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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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What's up with the weird 3g combine cost for Trinity Force?

Hmm, they talk about Giant Belt nerfs but what will 20 less hp really do?

We're still League of Warmog's, it seems...

Warmogs is a bit more expensive too which is good. I'd rather have this than Mallet being a no brainer choice over Warmogs last season.


I like the increase in warmogs and sun fire. Only a 20hp loss on giants belt means I'll probably still build it.
The giant belt nerf doesn't really make any sense, why bother for 20 hp, it's not even 10% worse...

The price thing on Warmog's is kinda cool because it bumps it to cost more than GA, so carries kinda got their choice back. I get the feeling it'll still be the League of Warmog's but with some luck at least it'll delay buying it like 5 minutes or something...

I'm just sick of seeing it on every champion...

edit: january's finally over, time for real avatars again!


The goal was to just bring down the Health cost efficiency to roughly in-line with the cost. It's to also discourage 2x Giant's Belt.

It's also kind of insignificant, yeah.


Good god, last sale was a miss for me (only got jax and brand) but this sale im getting everything except cass. I may burn through my $100+ rp faster than I thought!\

What do you guys think of those kat nerfs? She needed some toning down but on paper it seems they went a little too far, maybe?


Good god, last sale was a miss for me (only got jax and brand) but this sale im getting everything except cass. I may burn through my $100+ rp faster than I thought!\

What do you guys think of those kat nerfs? She needed some toning down but on paper it seems they went a little too far, maybe?
Nah, they're good.

E really needed a nerf and moving damage from her Q towards her ult makes sense.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Twisted Fate, really?

I've never seen him pose a serious problem. What's the beef with him?
On demand stun. Easy laning phase. Can spam spells and still get a return on mana. Punishing ultimate that creates ganking opportunities and snowballs games.


As far as I know, Katarina was reserved for Scarra and low-elo pub stomping way back in the day, since every champion and his/her/its grandmother had an interrupt to stop the ult, which may have been most of her damage, and people would save the interrupts to ruin your chance at teamfighting.

Moving the damage away from the ult made it possible to harass with W if you aren't against a champion who can stun and/or nuke you while you are running away with the speed boost, as well as helping her do some damage in teamfights. I rather miss old Kat but I'm just old-fashioned. Building her was also different since I seem to recall gunblade being better then, and DFG building out of kage's, so you could build kage's and then DFG + gunblade + shunpo ult for the slow and heals and damages.


Like, if it were vs 2k+ players, I doubt it'd be an accusation of ghosting. Ryze mia? Better stay away from bushes. I had deep wards in river after getting caught out. I derped an early death (E went down, attack moved past minions) and got caught way too many times so I started being extra cautious.

Oh well.

dat Teemo ban though.


Like, if it were vs 2k+ players, I doubt it'd be an accusation of ghosting. Ryze mia? Better stay away from bushes. I had deep wards in river after getting caught out. I derped an early death (E went down, attack moved past minions) and got caught way too many times so I started being extra cautious.

Oh well.

dat Teemo ban though.



Ack, I hate when I get backdoor'd, specially when I'm support so I just can't stop it by myself and no one bothers to heed my cries of "FUCKING BASE DUDERS".

Anyways, got a quadra with Anivia today by locking people inside my ult using her wall, so that felt pretty good :D

edit: voyboy seems like super nice, scarra-like, i gotta watch him stream sometime, maybe. i should watch mid laners, maybe froggen, he seems to like the same champions as i do.
So last night ranked was closed for prepatch reasons so the non ranked games i normally play (im only lvl 15) got flooded with premades. Lost about 4/5 games in a row. Not only were we against premades but the power of the derp was full on. No one would work as a team. They would just roam about trying to get solo kills.

After several games of getting fed up I unlocked Alistar so I could have a tank and at least guarentee we had an initiator who wouldn't just roam solo the whole game and never initiate. He was pretty fun. really good survivability. However when my entire team just abandon the fight the second I engage it just ends in a mess. Had a Wokong that attacked 2 people when he was on 2 or less health so many times it was just annoying. He just saw blood and went for it. By the end of the game I finally got my team to follow me. Great I think we can push and possibly win because had actually pushed the middle lane to there base. Just as we get to there base... I see there team...... time to shine alistar, get in there stun them, ultimate so they cant touch you for a while, while your team dishes out the pain....... that was the plan of course. However one enemy is positioned in the stream bottom running away so half my team chase her instead.... erm guys..... GUYS?

sigh. I would like to think it gets better the higher lvl / rank you go but im getting a feeling that unless you are playing with a team over voice chat that might not ever be the case lol.

The final results were me with something like 4/6/12 I think. EVERYONE else was on at least 13 deaths with only a few kills.

This game is great but sometimes it can really annoy you lol.

Im having trouble with Kayle. I really like her but im having trouble doing well with her. Maybe its just the games I have been playing the past few days with her where the team wont work together so I end up getting jumped and walked over. Maybe I just cant get used to her play style when not going a support role. Dunno. Will have to just stick with her I guess.

Just seems as soon as I hit lvl 15 that every game is just full of lone wolves and there is me without a clue where to go because our team is all over the place getting ganked one after the other by the enemy who are working together.


Toyz has two warmogs, warden's mail and boots in less than 20minutes.

My mind cannot take this. I'm such a shit player.
Anyone with experience with Alistar?

Can I run him as the support bot and then roam now and then to place wards / gank attempt?

Basically i have 4 chars I like to use

Lulu - I run standard bot support, warding, buffing biggerfying etc and is my best char so far.

Lux - for lolz if my team needs a mid. Im not great with her yet but she is fun.

Kayle - still trying to get to grips with. Im guessing start off standard support and by the end of the game she becomes a support / dps hybrid.

Alistar - I just got last night and had a lot of fun with despite only playing him once in a terrible game. I like the tank and support roles (setting up the kills I guess)

All I did last night as it was my first go with Ali was go for the recommended defensive stuff so I became a damage spongue. Is that what I should always do (but mix in a few support utility items) or should I also get some AP / AD as well to help his damage?


If you want to roam with Alistar during laning phase play him in the jungle. I don't know if it's viable anymore though. Supports generally stick with the ADC all throughout laning phase so as not to put him in bad situations like getting pushed to tower and dove on. Greatest distance I'll travel from ADC is to put a ward in river.

Build support stuff like Locket/Aegis/Shureliya on Alistar. Thanks to his ultimate he doesn't really need defensive items to tank damage.
If you want to roam with Alistar during laning phase play him in the jungle. I don't know if it's viable anymore though. Supports generally stick with the ADC all throughout laning phase so as not to put him in bad situations like getting pushed to tower and dove on. Greatest distance I'll travel from ADC is to put a ward in river.

Build support auras on Alistar. Thanks to his ultimate he doesn't really need defensive items to tank damage.

So where is he normally placed? support bot, top or jungle?


Neo Member
As far as I know, Katarina was reserved for Scarra and low-elo pub stomping way back in the day, since every champion and his/her/its grandmother had an interrupt to stop the ult, which may have been most of her damage, and people would save the interrupts to ruin your chance at teamfighting.

Moving the damage away from the ult made it possible to harass with W if you aren't against a champion who can stun and/or nuke you while you are running away with the speed boost, as well as helping her do some damage in teamfights. I rather miss old Kat but I'm just old-fashioned. Building her was also different since I seem to recall gunblade being better then, and DFG building out of kage's, so you could build kage's and then DFG + gunblade + shunpo ult for the slow and heals and damages.

Resets are inherently powerful mechanisms, but with only two spells and a situational ult the rest of Kats kit was weak enough to keep her balanced. Giving her an extra spell (not to mention waveclear potential) and a more complete kit accentuated the broken nature of the reset mechanic.

I really hate the Kat remake. She was a perfectly fine, if situational pick beforehand. She may have needed buffs but she didn't need a wholescale supercharging intro brokeness that has required multiple nerfs to get even close to balanced.


edit: voyboy seems like super nice, scarra-like, i gotta watch him stream sometime, maybe

He is. I normally don't watch Voyboy but I'm going to watch some more I think after that game. I need to see my dumb plays in "real time" from his perspective and then I can drink my sorrows away and then wake up and have a surreal montage and come out a better player.

Or, just, don't be dumb, use my E better, positioningx10000.

;_; 5 games of Kayle (in SR), go vs Voyboy.


Ack, I hate when I get backdoor'd, specially when I'm support so I just can't stop it by myself and no one bothers to heed my cries of "FUCKING BASE DUDERS".

Anyways, got a quadra with Anivia today by locking people inside my ult using her wall, so that felt pretty good :D

edit: voyboy seems like super nice, scarra-like, i gotta watch him stream sometime, maybe. i should watch mid laners, maybe froggen, he seems to like the same champions as i do.

He is. I normally don't watch Voyboy but I'm going to watch some more I think after that game. I need to see my dumb plays in "real time" from his perspective and then I can drink my sorrows away and then wake up and have a surreal montage and come out a better player.

Or, just, don't be dumb, use my E better, positioningx10000.

;_; 5 games of Kayle (in SR), go vs Voyboy.

Voyboy's stream is rapidly becoming my favorite.

a) he's an incredible player. Super aggressive and very game smart
b) he decided that his stream will be informative so he literally talks about everything he does and is doing
c) he's really chill. I haven't seen him rage even a little yet. The worst you get out of him is if he gets really excited he busts out with a "CYA NERD!". But it's hilarious

edit: really cool you guys got to play with him though. I'm jealous :(


Seeker's Armguard seems pretty amazing for AP junglers like Diana. 45 armor and 40 AP for 1.1K gold? Plus it builds into Zhonya's. Now that Spirit of the Spectral Wraith is 400 cheaper as well, jungle Diana appears to have gotten a whole lot more relevant.


Voyboy's stream is rapidly becoming my favorite.

a) he's an incredible player. Super aggressive and very game smart

In retrospect, I probably should've been watching earlier. We play a similar set of champions and with similar playstyles (aggression in lane to force the map to react).

c) he's really chill. I haven't seen him rage even a little yet. The worst you get out of him is if he gets really excited he busts out with a "CYA NERD!". But it's hilarious

He dived me and gave me one apparently ;_;

edit: really cool you guys got to play with him though. I'm jealous :(

I just wish I played it better. I dumbed two deaths early and then just kept getting outplayed on dives where he'd get out with <200 HP (aka, "if only my Q was up / I did slightly more damage" range). Honestly, if I had been doing better (better cooldown/mana management, better ult timing), I probably could've came out 1:1 with him on kills (if not better, some of those dives were bad) and regained my lane presence.

vs Ryze is a rough mid-game matchup (I hold better early with E zoning, push to force early Level 2 for the Q+E burst) and a better @6 but I want to farm vs him in the long-run. I barely kept up in cs :/ Being shitty for ~25k people to watch, gg.

Seeker's Armguard seems pretty amazing for AP junglers like Diana. 45 armor and 40 AP for 1.1K gold? Plus it builds into Zhonya's. Now that Spirit of the Spectral Wraith is 400 cheaper as well, jungle Diana appears to have gotten a whole lot more relevant.

I wonder if Nashor's will be more relevant on some Diana's with Seeker's giving good AP/Armor value. I mean, that was kind of the goal with the Nashor's change (+ slight nerf to AP/ASPD Kayle).


Seeker's Armguard seems pretty amazing for AP junglers like Diana. 45 armor and 40 AP for 1.1K gold? Plus it builds into Zhonya's. Now that Spirit of the Spectral Wraith is 400 cheaper as well, jungle Diana appears to have gotten a whole lot more relevant.

I LOVE this item on paper. It might actually bring AP mids back to the game. Right now AD bruisers/casters are dominating mid lane and it kinda sucks. Seeker's armguard might bring a little balance back to the midlane.

The biggest improvement in my eyes is you can now start cloth+5 with an ap mid and not hate yourself for it. Take away a lot of the early game power from a Riven, Talon, Kha'zix, Wukong.

I'm a little sad that Talon is indirectly taking another hit from this but overall it's a great change.


I just wish I played it better. I dumbed two deaths early and then just kept getting outplayed on dives where he'd get out with <200 HP (aka, "if only my Q was up / I did slightly more damage" range). Honestly, if I had been doing better (better cooldown/mana management, better ult timing), I probably could've came out 1:1 with him on kills (if not better, some of those dives were bad) and regained my lane presence.

vs Ryze is a rough mid-game matchup (I hold better early with E zoning, push to force early Level 2 for the Q+E burst) and a better @6 but I want to farm vs him in the long-run. I barely kept up in cs :/ Being shitty for ~25k people to watch, gg.
I don't want to be a jerk, but I feel like I'm missing something. If I'm understanding correctly you've made multiple posts (primarily this one) about how you were so bad in this game, yet you didn't just beat Voyboy, your team CRUSHED his. You had the third highest gold on your team, and a positive KDR. Your team didn't just have double their kills, your team had almost TRIPLE their kills. The triple premade GAF team destroyed a well-known streamer/competitive player. You have 125 more wins than losses in normals when some of us are like 50-60 losses more than wins.

And after all of the above, you are still complaining about it? Yes you could always be better, and everyone could always be better, and maybe you barely kept even in your lane or something, but complaining so much about a dominant victory against a well-known player comes across as some sort of weird variety of bragging or something. =P Just be like "We played against Voyboy and won, which was cool, even if I made some mistakes." Don't stress out over it.

Plus you also ended up with 2k more gold than him, and playing against good players, assuming he played well, is a good way to improve. Be glad you had the opportunity!

So how good is Blitz? I see he's getting slightly hit by the nerf stick. Only hero I really play.
Blitzcrank is practically always banned in ranked/draft games at low elo (1200-1300). One strategy might be to not ban him, on the theory that the other team will pick him and play him poorly, giving you a free win. In general, his robot laugh combined with his evil glove grab can very quickly change a potential teamfight to a loss for the other side, and people don't want to deal with having to play extra safe positioning.

Alternately, some people may not want to deal with teammates grabbing Olaf/Dr. Mundo/tank of your choice into the middle of their team.


I don't want to be a jerk, but I feel like I'm missing something. If I'm understanding correctly you've made multiple posts (primarily this one) about how you were so bad in this game, yet you didn't just beat Voyboy, your team CRUSHED his. You had the third highest gold on your team, and a positive KDR. Your team didn't just have double their kills, your team had almost TRIPLE their kills. The triple premade GAF team destroyed a well-known streamer/competitive player. You have 125 more wins than losses in normals when some of us are like 50-60 losses more than wins.

And after all of the above, you are still complaining about it? Yes you could always be better, and everyone could always be better, and maybe you barely kept even in your lane or something, but complaining so much about a dominant victory against a well-known player comes across as some sort of weird variety of bragging or something. =P Just be like "We played against Voyboy and won, which was cool, even if I made some mistakes." Don't stress out over it.

Plus you also ended up with 2k more farm than him, and playing against good players, assuming he played well, is a good way to improve. Be glad you had the opportunity!

To be fair Vlad d/c'd and Scy's Anivia basically dominated everyone on Voyboy's team because of it.


To be fair Vlad d/c'd and Scy's Anivia basically dominated everyone on Voyboy's team because of it.
Ah, Vlad was close to being their highest-leveled player so I didn't realize it was a 4v5. I was just going by the scoreboard. The bot lane did very well too.


You had the third highest gold on your team

I mean, I agree with the gist of your post but this is a pretty weird way to tell someone they had a good game. "Hey, you were third on your team...out of five. Uh, but you beat the jungler and the 16cs support."


I mean, I agree with the gist of your post but this is a pretty weird way to tell someone they had a good game. "Hey, you were third on your team...out of five. Uh, but you beat the jungler and the 16cs support."
That's a fair point, sorry. I just meant overall it really didn't look like he did that bad. He even said himself that "I barely kept up in cs" which I took to meant he was even-ish with his opponent.
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