I hope they extend the XP boost, this is lame
Probably will.
I hope they extend the XP boost, this is lame
I don't play ranked, so yeah, normals. There is not much to keep track of, but I pay attention to when I lose. I've played between 25-30 Sejuani games and have only lost two.I'm assuming you mean unranked -- do you track that? I don't know a way of tracking unranked wins unless you do it on your own (like I did with Katarina and Riven wins), unfortunately.
I hope they extend the XP boost, this is lame
I kinda don't want to build her full AP, something more like a Teemo, maybe.Drop the Black Cleaver. Nashor's into Liandry's then decide on more AP (Deathcap) or more ASPD/CDR (Zephyr). At 40% CDR (technically, 37.5%), you have 100% E uptime so Hurricane is a good teamfight investment.
Edit: If your lane is something that won't let you get multiple autos in, you can do the Deathcap/Lichbane build instead. It's basically all about landing Q + a single E auto attack for the big burst.
My name is Easyreal and I play Dominion.
Probably will.
Hi, my name is kassadin.
I'm in every blind pick dominion game. You won't kill me but I'll 3 shot you.
Sup, Eve here. I'll cap two points while you cap one then kill you afterward.
tasili: report nidalee for griefing
tasili: an being useless
13elief: lol
Corgi the Chloe: ?
tasili: nice 8.3k gold
13elief: i was griefing right
tasili: fucking garbage
13elief: lol!
tasili: nocs build
tasili: is fucking trash
13elief: u think cause u got 10 kills ur good eh?
tasili: i cant belive we lost to that
LuciferSpaceb0y: twitch ur really bad
LuciferSpaceb0y: admit it
LuciferSpaceb0y: 12 deaths
tasili: lmfaoooooooo
13elief: u realize u accounted for 1/3 of our teams deaths right?
tasili: the two worst players
tasili: are qqing
tasili: about me being bad
tasili: i got kills
13elief: qqing?
tasili: because im good
LuciferSpaceb0y: u fed noc too much
tasili: they dived me
13elief: thats all i heard from you all game
tasili: i killed 2-3
13elief: they dived me too
tasili: you got down syndrome
13elief: i had 0 ganks
13elief: whats ur excuse?
LuciferSpaceb0y: tasili: because im good
tasili: ya
LuciferSpaceb0y: tasili: because im good
tasili: cause shyvana is shit
tasili: she lost jungle
tasili: on the best counter jungler
tasili: in the game
LuciferSpaceb0y: lol u fed him
13elief: i had to go against a lane that got an advantage
LuciferSpaceb0y: u expect me to win?
tasili: i got dived
tasili: 8 times
LuciferSpaceb0y: answer
tasili: by noc mf nunu
LuciferSpaceb0y: u fed him
13elief: kid
13elief: ur trash
tasili: an i still won
LuciferSpaceb0y: u expect people to defeat him?
13elief: uninstall
tasili: my lane
tasili: you fucking trash bag
LuciferSpaceb0y: ur mind mia?
13elief: madbro?
13elief: nah luci
LuciferSpaceb0y: reported for unskilled
13elief: it wouldve had to be there for it to be missing
tasili: i bet you two was duo q
tasili: fucking garbage both of you
tasili: cant even cs properly
LuciferSpaceb0y: lol
13elief: and i bet u have been over 1400
LuciferSpaceb0y: ur just bad
tasili: an contributed nothing
13elief: LoL!
tasili: im plat on 5 different accounts
tasili: nid your 2-6-2
tasili: you was there for 2 kills out of 20
tasili: you are shit
I kinda don't want to build her full AP, something more like a Teemo, maybe.
If I understand correctly, Rex's argument is something along the lines of at 1600 elo, almost every game has an assassin who is good enough to instantly kill the AD carry, but not many/any good support or tank players who will defend the AD carry.Can't carry in ranked with varus?
To be fair, they did have zilean support, which is awful, but there you go.
Hi eve, my name is Morello. Do me a favor and see how this nerf bat tastes.
Been playing since beta (39 months) and it turns out I've spent $360. Just have a genuine weakness for skins. Always justify it by spending very little on other games and the fact I spend far less than some other people I know.
Can't carry in ranked with varus?
To be fair, they did have zilean support, which is awful, but there you go.
If I understand correctly, Rex's argument is something along the lines of at 1600 elo, almost every game has an assassin who is good enough to instantly kill the AD carry, but not many/any good support or tank players who will defend the AD carry.
I was thinking about that this morning, and in that case I wonder if Graves, Ezreal, and Corki might still be reasonable for 1600 elo solo queue, since they each have the ability to reposition or slightly escape if dived.
Why Zephyr? Isn't that a bit AS overkill?Teemo builds full AP, barring the Malady I guess.
Hybrid Kayle doesn't really work nearly as well as AP/ASPD. I guess you could build Nashor's -> Liandry's -> Rageblade -> Gunblade but you're basically just gimping yourself, really.
Edit: My preferred way is the full-on AP/ASPD build so Nashor's, Liandry, and Zephyr (+ Hurricane, if this game somehow went that long). I just note the higher AP route if you're against someone that will try to disengage on you and that you can't really keep up with her Q slow + W speed. Also worth mentioning, AP/ASPD Kayle still levels Q first. I'd probably get W over E still. So EQQW / EQWQ and then R>Q>W>E.
Just because it says two hours doesn't mean it takes two hours.Try to login last night.
2 hour wait.
Why Zephyr? Isn't that a bit AS overkill?
I'm a Master Yi whore, dabbling a bit with Teemo.
You're a terrible person.
I can't seem to jive with Amumu and Tryndamere, despite trying.
Whenever I play another character, I tend to charge in like with Yi. Not good.
Sounds like you should play an assassin or bruiser if you like to dive in. Maybe Olaf or Xin Zhao?
As for ADC I think scy said they're making a new ADC soon so maybe save up for that. Otherwise, I'd just try out the ADCs that show up in the free rotation.
Been eyeballing up Xin Xhao and Olaf. Thinking of going Volibear maybe - something that can take damage as much as dish it out. Yi is awesome, but so, so squishy.
Been eyeballing up Xin Xhao and Olaf. Thinking of going Volibear maybe - something that can take damage as much as dish it out. Yi is awesome, but so, so squishy.
Olaf might be getting mega nerfed, just so you know.Been eyeballing up Xin Xhao and Olaf. Thinking of going Volibear maybe - something that can take damage as much as dish it out. Yi is awesome, but so, so squishy.
Been eyeballing up Xin Xhao and Olaf. Thinking of going Volibear maybe - something that can take damage as much as dish it out. Yi is awesome, but so, so squishy.
go garen. always go garen.
Do you want to be a man or a polar bear.
I've dabbled in a little bit of the dark magicks of top lane Volibear. He's alright in laning but I feel like he falls off late game where he's just a walking ball of HP with a flip. Xin Zhao lanes better, can sustain in lane without a long CD passive, has a CD reducing skill in his Q, trades well against most people, and he's getting a Zhao Yun skin. Also his E can reach most ADCs but those with absurdly long range like level 18 Tristana or Caitlyn so if you're well geared you can take their ADC out of the fight for awhile if not outright kill them.
For those who have dabbled in streaming:
Which program do you use?
I downloaded XSplit, but you can't use it to stream unless you pay. There isn't even a trial period to see how well it works...
Is there a good free solution out there? I stumbled upon FFSplit, but not sure if it's reputable.
I could always try the Origin streaming (lol) or play some Onlive (ahead of it's time, too bad really).
go garen. always go garen.
Awesome points. One thing you neglect to mention is Volibear's visual intimidation. Seeing a big tank chase you down gives most folks pause for thought.
But your Xin details all sound pretty darn reasonable. You've helped me make my choice.
And I hear Olaf might be getting nerfed? Shame.
"A walking ball of HP with a flip."Do you want to be a man or a polar bear.
I've dabbled in a little bit of the dark magicks of top lane Volibear. He's alright in laning but I feel like he falls off late game where he's just a walking ball of HP with a flip. Xin Zhao lanes better, can sustain in lane without a long CD passive, has a CD reducing skill in his Q, trades well against most people, and he's getting a Zhao Yun skin. Also his E can reach most ADCs but those with absurdly long range like level 18 Tristana or Caitlyn so if you're well geared you can take their ADC out of the fight for awhile if not outright kill them.
Play around with that and I'll try to help answering any questions you have.
I can output 1080p/60FPS streams with that, but I've found a sweet spot streaming at 720p. It's free and pretty awesome.
For those who have dabbled in streaming:
Which program do you use?
I downloaded XSplit, but you can't use it to stream unless you pay. There isn't even a trial period to see how well it works...
Is there a good free solution out there? I stumbled upon FFSplit, but not sure if it's reputable.
I could always try the Origin streaming (lol) or play some Onlive (ahead of it's time, too bad really).