Hmm, Ziggs is pretty unique, for some reason Gragas comes to mind as someone similar (skillshot AoE abilities), or maybe Brand but not really...After playing for a couple hours, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Only played with like 3 or 4 champs, but so far my favorite champion is Ziggs. I don't seem to get a lot of champion kills with him, but I like how he plays, and I don't seem to die haha. (On the flip side, I've been topping the minion kills on my team. Being so new I'm not sure if that means much of anything, but hey)
Anyone else I should try out if I like Ziggs?
I unlocked Warwick on a whim. At lvl 17 I'm getting in games now and then where they expect someone to jungle and im tempted to start learning how. Do I need to work out my route and when best to gank. I know with him you shouldn't really try and Gank till his Ult is up but hes life steel gives him good sustain in there from what I can tell. He is also pretty tanky later on so can fill that gap to.
Warwick is a very poor ganker, and I like Warwick (see avy). Even with red, you can't really gank against decent enemies. Without red you should just forget ganking unless the lane is super overextended.
Nunu can sustain almost as well but can actually gank. Maokai can gank about as good as a Lv6+ Warwick as soon as he decides to get a point on W.
Oh yeah I have Nunu unlocked I just only ever used him once. What makes his ganking strong? bloodboil mixed with the ice boulder thing that slows?
snowballs, man
so what is best with nunu, AP?
Also is there somewhere I can get a good jungle router as I havnt even got round to learning what critters spawn where yet.
so what is best with nunu, AP?
Also is there somewhere I can get a good jungle router as I havnt even got round to learning what critters spawn where yet.
Well if you're taking kills early, you might as well build ap to make your ganks insane. Get like a twin shadow or/and haunting guise.
After that you can begin to build support/tank items like locket or warmogs for mid game to stay relevant outside your ult.
Just don't full ap because a full ap nunu is pretty much useless outside of ganking lanes.
Jungle nunu can do whatever the hell he wants.
AP Nunu is worthless without the farm. You're better off getting gold per 5 items and a few aura items (coordinate with the support to avoid double auras).
Use this website to time the different buffs:
Fantastic site. Especially if you run a dual monitor setup.
So what do you guys build on Pantheon?
So what do you guys build on Pantheon?
Guys, Cottontail or Super Teemo?
Cottontail's ult is an egg, and he looks and moves cuter.
Super Teemo has the awesome horn for Move Quick.
Played like shit last night. Sorry to those involved.
Guys, Cottontail or Super Teemo?
Cottontail's ult is an egg, and he looks and moves cuter.
Super Teemo has the awesome horn for Move Quick.
But I like making my lane enemy miserable, specially Eve!Teemo is bad and you should feel bad ;_;
Cottontail it is!I have Super teemo, and I kind of regret getting it. It's better than nothing, but I would go Cottontail Teemo all the way.
Time flies by so fast.
Account created
2009-11-18 07:48:05 (GMT)
Account age
167w 4d 19h 6m 30s
Elise is really tempting just because she's a strong top laner with few direct counters. But her learning curve looks higher and I don't play top very much at all. Might skip it.
lol that was hilarious.
...MawofM, Frozen Mallet, etc. etc.
It's really different every game. Good typical build is Cleaver, BT, Maw, Mogs, LW, etc.
I was thinking top, thoughFlask start against traditional ap mids.
Farm and poke with Q for levels 1-3. At level 3, all in for a 100% kill. (it's almost impossible to fail)
Farm until you can go back for 2 long blades. spend rest of money on wards. Buy 5 if you have enough.
Next back get a brutaliser and start getting bloodthirster.
After bloodthirster, finish off black cleaver or you can get warmogs. Depends on situation you're in.
End game build should be Boots, warmogs, bloodthirster, black cleaver, last whisper and another survival item.
This is my build for mid panth. I usually get mobility boots if i'm fed to gank more from base.
I was thinking top, though
I've been building BC, then BT and blowing people up pretty easily, but so far I've gotten matched 2v1 in lane twice (out of my 3) and I'm just not that good at top, specially with Panth to survive that... I won the third match against Darius though![]()
My account was apparently created 6/12/2012, so around 34 weeks now. The first few weeks were like less than a game a day, though. Basically only played whenever Opiate was around and felt like carrying me.
Then something clicked I guess and I actually played a lot. Was around Jayce's release where I started actually spamming games.
Now I have around 1600+ games played, fml ;_;
Oh wow you play a lot of LoLMight as well chime in with the exacts:
Account created
2012-06-12 01:54:04 (GMT)
Account age
33w 6d 4h 41m 23s
Also worth note, the match history there has ward counts. OH SNAP?!
dang I think I've only played ~100 games more than you and I started in 07/2010
Oh wow you play a lot of LoL
Might as well chime in with the exacts:
Account created
2012-06-12 01:54:04 (GMT)
Account age
33w 6d 4h 41m 23s
Also worth note, the match history there has ward counts. OH SNAP?!
How the hell do you play Thresh? Just spent all my ip buying this guy and I'm getting rocked hard as a support. His skills are either hit or miss.
And queue times lolol