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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Wow. Waiting for the enemy team to blow CC or get caught by it. What mastery. Nearly every champion requires this to some extent.

And Kat is immediately shut down by it. Without resets, she deals minimal damage.

I'm not sure what your point is besides trying to be an ass.

Edit: I'm not trying to say she's super hard to play (no skillshots, just targeted and AoEs) but she's above "braindead." Then again, I don't really think any champion is really all that braindead to play. She's easy to execute but you can easily play her poorly and get shutdown.

Kat's entire challenge is to not get shutdown. The new tanky Kat build kind of invalidates that whole thing (chase down with W spam) but still.

He needs mana... Problem solved..

For what his kit does, mana would be too punishing without tweaks. He's not that great of a champion.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And Kat is immediately shut down by it. Without resets, she deals minimal damage.

I'm not sure what your point is besides trying to be an ass.
So salty after getting stomped all day. Kat burst is pretty equivalent to many other champions. The reset obviously both helps and defines her, but I don't think she is reliant on it. I think Kat is a low skill champ because she doesn't have to deal with managing a resource, can't miss skills, gets free stats at no cost, has an incredible amount of mobility to come in when she needs to, and can essentially mash the keyboard to combo. Sorry if you find that so upsetting.


So salty after getting stomped all day. Kat burst is pretty equivalent to many other champions. The reset obviously both helps and defines her, but I don't think she is reliant on it. I think Kat is a low skill champ because she doesn't have to deal with managing a resource, can't miss skills, gets free stats at no cost, has an incredible amount of mobility to come in when she needs to, and can essentially mash the keyboard to combo. Sorry if you find that so upsetting.
? You mean the MS from her W or is there something I don't know about her?

Anyways, feels real good to have 0 points and knowing I have nothing to lose (well I could go down in division but that'll take me a good 3 or 4 losses, right?).


Hello, I am Akali. I read on the LoL reddit that Warmogs is OP so I will complete it as one of my first items.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
? You mean the MS from her W or is there something I don't know about her?
Damage reduction, although I guess that kind of got hit quite a bit just this patch.
The fuck is this?

You are not worth responding to. All you do is troll this thread.
Uh, okay I guess. LeagueGAF has become increasingly unpleasant.
Finished up the last 2 placement games for my ranked team today, first game my roommate and I were getting 300-400 ping lag spikes constantly throughout the game, and ended up losing in an embarrassing fashion. Second game was able to take control of the lead and never look back, ended up in Silver IV with our ranked team. Gonna try to play a couple games every other day to try to work up to gold.


saying that you're smurfing to get the role you want in champ select is like saying you're a big deal on yelp to get better service at restaurants


Should I create a thread for season 3 LCS?

Is there interest for a dedicated thread from you guys? Personally I think it makes a lot of sense when there's 6 NA games and 6 EU games a week. We can even have fantasy leagues n stuff


Should I create a thread for season 3 LCS?

Is there interest for a dedicated thread from you guys? Personally I think it makes a lot of sense when there's 6 NA games and 6 EU games a week. We can even have fantasy leagues n stuff
Sure, I'll watch some NA matches, probably.


Faerie Charm + 4 Health Pots + 2 Mana Pots + Ward; with the Faerie Charm removal in Codex / Nashor's, this will probably just become a 5/4 Pot split + 1 Ward I think.

Edit: 6/5/1, actually. 5/4 for pots would be 2 Wards. Numbers hard.

Build path is Codex -> Stinger -> Nashor's Tooth -> Guise -> Liandry's. Boots -> Sorc Shoes as they fit into the build / how demanding they are for the match-up (aka, probably early for top, less so for mid). There's probably some match-ups where I'd rather Guise and then Nashor's into Liandry's but I'm not 100% certain yet. As I've said earlier, my Kayle SR experience is fairly limited (that was like my 5th game with her in SR ;_;).

After that are two routes:
1) Burst Damage / Single-target: DFG. This is the Ssong style and it lets you DFG + Q for almost half their health which puts you right into shredding them down. Better option against teams with that one fed guy or a bunch of glass cannon types.
2) Sustained Damage / AoE: Rageblade or Zephyr, stuff to deal more damage with your E swings. Hard CC for your team or just the ability to fight them in straight up engages rather than quick and dirty skirmishes. Hurricane is an option at 40% CDR but it's not perfectly ideal.

For that game, I probably would've went DFG. Ryze was the biggest threat and he needs to get inside DFG range to do damage so it's a safe bet. The same for their Fiora and Vlad. They're all within my range. Of them, only really Ryze would stand his ground so we'd be better served mowing down target after target.

There's the other option of just building raw AP (Deathcap + Lichbane) but I've yet to really try it as I like the Nashor's/Liandry build a lot.

Anivia and Graves did well but I honestly think you carried the game. Deprived Voyboy's advantage and setup mid-lane's success (though the d/c or whatever did that too) at the start. And then just trying to keep the calls done right at the end-game despite the Grave's best effort to throw it out the window (4v5 mid push for inhib? np I take their golems).

I also wish I had an MR page. Probably would've helped.

Forgot to say thanks for sharing. What's your opinion on hybrid armor pen/magic pen runes for Kayle?


You can't go down in color (gold to silver) but you can go down in divisions right (Silver 1 to 2)? So people at Silver V would never get demoted to Bronze I?
But not if you just lose a lot?

Nope. If you're bottom of Silver V you'll still always be in Silver V, unless you're inactive for too long as Leezard said (I think).You can't go down colour ranks for losing. You'll just be playing against bronze players and whatnot.


So I've been playing Jax a bit, and it's pretty tough to not get out of control with. He's the definition of man up mode.

Is there anyone else who gets up in your face and kills you like he does?

I know Garen does too, but I would be lying if I didn't say he's booooooooooooooooooring.
My 100% record as jungle Diana continues. Maybe I should just play her in every ranked game...



Catalyst on an Akali?

Forgot to say thanks for sharing. What's your opinion on hybrid armor pen/magic pen runes for Kayle?

Hm, I'm not sure yet. I haven't really tried them. I run the ASPD Reds since they're more cost efficient due to the cost of item ASPD going up and the Penetration marks lost some value. If you plan to do more bursting (Q-E-disengage), the Hybrid Pens would help more I wager but I try to get a few more auto attacks in with the E up.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Refunded Nami and now I have 8,039 IP. I'm thinking about buying an ADC and a top laner since I need to diversify my roles. I have Ashe and Sivir but I despise playing them both. I'm thinking Ezreal or Graves maybe Miss Fortune or Caitlyn. I just don't know who I would excel at.
Refunded Nami and now I have 8,039 IP. I'm thinking about buying an ADC and a top laner since I need to diversify my roles. I have Ashe and Sivir but I despise playing them both. I'm thinking Ezreal or Graves maybe Miss Fortune or Caitlyn. I just don't know who I would excel at.

i like varus best. don't go ezreal/graves, don't be one of those guys.


Anyways, feels real good to have 0 points and knowing I have nothing to lose (well I could go down in division but that'll take me a good 3 or 4 losses, right?).
I think it can only take 1-2 losses at 0 points to go down a division, and once you're in the V division you will keep going down with the hidden elo or MMR or whatever it's called, meaning it will take you longer to climb back up, the more you lose, just like before. My suspicion is that the new system may make people feel better about playing poorly in ranked at first, but then they will realize that they may never get out of division V. =P

Refunded Nami and now I have 8,039 IP. I'm thinking about buying an ADC and a top laner since I need to diversify my roles. I have Ashe and Sivir but I despise playing them both. I'm thinking Ezreal or Graves maybe Miss Fortune or Caitlyn. I just don't know who I would excel at.
Be patient and wait to try them in free weeks so you don't end up burning more refunds. :p Why do you dislike playing Ashe and Sivir? If we know what you don't like we might be able to suggest a champion you would enjoy more.


Refunded Nami and now I have 8,039 IP. I'm thinking about buying an ADC and a top laner since I need to diversify my roles. I have Ashe and Sivir but I despise playing them both. I'm thinking Ezreal or Graves maybe Miss Fortune or Caitlyn. I just don't know who I would excel at.

I don't know your playstyles very well so just my preferences:

Kayle - Lane bully, strong presence early game (1-3), good at 6, scales well into the late game; if shutdown early, still provides utiliy with ult and works with little farm (~7000 Gold for her core).

Riven - Highly aggressive in lane, snowballs games very well. If shut down, however, she has a hard time recovering due to how item dependent she is.

Win Zhao - Wins. Be a man. Do the right thing. Has a powerful all-in for most of the early game and surprisingly good sustain in lane. About 3/4ths of the lane is a safe all-in range for him.

Zed - He's incredibly fun. A lot of range potential with his Q + WE use. A lot of people don't appreciate his burst with his ult due to how awkward it is to calculate. He is kind of complicated to play, however, but he's pretty rewarding to play in my opinion.

Kha'zix - Has been nerfed, is still stupid. Long-range wave clear and poke with a reset gap closer and a skill that punishes bad positioning? Yeah. His kit is powerful. The problem would be actually getting to play him, he's always fucking banned~

Elise - The mana cost nerf sucks but it just means doing more mana pots on the start and not overusing her Q harass. She has great potential to outplay your opponent due to her Rappel and she just controls the lane so well.

Worth note all of these, sans Xin Zhao, function well in mid lane so it at least gives you a top/mid option in a single champ. They're all just really strong solo queue picks due to what they can do to lanes and the advantage they create.

Edit: Obligatory Olaf, Jax, Irelia mentions.

ADC: Just get Caitlyn :X Though her weak-ish mid game (good early, good late) makes it awkward in solo queue but she also punishes lanes really well. MF is unsafe (no escape) but she has a better early-to-mid game than Caitlyn hitting hyper mode.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I don't know your playstyles very well so just my preferences:

Kayle - Lane bully, strong presence early game (1-3), good at 6, scales well into the late game; if shutdown early, still provides utiliy with ult and works with little farm (~7000 Gold for her core).

Riven - Highly aggressive in lane, snowballs games very well. If shut down, however, she has a hard time recovering due to how item dependent she is.

Win Zhao - Wins. Be a man. Do the right thing. Has a powerful all-in for most of the early game and surprisingly good sustain in lane. About 3/4ths of the lane is a safe all-in range for him.

Zed - He's incredibly fun. A lot of range potential with his Q + WE use. A lot of people don't appreciate his burst with his ult due to how awkward it is to calculate. He is kind of complicated to play, however, but he's pretty rewarding to play in my opinion.

Kha'zix - Has been nerfed, is still stupid. Long-range wave clear and poke with a reset gap closer and a skill that punishes bad positioning? Yeah. His kit is powerful. The problem would be actually getting to play him, he's always fucking banned~

Elise - The mana cost nerf sucks but it just means doing more mana pots on the start and not overusing her Q harass. She has great potential to outplay your opponent due to her Rappel and she just controls the lane so well.

Worth note all of these, sans Xin Zhao, function well in mid lane so it at least gives you a top/mid option in a single champ. They're all just really strong solo queue picks due to what they can do to lanes and the advantage they create.

Edit: Obligatory Olaf, Jax, Irelia mentions.

ADC: Just get Caitlyn :X Though her weak-ish mid game (good early, good late) makes it awkward in solo queue but she also punishes lanes really well. MF is unsafe (no escape) but she has a better early-to-mid game than Caitlyn hitting hyper mode.

I ended up buying Graves because why not.

I already have Kayle and love playing her but I need practice, bought Jax since he's more faceroll than playing Kayle.

Be patient and wait to try them in free weeks so you don't end up burning more refunds. :p Why do you dislike playing Ashe and Sivir? If we know what you don't like we might be able to suggest a champion you would enjoy more.

Ashe and Sivir are just not very good in solo queue. They have no escapes, low AA range, and are fairly squishy.


Ashe and Sivir are just not very good in solo queue. They have no escapes, low AA range, and are fairly squishy.
This is fair enough. Graves/Corki/Tristana/Ezreal might be better for escapes, and as far as I know Graves is still good despite all the nerfs over time.


Refunded Nami and now I have 8,039 IP. I'm thinking about buying an ADC and a top laner since I need to diversify my roles. I have Ashe and Sivir but I despise playing them both. I'm thinking Ezreal or Graves maybe Miss Fortune or Caitlyn. I just don't know who I would excel at.

I think I'm going to refund Nami too. It will be my second refund but then I'd have enough for thresh and the new ADC.

Naomi just hasn't panned out. She's not clicking with me.

As far as current ADC, the only one I play when I have to ADC is miss fortune. She's great fun and pretty versitle with her slowing ae, her ult and the double up poke.
This is fair enough. Graves/Corki/Tristana/Ezreal might be better for escapes, and as far as I know Graves is still good despite all the nerfs over time.

Graves is still top tier. His burst is too good.

I think I'm going to refund Nami too. It will be my second refund but then I'd have enough for thresh and the new ADC.

Naomi just hasn't panned out. She's not clicking with me.

I don't think she's really worked out well for anyone. She's just not good enough at the moment. Thresh's release has kinda highlighted that. The gulf in power and utility between the two is colossal.


Graves is still top tier. His burst is too good.

I don't think she's really worked out well for anyone. She's just not good enough at the moment. Thresh's release has kinda highlighted that. The gulf in power and utility between the two is colossal.

I played with someone that played her amazing. Her poke is very strong and if she does happen to land a bubble it's a solid initiation for laning phase. But when it comes to team fights her ult is underwhelming and short of landing a big bubble, she's not too useful.

Thresh is so much better.

Hate to waste refunds but that 6300ip is another champ.
What do people build on Varus? Is it just Infinity Edge/Bloodthirster and Phantom Dancer, along with whatever defensive item you need and Last Whisper?

Edit: what skill order is recommended and why?
I played with someone that played her amazing. Her poke is very strong and if she does happen to land a bubble it's a solid initiation for laning phase. But when it comes to team fights her ult is underwhelming and short of landing a big bubble, she's not too useful.

Thresh is so much better.

Hate to waste refunds but that 6300ip is another champ.

Her bubble is so incredibly easy to juke though, as is her ult even with the missile speed buff.

She's got potential, absolutely, but she needs a bit of work to bring her up to scratch with other supports.

Her design is awesome and her kit is brilliant in theory, just not where it needs to be.

Wish I still had a refund credit left and I'd refund her too.
What do people build on Varus? Is it just Infinity Edge/Bloodthirster and Phantom Dancer, along with whatever defensive item you need and Last Whisper?

Edit: what skill order is recommended and why?
Early game, AS boots/Doran's/Vamp Scepter, then BF Sword into Bloodthirster, then either a Phantom Dancer or Static Shiv, then IE. And then depending on how the game is going, the other things you mentioned.

E first, W second. E is really useful all around. A lot of damage, good for farming, and a slow. Max Q last because it can be somewhat easily dodged, it has to charge up and it doesn't gain as much per rank, so really you only need one point in it. I tend to use Q uncharged to quickly proc the W stacks on someone.


Pro-tip: set your rune and masteries before you lock in your champion so you don't go in the game as AP Fiddlesticks with ADC runes of jungle Shaco with support masteries.
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