Kit synergy as in the extra damage on your Q, the higher damage riposte, more damage per hit with your E and extra damage per hit on your ult, as well as the extra health gained from the life steal.
That kit synergy, as opposed to higher damage on one ability and a lower cooldown.
I hate tournaments while I'm at work.
CDR cap is pointless in most situations. Better to invest towards other things. Nobody needs armor and CDR at the same time anymore. CDR isn't even that useful on Amumu outside of the ult cooldown going down. It's easy to say the enemy won't attack the tank but that's not how it works out in many situations if they are doing their job right.What CDR alternatives are these? If you want armor + CDR FH does it best. You still need a second CDR item past SV if you want to get close to 40%. Randuin's active was good when it was AS% as well, but now it's only MS, which was a pretty huge nerf for it. The passive only applies if they attack you as the tank, which means you're the last one standing or they're playing the fight wrong. FH's aura actively reduces the AS of multiple champions the entire fight.
Edit: I guess there's Frozen Fist too, but you aren't getting that on guys like Naut/Amu
CDR cap is pointless in most situations. Better to invest towards other things. Nobody needs armor and CDR at the same time anymore. CDR isn't even that useful on Amumu outside of the ult cooldown going down. It's easy to say the enemy won't attack the tank but that's not how it works out in many situations if they are doing their job right.
If you really need CDR Locket is right there on the table. Zeke's too for someone like Nunu.
The numbers are going to wind up being different now with item value changes and the increase to the cost of resistances.Locket's definitely good. I'm not so sure about Zeke's being a better option as tank. You probably want to leave it to the support.
Regarding the choice between Randuin's + FH, I remember a long time ago learning that the best choice on itemization for eHP is that you want to compare your HP and resists and try to balance it at 1000 hp per 100 resist. Meaning if you have 250 armor, 150 mr, and 2000 hp, the next item you want to get is hp to survive more physical damage, or mr to survive more magic damage. So I guess get Randuin if you really need the hp (I think I'd choose sunfire over randuin in that case), but if you already have plenty from say warmog/SV, then it's better to bring your armor total up via FH.
Saying that you're doing your job by getting them to attack you instead of the adc doesn't change that the benefit is the same either way. (in that they don't attack the rest of your team) If they realize this and ignore you then FH still get's the job done whereas Randuin is useless.
With all these new items I feel I have no clue what's going on anymore.
I hear Vi was played.
Gonna try jungle Xin more when he gets his Zhao Yun skin.
Put me in the "Garen is the most useless champion in the game/Garen = autoloss" camp.
You clearly haven't seen bronze/silver elo where Garen facerolls everyone. Top laners at that elo can't fight him and feed him so he just shits on everyone.
this is what i do. i win almost every game with garen and i'm spinning around that elo.
Well you might want to solo queue for that cause ill be spamming him for a while when the skin comes out. Sorry bro.
mercviper streams
Put me in the "Garen is the most useless champion in the game/Garen = autoloss" camp.
Well you might want to solo queue for that cause ill be spamming him for a while when the skin comes out. Sorry bro.
Put me in the "Garen is the most useless champion in the game/Garen = autoloss" camp.
I've tried jungle Xin Zhao, have no idea what I'm doing.
Nope, that belongs to Shaco.
I hate when people pick Shaco. It's just a selfish pick, he offers nothing to the team whatsoever.
So uh when is double IP?
Tomorrow until Sunday at 11:59 PM. Didn't specify a start time tomorrow though.
I was supposed to program my game's localization system this weekend.So uh when is double IP?
Garen can fit into some comps and can become quite effective.
The sheer terror of Garen Q Kass Q Cho W
League of I can't cast abilities for 15 seconds
I thought Riot didn't believe in anti-fun though.
I don't know if there is a place to watch him. It doesn't look like he streams. I just happened to see it in the featured games thing. If I ever see Sejuani on there I usually check it out. There was another one today, but they just built Spirit Stone so I didn't watch that long.hey soda
where can i watch that sejuani you were talking about yesterday
Why are people talking shit about Garen.
shit heroes gets shit talk
no surprise
I just recently got into this game. I'm level 6 with no experience playing with human players. One thing discouraging me from playing is the fact that my ping randomly jumps from 35 to 200 (probably the background programs for Windows 8). Second is the playerbase.
Any advice?
Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and say I think you're all pretty great.
My gaming time has taken a sharp downturn due to intense schooling/work schedules, but I may be back in a few months if time allows.