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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So I tried out Xin.

Here's my first game.


So bad, our team quit. I chose a horrible starting item and one of summoner abilities was completely useless.

Great start. :/
Always take Flash or Ghost as one of your summoner spells. On most champions it should be Flash. And use the "Reccomended" item tab. That's what it's there for and you are making buying items way harder for yourself than it should be.


1. Don't buy Doran's Ring on Xin. That's for AP characters. Xin Zhao doesn't make use of ability power and the mana regen can be taken care of by using abilities wisely aka not spamming them. Going by taking Clarity and Ring you seem to over estimate your need for mana or go out of mana a lot. Good/safe starting item for Xin (and most champs that aren't support) was/is boots and 3 pots.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I forgot to make any changes over my usual Yi set up.

I start with a Doran's Ring on Yi because I spam my Alpha Strike a ton, and it gives that a little early boost and the mana return on killed minions allows me to keep spamming it or my channeling to heal. It allows me to be very aggressive in lanes or generally just take control to farm.

I was hoping it would allow me to spam Xin's rally shout thing to let me recover HP and boost my attack speed but it didn't work like that in practice.

I sold it first chance for Doran's Blade. But by that point I already felt behind and forgetting to buy boots for a while made me feel sluggish for most of the game.

It was a horrible choice for Xin though, never again.

Would boots and three health pots be a decent start? It always seems a safe option.

Second game of surrendering in a row. I went back to Yi and held my own - the rest of team decided to go full on stupid until the entire enemy team was fed. Thankfully they realised their mistake and put the vote through.

Nothing worse than being dragged through 20 extra minutes of losing because some idiots fed the other team AND refuse to surrender afterwards, perfectly happy to die over and over again for no good reason.


It's pretty hard to play solo top Xin at low levels because solo top is a rare thing until maybe level 20+. All my advice is meant for solo top though.

Boots and 3 pots (4 pots if you back at 1:30 and run back to lane) is great for Xin because it lets him stick to his opponent when harassing. The healing component of Battle Cry is passive so you don't actually need to activate it to heal.

Ghost/Flash and Ignite are great because they let you secure kills and add that extra DPS to win duels. Flash is good for making plays (escaping over walls or flashing in to get in range for an E or something) but I prefer Ghost specifically on Xin for that "sticking to enemy" factor. Most other times though Flash and Ignite are common summoner spells for most champions that aren't junglers or support. Mana problems on AP mid usually mitigated by the jungler giving you blue.

Pre-6 you're weak to ganks. After 6 you can ult to knock back and run away. It has a decent cooldown thanks to the CDR from Q so don't worry about blowing your ult just to get away.

Typical harass combo in lane is E to enemy and WQ. You put out enough damage to make them back off and the knock up lets you fall back and win most trades if they decide to fight back. Can usually kill at 6 if you've been harassing well.

Typical item build is boots + 3 pots, and 1-2 Doran's Blades if it's a tough lane. Otherwise, Brutalizer > Black Cleaver > health item like Warmog of Frozen Mallet and Maw of Malmortius if against AP heavy team (ex. enemy has AP top and mid). This lets you be somewhat tanky enough to dive into a team and still put out good damage.


I'm assuming you're talking about AP mid Yi. If so, AP (Yi) and AD (Xin) usually build very differently from each other. Would recommend reading a guide or looking at cheat sheets for item builds or look at the recommended item thingies.

As for starting items, I usually start boots and 3 pots on some top lane champions, most mid champs, and ADC; I like the extra movement for dodging skill shots and getting away from ganks. Also the idea of not wearing shoes is weird! An alternative I sometimes go is flask, 1 pot, and 1 ward for some top lanes where I just need to farm/sustain from getting poked at. Support is one of either philo stone parts, a few sight wards, pots, and maybe a vision ward. Jungler is usually machette and 5 pots. Another set of starting items I commonly see on AD champions is long sword and a pot but I rarely start with it so I can't say much about it.

tldr; hard to have concrete strategies in low level games because meta is thrown out the window and anything goes. boots and 3 pots is safe starting item on most champions and if you don't want to feel like a peasant running around barefoot.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I'm assuming you're talking about AP mid Yi. If so, AP (Yi) and AD (Xin) usually build very differently from each other. Would recommend reading a guide or looking at cheat sheets for item builds or look at the recommended item thingies.

As for starting items, I usually start boots and 3 pots on some top lane champions, most mid champs, and ADC; I like the extra movement for dodging skill shots and getting away from ganks. Also the idea of not wearing shoes is weird! An alternative I sometimes go is flask, 1 pot, and 1 ward for some top lanes where I just need to farm/sustain from getting poked at. Support is one of either philo stone parts, a few sight wards, pots, and maybe a vision ward. Jungler is usually machette and 5 pots. Another set of starting items I commonly see on AD champions is long sword and a pot but I rarely start with it so I can't say much about it.

tldr; hard to have concrete strategies in low level games because meta is thrown out the window and anything goes. boots and 3 pots is safe starting item on most champions and if you don't want to feel like a peasant running around barefoot.

Actually, talking about mid AD Yi. The Doran Ring confuses a lot of folks. :)

Alpha Strike spam is only good until lv 6. When the enemy retreats first, and they always do, they come back preparing to fight AP Yi, to their mistake.

Before this I ran with 3 pots and boots but I found the DR works out much, much better in most circumstances.


All I know about this game after 300 wins is that I am terrible.

Oh, and also I love playing Jayce. The weight of his moves and his versatility make him an instant favourite of mine.


so sad, was gonna play with rumblemidgg's smurf then someone on the other team dodged

one day I'll get on someone's stream
so sad, was gonna play with rumblemidgg's smurf then someone on the other team dodged

one day I'll get on someone's stream

I was playing against Saintvicious a while ago when he was streaming. Killed him when he wasn't paying attention and got like 10 whispers from all the people on my friends list.

We lost that game though.


<-----Best Lulu NA.
Someone, maybe Rex, was asking for someone who was bad at jungling to master. I suggested Lulu but they ended up going with Wukong. =(


In happier news, I have hit my new highest elo ever, at long last. 1298 is sadly short of 1300, but it's still higher than the old 1295 max, and I don't think I'm down to the +/- 11 level in preseason 3 yet. The really weird thing was that I barely had to try in the game. I ended up as Zed against Annie mid and played a very average or bad game, died 3 times (at least 2 of them probably unnecessarily). Our Eve ended up dying to blue buff in the middle of the game.

And yet our Yorick got like first blood + a double kill when he got ganked top, Caitlyn + Nunu got the enemy bottom tower down in about 4.5 minutes, I started out like 4/0/1...it was just super one-sided. Don't think we lost a single tower, and the other team surrendered after we were pushing up to the nexus. I think I was for some reason matched against a bunch of people with very few ranked wins, too. So anyway, I basically got carried but I'll still take the good luck for a change. :)

In preseason 3 I'm attempting to main Kat, Rumble, and Zed, especially since they can kind of mix up mid and top if needed (and even Zed or Rumble jungle if I'm feeling crazy). So far Zed is 71% with 15 wins, Kat is 77% with 7 wins, and Rumble is 53% with 8 wins. I definitely need to step up the Rumble game, but at least it's been fun to try to learn him.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
My second match with Xin.


I certainly did better, but my team did worse.



SSumerg: oh
SSumerg: can i support
SSumerg: ??
SSumerg: cuz i cant top
SSumerg: or juggle
Corgi the Chloe: league of jugglers


Last game I played, one person on my team was AFK. We managed to win but he never moved from the fountain. Does this happen often?
I feel like it happens relatively often in solo queue. I just lost a 48-minute solo queue.

In theory, people get automatically banned for at least a few games if they leave like that, and repeat offenders might be permabanned or something.


Dear hook players:

Sometimes not grabbing anyone is better than graving fucking Olaf and placing him next to your own fucking carry.

Dedicated to all the moronic Dariuses in the world.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Dear hook players:

Sometimes not grabbing anyone is better than graving fucking Olaf and placing him next to your own fucking carry.

Dedicated to all the moronic Dariuses in the world.

As someone who plays Karthus, Amumu, and Jarvan ignore this advice.

Pull everyone you possibly can.
So Sion/Veigar/Nasus gains double bonus if they last hit champs/large minions/monsters. Not sure if it'll be enough. I think killing champions should net a more significant boost, which should give more incentive to join fights.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So Sion/Veigar/Nasus gains double bonus if they last hit champs/large minions/monsters. Not sure if it'll be enough. I think killing champions should net a more significant boost, which should give more incentive to join fights.
It's not like Veigar is going to hit his Q last in most situations on champions. The bigger thing is that it'll give the boost on large minions/monsters. I think it'll help in the way they want.


New match, Blitz grabs Darius GG

You shouldn't be able to play Blitz unless you're premade.

Also I think I had the worst day ever playing LoL. Played mid all day, won my lane every single match but one, and that's the only won I won.
been playing a fair bit this weekend.

Got a skin for Janna as she is my main.

Also got Sivir and liked her a lot so got a skin for her as well. So I basically play Janna unless a carry is needed and il be Sivir.

Leads to some interesting games.

Im Janna.
We have a AD Carry
"Il be bot with the carry"
Annie "I called bot first"
everyone "but your a mid"
Annie "I dont play mid"
everyone "so why be annie"
Annie "Mid or gb"

game starts

Annie goes bot
Everyone "Annie your a mid, Janna needs to be with the carry"

Me "she isnt gonna listen.... guess il go mid then"

I go mid, hold lane fine against Kayle (I think thats her name) and even kill her a couple of times.

Annie does terrible at bottom

We win regardless.

Another game I go as Sivir.

We have a support (Karma) who goes bottom with me. Yay I think.

Karma farms gold and repeatedly gets herself killed and doesn't drop more than one ward at the beginning of the game. Playing a support as my main who takes no gold unless carry is at base and tries to ward the area, it gets annoying seeing supports not do that lol.

First half of game we do pretty bad as we are basically 4V5 because of her feeding.

Somehow we survive till the late game and I scrape together the gold to get kitted up.

We Push.... we win. Sivir's DPS goes insane at the end game.

A bunch of games you just get lumbered with an AFK or just terrible people who fight over lanes that arnt suited to them. I got Lux as she looks fun to play now and then as well. Went mid. Another dude wanted to and rather than argue I let him. However He AFK'd straight away so I went there and we again still won despite being 4v5. However they wernt that good. The person I was against died from the stun lazer combo a few times against me. Overall though I think my win loose rate is prob just over 50/50 in m favour so the matchmaking system seems about right.

However Im' only lvl 13 and havn't got into the realm of having Junglers on your team very often yet. At least as I get higher level more interesting teams are showing up rather than just all the free or really cheap characters. A few levels back every game pretty much had Garus, Wukong, Yi and Miss Fortune in it lol.
Annie ADC: shield, stun on demand, vision with his bear, outranged only by Caitlyn :D

That sounds reasonable. However the player has to actually do those things lol.

What do you mean by the range? I find her range pretty short for her spells? I tend to use her as a build up a stun then nuke the kaka out of someone.
That sounds reasonable. However the player has to actually do those things lol.

What do you mean by the range? I find her range pretty short for her spells? I tend to use her as a build up a stun then nuke the kaka out of someone.

She has 625 range. In comparison, Cait has 650. Trist peaks at 700 ish while Kog goes at 700 with W.

Her base ASPD is just really really low. Having Nunu is desirable.
Im mainly specialising in supporting bot lane with a carry and for this I tend to use Janna. I also have Soroka who I like but way prefer Janna. What other supports are good at this role? Im thinking of Sona next.


Im mainly specialising in supporting bot lane with a carry and for this I tend to use Janna. I also have Soroka who I like but way prefer Janna. What other supports are good at this role? Im thinking of Sona next.


also supporting the ad carry is normal. supporting anything else is kind of trolling/weird.


That sounds reasonable. However the player has to actually do those things lol.

What do you mean by the range? I find her range pretty short for her spells? I tend to use her as a build up a stun then nuke the kaka out of someone.
Nah, I mean autoattack range. Annie has 625 range, that's a lot higher than most ranged champions, Ezreal and Ashe have like 550.

I mean, she'd still make a pretty shitty ADC, I mean, all abilities scale off AP, she doesn't really get good AD stats per level, etc. but if you're goofing around with weird stuff like Ahri ADC, Annie's not so bad.

Im mainly specialising in supporting bot lane with a carry and for this I tend to use Janna. I also have Soroka who I like but way prefer Janna. What other supports are good at this role? Im thinking of Sona next.
Most supports are kinda good: Blitz, Leona, Sona, Lulu.

Janna I'd say it's normally of a lower tier but I really like playing her and she peels like nobody's business, but there's no beating Sona/Lulu.

Thresh seems to be OP as hell, so you can get your two week's fun with him before he gets nerfed.
Nah, I mean autoattack range. Annie has 625 range, that's a lot higher than most ranged champions, Ezreal and Ashe have like 550.

I mean, she'd still make a pretty shitty ADC, I mean, all abilities scale off AP, she doesn't really get good AD stats per level, etc. but if you're goofing around with weird stuff like Ahri ADC, Annie's not so bad.

Most supports are kinda good: Blitz, Leona, Sona, Lulu.

Janna I'd say it's normally of a lower tier but I really like playing her and she peels like nobody's business, but there's no beating Sona/Lulu.

Thresh seems to be OP as hell, so you can get your two week's fun with him before he gets nerfed.

yeah I want to be able to choose from several supports in the later game rather than just learn the one.

The thing I like about Janna is the utility she has for the team fights. Can disable the enemy team / stop a gank or failing team fight and her shield is great for the extra AD for a carry.

However I like a bit of veriety so being able to try different ones out will give me this. Il look into sona and lulu then.
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