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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm pretty sure you just go straight AD as Sivir, unless I'm missing something?

She's pure auto attacking, like Draven.


long ass spell shield that provides next to no benefit on success
shield that protect you from any ultimate including fizz and karthus ultimates is useless ?
are you out of your fucking mind....


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shield that protect you from any ultimate including fizz and karthus ultimates is useless ?
are you out of your fucking mind....
How often are you going to save your spell shield just for those Ultimates? Not very often, because there's more important stuff to block, like stuns and snares. And once you if/when you do block them, you're out of a spell shield for a long time and that's all your survivability right there, down the drain.

It's worse for Sivir because she has crippled range. Her ult only makes up for her range, and should not be considered a straight bonus like it would be on Cait or Ashe.

(By benefit I meant secondary benefit, like Nocturne's AS boost. Obviously, a spell shield is still a spell shield.)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That's because Nocturne is a melee jungle assassin with a lot of innate damage from skills, a disable, and a huge blink strike. For him, shield is to mitigate people's tendency to throw out a panic stuns/snares when they're getting focused/ganked, and to mitigate the amount of CC that will be inevitably aimed at him.

Even if he fails to block CC, he still gets a massive attack speed boost, so it's win/win for him, whether he blocks that critical spell or not.

Sivir is a completely different case.


Arcade sona is good and all but I want a legendary. Sona players deserve something for carrying teams ;). But they should release the sejunai legendary first

I refunded my Pulsefire Ezreal for my 1600 RP back.. lol. It's a really cool skin, but I like his normal skin and thought I'd prefer to spend the RP on something else. I might jsut get KZ, hope I like him, and then the Sona skin if it's ever on sale. Who knows when that would be, though.


Junior Member
Man, got Ahri in Aram, was joyfull. Then we got hammered so bad by Veigar/Lux and Miss Fortune. Basically those 3.
Event Horizon STun with the lvl 6 bolt and Lux Ulti and MF Cone of fire. So much damage raining our way.
We won because it was 4vs5 but man... brutal. And I fed a bit :-\
I tried Sivir again. Feels like rushing TF sucks. :/ Can't really make use of W for TF when the range is so short. Lost my lane horribly against Ashe.

Triforce is crap on Sivir.

Sivir should go BT or IE first, I prefer BT into IE into LW or another BT if no one got armor.

The only time you will be dueling with AAs would be when your ultimate is up and that gives you all the AS you need. You can also use ricochet to get a "bonus" attack in between.

The best games I have with her I just go pure damage, two BTs, IE, LW for example.

shield that protect you from any ultimate including fizz and karthus ultimates is useless ?
are you out of your fucking mind....

Her shield is also what lets her beat Graves in lane.

Carefully managing it and getting mana back lets you absorb their harass and return more.
Sivir with an IE hurts like nothing else. If you manage to W right so that your auto-attack animation cancels you can chunk other ADs fast. I tried to duel her as Ez; it's pretty rough.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sivir with an IE hurts like nothing else. If you manage to W right so that your auto-attack animation cancels you can chunk other ADs fast. I tried to duel her as Ez; it's pretty rough.
Kite her, ez for Ez.


Anyone checking out the comic contest?

I can't believe didn't get top votes :(

This has to be the WORST setup for viewing single page comics. Two click throughs with no direct way of going from one comic to another?!

Their clickthrough rate towards the end of the list must be terrible.

Best Comic
I didn't really like that comic. Hecarim just comes out of nowhere randomly and takes up half the comic.

Ya it would've been better if it was hecarim screwing his whole teams plan over by poorly using his ult, something I have some experience with...


I am Homie
I feel like I cant lose when i'm using gangplank. Maybe it's because i have the most experience using him, but my entire match history log is victory with gangplank. Been steamrolling teams left and right, feels good.


I feel like I cant lose when i'm using gangplank. Maybe it's because i have the most experience using him, but my entire match history log is victory with gangplank. Been steamrolling teams left and right, feels good.

Having a lot of experience with a champion is a lot better than playing a champion just because it's considered OP.


I am Homie
How do you build/level/lane with him?

I'm pretty sure i'm using a build that was good before he got nerfed and that it isn't suppose to be viable anymore, but it's Cooldown boots, youmu(sp), warmogs, atmas, Infinity edge, guardian angel with armor pen runes.

I try to use my q mostly for farming, but play aggressive against squishy's/bad players. I just feel like his impact in teams is really big since he has good damage, a team boost move that helps break towers/run away/chase ect and he takes a hit pretty easily, Especially with the heal. The Global ult helps in so many tight jams all around the map, even if it is unreliable.

I'm sure he isn't a great character, but I have just been having a lot of luck with him and he seems to fit my play style so well.


Wow played with the most terrified Ezreal I've seen in awhile. Did not want to engage anything even with full health. Like, not even want to poke. See an enemy and instantly turn around and run away as far as possible. Infuriating. Back to GW2.


Wow played with the most terrified Ezreal I've seen in awhile. Did not want to engage anything even with full health. Like, not even want to poke. See an enemy and instantly turn around and run away as far as possible. Infuriating. Back to GW2.

nothing worse than playing leona then having your adc play super passive D:
Tried AP Eve first time. Laned against Diana, went RQEW. I wasn't doing too well and got close to dying too often, but it started getting stronk once mid-game hit.


WotA was the last item I bought. I couldn't decide on what to buy when I had around 30000gold. They didn't have the GAs yet so I passed up on Void. I don't think Zhonya fits her well and Rylai feels like a very poor choice. I probably should've replaced mobility with sorc late game.


Tried AP Eve first time. Laned against Diana, went RQEW. I wasn't doing too well and got close to dying too often, but it started getting stronk once mid-game hit.

WotA was the last item I bought. I couldn't decide on what to buy when I had around 30000gold. They didn't have the GAs yet so I passed up on Void. I don't think Zhonya fits her well and Rylai feels like a very poor choice. I probably should've replaced mobility with sorc late game.
I think I like rushing Sorc shoes -> DFG -> abyssal -> void staff. You should be fast enough without mobility, and unless that magic book was healing you a lot, I would just try to focus on magic pen, damage, and maybe using the ult to shield yourself. As far as I know Eve scales very well with magic pen so I max it out. Either way, once you get sorc shoes + DFG + ult you should have a big burst on anyone...I guess it maxes out to 50-60% flat health damage or whatnot.

Though I haven't played in forever so I may be a bad person to listen to.
Support Ahri wins games.
Lol I would assume morgana would be the better support in that scenario. I play ahri a lot, and she does sort of become a support in team fights during late game with that E on cooldown and helping u peel people during team fights from a safe distance. But as a lane support i would think that's a bad idea. Every ability except E isnt gonna help ur teammate be protected.

But I assume u probably know this already and were just trolling the enemy.
Blitzcrank feels good man. Just made one of my best hero mode plays yet; our Nocturne spots their blue and starts to take it when their jungle Jax turns up, I can see our Noct will die so I instantly run like hell, Noc is down to a sliver of health and trying to run towards me, I flash the last bit to land the knockup first while Noct keeps running, then I let Jax keep chasing him for half a second so I can do the hook to pull Jax back to me and far enough to get Noct out of leapstrike range. Then our mid and bot arrive and kill Jax while Noct escapes. You just got supported motherfcker. Feels good, don't it?
Lol I would assume morgana would be the better support in that scenario. I play ahri a lot, and she does sort of become a support in team fights during late game with that E on cooldown and helping u peel people during team fights from a safe distance. But as a lane support i would think that's a bad idea. Every ability except E isnt gonna help ur teammate be protected.

But I assume u probably know this already and were just trolling the enemy.

I chose Ahri with the morg player choosing sometime afterwards so we were pretty much stuck with it. I told him to go mid and I would go bot.

We played it as a kill lane. Taunting whoever I could with E and damaging them enough to the point that we could kill them on the next taunt. It worked but it's not ideal.

Ahri becomes a kind of supporty late game if you don't have enough damage and penetration.

With it and DFG preferably you can burst down squishier targets from 100% to 0% before they can do anything. Against heavier targets you will probably need help if you don't have enough penetration + kiting ability.


I am Homie
I have a ton of fun using Nidalee, but I feel like mid-late game all I do is look for openings to hit spear, heal my allies and try to set traps up. I never feel like I can get in there in melee range and be of use. I probably need to get more comfortable with the cougar form.
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