Matchmaking in action? I make a solid 9 win streak. I was hoping to get the full then but then... 6 lose streak.
Oh god every lane is buffet for the enemy team, what do I do? One game I went Morg and denied Kass really HARD. By the end of the match he only had like 70 cs, but other lanes were feeding equally as hard. I landed many stuns, I saved so many lives with clutch roots and shields and still lose. Teammates were namecalling each other but I refused to talk (except for MIA calls and pings) because it'll just give me headaches. Our Yi got fed up of going 0/8 so he blames everyone then plays even worse "to punish bad teammates". WTF
Next game I went solo Ez vs Nunu. Farmed really well and got two kills. Every lane is feeding again. I did all I could. I ended up 6/2/5 after 30 minutes. I did not care if I killsteal or stole red when Warwick called for it late game when I'm the one dealing damage and keeping buffs for longer than a minute. What do I do? The enemy team started stacking armor, which means LW. But Swain was going 15/2 which means I should also get Executioner's Calling. During the last agonizing minutes of that match, online friend messages mey "HEY BRO wanna make a 3 team" I was like "K".
Ultra gankydyr. Wukong was getting beaten up by Graves and Galio, but that was a difficult lane to gank. I told Kass I'll constantly gank mid so we can take the tower ASAP and help top. Annie rendered useless and still builds crappy items.
Early incessant enemy invasion that got us 3-0. Denied Lux farm by constantly pushing. Bot lane was roflstomping even when it eventually became 2v3. Enemy team calling the clan "Epik Fail". I died because I wanted to walk into the fountain then ult->zhonya but I got slowed along the way.
Why are my last matches almost always polar extremes?
After you get comfortable with Udyr in jungle (boy he is fun) get rid of the wriggles and go straight merc treads -> wits end -> phage -> sheen -> triforce
I promise you will like