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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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What's the general consensus on Olaf's upcoming nerfs?

I've just discovered what can only be described as the awesome of Brolaf but I'm wondering if its even worth playing too much with him right now given the extensive changes on him in PBE? The lack of passive on his ult in particular looks like it'll hurt a considerable amount, and the decaying slow on Q is disappointing too.


Mixed up my Akali build last night. Gunblade rush is all well and good but it's been entertaining watching Voyboy build her completely tanky and still wreck face. I needed to redeem myself after getting crushed by a Rumble my previous akali game.

I'm no voyboy of course so I didn't go completely tanky. Rush giants belt, then sorc shoes, hextech revolver, haunting guise then I would have finished gunblade. Except they surrendered at 20.

The early giants belt means I took my level 6 lane dominance and I got to tower dive repeatedly with it. 3 charges of ult, use 2 on the dive then ult out on an enemy creep. Even if I didn't get a kill, the opponent had to base and I just sustained with my passive. The poor anivia I was against just didn't know what to do. At one point our lee sin jungler ganked and kicked her egg out of tower range so we could finish it off at our leisure. My only death was largely self inflicted.

Coupled with a little tankier masteries, I think a giants belt rush is going to be my new standard for akali. Gives her a lot more survivability for her in your face playstyle. She already has good base damage.


The game that would have made me go past 1600:

I was 7/1 Graves. Mid won by 30 farm. Top lane was up in kills and got the tower. Jungle was even. Have 2 dragons.

Top laner decides to 5v1 3 times in a row because he got cocky with his score. Dies and baits the entire team to die with him. Get aced 3 times. Lose baron, dragons and eventually map control.
Nome played Talon and carried the crap out of the enemy team even though he was bullied by my mid laner and had no farm. GAF denying my dreams.

After that game, I lost my sanity and went down to 1400 elo.
We need to have an intervention or something to save Rex from ranked. That, or fuse Rex and Ken into a single entity to combine their powers.
If i use Kayle and go for attack speed items am I right in thinking the way to fight off someone that rushes you (Vi for example) would be to Q (Nuke / slow) them, activate E (makes auto attacks ranged plus added AP damage) then as they reach you hit R (invinsible for 2-3 seconds) then just auto attack them down? if they run hit W and chase and then Q again if CD is up?

I really like her as she can mix up damage and a support role.


There's two philosophies for AP-esque Kayle builds:

ASPD/AP where you basically do as you outlined. You harass when your E is up, Q+E to orbwalk* them, and Q+W to either escape or pursue. Use your ult when they get on you** so you can take the brunt of their burst and keep trading. This is more used on champions that you can get away with multiple auto-attacks on; ones who have trouble disengaging you or trouble getting on top of you and sticking. Basically, the Nashor's Tooth + Liandry's build that lets you do more sustained damage so you need to be able to attack consistently.

Raw AP where you Q + E auto-attack and then disengage. Your harass is more on your Q dealing a lot of damage and your W heal + movement lets you just shrug off any damage you take and get out as fast as possible. Deathcap + Lichbane build to maximize the two-hit damage (Q+E for Q Damage, Auto Damage, Lichbane proc). This is more meant for champions you don't want to fight head-on or ones you can't sit and attack constantly.

Generally speaking, you can get away with AP/ASPD vs everyone, just with less of a kill potential in lane (e.g., trying to auto-attack down a Nidalee is pretty hard). There might be a few hard gap closers that you'll not want to but those would most likely beat raw AP too anyway :x

*Attack-move kiting where you Auto Attack, move to cancel the auto recovery frames, attack again as soon as your auto-attack "coolsdown", move to cancel the auto recovery frames, etc. etc. Basically, just running and attacking and minimizing how long you ever just "stand there" doing nothing.

**Since you mention Vi, I feel like noting that you can actually ult after she reaches you but before the knock-up so you can shield her ult damage and part of her follow-up damage.


If i use Kayle and go for attack speed items am I right in thinking the way to fight off someone that rushes you (Vi for example) would be to Q (Nuke / slow) them, activate E (makes auto attacks ranged plus added AP damage) then as they reach you hit R (invinsible for 2-3 seconds) then just auto attack them down? if they run hit W and chase and then Q again if CD is up?

I really like her as she can mix up damage and a support role.

you can Kite V forever and when she throw ultimate use your ultimate then w to escape without taking damage.
better to time Q after she wasted her q (only gap closer beside ultimate).
There's two philosophies for AP-esque Kayle builds:

ASPD/AP where you basically do as you outlined. You harass when your E is up, Q+E to orbwalk* them, and Q+W to either escape or pursue. Use your ult when they get on you** so you can take the brunt of their burst and keep trading. This is more used on champions that you can get away with multiple auto-attacks on; ones who have trouble disengaging you or trouble getting on top of you and sticking. Basically, the Nashor's Tooth + Liandry's build that lets you do more sustained damage so you need to be able to attack consistently.

Raw AP where you Q + E auto-attack and then disengage. Your harass is more on your Q dealing a lot of damage and your W heal + movement lets you just shrug off any damage you take and get out as fast as possible. Deathcap + Lichbane build to maximize the two-hit damage (Q+E for Q Damage, Auto Damage, Lichbane proc). This is more meant for champions you don't want to fight head-on or ones you can't sit and attack constantly.

Generally speaking, you can get away with AP/ASPD vs everyone, just with less of a kill potential in lane (e.g., trying to auto-attack down a Nidalee is pretty hard). There might be a few hard gap closers that you'll not want to but those would most likely beat raw AP too anyway :x

*Attack-move kiting where you Auto Attack, move to cancel the auto recovery frames, attack again as soon as your auto-attack "coolsdown", move to cancel the auto recovery frames, etc. etc. Basically, just running and attacking and minimizing how long you ever just "stand there" doing nothing.

**Since you mention Vi, I feel like noting that you can actually ult after she reaches you but before the knock-up so you can shield her ult damage and part of her follow-up damage.

you can Kite V forever and when she throw ultimate use your ultimate then w to escape without taking damage.
better to time Q after she wasted her q (only gap closer beside ultimate).

Thanks. Im used to playing support and I do pretty well as lulu. I just need practise with actual fighters. Gonna stick with Kayle and Lux and learn them as best I can. That way I have a bot, mid and top possibilities to play with. Bought skins for all three.

Had the game 2 weeks and wall of shame is £18........ I will not buy more..... just yet.

Damn you pointless skins.


I just spent another $20.. Not really sure why.. I guess the bonus 200rp was too much temptation.. I'm weak.

On the bright side, I can't imagine spending the 4k rp I have anytime soon. It would take a really good new skin for a champ I play a lot to get me to buy something full price. Or a brilliant champ when I have no IP left. As it is I have enough IP to get either the next ADC or Thresh.
What's the general consensus on Olaf's upcoming nerfs?

I've just discovered what can only be described as the awesome of Brolaf but I'm wondering if its even worth playing too much with him right now given the extensive changes on him in PBE? The lack of passive on his ult in particular looks like it'll hurt a considerable amount, and the decaying slow on Q is disappointing too.

He needed nerfs BAD. If he landed a single axe in lane on another of champions, it meant you were eating burst for 25-50% of your HP or in some cases, burning flash.

On top of that, being able to build nothing but HP and still deal crazy burst and regular damage through the arpen on his ult passive is just stupid.

Being an AD carry main, I could never stand how he could build pure health, run right at me with my entire team focusing him, gib me in two seconds, and still have half his HP left and end up at full health by the end of the battle through using his W. Completely stupid.


I never figured out how to do any damage with Olaf, but probably because I get hung up on the true damage lightning not scaling with anything, when real damage comes from close-range axe resets with ult for armor penetration or something.
I never figured out how to do any damage with Olaf, but probably because I get hung up on the true damage lightning not scaling with anything, when real damage comes from close-range axe resets with ult for armor penetration or something.

Yep. Basically, you want to W for the extra damage then throw short range axes every second, or longer range axes that hit several people. Remember, it's an aoe attack.


I tired AP kayle last night and did pretty well. Is pure ad kayle or hybrid kayle viable?
you need Cdr with kayle to be able to use E al the time.
Nashor is a core item on her so you might as well build laundry after that to do insane damage with her Q.

Nashor into gunblade is not bad though (her Q scale hard with Ap and Ad).

I used to play kayle from lvl 1 to lvl 30 (only 3v3) and i used to build Nashor into glacial and it was effective at the time because i get insane cdr so i just spam shit, dont think if it will work now but it would be nice if i can try that build top and build that glacial sheen item after nashor.


Given the choice for a hybrid item, I'd opt for Rageblade over Gunblade. It's cheaper and ultimately does more for the cost.

On the subject of hybrid Kayle, Rageblade -> Nashor's is better than Nashor's -> Rageblade just due to the relative power you get for the cost. If nothing else, it makes your engage burst a bit better and makes prolonged fights scarier since you get stronger per hit (twice, due to her passive) and a low health ult with the Rageblade passive is just nice.

Edit: On another note, I still need to try Ssong's actual Kayle build (Nashor's/Liandry -> Sorcs -> DFG -> Defensive Item). ;_;


Given the choice for a hybrid item, I'd opt for Rageblade over Gunblade. It's cheaper and ultimately does more for the cost.

On the subject of hybrid Kayle, Rageblade -> Nashor's is better than Nashor's -> Rageblade just due to the relative power you get for the cost. If nothing else, it makes your engage burst a bit better and makes prolonged fights scarier since you get stronger per hit (twice, due to her passive) and a low health ult with the Rageblade passive is just nice.

Edit: On another note, I still need to try Ssong's actual Kayle build (Nashor's/Liandry -> Sorcs -> DFG -> Defensive Item). ;_;
Forgot about that item lol, but i agree with the s3 is better to get that first after nashor then maybe Gunblade.

Still prefer to build her as an Ap to to make her heal much more effective.


We need some good games tonight GAF.

Yeah we should get those in. Recorded 2 ranked games last night and got trolled in the first one by a tank gragas top who didn't like me picking mid even with pick order + call order.

As far as streaming goes, I got most of the sound working now. Still dunno how to get the mumble cross-talk w/o transferring the sound from headset to speakers. Switched to OBS from xsplit and I'm finding that to be a much better free alternative. I was having trouble with lag at the beginning but then I changed the bitrate of the stream from the default 1000 to 500. Barely noticable now and I guess I can play with the values some more to see how far I can push it before I get lag again. Apparently the lower bitrate may cause choppiness on a high action fight, but we'll see.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Yeah we should get those in. Recorded 2 ranked games last night and got trolled in the first one by a tank gragas top who didn't like me picking mid even with pick order + call order.

As far as streaming goes, I got most of the sound working now. Still dunno how to get the mumble cross-talk w/o transferring the sound from headset to speakers. Switched to OBS from xsplit and I'm finding that to be a much better free alternative. I was having trouble with lag at the beginning but then I changed the bitrate of the stream from the default 1000 to 500. Barely noticable now and I guess I can play with the values some more to see how far I can push it before I get lag again. Apparently the lower bitrate may cause choppiness on a high action fight, but we'll see.

Less than 1000?

I set mine to 9000. It never reaches that high but it's butter smooth. 8MB is not even half of my upload speed though, although they say that it's best if you stick to 75% of your upload speed.

Make sure your bitrate and buffer are both matching. Honestly though, the higher the better in terms of quality. You can also go higher or lower FPS or change RES if your computer is struggling.

At 500 bitrate, how is your stream not a pixellated jumble?


Yeah we should get those in.

Honestly, I think our "problem" right now is all these role swaps we've done recently. vs Plat/Diamond players with sub-100 games of experience in roles. Mechanics carry over, match ups do not (except like half of top/mid AD ones).

That and just generally playing like ass. My play is a lot worse recently and I'm going to just shut up about anything else besides getting back to where I should be. I've had way too many barely 200cs games with won lanes recently that it's just downright depressing. I also shouldn't be losing my lane without a hilariously lopsided match-up or jungle interference.

Recorded 2 ranked games last night and got trolled in the first one by a tank gragas top who didn't like me picking mid even with pick order + call order.



Less than 1000?

I set mine to 9000. It never reaches that high but it's butter smooth. 8MB is not even half of my upload speed though, although they say that it's best if you stick to 75% of your upload speed.

Make sure your bitrate and buffer are both matching. Honestly though, the higher the better in terms of quality. You can also go higher or lower FPS or change RES if your computer is struggling.

At 500 bitrate, how is your stream not a pixellated jumble?

Yeah they both match. I just checked my upload and it's around 1.39 MB -_-. I was getting around 200 ping @ 1000 so I'll try putting it around 750 tonight when I get back. Looking at the video it's decent on the small screen but when full screen does look kinda terrible. Overall though if the ping is too much then I'll probably just stop live streaming and just do locally-recorded ones that I upload later. Playing @ 200 ping is not fun when I have easy access to lag free playing.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Yeah they both match. I just checked my upload and it's around 1.39 MB -_-. I was getting around 200 ping @ 1000 so I'll try putting it around 750 tonight when I get back. Looking at the video it's decent on the small screen but when full screen does look kinda terrible. Overall though if the ping is too much then I'll probably just stop live streaming and just do locally-recorded ones that I upload later. Playing @ 200 ping is not fun when I have easy access to lag free playing.

Yeah, I'd never play with 200 ping, ever. I'm in the UK and just playing on US server gives me a ping of 140-160 and it's barely tolerable.

Local recording might be better if you want quality in this case.


He needed nerfs BAD. If he landed a single axe in lane on another of champions, it meant you were eating burst for 25-50% of your HP or in some cases, burning flash.

On top of that, being able to build nothing but HP and still deal crazy burst and regular damage through the arpen on his ult passive is just stupid.

Being an AD carry main, I could never stand how he could build pure health, run right at me with my entire team focusing him, gib me in two seconds, and still have half his HP left and end up at full health by the end of the battle through using his W. Completely stupid.
Yup, he has the same problem that Rengar had, he doesn't have to build damage to blow up the carries, so it's not like they can counter him, and since he actually builds tanky, he gets crazy powerful while being unkillable.

The nerf is straight on.

Is Lolreplay still working?

Is this it? http://www.leaguereplays.com/download/

I'm interested in recording my games so I can work on my failings with a fresh set of eyes.
Yes, it works but it's kinda dumb and doesn't always work nice.


Yup, he has the same problem that Rengar had, he doesn't have to build damage to blow up the carries, so it's not like they can counter him, and since he actually builds tanky, he gets crazy powerful while being unkillable.

The nerf is straight on.

Yes, it works but it's kinda dumb and doesn't always work nice.

Maybe I'd be best off just trying to set up a local capture with streaming software like OBS then. I'm find just recording and watching from my POV later. Hmm..


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I had to uninstall LoLReplay because it was causing my games to lock-up, crash, BSOD, among other game ruining things. It's probably for the best anyway since I can't recall the last time I was like "Hmmm, I totally want to watch this game again."


I had to uninstall LoLReplay because it was causing my games to lock-up, crash, BSOD, among other game ruining things. It's probably for the best anyway since I can't recall the last time I was like "Hmmm, I totally want to watch this game again."
I never had this problem.

Basically the worst it's happened with LoLReplay is that it failed to record some matches or that it crashed when replaying a match for some reason.

Never anything more serious than that.

And it's pretty cool, since it runs on spectator mode so if you want to upload a whole match you can just set it to directed camera, hit record and go have some breakfast or something.


dat level 1 boots fiddle

edit: nevermind that, oh shit dat morde build
edit2: dat gp stacking hydras... seriously how did you lose that?


Players in draft suck, players in ranked suck. Everyone sucks!
1300 elo and below is the worst fucking thing ever, I'm in 1600 and its so much better.
Draft suck because there is no elo on the line so they just troll and pick free characters.


I hate blaming my team, I really do.

But if it's not me...

Then who? =/

I farmed. I stuck together with the team. Just good opponents I guess. Or bad luck. Or both.

The thing to learn after mechanics, how to farm, how to lane, etc. is to learn how to carry. Getting 10 kills, for instance, means nothing if you just farmed kills in lane all game while other lanes lost. To carry a game, you need to win your lane and then take that advantage elsewhere.

Basically, you farm and play well early on to get an advantage. Once you get your advantage, you take it to other lanes. This is one of the reasons why top lane feels so much like an island: The notable early game objective to contest is so far away. That and because we're all selfish bastards in top lane.

Of course, none of this matters when your team can't team fight worth a damn or many other things but, essentially, that's the goal: Win lane, win other lanes, win the map, win the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
1300 elo and below is the worst fucking thing ever, I'm in 1600 and its so much better.
Draft suck because there is no elo on the line so they just troll and pick free characters.
...oh. We're not supposed to do stuff like that?


The thing to learn after mechanics, how to farm, how to lane, etc. is to learn how to carry. Getting 10 kills, for instance, means nothing if you just farmed kills in lane all game while other lanes lost. To carry a game, you need to win your lane and then take that advantage elsewhere.

Basically, you farm and play well early on to get an advantage. Once you get your advantage, you take it to other lanes. This is one of the reasons why top lane feels so much like an island: The notable early game objective to contest is so far away. That and because we're all selfish bastards in top lane.

Of course, none of this matters when your team can't team fight worth a damn or many other things but, essentially, that's the goal: Win lane, win other lanes, win the map, win the game.
Play GP top, farm 400 minions by minute 25, steal kills with your ult, global presence!

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
The thing to learn after mechanics, how to farm, how to lane, etc. is to learn how to carry. Getting 10 kills, for instance, means nothing if you just farmed kills in lane all game while other lanes lost. To carry a game, you need to win your lane and then take that advantage elsewhere.

Basically, you farm and play well early on to get an advantage. Once you get your advantage, you take it to other lanes. This is one of the reasons why top lane feels so much like an island: The notable early game objective to contest is so far away. That and because we're all selfish bastards in top lane.

Of course, none of this matters when your team can't team fight worth a damn or many other things but, essentially, that's the goal: Win lane, win other lanes, win the map, win the game.

I wasn't sticking to my lane the whole match. Generally after the first tower is down, I take a look about but by that stage I think my team was on the defence in the other lanes.

I tried to keep the team together, using myself to help bully and harass or outright kill any opponents by themselves.

One of my main problems, when it comes to team fights, is I'm usually the main target for the enemy team. I've noticed that when I play with Yi and I've noticed that with Xin. I think I end up making myself out to be a huge target by pissing folks off and it comes to 5 on 5, or 4 on 4 teamfights, I usually end up taking quite the beating.

With Xin and his slight tankiness and increased HP over, say Yi, I've been able to survive much longer these days.

I think the problem was in the last game, I was fed, but the enemy team had two fatties. They weren't quite as fat as I was, but numbers win.

That's what I think after looking over the game again.
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