That was me earlier this week. I built Phage first and someone got mad at me. I guess you're not supposed to do that anymore or something.So many Wukongs today.
All useless.
That was me earlier this week. I built Phage first and someone got mad at me. I guess you're not supposed to do that anymore or something.So many Wukongs today.
All useless.
I can't stand it when people bitch about the items you decide to make for your champ. Especially when it's a completely reasonable choice. I would of told them to fuck off personally. Phage is perfectly reasonable.
That was me earlier this week. I built Phage first and someone got mad at me. I guess you're not supposed to do that anymore or something.
I can't stand it when people bitch about the items you decide to make for your champ. Especially when it's a completely reasonable choice. I would of told them to fuck off personally. Phage is perfectly reasonable.
Just sounds like someone who thinks they should only build the best for that role which is a stupid idea to begin with.
Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and say I think you're all pretty great.
My gaming time has taken a sharp downturn due to intense schooling/work schedules, but I may be back in a few months if time allows.
How many games have you won/played and what's your elo anybody?
Curious to see how many games people with high elos have played.
You should always build whatever is best for your role for that game at that moment. I mean, I guess some people don't like to "take things seriously" but eh.
You know when you have play way too many games with gaffers when you can read their post in their voice :|
No one does, that's weird.I don't even read my own posts in my voice.
That was me earlier this week. I built Phage first and someone got mad at me. I guess you're not supposed to do that anymore or something.
I think Hecarim is my new favorite player, so fun to play. If you can make it out his weaker early game ok, he turns into a beast. At least it seems that way so far.
Wukong so good. Sucks at ganking or I would jungle him more.
Really? I've thinking about jungling him and figured with stealth and a gap closer that ganking would be his strength. I was more worried about sustain and clear times.
Hmm, still can't get my Kayle mid build thought out (I tried it before it was hip, I swear!).
Basically Black Cleaver, Liandry's, Nashor's Tooth, and I dunno.
Is Talon a good champ? thinking of playing him. Don't have any champs that can play mid lane.
I have been playing top exclusively for a while lol, any other lane I gotta dodge ._.
Is Talon a good champ? thinking of playing him. Don't have any champs that can play mid lane.
I have been playing top exclusively for a while lol, any other lane I gotta dodge ._.
I like him a lot. He's more of a counter than am every game mid but he's viable in a lot of circumstances. Pretty much crushes most ap mids.
I don't mean to be rude, but this confuses me a little. You've been working on getting over 1600 for a long time, correct? You seem to currently have a max of 1591 elo. And you've won over 2000 normal games so you've obviously played a ton. Yet in ranked, you apparently have exactly 2 Varus games played out of all 3 seasons combined. Why not carry some of those 600 normal Varus games over to ranked? Did your experience lead you to conclude that without Riot changes, Varus isn't viable in ranked? I personally feel like he's very rare, but that could just be because I'm low elo.Umm... just no.
People on GAF have seen what I do with Varus in lane. Ask around.
Varus use to be my main and I have over 600 games with him. Pretty sure I have over 90% win rate with him too.
If Acer's adc leveled E, he would of destroyed that mf lane. Trust me on this. I can argue with you all night with my knowledge on Varus.
Think about it. Think about Varus' kit and then think about leveling Q. Read his skills. If you don't understand, i'll write an essay on it.
And you don't simply play a 'poke' lane against mf and lulu.
I don't mean to be rude, but this confuses me a little. You've been working on getting over 1600 for a long time, correct? You seem to currently have a max of 1591 elo. And you've won over 2000 normal games so you've obviously played a ton. Yet in ranked, you apparently have exactly 2 Varus games played out of all 3 seasons combined. Why not carry some of those 600 normal Varus games over to ranked? Did your experience lead you to conclude that without Riot changes, Varus isn't viable in ranked? I personally feel like he's very rare, but that could just be because I'm low elo.
because varus cant carry the abomination that is 1500 elo
So he can carry normal games enough to the point where you have a 90% win rate but not enough in ranked games to get you out of elo far below where you belong?
I have a 90%+ winrate with Sejuani this season. I don't know why it'd be that unbelievable for someone to be good with a champion.LOL 90% win with varus. ok there.
The ranked environment is very different from normal. Also, solo queuing is much easier on normal than ranked. Secondly, I find it harder to carry in solo queue as an ADC than say... mid. Lastly, different elo ranges have different problems...
Also, most those normal wins are premades.
I'm assuming you mean unranked -- do you track that? I don't know a way of tracking unranked wins unless you do it on your own (like I did with Katarina and Riven wins), unfortunately.I have a 90%+ winrate with Sejuani this season. I don't know why it'd be that unbelievable for someone to be good with a champion.
So you're saying the fact that he has a 90% winrate isn't because he's really fucking good with varus? Or just that it doesn't matter how good you are, in ranked it doesn't make a difference?
The point is that Varus is an ADC with minimal escape potential and low-level Ranked games lend themselves to "me, myself, and I" kind of playing. ADCs without an escape are left sort of fucked in this meta of a lot of diving assassins (e.g., Kha'zix) if their team doesn't work to peel for them. Essentially, playing an ADC in Season 3 with randoms at low elo is rough due to many people playing with "ME FIRST" mentalities.
So, with premades, he has a team that he can depend on to not leave him to die, basically.
What the fuck is wrong with the server.
Over 20,000 ppl in queue for double ip weekend...