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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Junior Member
Fuck supporting. Worst role in any MOBA game ever. Especially in this game.

At least in DOTA 2 to can choose a damage dealing support Hero and actually have fun doing it. :/


Fuck supporting. Worst role in any MOBA game ever. Especially in this game.

At least in DOTA 2 to can choose a damage dealing support Hero and actually have fun doing it. :/

Have you seen Sona? She can out duel ADCs...

Or just play thresh, hes OP


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Fuck supporting. Worst role in any MOBA game ever. Especially in this game.

At least in DOTA 2 to can choose a damage dealing support Hero and actually have fun doing it. :/

Support Zyra, gg.
And then next game your team carries you and it all works out great. Or the next game they get 2 terrible people on their team that feed you and you win easily. Of course playing 5v5 is going to end up with those situations sometimes, but if you play enough games it'll average out, concentrate more on your own play and mistakes and less on your teammates and you'll improve much faster.

Yeah, that's one of the main problems. It averages out. You get bad teams one game and good teams the next. One step forward, one step back and it becomes impossible to move up the divisions that way. I got 24 LP for my win and then lost 19 of them because I had an awful team. If I keep having it go that way I'll just never move up to the elo/rank I should be at.

I can play really well and still get nowhere because my team sucks, and that really annoys me. Not to mention it seems that people are worse in ranked than in normals which is the worst.


Fuck supporting. Worst role in any MOBA game ever. Especially in this game.

At least in DOTA 2 to can choose a damage dealing support Hero and actually have fun doing it. :/

Supporting is one of the best ways to gain elo, a lot of supports can have a large impact on team fights, especially by assissting the adc, landing clutch Sona/Nunu/Zyra ultimates that have large impacts on fights. Also you can help your ADC get fed in lane. I dont see whats so bad about it. If they are abusing you just mute them and go on with your job.

Edit: For instance I was in a ranked game and our team was getting spanked in lane. We were transitioning over to dragon to contest when the enemy all walked into my nunu ult which allowed my team to ace, drag and take two towers.


Junior Member
Old laptop speeds.

new laptop speeds.

And they are right next to each other!

I am on Verizon Fios 15/5 offering.

At least i went 7 and 5 as thresh despite the lag issues and was the only person with a positive kd ratio. We surrendered at the 30 minute mark.


If I keep having it go that way I'll just never move up to the elo/rank I should be at.

If your Elo is higher than your rank, you'd earn (far more) than you'd lose. The entire system is built towards getting your hidden Elo to match your ranking.

Also worth noting, right now LP gains in all 1st Divisions seems to be broken, with it notably worse at Silver I.


And then next game your team carries you and it all works out great. Or the next game they get 2 terrible people on their team that feed you and you win easily. Of course playing 5v5 is going to end up with those situations sometimes, but if you play enough games it'll average out, concentrate more on your own play and mistakes and less on your teammates and you'll improve much faster.

not this again


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Playing Kennen with Spell Vamp runes and masteries makes me feel like an asshole.


Junior Member
My connection is better but if I remember correctly, the modem/router is suppose to install a environmental variable and it hasn't on my laptop.
I wonder if Norton firewall is the problem here? I have it free for thirty days so might as well use it.


6-1 in ranked today which put me into the next division:


Weird thing is, it jumped me from Div 4 to Div 2. They might have explained why that would happen before, but it was a surprise to me.


Lately I've been seeing a lot more Mejai's.

Don't people realize that item is as shitty as they are?

^Also props, didn't know you could skip divisions.


Supporting is one of the best ways to gain elo, a lot of supports can have a large impact on team fights, especially by assissting the adc, landing clutch Sona/Nunu/Zyra ultimates that have large impacts on fights. Also you can help your ADC get fed in lane. I dont see whats so bad about it. If they are abusing you just mute them and go on with your job.

Edit: For instance I was in a ranked game and our team was getting spanked in lane. We were transitioning over to dragon to contest when the enemy all walked into my nunu ult which allowed my team to ace, drag and take two towers.

I disagree. Support might have had a larger impact last season when warding was a premium, but now with the new changes, everybody and their mother has sight stones.

Being a good support has less impact on the game than any of the other roles. That's why I hate playing support in ranked. I don't mind actually playing support, but in ranked I feel it gives me the lowest control over my game's outcome.


I disagree. Support might have had a larger impact last season when warding was a premium, but now with the new changes, everybody and their mother has sight stones.

Being a good support has less impact on the game than any of the other roles. That's why I hate playing support in ranked. I don't mind actually playing support, but in ranked I feel it gives me the lowest control over my game's outcome.

Just because you generally can't kill someone doesn't mean you have less impact. A good support can definitely win games. Besides winning bot lane and feeding your carry, supports can make a huge impact in team fights (which determines the game at least half the time). Initiation, saving a critical damage dealer, cc on the opposing critical person, a support turns tides.

It is one of the harder roles though so sometimes it can feel like you aren't making an impact. Supports need to have the most map awareness, know more about the team comps and who to protect, when to initiate, etc.

You should watch krepo play sometime.
If your Elo is higher than your rank, you'd earn (far more) than you'd lose. The entire system is built towards getting your hidden Elo to match your ranking.

Also worth noting, right now LP gains in all 1st Divisions seems to be broken, with it notably worse at Silver I.

but how can your hidden elo go up if you keep getting matched with idiots one game and winning the next? It'll stay the same.


but how can your hidden elo go up if you keep getting matched with idiots one game and winning the next? It'll stay the same.

I'd imagine the hidden elo takes into account the elo of your team and the elo of your opponents. You'll gain more for having a lower elo team but you should most likely lose less for a loss.


I disagree. Support might have had a larger impact last season when warding was a premium, but now with the new changes, everybody and their mother has sight stones.

Being a good support has less impact on the game than any of the other roles. That's why I hate playing support in ranked. I don't mind actually playing support, but in ranked I feel it gives me the lowest control over my game's outcome.
Supports are now encouraged more than ever to pink ward and deny as much vision as they provide.

Also they have to time and guarantee control over key objectives, they have key roles in teamfights, they have the obligation to get their ADCs fed in the laning phase, etc.

Supports carry harder than they seem.


I disagree. Support might have had a larger impact last season when warding was a premium, but now with the new changes, everybody and their mother has sight stones.

Being a good support has less impact on the game than any of the other roles. That's why I hate playing support in ranked. I don't mind actually playing support, but in ranked I feel it gives me the lowest control over my game's outcome.

I played around 12xx-13xx so far in the past couple of months and not everyone gets a sightstone, in fact, generally no one but the jungler (maybe) and support (pretty much always) gets one. I am still yelled at to ward more :<


I disagree. Support might have had a larger impact last season when warding was a premium, but now with the new changes, everybody and their mother has sight stones.

Haha what? In ranked 1600 and even in GAF premades I only see a quarter of the map at any given time.

Being a good support has less impact on the game than any of the other roles. That's why I hate playing support in ranked. I don't mind actually playing support, but in ranked I feel it gives me the lowest control over my game's outcome.

All roles impact the game more or less equally. I find support to be the core of bot lane and deciding factor in whether or not your adc is relevant when it's his turn to shine.


Just because you generally can't kill someone doesn't mean you have less impact. A good support can definitely win games. Besides winning bot lane and feeding your carry, supports can make a huge impact in team fights (which determines the game at least half the time). Initiation, saving a critical damage dealer, cc on the opposing critical person, a support turns tides.

It is one of the harder roles though so sometimes it can feel like you aren't making an impact. Supports need to have the most map awareness, know more about the team comps and who to protect, when to initiate, etc.

You should watch krepo play sometime.

Nah... you misunderstand. I never said good supports have no impact, I'm just saying they have less than the other roles. A good support will indeed provide a lot to a team, but if your adc is lacking, it doesn't matter. I have won lanes as adc despite bad support. On the other hand I can play amazing support and still lose the lane.

It's funny you should mention Krepo. Some fans were asking on his stream why his elo was so low, and he basically said what I'm saying. It's hard to carry a bad team as support... It's easier as a top, mid, jungle, or ADC.


I played around 12xx-13xx so far in the past couple of months and not everyone gets a sightstone, in fact, generally no one but the jungler (maybe) and support (pretty much always) gets one. I am still yelled at to ward more :<
I meant every support buys one.. not everyone.
That's why they increased the price this patch.


Supports carry bot lane more than half the time. ADCs don't initiate. They just follow up on support harass.

Supports make the plays.


We lose vision as the game goes on. It's a depreciation of vision. LOL.

I try to ward all-game regardless of role. It's around when I hit full-build that I really drop the ball on wards. Then again, at that point, the amount of wards we need tends to go down buty it's still a bad habit.

Nah... you misunderstand. I never said good supports have no impact, I'm just saying they have less than the other roles. A good support will indeed provide a lot to a team, but if your adc is lacking, it doesn't matter. I have won lanes as adc despite bad support. On the other hand I can play amazing support and still lose the lane.

Bot lane is like 70% the Support, not the ADC really. Of course, a good ADC can punish a bad bot lane in general and a lot of lower Elo games have "stuck with Support" players that don't know the lane dynamic and just ... do nothing.

It's funny you should mention Krepo. Some fans were asking on his stream why his elo was so low, and he basically said what I'm saying. It's hard to carry a bad team as support... It's easier as a top, mid, jungle, or ADC.

It's easier to carry in the other roles, Support just makes it easier for the carries to carry. They create opportunities and increase the chances of things going well but it's still up to the carries to take them.



Prodius: im a believer
Prodius: but xin can also 3 shot you at lvl 1
rutters: nah
rutters: wont let him


Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Been carrying teams all day. My back is damm sore.

Why does nobody ever seem to use wards? Ugh. Hate being the only one on the team putting them down.
Case in point:

Like what do I do with this shit? A Nasus who gives out to me and just farms and feeds, a bot lane that feeds Jayce and Malphite, Nasus and Garen feed Brand. How do I keep ending up with these teams?

I've got 3 wins and 4 defeats in my match history and I only played bad once, a game where I was playing Syndra for the first time.

I have to carry everyone. It's awful. Sure, that one was only a normal but it's indicative of what's happened to me constantly.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Get my ADC super fed.


Still lose, yay. In his defense, Singed and Kennen were quite awful at teamfighting and getting caught a lot.

Oh well.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Laughter is the best medicine, and Lux is all smiles.

I'm just trying to follow the wings philosophy of not really giving a shit about a videogame but god damn. I have not seen players this awful since leveling up to 30.
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