Players in placement matches vary wildly in skill.
Some adcs are brainless morons. On the other side, I've had some outstanding ADCs... so... it's about half and half.
So basicly, it's the same as normal matches, right?
Players in placement matches vary wildly in skill.
Some adcs are brainless morons. On the other side, I've had some outstanding ADCs... so... it's about half and half.
So basicly, it's the same as normal matches, right?
YesSo basicly, it's the same as normal matches, right?
Gentleman Cho'gath or Battlecast Cho'gath?
Which skin should I get?
Gentleman's idea is good but the execution sucks.
Battlecast's idea is alright but the execution is awesome.
Gentleman has the QUIETTTTT and UP YOU GO lines though.Gentleman Cho'gath or Battlecast Cho'gath?
Which skin should I get?
Gentleman has the QUIETTTTT and UP YOU GO lines though.
The "Oh no!" death sound is brilliant as well.
My streak T_T
I think Vi is OP and if I had more bans she would be on it.
How would you know?you'll get reproted for feeding
Haha, I think he went for the troll build right after Thresh.Rengar's dunk build is outdated. It's all about windy swords now.
It's funny how incredibly nice people turn when a rioter is in their game. 10 GG WPs in chat after the game. Noone begging for honour, no ragers, almost no all chat unless it's "wow gj!"
To buy Elise or not to buy Elise.......
She looks fun but I already play too many champions are sub optimal levels..
The intended goal behind Honor.
...yeah, about that.
I know that feel ;_; At this point, I'm not even feeling like my Kayle has gotten much better recently honestly. Especially when I do dumb things (Flash Q-Ignite an Elise under tower last night? Really? Or ulting on engage under tower? We got the kill but good lord that was stupid). This is why I tend to spam one champion over-and-over until I feel comfortable with them but I don't feel the same about things recently.
But, anyway, Elise is still good. Her nerfs make her less "if in Range, then Q" and more knowing when should stop Q harassing. A single Q of hers can more-or-less completely negate a Health Potion at any stage of the early game so your goal is to have your Mana pool beat their Health potion count.
Beyond that, she's not technically complicated to play. The hardest part of her kit is landing her stun. Rappel, at a basic level, is just a point-click gap close. If you want to go the extra mile with her with Rappel jukes and Volatile Spiderling jumps, it takes a bit more effort but her core gameplay isn't too rough.
I will say you HAVE to learn her Q damages so you know when you can safely tower dive. How to juggle her cooldowns will help a lot as well since you'll be swapping forms pretty often to dive for kills / escape.
All of this reminds me that I need to buy that MF skin before the sale ends though!
Kog'MawMog Haw
Or Koggy
Or Koogles
I'm playing so awful nowadays. 9/10 losing streak. Lost to Annie as Lux. Bad plays, greedy towerdives, why did I suddenly stoop down to 500 elo level? ;_;
He has one of the highest late game DPS, due to his W being a magic HP% shred. Other strongest late game ADCs are Vayne (will murder even the beefiest tanks) and Draven (raw physical damage output). AP Kog is fantastic in Proving is Koggy any good? I have never used him.
Thats not true neki
FANTASY LoL: anyway, everybody should go to and join the league "NeoGAF" (search for it - password: believe) in preparation for LCS - i'll put up the thread tonight, hopefully.
my team:
In doublelift we trust.
Thats not true neki
FANTASY LoL: anyway, everybody should go to and join the league "NeoGAF" (search for it - password: believe) in preparation for LCS - i'll put up the thread tonight, hopefully.
my team:
In doublelift we trust.
Going 5-5 puts you in bronze. Damn. I need to win more than half. I don't want to be in bronze dammit.
0-12 after 8 minutes. there is no way i'm carrying myself out of bronze. i have a better chance just getting a new account and do 1-30 again.
0-12 after 8 minutes. there is no way i'm carrying myself out of bronze. i have a better chance just getting a new account and do 1-30 again.
How're you 0-12? Are those deaths from teamfights? Laning? Ganks? Maybe you should see where you're dying that way you can avoid dying in such a fashion in the future.
and Oh shit I forgot about gosu pepper. Easily the support with the highest kill score... hmm.
For lower ELOs I'd also recommend learning a mid/top well enough that you can stomp and get fed by 15 minutes. It's normally enough to dishearten/break down the enemy team if you do so and then they forfeit before the late game comes into play.
Sounds like a team score.
Can't really help it when teams feed, but you can probably bait the enemy team pretty easily into overextending as well.
For lower ELOs I'd also recommend learning a mid/top well enough that you can stomp and get fed by 15 minutes. It's normally enough to dishearten/break down the enemy team if you do so and then they forfeit before the late game comes into play.
Why wouldn't you just place in bronze again?
How're you 0-12? Are those deaths from teamfights? Laning? Ganks? Maybe you should see where you're dying that way you can avoid dying in such a fashion in the future.
For lower ELOs I'd also recommend learning a mid/top well enough that you can stomp and get fed by 15 minutes. It's normally enough to dishearten/break down the enemy team if you do so and then they forfeit before the late game comes into play.
i gave up playing adc even though i got fed every game. now i played mid and got fed but our adc bought 3 warmogs and AP items. i'm not even kidding.
Ugh. If it's a team score and that happens, nothing you can really do...
maybe i will, but i got a better chance than carrying myself out of bronze.
no, i was 0/0, my team was 0-12.
i gave up playing adc even though i got fed every game. now i played mid and got fed but our adc bought 3 warmogs and AP items. i'm not even kidding.
Once you get fed you have to roam and show your power to the other lanes. I dunno if you are, but if you stay mid the whole time they probably won't notice you're fed and fail to fear you and instead be yelling at their mid for being bad.
i do man, but its so frustrating teaching 4 players how to play while playing perfectly myself and still get shit on for every little mistake (sometimes it wasn't even really a mistake). i'm no pro and i know that but i'm better than bronze 5, as i said my friends are all around 1800 elo and i'm usually the best of us if we play teams.