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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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After tinkering around with some files.





I think it looks pretty good.

Might do more of these.


I am Homie
I have 3411 rp to blow thanks to the fact that I just discovered refunds. I already own most of the champs I am interested in (own 29 of them) and the remaining 3 that I really think would be cool are Varus, Volibear and Ziggs. I could afford all 3 of them, but I'm wondering if I should use the rp for the 7 page rune pack or something else. Anyone have suggestions?

edit: I got the 3 champs AND Warwick since he is on sale. :)


wow solo queue hurts my head

I get lectured on how to play ezreal by a guy whos probably in 1000elo because I get flash/ignite in less than a minute


formerly sane
The more I play Draven, the more I wonder why more people aren't playing Draven. Literally the only other carry he has trouble against is Graves.

Cause most carries vs each other comes more down to skill and their teammates than just being 1v1 vs the adc. Any adc that is hasn't been fed or massively farmed should be no problem vs another adc that has some form of decent farming and protection in most team situations.
The more I play Draven, the more I wonder why more people aren't playing Draven. Literally the only other carry he has trouble against is Graves.

I know right? Draven is probably the strongest AD Carry. When you manage both the spinning axes and blood rush it's magical. So much damage.

Did one for Ahri too. Had to use some paint magic since the large splash wasn't wide enough. IF anyone wants these send me a PM.

Continuing the DOMination. I like Caitlyn. Her traps are good and the long range is useful for staying out of danger while attacking.

Compared to other carries though her damage is a bit lacking. I mean her passive has her do 150% damage for the headshot.

Draven's Q, which can be used multiple times within a short period of time, does 185% damage and a 4 second bleed, not to mention blood rush giving you 40-50% attack speed I think every time you catch one.

Pretty sure 1v1 Caitlyn would lose everytime if they have similar items.


formerly sane
I know right? Draven is probably the strongest AD Carry. When you manage both the spinning axes and blood rush it's magical. So much damage.

That the problem managing them is a pain and isn't as easy as other adcs which only require one or two button pushes to take make the most of a moment.


Catching axes is not that hard in lane but in team fights it's more difficult given that you have to be dodge skill shots, avoiding AOE, running from guys trying to dive you, etc. He also has no dash-style move and only a minimal CC-style move.


Been having one of those weeks randoms keep ruining your matches. Maokai support that builds full AP, guy that says "I'll play Jayce anywhere", so many facecheckers...


What happened to seeing your highest ranked ELO in the client for the season? I just remembered that I had a 1322 ELO or something after my placement matches; would that get me the Janna skin even though I had that rating a long time ago?
What happened to seeing your highest ranked ELO in the client for the season? I just remembered that I had a 1322 ELO or something after my placement matches; would that get me the Janna skin even though I had that rating a long time ago?

I think its your rating at the end of season 2, and is 1322 even high enough for gold rating?


I think its your rating at the end of season 2, and is 1322 even high enough for gold rating?

Oh, it's 1500 for gold right? Not sure why I keep thinking it's 1300. I'm probably just trying to come up with as many excuses to not play more LoL than I need to.


The more I play Draven, the more I wonder why more people aren't playing Draven. Literally the only other carry he has trouble against is Graves.

Draven is a great example of a champion with clear upsides and downsides.

He's amazing -- seemingly OP -- if you can get the enemy ADC/team on their backfoot and in retreat. He is much less powerful in "fair fights" or if he is in retreat himself.
Oh, it's 1500 for gold right? Not sure why I keep thinking it's 1300. I'm probably just trying to come up with as many excuses to not play more LoL than I need to.

Yea I think its 1500 for gold, but I haven't really looked into it cause this game is garbage.


Got carried by Pentakill Rengar. Our Vayne was useless and blamed pings for lagging his microwave computer.
Sona Time!

Draven is a great example of a champion with clear upsides and downsides.

He's amazing -- seemingly OP -- if you can get the enemy ADC/team on their backfoot and in retreat. He is much less powerful in "fair fights" or if he is in retreat himself.

I'd say he has the advantage even if he's the one retreating.

Like this.

It's hard to do especially if you're being hit with CC, but I've been practicing this in Dominion and you can pretty much neuter melee champs if you do it right. This is even with constant slows like Olaf's axe. If they don't have hard CC that lasts long enough you can kite them to death.

Today I learned the power of magic penetration. With it I noticed I was doing more damage and was even able to gib Ezreal while I was hiding in a bush on two occasions. I think I'll work towards getting a proper AD rune page, because right now it's pretty messed up.

Must. Resist. ASking. For. Link.

You know you want it.

Lux time soon I'm hoping!

Hmm, it would be if there were any suitable images to use. I'm sure they'll cook up something good eventually.


Chogath does pretty well vs Jayce if you're not dumb like me and just eat a billion auto attacks at level 1-2.

And rengar poops on everybody


QOL buffs to rengar made him op, and on top of that his q late game damage got a buff.

they should tune down q and w early game and he will be fine.
Chogath does pretty well vs Jayce if you're not dumb like me and just eat a billion auto attacks at level 1-2.

And rengar poops on everybody
chogath is the best anti caster in the game. On top of that his ultimate make him very good against true damage.
i saw aphromo play draven with janna support against graves, his micro was a work of art and he made graves useless.

Draven and Janna is probably the strongest bottom lane in the game, even against something like Graves/Taric.

Aphromoo is probably the best Draven in the world right now.
Why you calling out Flare bro?

Why aren't you on more often and what do I need to do to get my feeding support back?

Cause flare is the only one willing to do stupid
team comps.

I only come on to buy my skins/champs during sales.

I swear I wasn't trying to feed, support teemo doesn't need wards, and atmogs on teemo is a viable build for sure man!
this is a joke before the rest of the thread thinks I'm serious


What happened to seeing your highest ranked ELO in the client for the season? I just remembered that I had a 1322 ELO or something after my placement matches; would that get me the Janna skin even though I had that rating a long time ago?

I was wondering this too. My highest was 1800s, but now it shows 1650, which is around where I'm stuck at lol.

Chogath does pretty well vs Jayce if you're not dumb like me and just eat a billion auto attacks at level 1-2.

And rengar poops on everybody

Yeah, I can fight Jayce really well with Cho. I think Cho can actually handle himself vs most champs top. The only true matchup that owns me thus far top is Rumble. I have no clue what to do about flamesplitter and can't sustain long enough.

Rengar is starting to see regular bans in queue now.


I was wondering this too. My highest was 1800s, but now it shows 1650, which is around where I'm stuck at lol.

They only kept record of your highest ELO from the time the announcement post was made (to be specific the patch that night that implemented the announcement changes). So whatever your ELO was on 9-13-2012 is where they started keeping track. If you were higher before then, tough luck.

is there a picture of said skin?

Don't think so. :/
ah gold :( that seems so high, my friends are below that and I'm not better than them for sure. One of those few times where money can't buy me that skin :'(. I appreciate that they are making it exclusive for being a highly rated player though.
Matchmaking in action? I make a solid 9 win streak. I was hoping to get the full then but then... 6 lose streak.

Oh god every lane is buffet for the enemy team, what do I do? One game I went Morg and denied Kass really HARD. By the end of the match he only had like 70 cs, but other lanes were feeding equally as hard. I landed many stuns, I saved so many lives with clutch roots and shields and still lose. Teammates were namecalling each other but I refused to talk (except for MIA calls and pings) because it'll just give me headaches. Our Yi got fed up of going 0/8 so he blames everyone then plays even worse "to punish bad teammates". WTF

Next game I went solo Ez vs Nunu. Farmed really well and got two kills. Every lane is feeding again. I did all I could. I ended up 6/2/5 after 30 minutes. I did not care if I killsteal or stole red when Warwick called for it late game when I'm the one dealing damage and keeping buffs for longer than a minute. What do I do? The enemy team started stacking armor, which means LW. But Swain was going 15/2 which means I should also get Executioner's Calling. During the last agonizing minutes of that match, online friend messages mey "HEY BRO wanna make a 3 team" I was like "K".


Ultra gankydyr. Wukong was getting beaten up by Graves and Galio, but that was a difficult lane to gank. I told Kass I'll constantly gank mid so we can take the tower ASAP and help top. Annie rendered useless and still builds crappy items.

Early incessant enemy invasion that got us 3-0. Denied Lux farm by constantly pushing. Bot lane was roflstomping even when it eventually became 2v3. Enemy team calling the clan "Epik Fail". I died because I wanted to walk into the fountain then ult->zhonya but I got slowed along the way. :(

Why are my last matches almost always polar extremes?



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
My job will NOT give me perks to go to this so I'd have to spend my OWN MONEY like a JOKER.

Worth it? Advise me GAF.
Think about the skin you'll get! I dunno cost is all relative, but it's not really a common opportunity.
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