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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I'm just trying to follow the wings philosophy of not really giving a shit about a videogame but god damn. I have not seen players this awful since leveling up to 30.

that's why im going to go out and buy edf 2017 vita so i have something to look forward to after every game of league of shop

4 minutes in

4 minutes


I'm really not sure I can remember the last time I saw someone say "[my lane opponent] just counterpicked himself" or "bot lane is ours" or "gg bot lane" and actually win the lane. I wonder if the people who do say this ever notice a trend.
First game with the new ranked system, duo bot completely ignores team chat, mid goes afk for 10 minutes due to his brother crying over his DS not working. I'm not sure anything has changed.


get a jungle heimer

can't dodge because it's promotion series

fuck my life

great system riot


I'm sure the other team will get a jungle heimer to even out in the end right

law of averages



Dem turrets give you great buff control.


(I got a jungle Ez last night and we still won, not saying it's the same thing, but sometimes you magically win those games)


He honestly just sat in jungle, got counter-ganked 3 times, and took all the blues, and never came to top or mid lane, I don't understand.


Basically all of them treat the jungle as another top lane, just farm on your island and maybe countergank every now and them.

They're both very bad ideas unless the team can hold on their own without jungle help. I don't really get why people do that stuff on ranked, I mean no one really cares on normal, it's just fun, but ruin other people's days, I don't get it...


that's why im going to go out and buy edf 2017 vita so i have something to look forward to after every game of league of shop

4 minutes in

4 minutes

2 games today. Taric support who hits minions. When i ask him politely to stop. Both of them raged and told me to stfu and i don't know taric's passive.


2 games today. Taric support who hits minions. When i ask him politely to stop. Both of them raged and told me to stfu and i don't know taric's passive.

I hit Cannon Minions pretty often.

When the minion waves are uneven against us.


every game in placement matches has been positive
like even if ridiculous things are happening
everyone is really nice, they talk to each other, aren't assholes, etc.

i wish there was a placement match only mode


Tragic victim of fan death
every game in placement matches has been positive
like even if ridiculous things are happening
everyone is really nice, they talk to each other, aren't assholes, etc.

i wish there was a placement match only mode

I'm pretty sure placement matches are regular matches....


every game in placement matches has been positive
like even if ridiculous things are happening
everyone is really nice, they talk to each other, aren't assholes, etc.

i wish there was a placement match only mode

I'm pretty sure placement matches are regular matches....

They try to place you with other placement match people. When that happens it is a really great environment. My first placement match everyone had less than 5 ranked matches. It was cool. Very try hard and nice. Could tell people were nervous.

Once I got out it went to hell. Started getting matched with the people that have been in the 1250 range forever.


Last pick:
VvvVtheyrefangs: i counter jax
VvvVtheyrefangs: pls
*picks Garen*


I've wrecked a ton of Jax's as Garen. What's the deal?

Sitting at 84 points in Silver 1 ... afraid to play another cause I know if I lose I'm gonna lose like 30 points ....


I've wrecked a ton of Jax's as Garen. What's the deal?

Sitting at 84 points in Silver 1 ... afraid to play another cause I know if I lose I'm gonna lose like 30 points ....

I like my top laners to be more useful than a silence spin machine at end game.


I like my top laners to be more useful than a silence spin machine at end game.



Look at my Garen matches recently. Straight wrecking people.

And my Annie ranked game .... my god the Lux vs. me was talking so much shit to me and we were down like 10-24 and she killed me twice.

We then came back and won that game and I had some tide turning ults. Felt so god damn good.

Don't you have 3 promo matches to win

But if you win...

But I'm so afraid!


Tragic victim of fan death
Just won my first placement after a long time of not playing ranked. Played extremely well. Some lanes won and destroyed tower. Grouped up and salvaged the losing lane. Grouped up for baron and dragon and won the game. No arguing. Everyone did as we asked each other. I wish all ranked games were this nice... T_T


So with the new ranked system, I'm guessing that if you lose a bunch of games and drop to section V in your division (if I'm using the right terms), you basically start only gaining something like 3 points per win, and it will just take forever to get up to 100 points in section V? Since your section V would correspond to say, 500 elo in the old system?


The amount you gain is based off your Hidden Elo vs Ranking; if you fall in your Tier to Division 5, you'll start gaining less League Points IF your Hidden Elo says that you "shouldn't be there." That is, if you're in Silver Division 5 and playing vs Bronze players, you'll gain less LP per win as your MMR climbs to Silver level opponents. Conversely, if you're in Silver Division 5 and playing vs Diamond players, you'll gain more LP per win as your Ranking climbs to Diamond tier.

Once the two normalize, your LP gains will level out.


Jungle Heimer is like jungle Karthus except without Karthus's ult.

Dat jungle Karthus


ILL Virtue

Neo Member
I need to know what some acronyms mean.


Also what is ranked and why should I care (play instead of normal)

And also f*ck Xin, garen, and Darius. How these 3 don't get nerfed, but shaco does is BEYOND me.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I need to know what some acronyms mean.


Also what is ranked and why should I care (play instead of normal)

And also f*ck Xin, garen, and Darius. How these 3 don't get nerfed, but shaco does is BEYOND me.
CC = Crowd Control. i.e. stuns, knock ups, silences, etc. that disable the opponents ability to act.

ELO = A rating system used by many competitive games that assigns a number to determine the skill of a player.

CS = Creep score. The minions you last hit are added up into this "creep score" and it can be used as a factor in determining the gold income of players in game.
And also f*ck Xin, garen, and Darius. How these 3 don't get nerfed, but shaco does is BEYOND me.
Even a fed Garen can become nothing in team fights and in later stages of the game. All you have to do is kite him around. The real thing all those champions have in common is that they are incredibly easy to play and have limited skillsets that are difficult to mess up. You have to play smarter than them.


The amount you gain is based off your Hidden Elo vs Ranking; if you fall in your Tier to Division 5, you'll start gaining less League Points IF your Hidden Elo says that you "shouldn't be there." That is, if you're in Silver Division 5 and playing vs Bronze players, you'll gain less LP per win as your MMR climbs to Silver level opponents. Conversely, if you're in Silver Division 5 and playing vs Diamond players, you'll gain more LP per win as your Ranking climbs to Diamond tier.

Once the two normalize, your LP gains will level out.
That sounds like what I was describing. If you lose lots of games, you would gain less points, and it would take forever to climb out of say, silver V, just like it used to take forever to climb out of 800 elo.


Darius is dependent on his team during fights or else he gets kited all day long and has to do desperation dunks. Same with Garen although sometimes even if your team is doing fine he's just spinning around doing nothing.

Reworked Xin is pretty good although he doesn't have the crazy TRUE DAMAGE of Darius.

ILL Virtue

Neo Member
Reworked Xin is pretty good although he doesn't have the crazy TRUE DAMAGE of Darius.


Thanks fellas. Made a ranked team and then was greeted by the "must own 16 champs" message -_-
Saved up to buy nautilus since he looks so dope, then realized how awful he is. Its like hes no tank and does no damage. His pull is awful compared to blitz. He has some good abilities but without a team around him he is useless...


At least you can gank Darius pre-6... I hate trying to gank Garen. He's tanky, has a speed boost, a shield, and a fucking slow removal. He almost always gets away.


Thanks fellas. Made a ranked team and then was greeted by the "must own 16 champs" message -_-
Saved up to buy nautilus since he looks so dope, then realized how awful he is. Its like hes no tank and does no damage. His pull is awful compared to blitz. He has some good abilities but without a team around him he is useless...

You really shouldn't jump into Ranked so soon.

Dat link! Thx bro.

Kiting garen is near impossible with his speed up ability. I seriously hate that champ. More than anyone. So brain dead (even more than kat), but so much win. I played him once. Went something like 15/6 or 7/14.

Sry double post

His Q is short duration (1.5-4.5s) on an 8s cooldown. It's not that hard to kite. Garen falls off for the late game.

Kat isn't that brain dead to play effectively, though best use of her resets is more twitch based. Knowing when to engage is basically the entire basis to playing Kat properly.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kat isn't that brain dead to play effectively, though best use of her resets is more twitch based. Knowing when to engage is basically the entire basis to playing Kat properly.

Wow. Waiting for the enemy team to blow CC or get caught by it. What mastery. Nearly every champion requires this to some extent.


Newest patch seems to have broken LOLReplay :/

edit: also I got my first "Lux I can't wait to see your skin" comment and I feel dirty now



ugh I have so many wins and still stuck in silver. I'm like that 40 year old in a university classroom full of 20 year olds (no offense to anyone here like that)
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