I really like GA, but I've been doing Warmog's lately, if anything to keep up with the fad. What I really liked about GA is the mix of resistances it gave, but with Warmog's being mispriced it's just silly not to, in most cases.
I've been also thinking of buying Aegis of the Legion on my carries, because it's cheap and offers both health and resistances, and since you're likely to have another Aegis or Bulwark in your team, you're gonna have a stacked passive, so you'll end with: 250 health, 40 armor, 50 MR, 20 health regen. It's 400 health and 60 MR if you built Bulwark too, though the price goes up by a lot.
It's not a very good idea but I hate buying what everybody else's buying.
Varus I could never really have fun with him, I think I'll just try MF.