shield that protect you from any ultimate including fizz and karthus ultimates is useless ?long ass spell shield that provides next to no benefit on success
How often are you going to save your spell shield just for those Ultimates? Not very often, because there's more important stuff to block, like stuns and snares. And once you if/when you do block them, you're out of a spell shield for a long time and that's all your survivability right there, down the drain.shield that protect you from any ultimate including fizz and karthus ultimates is useless ?
are you out of your fucking mind....
Arcade sona is good and all but I want a legendary. Sona players deserve something for carrying teams. But they should release the sejunai legendary first
I tried Sivir again. Feels like rushing TF sucks. :/ Can't really make use of W for TF when the range is so short. Lost my lane horribly against Ashe.
shield that protect you from any ultimate including fizz and karthus ultimates is useless ?
are you out of your fucking mind....
Kite her, ez for Ez.Sivir with an IE hurts like nothing else. If you manage to W right so that your auto-attack animation cancels you can chunk other ADs fast. I tried to duel her as Ez; it's pretty rough.
Kite her, ez for Ez.
Pretty much, W getting bonus armor or something would be awesome. Reduced cooldowns is mostly what she needs though.Buffs first please.
Agreed to everything except the utility. She provides a great amount of mobility to her team for engaging or disengageing. It's like jayce gate but longer.
Anyone checking out the comic contest?
I can't believe didn't get top votes![]()
Wouldn't Zilean be better than one of those guys?
I didn't really like that comic. Hecarim just comes out of nowhere randomly and takes up half the comic.
How do you build/level/lane with him?I feel like I cant lose when i'm using gangplank. Maybe it's because i have the most experience using him, but my entire match history log is victory with gangplank. Been steamrolling teams left and right, feels good.
I feel like I cant lose when i'm using gangplank. Maybe it's because i have the most experience using him, but my entire match history log is victory with gangplank. Been steamrolling teams left and right, feels good.
How do you build/level/lane with him?
Wow played with the most terrified Ezreal I've seen in awhile. Did not want to engage anything even with full health. Like, not even want to poke. See an enemy and instantly turn around and run away as far as possible. Infuriating. Back to GW2.
I think I like rushing Sorc shoes -> DFG -> abyssal -> void staff. You should be fast enough without mobility, and unless that magic book was healing you a lot, I would just try to focus on magic pen, damage, and maybe using the ult to shield yourself. As far as I know Eve scales very well with magic pen so I max it out. Either way, once you get sorc shoes + DFG + ult you should have a big burst on anyone...I guess it maxes out to 50-60% flat health damage or whatnot.Tried AP Eve first time. Laned against Diana, went RQEW. I wasn't doing too well and got close to dying too often, but it started getting stronk once mid-game hit.
WotA was the last item I bought. I couldn't decide on what to buy when I had around 30000gold. They didn't have the GAs yet so I passed up on Void. I don't think Zhonya fits her well and Rylai feels like a very poor choice. I probably should've replaced mobility with sorc late game.
How do the refunds work? I keep on forgetting to check it out.
Go to the store under purchases.
3 refunds forever. ;_;Is there a certain rule for refunds? I do have a few skins that I'd like to return(Legendary Tryn and King Tryn, Scout Teemo). Thanks also.
3 refunds forever. ;_;
Is there a certain rule for refunds? I do have a few skins that I'd like to return(Legendary Tryn and King Tryn, Scout Teemo). Thanks also.
3 refunds on purchases within 90 days.
fml, 90 days? lol, oh well. good to know at least.
Lol I would assume morgana would be the better support in that scenario. I play ahri a lot, and she does sort of become a support in team fights during late game with that E on cooldown and helping u peel people during team fights from a safe distance. But as a lane support i would think that's a bad idea. Every ability except E isnt gonna help ur teammate be protected.Support Ahri wins games.
Lol I would assume morgana would be the better support in that scenario. I play ahri a lot, and she does sort of become a support in team fights during late game with that E on cooldown and helping u peel people during team fights from a safe distance. But as a lane support i would think that's a bad idea. Every ability except E isnt gonna help ur teammate be protected.
But I assume u probably know this already and were just trolling the enemy.