Faerie Charm + 4 Health Pots + 2 Mana Pots + Ward; with the Faerie Charm removal in Codex / Nashor's, this will probably just become a 5/4 Pot split + 1 Ward I think.
Edit: 6/5/1, actually. 5/4 for pots would be 2 Wards. Numbers hard.
Build path is Codex -> Stinger -> Nashor's Tooth -> Guise -> Liandry's. Boots -> Sorc Shoes as they fit into the build / how demanding they are for the match-up (aka, probably early for top, less so for mid). There's probably some match-ups where I'd rather Guise and then Nashor's into Liandry's but I'm not 100% certain yet. As I've said earlier, my Kayle SR experience is fairly limited (that was like my 5th game with her in SR ;_
After that are two routes:
1) Burst Damage / Single-target: DFG. This is the Ssong style and it lets you DFG + Q for almost half their health which puts you right into shredding them down. Better option against teams with that one fed guy or a bunch of glass cannon types.
2) Sustained Damage / AoE: Rageblade or Zephyr, stuff to deal more damage with your E swings. Hard CC for your team or just the ability to fight them in straight up engages rather than quick and dirty skirmishes. Hurricane is an option at 40% CDR but it's not perfectly ideal.
For that game, I probably would've went DFG. Ryze was the biggest threat and he needs to get inside DFG range to do damage so it's a safe bet. The same for their Fiora and Vlad. They're all within my range. Of them, only really Ryze would stand his ground so we'd be better served mowing down target after target.
There's the other option of just building raw AP (Deathcap + Lichbane) but I've yet to really try it as I like the Nashor's/Liandry build a lot.
Anivia and Graves did well but I honestly think you carried the game. Deprived Voyboy's advantage and setup mid-lane's success (though the d/c or whatever did that too) at the start. And then just trying to keep the calls done right at the end-game despite the Grave's best effort to throw it out the window (4v5 mid push for inhib? np I take their golems).
I also wish I had an MR page. Probably would've helped.