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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Well in that case, Wickd's a dumb.

He does that a lot.

"Who's the scumbag that fed top first blood?" after being AFK at the start of the game when his team gets invaded, etc.

Yeah. They picked Zed and he went Fiora, and then they went Malphite on the next pick. Clearly the Zed was gonna go top and they picked Malphite to counter-pick Fiora, but the guy was awful.
Watching Voyboy play Elise. Wow. She's a monster when played well.

Oh yeah, and even if you're shit like me you can still win pretty much all top lane matches. She's so satisfying to play.

Pity she's just kinda reduced to being a sponge late game. If she transitioned out of lane phase better she's be guaranteed pick or ban.


Neo Member
I kinda forgot there was free week champions lol. I did want to try out Lulu. Perhaps I'll do that this week.

I think Morgana is next on my support champ list though. Burnt on Leona. :(

I love Leona but playing her support without voice chat is like stabbing yourself in the eye with a fork.

A friend of mine swears by her in the jungle. Clear speed is a little slow but she takes like no damage and has a monster gank/countergank.

Oh yeah, and even if you're shit like me you can still win pretty much all top lane matches. She's so satisfying to play.

Pity she's just kinda reduced to being a sponge late game. If she transitioned out of lane phase better she's be guaranteed pick or ban.

Sponge, initiator, executor, diver etc. Her late game is underrated imo.
Oh yeah, and even if you're shit like me you can still win pretty much all top lane matches. She's so satisfying to play.

Pity she's just kinda reduced to being a sponge late game. If she transitioned out of lane phase better she's be guaranteed pick or ban.

Her late game is fine. Just build mPen and armor and she'll shit out damage while tanking and ccing the enemy team.
I just watched for a couple of minutes. In that time, you were mostly alone, and you dove in by yourself twice and died instantly. You should go in like that when you are with your team and they can back you up. But you need to be tankier. Don't build attack speed and critical strike on Xin; it doesn't really do much for you. Build some AD like a Black Cleaver, and then tank items. You built Warmog's and Frozen Mallet, that's probably good, but you need some magic resist and armour: Merc Treads (instead of attack speed boots), Aegis of the Legion, Randuin's Omen, maybe Mercurial Scimitar.

Stay with your team, build tanky, forget attack speed and critical strike.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I just watched for a couple of minutes. In that time, you were mostly alone, and you dove in by yourself twice and died instantly. You should go in like that when you are with your team and they can back you up. But you need to be tankier. Don't build attack speed and critical strike on Xin; it doesn't really do much for you. Build some AD like a Black Cleaver, and then tank items. You built Warmog's and Frozen Mallet, that's probably good, but you need some magic resist and armour: Merc Treads (instead of attack speed boots), Aegis of the Legion, Randuin's Omen, maybe Mercurial Scimitar.

Stay with your team, build tanky, forget attack speed and critical strike.

At the end there I was pretty much at the point of not wanting to continue the match. For the majority of the time during the game I was with at least one other player or the team. You know when a game reaches that tipping point of no return and you know for certain you've lost and your team refuses to surrender - I hate being dragged through those no win situations. I tend to play a lot more recklessly when that happens.

Your item suggests however are very welcome. I think I built myself a little too HP heavy, I definitely felt the lack of armour and magic resist, so thanks for pointing that out.


How am I supposed to go on without double IP :(

Is IP Boost for 3 days worth it? :p

I think I did the math once and figured out pretty quick that it isn't worth it unless you really want to get some runes. It was a while ago though. Somebody else should probably confirm this.

Yeah, someone on reddit did some math about it. Unless you're buying runes, not worth it.

You're better off spending the RP on the champion directly (especially when they are on sale).

I love Leona but playing her support without voice chat is like stabbing yourself in the eye with a fork.

A friend of mine swears by her in the jungle. Clear speed is a little slow but she takes like no damage and has a monster gank/countergank.

Pretty much. She's great fun and I feel like I play her pretty well but it's tough with a random player. And if you fall behind in lane, you're basically sitting there waiting for teamfights or defending under tower. If you're winning and the adc can follow up, it's a smash fest though.

I'll stick with Zyra or Sona for typical games. My win rate is much higher with them. Hard to go wrong with a ranged poke/CC champ for support.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Going try this build and build order with Xin.

-Boots - > Mercury
-Randuin's Omen or Mercurial Schmitar
-Black Cleaver
-Frozen Mallet

Wish me luck.


It's kind of sad when that build makes more sense in reverse.

Edit: Boots1 -> Phage / Brutalizer (depending on how ahead, more or less) -> Boots2 (Don't just get Merc treads without looking at the enemy team). Bloodthirster isn't bad, per se, but it doesn't feel like a necessary item for Xin Zhao. You'd be better served getting tankier (Warmog's) with some CDR (Kindlegem items).

I pretty much wouldn't ever build PD and the Randuin's / Mercurial is a situational pick at best. If you absolutely must have an ASPD Movement item, Zephyr is better than PD for Xin.
Well either Merc Treads or Ninja Tabi, just not AS boots.

The 3 major options for boots are Merc Treads for the MR, Ninja Tabi for the armor, Boots of Mobility for the strategic speed or Swiftness for chasing. Berserker Greaves are kind of overrated on a lot of bruisers and blind picking Treads isn't a great idea.


Corgi's guide to have fun in ranked and do other stuff good too.

1. Learn at least 2 supports you enjoy playing.
2. Learn a bruiser that can carry from either jungle and top.

90% of the time you get what you want.


Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Didnt even get a chance.



Right, so check enemy team before finishing the boots.

Replace PD with Brutalizer and Phage.

Replace RanMerc with Zephyr.


-Boots + 3 Pots
-Finish Boots
-Black Cleaver
-Frozen Mallet

How's that?

Providing the rest of my team doesn't assplode before I finish the boots.


^Prioritize some tanky items (Frozen Mallet, Warmog, Maw against AP heavy teams) after Black Cleaver especially if you are the only front line champion in your team. I view BT and Zephyr as luxury items on Xin so get those if you're so fed that there's no way you can lose.

so sad. the yla rex is all of us weeps.


I find myself, that with every match I keep moving more and more to a support role with fid. A support role that if given a chance can do tons of damage. Is this a bad behavior, and should I rectify now, or is that a reasonable role for fid?

By support I mean, staying back doing drains silences and fears so my team mates get the kills and if given the chance ult in when I see the opportunity (rarely use it).

I see Fid Supports destroy and feed. If you do good with him I don't see the problem is using it. Late game Fid is pretty scary even with just support items. His fear is great at picking people off.

Thx! Not to toot my own horn but every time I set my mind to "you're supporting, do not fetch kills" I win said match. Whereas, when I go all out offensive I most likely end up with a high positive KDR but the match can go either way (win/lose). Which is why I have been moving towards more support behavior.

If you've seen it been played like that at higher levels of play, then I think I might just keep at it as support :D


I find myself, that with every match I keep moving more and more to a support role with fid. A support role that if given a chance can do tons of damage. Is this a bad behavior, and should I rectify now, or is that a reasonable role for fid?

By support I mean, staying back doing drains silences and fears so my team mates get the kills and if given the chance ult in when I see the opportunity (rarely use it).

I see Fid Supports destroy and feed. If you do good with him I don't see the problem is using it. Late game Fid is pretty scary even with just support items. His fear is great at picking people off.


Didnt even get a chance.



Right, so check enemy team before finishing the boots.

Replace PD with Brutalizer and Phage.

Replace RanMerc with Zephyr.


-Boots + 3 Pots
-Finish Boots
-Black Cleaver
-Frozen Mallet

How's that?

Providing the rest of my team doesn't assplode before I finish the boots.

After you finish boots build BC the get a giants belt. If face rolling, frozen mallet, thirster, zeypher, then like a maw. If not facerolling get warmogs, spirit visage, frozen mallet, then maw maybe.

You want to prioritize his tankiness because if you get focused as don it's not easy to get away so you wanna do dmg but u gotta survive first.


Early tank items (Warmogs, Frozen Mallet, Kindlegem) will basically beat out any early offensive items for a Xin. Unless you're massively ahead.


4 for 1'd their team, better recall.

Yeah, I made some pretty bad decisions myself, though.

What really gets me is when people with a sliver of health b in front of the new batch of revived champions because they can't be bothered to run a few steps into the fog of war.

You play the hand you're dealt.

We had the most kills consistantly through the match, with a lead of at least 10.

We still lost badly.
Because >kills doesn't really equate to winning, even if it helps it a lot.

Thx man!

While lurking there, found this: Annie new splash.. Sooo goood! With the panda skin and the new splash I may store fiddle for a while and go back to maining Annie :D

edit: Still upset about Tibbers Tilted head, looking derpy though.
np, dude.

To be honest, the splash art looks kinda weird. Like, seriously too much upskirt leg for a little girl.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Are you on NA servers or EU?

EU Nordic

Because >kills doesn't really equate to winning, even if it helps it a lot.

Never said it did. But leading by 10 kills generally means you have gold advantage and most likely full control of a lane or two. For a decent team, a 10 kill leads is enough to let them snowball.

To lose with a 10-20 kill lead the entire match means there's something, very, very wrong.


EU Nordic

Ah, I see.

I think OddOne and Gazzawa started playing recently but I don't know what EU server they're on.

Anyways, there's not much you can do to carry a 1/15 Annie, Clariy Lux game but it looks like you are doing well with Xin. Just keep at it and hopefully you get some better teams.

Oh yeah, you also want to be maxing your Q skill first, and then W. Max E last because the extra slow and magic damage are not as great as the extra damage and lower CD of Q (the more time you have Q up means the faster you get your ult and other skills off CD) and the increased sustain and ASPD of W. E is one of those one point wonder skills where one point is all you need for the gap close and pretty decent slow even at rank 1. My typical skill order is QEWQ and R>Q>W>E.

You can find detailed stats on skills on the LoLwiki so you can see what you're getting out of every point you put in.


If you're leading with 10 kills then one or two lanes have probably won. The ideal thing to do is take the tower and roam to another lane and help take that lane, or push to tower and do the same thing.


^Prioritize some tanky items (Frozen Mallet, Warmog, Maw against AP heavy teams) after Black Cleaver especially if you are the only front line champion in your team. I view BT and Zephyr as luxury items on Xin so get those if you're so fed that there's no way you can lose.

so sad. the yla rex is all of us weeps.

Regarding Maw, I would only get the Hexdrinker and then stop building it there to work on other items. I think Maw is pretty terrible for it's cost.


Junior Member
Just bought a windows 8 laptop so I wil test drivee it later on lol. Still need to learn how to use windows 8 however.....

Either I have a lot of updates to go through or my 5400 rpm hard drive is not so fast.


Just bought a windows 8 laptop so I wil test drivee it later on lol. Still need to learn how to use windows 8 however.....

Either I have a lot of updates to go through or my 5400 rpm hard drive is not so fast.

prolly the hard drive I play on my Imac and it can be slow sometimes, but tbh I dont mind since I am on a desktop.


Junior Member
prolly the hard drive I play on my Imac and it can be slow sometimes, but tbh I dont mind since I am on a desktop.

My prior laptop had a 7200rpm drive but I wasn't expect updates to take this long.

I think the hard drive turned off during sleep mode which would explain a lot. But this thing had like a 4 hour battery life.

This is the first time I am running this installer on this machine so I was expect a long download/ install.


Never said it did. But leading by 10 kills generally means you have gold advantage and most likely full control of a lane or two. For a decent team, a 10 kill leads is enough to let them snowball.

To lose with a 10-20 kill lead the entire match means there's something, very, very wrong.
Depends on multiple factors, namely objectives.

If they been getting towers and dragons you might be losing in gold for all you know.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
LoL: 3 Games, 3 Loses Tonight - Will I Win The Last?

My exciting final game video of the night.




I'm seeing definite improvement with Xin but terrible team, after terrible team is robbing me of any victory.

Lost all of my last five games now. Not a single win tonight. Feels bad.

Depends on multiple factors, namely objectives.

If they been getting towers and dragons you might be losing in gold for all you know.

Yeah, it depends on things, but generally speaking, for the majority of cases I have encountered, it fits, not always, but most of the time.


80cs in a 40 minute game. You might really want to work on that.

I'd say more but I keep getting distracted by that Shaco build.


Also try not to fall into the mentality of blaming your team every time you lose, there's always things you could've done better, try to focus on those instead rather than your teammate's mistakes that you can't fix for next time.

Don't want to end up like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjPsQ6Buuec

That's great. It's like the embodiment of low ELO solo queue. Wow that was the longest wraith camp clear ever.

in otter news i can't find my stylus so i am sad corgi




reddit said:
I just watched this guys stream. He used his ult on Kha to run back to lane because of the 1 second speed burst. How can you be that bad? I've seen my summoner lvl 17 friend play a better khazix during free week.

I'm on a 6 game winning streak in ranked, 5-0 with Kennen. He seems to really benefit from the Liandry's + Rylai's pairing. Lots of good early items that keep him strong, and a Zhonyas by late game makes him strong the whole way. Safe farmer that doesn't push and won't feed in lane, can counter gank from mid pretty damn well. Not many people are using him right now and I'm not sure why.
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