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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm on a 6 game winning streak in ranked, 5-0 with Kennen. He seems to really benefit from the Liandry's + Rylai's pairing. Lots of good early items that keep him strong, and a Zhonyas by late game makes him strong the whole way. Safe farmer that doesn't push and won't feed in lane, can counter gank from mid pretty damn well. Not many people are using him right now and I'm not sure why.
Neither of those items are good early game though.~



So close to penta, it's always, always Ori. Malph+Fiddle+Ori ults is devastating, got an easy quadra by just casting mine after Malph's.

Really nice way to top off the night, Ashe got dc for a while after that and we just took them down fast and clean.

Also today managed to win my lanes and win my matches, so I guess it's just a case-by-case thing, though I'm for sure not a good ADC. I just can't seem to get people off me with Cait and with Graves I'm a lot better at just making whoever stands in my way pay for it. With Cait you need to be able to kite, and I'm only good at kiting with mages...

I wish there were other bursty ADCs besides Graves and Corki. Maybe MF?

Also try not to fall into the mentality of blaming your team every time you lose, there's always things you could've done better, try to focus on those instead rather than your teammate's mistakes that you can't fix for next time.

Don't want to end up like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjPsQ6Buuec
Oh wow that was painful to watch.

Another technique I have is listening to Bob Marley. He's soothes my problems away.



Being forced to show off my mediocre ADC skills so much prompted an avatar change.

Edit: Woo Member status. Draven does it all.


Thresh is so durable. Got surrounded by 3 enemy champions after trying to chase a 100 HP Jax after a teamfight. Threw a blind hook and pulled myself over the edge to Jax, killed him, and thanks to lantern shield and Locket got away in time for my team to come in and mop up.

Some guy on the enemy team was apparently streaming on own3d, but I guess they don't archive stuff so I can't rewatch it. I should really install lolreplay or w/e. :(

And the next game is MF jungle. @_@


Zhonya's to me on a lot of ap champions is something you rush. Either that or a guardian angel.

Guardian angel is really fun on ahri.

GA just feels like it costs way too much for little (stat wise) value. It's probably best if you're wildly ahead rather than a default purchase like it used to be.

That default purchase is now Warmogs. In the League of Bruisers, you Warmogs or you die.

I just can't seem to get people off me with Cait and with Graves I'm a lot better at just making whoever stands in my way pay for it. With Cait you need to be able to kite, and I'm only good at kiting with mages...

Attack move, run, attack move, run, attack move, run. You get used to how long .6 APS, .8 APS, 1.0 APS, etc. delays all feel after awhile so you get a smooth "move, attack, move" rather than "move, pauseattack, move."

It uh ... it takes some practice.

I wish there were other bursty ADCs besides Graves and Corki. Maybe MF?

Varus is a back-ended burst with popping his Blight stacks (+ the E damage). MF's auto-Double Up is a good amount of burst plus the fact she just does good damage anyway.

Thresh is so durable. Got surrounded by 3 enemy champions after trying to chase a 100 HP Jax after a teamfight. Threw a blind hook and pulled myself over the edge to Jax, killed him, and thanks to lantern shield and Locket got away in time for my team to come in and mop up.

Fun fact: You can pull people over the thin walls like the ledges near the blue buff/Dragon area.


People keep telling me to buy GA when i play ADC, but I don't really like it, I'd rather just buy something with better stats and try and have better positioning to stop myself dying in the first place, is this right? Or should I be buying GA more often?


People keep telling me to buy GA when i play ADC, but I don't really like it, I'd rather just buy something with better stats and try and have better positioning to stop myself dying in the first place, is this right? Or should I be buying GA more often?

It largely depends. Despite the joke, I was pretty serious about Warmogs as the go-to purchase for your defensive item. After your BT/IE + SS/PD + LW core, you're basically looking at Warmogs or GA. Warmogs gives you more survivability, GA gives you a low health revive. If you have good escape and peel, the latter can potentially be better but it's hard to argue with Warmogs just being more reliable.

Stop pulling people out of my Cataclysm!!!

The simple solution would be to not play Jarvan, obviously.



It largely depends. Despite the joke, I was pretty serious about Warmogs as the go-to purchase for your defensive item. After your BT/IE + SS/PD + LW core, you're basically looking at Warmogs or GA. Warmogs gives you more survivability, GA gives you a low health revive. If you have good escape and peel, the latter can potentially be better but it's hard to argue with Warmogs just being more reliable.

I've been getting warmogs as a last item most games, maybe i should just get that a little earlier.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger

My losing streak finally ends on the sixth game as my team forces the opposition into an early surrender.

We essentially forced them into their base and waited outside, killing anyone brave enough to go out past a few metres.

Not a perfect game for me, far from it. At the start I dived after an enemy without back up and paid for it. For the entire match my lane partner Udyr was calling me all kinds of shit and demanding I be reported. For one mistake. Even after I started climbing high with kills and assists and even after saving his ass. Got to the point where the team was telling him to shut and threatening to report him for being an ass.

Reported him at the end myself for "Negative Attitude".

Finally free of that ball and chain losing streak. Quite enjoying Xin too. Win, win.
Also try not to fall into the mentality of blaming your team every time you lose, there's always things you could've done better, try to focus on those instead rather than your teammate's mistakes that you can't fix for next time.

Don't want to end up like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjPsQ6Buuec

I've been watching this guy for about a month now and he's great. He was trying to play AP Yi mid awhile ago and I don't think he knew that Yi's ult is anything other than a move speed bonus.


I've been watching this guy for about a month now and he's great. He was trying to play AP Yi mid awhile ago and I don't think he knew that Yi's ult is anything other than a move speed bonus.

There's nothing wrong with being bad, it's the attitude where he blames others constantly while failing to realise his own mistakes which is awful.
There's nothing wrong with being bad, it's the attitude where he blames others constantly while failing to realise his own mistakes which is awful.

The issue with his skill level is that all of his problems come from a complete lack of self awareness. You need to be able to look at your play and tell yourself what you messed up and he completely fails to do that.

Let me put it this way, he AFK'd for 20 minutes at the start of a game, when he came back his team was actually winning. He came back and the team that was stomping 4v5 stomped even harder 4.5v5. He spent the rest of that day congratulating himself on being able to win a game where he was AFK early.

Anything good that happens is because of him, anything bad that happens is because of noob teammates.
Well, that's some level of hubris I can't even begin to comprehend.

It has to be a form of satire or a parody, right?

We've concluded that it's more a complete and total lack of self awareness. That video wasn't made by carefully picking quotes, you basically get that experience in any random game he's in.


I think I'm going to try and do more with the twitch account I made, like make videos of my solo queue with more thinking out loud stuff. Ideally, voicing it out will make me think about things more and also improve my gameplay/strategy. At the same time, my girlfriend will probably start thinking that I'm finally going crazy from playing this game so much.

I would for the GAF games too, but I foresee mixing up commentary & team chatter and things would probably get very confusing/annoying.

Edit: Like here's a video of a game I played last night on Eve against Akali mid. http://www.twitch.tv/mercviper/b/361871026

I feel like I probably should've lost that matchup once 6 hit, but I took advantage of Eve's early game being slightly better than Akali's and pushed her out of lane to gain a 2 level advantage with Rammus' help. Game kinda snowballs from there with me roaming and ganking. It also didn't help we caught their invade early and stopped that 1-0 with the kill going to our adc.

The vid is pretty silent because I just don't talk (since there isn't a need to, internal voice and all that), but there's plenty of things I could add to later videos during the gameplay like voicing out why I leave Akali for Rammus to finish off in one of his ganks etc.

The quality is low because I'm dumb and didn't change the setting, and the time is misleading because I forgot I was streaming it and surfed GAF after the game. :p
I think I'm going to try and do more with the twitch account I made, like make videos of my solo queue with more thinking out loud stuff. Ideally, voicing it out will make me think about things more and also improve my gameplay/strategy. At the same time, my girlfriend will probably start thinking that I'm finally going crazy from playing this game so much.

I would for the GAF games too, but I foresee mixing up commentary & team chatter and things would probably get very confusing/annoying.

I'd watch your stream.

Then stroke my ego when I'm in it.


I think I'm going to try and do more with the twitch account I made, like make videos of my solo queue with more thinking out loud stuff. Ideally, voicing it out will make me think about things more and also improve my gameplay/strategy. At the same time, my girlfriend will probably start thinking that I'm finally going crazy from playing this game so much.

I try to talk to myself when I play top/mid. That way I keep track of most my relevant lane cooldowns or ward timers. Or basically any "I'm probably going to get ganked" call I make is just me talking out loud and hitting my Mumble key on accident
and then proceeding to not listen to myself

Oddly, I don't say much to myself when playing Support or ADC.

I would for the GAF games too, but I foresee mixing up commentary & team chatter and things would probably get very confusing/annoying.

Usually when streamers do these things, the commentary is dropped until between games.

On an unrelated note, we need an actual designated shot caller and some actual thought behind picks and/or what went wrong (or right) in a game. I guess if nobody actually cares that much about it (since, y'know, Normals and all), that's fine but it's kind of bothersome when we get a game of 5 "do whatever" picks and the only thing we get out of the game is silent rage.

At the very least, something to fall back to when we're on a losing streak or something. I dunno. I may just stop playing Thresh some so I can focus more on things I can carry from top lane and then just do Ranked instead of GAF games.

Edit: I'll watch that video when I get off work :x


getting much better with Vayne, figured out to go IE before Bloodthirster. Vayne mid-late game = VAYNE TRAIN AND EVERYBODY BETTER RUN.


It's still in Beta and something about the updates or something.

It's a pretty dumb reason.

I thought it would be something like that, but yeah seems pretty dumb. I mean, I'm sure DOTA 2 is as enjoyable / good as LoL, maybe more to some people but having it in gaming is kind of unfair, giving it more exposure than HoN and LoL.

When I started a couple of months ago I was going to do Dota bcs of that thread(I was new to moba games), until I decided to search the different games and went with LoL.

On an unrelated note, we need an actual designated shot caller and some actual thought behind picks and/or what went wrong (or right) in a game. I guess if nobody actually cares that much about it (since, y'know, Normals and all), that's fine but it's kind of bothersome when we get a game of 5 "do whatever" picks and the only thing we get out of the game is silent rage.

At the very least, something to fall back to when we're on a losing streak or something. I dunno. I may just stop playing Thresh some so I can focus more on things I can carry from top lane and then just do Ranked instead of GAF games.
I care. No one says anything though. "Play whatever you want," no one is talking about picks, I just end up picking champs I want to get better at, and we get Varus three times in a row.


People keep telling me to buy GA when i play ADC, but I don't really like it, I'd rather just buy something with better stats and try and have better positioning to stop myself dying in the first place, is this right? Or should I be buying GA more often?
I really like GA, but I've been doing Warmog's lately, if anything to keep up with the fad. What I really liked about GA is the mix of resistances it gave, but with Warmog's being mispriced it's just silly not to, in most cases.

I've been also thinking of buying Aegis of the Legion on my carries, because it's cheap and offers both health and resistances, and since you're likely to have another Aegis or Bulwark in your team, you're gonna have a stacked passive, so you'll end with: 250 health, 40 armor, 50 MR, 20 health regen. It's 400 health and 60 MR if you built Bulwark too, though the price goes up by a lot.

It's not a very good idea but I hate buying what everybody else's buying.

Varus is a back-ended burst with popping his Blight stacks (+ the E damage). MF's auto-Double Up is a good amount of burst plus the fact she just does good damage anyway.
Varus I could never really have fun with him, I think I'll just try MF.


I really like GA, but I've been doing Warmog's lately, if anything to keep up with the fad. What I really liked about GA is the mix of resistances it gave, but with Warmog's being mispriced it's just silly not to, in most cases.

I've been also thinking of buying Aegis of the Legion on my carries, because it's cheap and offers both health and resistances, and since you're likely to have another Aegis or Bulwark in your team, you're gonna have a stacked passive, so you'll end with: 250 health, 40 armor, 50 MR, 20 health regen. It's 400 health and 60 MR if you built Bulwark too, though the price goes up by a lot.

It's not a very good idea but I hate buying what everybody else's buying.

Varus I could never really have fun with him, I think I'll just try MF.

You ever try vayne? Hard early game, but if you manage to get her down she is devastating.

Also LOL



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I care. No one says anything though. "Play whatever you want," no one is talking about picks, I just end up picking champs I want to get better at, and we get Varus three times in a row.
I listen to your calls in Mumble. Corgi's too.
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