAN ULTS and post game salt...

You guys put up with me through it all and formed a friendly community where I could retreat to for a while while I led the family in my father's stead as he fought pancreatic cancer. I know we snipe at each other at times, but it's all in good fun, and while we bitch and complain a bit... we hit "Accept" when we get those in-house SR/ARAM invites.

Thanks guys. It's meant a world to me. To more games to come (yes, I will play even as I do a joint Masters program)!

I'm very sorry to hear that Southern. I almost lost my parents a short while ago so I've become a bit sensitive to things concerning them and others as a result.

I knew someone who was in your position. His father had passed away and he felt he had to take his place as the head of the household and provide support for his mother and sister. I'm not really sure what advice I could give to someone in that position but I'll give it a shot.

Losing someone close to you is a very traumatic ordeal that I don't think ever gets any easier to deal with. You should remember that trying to fill the void your father has left behind is likely an impossible task. With that in mind, don't push yourself too hard, just being there for your family is probably the most important thing that you can do for them right now. I think your family will understand this, and that you need time to grieve at some point as well.

Hopefully after some time has passed, you will have become a stronger person as a result of this ordeal. Until then, please take care of yourself.


I fixed it for you. You don't have to thank me.


Edit: I should probably post something constructive.

After playing with gaf quite a bit the last 2 weeks, i've realized that I usually end up playing ADC. Its actually my favorite role, but it does get boring after awhile. It seems like we all usually play the same role and what not when we do the normal drafts, and its normal and all, but I still feel like I should try-hard and play something i'm comfortable with. Do you guys feel the same? I'd like to just queue normal blind picks with new champs, and take the pressure off, while still playing with people I know.

This game is seriously the worst game to play by yourself.

The game if definitely more enjoyable with a group of friends. I usually don't have the patience to wait on others and just solo queue rank. Lately tho, I'll play with 4 other friends and I'm having a blast KSing, giving them bad advice to see them die and then laugh at them hysterically, and just messing around. Definitely a more relax setting.

Skarner my man! My journey out of ELO hell so far.
Here's a secret, it's impossible to escape ELO hell!


Doing terribly in every game I'm playing. Good to know LoL is no exception...
fucking randoms on duo q (Amumu getting killed by golems...)


LoL-GAF this is a heavy post.

My father has passed.

I share this with you because you guys really are a community to me. You've put up with me for more than a year (almost two now, I think...), from when I had to pester everyone via PM to join games to making the OT2 and OT3... from my horrible Cait games to my not-quite-so-horrible Ez games, from questionable JARVAN ULTS and post game salt...

You guys put up with me through it all and formed a friendly community where I could retreat to for a while while I led the family in my father's stead as he fought pancreatic cancer. I know we snipe at each other at times, but it's all in good fun, and while we bitch and complain a bit... we hit "Accept" when we get those in-house SR/ARAM invites.

Thanks guys. It's meant a world to me. To more games to come (yes, I will play even as I do a joint Masters program)!

Man, im so sorry :(
I know words dont describe this feeling and take your time with everything.
Whatever you need badgaf is here for you! And if you need a bad skarner in the jungle, im your man


i owned a jayce in farming with rengar and got 3 kills from roaming while he got 1 but he was destroying me in lvl 14, the only thing i did wrong was buying mercury because their mid was owning ours and he bought ninja tabi.
i really dont know what went wrong in this game but jayce seems to scale much better than rengar while rengar is only good for assassination squishies.


i owned a jayce in farming with rengar and got 3 kills from roaming while he got 1 but he was destroying me in lvl 14, the only thing i did wrong was buying mercury because their mid was owning ours and he bought ninja tabi.
i really dont know what went wrong in this game but jayce seems to scale much better than rengar while rengar is only good for assassination squishies.

Rengar destroys Jayce in lane. Your early game is better than his and you'll deal damage faster than him for quite awhile. His disengage isn't scary when an Empowered W outheals the damage it does. Q>W>E and max E first. You can E him when he goes to cs/harass you and you can outsustain him. Hop to him constantly to put pressure down. There's no reason for him to win lane and you should beat him in late game trades.

Also, generally speaking, Mercury Treads are the best call for vs Jayce in lane. His Hammer E and on-hit from R are Magic damage. If he levels Q first, you don't care since you'll win anyway.

oboy, time to spend my RP.


Is it possible that that's an overreaction based on people's lack of experience and we should wait a few weeks to be sure?

Possibly, more likely it's me getting my ass kicked because I'm used to her attacks doing less damage so I'm not being careful enough. But I did get my ass kicked by syndra in mid like 3 times today so it's not like I said that after one game against her :p


i got my ass kicked as swain too, was very surprised how much harass can she do without starving for mana, guess that mana reduction was really good for her.


the real question about khazix is what to evolve.
maybe Q R then E ?
Based on the small amount of time I've played him I can't see it being much different from those 3. Evolving W seems to be if you're absolutely behind and can't do anything, even then I'm not sure as a longer leap is so good for getting away.

I actually may prefer Q/E/R.


Possibly, more likely it's me getting my ass kicked because I'm used to her attacks doing less damage so I'm not being careful enough. But I did get my ass kicked by syndra in mid like 3 times today so it's not like I said that after one game against her :p

I'm looking forward to her, I did "okay" with her in lane when I tried. Should be that much better now.

And now Kha'zix to look forward to. Ohboy.

the real question about khazix is what to evolve.
maybe Q R then E ?

R if you plan to dive earlier, E for ganks, Q for damage. Probably QER with the R first if you have tower dive plans (and/or team fighting earlier). At least, that's how I look at it so far.

Should be interesting to see how that works out.


Kha'zix's skin is more expensive than usual if you don't buy the bundle. If skins are your thing and you think you might want it, better spring for the bundle.


Kha'zix's skin is more expensive than usual if you don't buy the bundle. If skins are your thing and you think you might want it, better spring for the bundle.

yeah, its almost legendary (even got a different joke). bundle is a must if u want to buy him with rp.
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