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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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My 100% record as jungle Diana continues. Maybe I should just play her in every ranked game...
Yeah that's what I thought on Orianna, now I'm 4-4 :/

I think it can only take 1-2 losses at 0 points to go down a division, and once you're in the V division you will keep going down with the hidden elo or MMR or whatever it's called, meaning it will take you longer to climb back up, the more you lose, just like before. My suspicion is that the new system may make people feel better about playing poorly in ranked at first, but then they will realize that they may never get out of division V. =P.
Probably, I'm just on a bad streak, I gotta play more games so it evens out, I used to be 11-3 and now I'm like 11-8 :/
Early game, AS boots/Doran's/Vamp Scepter, then BF Sword into Bloodthirster, then either a Phantom Dancer or Static Shiv, then IE. And then depending on how the game is going, the other things you mentioned.

E first, W second. E is really useful all around. A lot of damage, good for farming, and a slow. Max Q last because it can be somewhat easily dodged, it has to charge up and it doesn't gain as much per rank, so really you only need one point in it. I tend to use Q uncharged to quickly proc the W stacks on someone.

pretty much. W first then max E, Q Fourth
Thanks for the replies. I was doing W then Q for maximum poking but this didn't seem right so thats why I wanted peoples thoughts.


Just one more promotion game to gold and then I get this 7/13/4 Kassadin losing to Veigar.

eV Snow: malph isnt op
eV Snow: -.-
Tej88: ^
Corgi the Chloe: ok then
eV Snow: hes just strong
Stabilizer: hmm fizz mid
eV Snow: like any other champ
eV Snow: counter fizz
eV Snow: -.-
eV Snow: play bruiser mid
eV Snow: lol
BunFuu: Wtf
BunFuu: malp is so op
BunFuu: -_-
eV Snow: no
eV Snow: not rly


sweet. I got carried though. I should learn how to mid.


Neo Member
Ashe and Sivir are just not very good in solo queue. They have no escapes, low AA range, and are fairly squishy.

Ashe is great in solo q. If you're able to get some jungle presence early and get ahead in a lane you can snowball it much harder than with other adcs. She has the second best base range of any adc (600), Caitlyn is better, Trist is better from midgame onwards, Kog with W is better and Twitch with ult is better. Setting up fancy cross map arrows is tricky without co-ordination, but it's still a safe initiation tool which screams "TEAMFIGHT TIME" to often uncertain teammates.

She just does badly when behind. Lanes snowball against her harder than other adcs because she has no steroid to help her recover. Her arrow is awesome no matter how her lane went though.


Someone teach me how to mid and what good champs are to learn for mid. I find that a lot of times I get out traded in damage and I end up having to farm at tower, spamming spells and going OOM.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
No DC from him around that time. I'm guessing he might have just been afk for whatever reason.

Was pretty damm funny to catch seeing it though.


Someone teach me how to mid and what good champs are to learn for mid. I find that a lot of times I get out traded in damage and I end up having to farm at tower, spamming spells and going OOM.
Annie? Free Qs and OMFG A FLAMING BEAR

It really isn't that much like top that you have those tiny skirmishes but you rather just slowly get them down until you can kill them on one combo/gank. You don't trade so much as you harass.


Someone teach me how to mid and what good champs are to learn for mid. I find that a lot of times I get out traded in damage and I end up having to farm at tower, spamming spells and going OOM.

League of assassins. Khazix, Diana, akali, Katarina.


Annie? Free Qs and OMFG A FLAMING BEAR

It really isn't that much like top that you have those tiny skirmishes but you rather just slowly get them down until you can kill them on one combo/gank. You don't trade so much as you harass.

Doesn't Annie become less useful late game?

Play Lux. E, Q, R. GGWP.

Q too hard to land.

League of assassins. Khazix, Diana, akali, Katarina.

I don't like how Diana plays.
Prefer Kha'Zix top to make the most out of his passive.
I'll think about the last two.


Neo Member
Annie? Free Qs and OMFG A FLAMING BEAR

It really isn't that much like top that you have those tiny skirmishes but you rather just slowly get them down until you can kill them on one combo/gank. You don't trade so much as you harass.

Annie late game is scary, that's the other thing to consider in a mid champ. Some are safer in laning (annie or karthus are usually my champs for this) Annie is a really good late game champ because of her higher ap ratios and karthus is..... dat ult and the wall of team fight initiation.

There are champs like Leblanc who have super high single target burst, but fall off a bit towards the late game. Then Gragas is a mid i like to play a lot, his W gives him a lot of tankiness and a good amount of sustain.

Other GAFers here could probably talk about brusier mid, assassin mid, or many of the newer mid champs. I don't mid very often, these are the few that I'm familiar with. My experience in mid is usually to find what you are comfortable playing with, and expect to be counter-picked if you aren't counter-picking.

Doesn't Annie become less useful late game?
She has some of the higher AP scaling scales out of the AP mids. Even though in a teamfight she's only got 1 stun every so many spells.


Doesn't Annie become less useful late game?
Nah, she's good, decent ratios and mana costs, specially with her Q, good wave clear with her W, insane AoE burst and she can roam pretty well with basically a targeted stun on demand (or AoE skillshot if you want).

If you can't land skillshots you're missing out on tons of champions, but you can always try Pantheon, Malzahar, Morde, Katarina, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Akali, Talon, Kha, etc. You can even play Riven or Gangplank mid if you really want to, nowadays everything's pretty accepted.

Play Lux. E, Q, R. GGWP.
Or get in with the program and do Lux and go 7-0 on ranked against Akali and laugh and laugh and laugh while their nexus blows up.


Prefer Kha'Zix top to make the most out of his passive.

Kha'zix passive works fine in mid lane. You can just duck back to get the passive up. You don't need bushes.

Annie late game is scary, that's the other thing to consider in a mid champ. Some are safer in laning (annie or karthus are usually my champs for this) Annie is a really good late game champ because of her higher ap ratios and karthus is..... dat ult and the wall of team fight initiation.

Annie's late game is okay in terms of raw damage but her spell range makes her awkward in late game team fights.


Play Viktor because he's a Russian cyborg.

Also, nobody plays him... nobody. Other mids will be confused on how to approach you because they've probably never played against one.

i tried. too hard.

I'm half joking anyways. He's strong laning but he's slow and has no escape. Kinda sucks later on.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Just play Morgana, Ken. She doesn't get banned anymore and is still one of the safest mid lanes you can play.


Also zero killing power late game if you don't have Zhonya's and good ult placement.

But Ken also said Lux's Q was too hard to land .... and Morg's is only gonna be worse to land.
Well, kinda, I mean her ult scales with 1.4 AP (plus like 700 base damage) if you manage to get both hits and her Q scales very nicely too so her damage is pretty crazy really, but it's just so hard to get right outside of teamfights and even then you'll hit like half the team at best.

In any case, she's great against certain champions in that you just bore them to death and she's probably the safest mid there is, with her short AA range being her only risky aspect in lane.
I never really felt that Morgana is a killer. She feels more support AP except that she hurts every now and then. I'm not even hoping for kills while laning unless enemies are just dumb and/or try to towerdive me.

She's very awfully safe against ganks though.
Matchmaker, why did you group us with a Lv25 Eve? :( Enemy were all 30s and had 1000+ matches apiece. She was absolutely terrible. She jungled, was 3-4 levels behind, and still had the balls to try to gank Gangplank 1v1. She ended the match with 2/12. I started with 6/0 Ez which became 6/6. v_v Match was pretty well coordinated from both sides, since whenever fights break out (very often) there were multiple people on each side. She just played bad.


Neo Member
I never really felt that Morgana is a killer. She feels more support AP except that she hurts every now and then. I'm not even hoping for kills while laning unless enemies are just dumb and/or try to towerdive me.

She's very awfully safe against ganks though.

Morg OP in ARAM. In SR she hasn't seemed to be as overpowering as s2 which i would say is prb thanks to itemization and penetration changes.

Morg is super safe though with BS and passive spell vamp. W everything and just keep getting health.


So I've downloaded the game and want to try it out. Read through the OP, went through the first couple tutorials, where should I go from here? Any advice/suggestions/etc.? I've never played a MOBA before.


So Panth is pretty alright. I tried him top and jungle, he's terrible at jungle but at top I really stomped on a Darius.
So I've downloaded the game and want to try it out. Read through the OP, went through the first couple tutorials, where should I go from here? Any advice/suggestions/etc.? I've never played a MOBA before.

1. Play the tutorial level.
2. Play Coop vs AI > Beginner games until you get used to the interface (shops, basic shortcuts).
3. Play Coop vs AI > Intermediate games until you can consistently win them without a teammate dominating the match for you. Read guides for your champ.
4. Start playing 5v5 PvP games. By now you should have a feel for which champs/roles you like playing.

Play all the free champs. They change every week. Buy champs you really like playing.


So I've downloaded the game and want to try it out. Read through the OP, went through the first couple tutorials, where should I go from here? Any advice/suggestions/etc.? I've never played a MOBA before.
Prepare yourself for a lot of shitty people giving you shit for everything. Just put on your favorite music, put on your armor and try to make the most out of all matches and you'll be alright :)
I think it can only take 1-2 losses at 0 points to go down a division, and once you're in the V division you will keep going down with the hidden elo or MMR or whatever it's called, meaning it will take you longer to climb back up, the more you lose, just like before. My suspicion is that the new system may make people feel better about playing poorly in ranked at first, but then they will realize that they may never get out of division V. =P

I was in Silver I and I think I ended up losing 4 in a row at 0 points before getting dropped to Silver II. Might have been 5 but not sure.


AP tryn can get really annoying if he somehow manages to get a lot of AP and a lich bane. He becomes this unkillable machine that regenerates 3/4 of his health every time his Q is up. His spin also starts to do real damage in team fights.

That said, it's probably one of the goofiest builds I've seen, and not a good addition to a team.



Annie's still pretty good, but also fun to use and her W fix really improved her overall quality of life tenfold (scy's right though, her range puts her in a weird place in teamfights, almost like an ADC, just blasting whatever's nearest). Pretty crazy match, bot fed MF and Nid ridiculously hard, but I was pretty fed myself so I carried to the point the enemy team just decided to go crazy over Draven and chase him to all corners of the Earth while the rest of our team just wrecked their towers. That happened like 3 times, it was pretty funny :p

Oh and then he got a quadra while taking down their nexus lol

Also got another Lux win on ranked, so 2-1 today, slowly moving up, hopefully to Silver III :/


Neo Member
He used to have a full page of wins before and that's how he got people to let him go Tryndamere. I guess getting known on reddit for AP Trynd is a bad thing.

And when people see a trynd get picked..... everyone has to start thinking for a second now. At least EU-W does.
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