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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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What's going on with Akali?

Her burst is facking amazing :S
Shut her down pre-6, after she hits 6 you got like one minute to make your move, after that, consider yourself as good as dead if you're in <900 range from her.

On mid I harass her as much as I can and ask for an early gank and just don't fuck it up and get an early kill or two on her. If you manage to get as ahead of her that she's just as afraid of you as you are of her, then you're in a good position.

Also ward all the possible exits so you can tell other lanes she's roaming or she'll just feed off them.


Neo Member
Shut her down pre-6, after she hits 6 you got like one minute to make your move, after that, consider yourself as good as dead if you're in <900 range from her.

On mid I harass her as much as I can and ask for an early gank and just don't fuck it up and get an early kill or two on her. If you manage to get as ahead of her that she's just as afraid of you as you are of her, then you're in a good position.

Also ward all the possible exits so you can tell other lanes she's roaming or she'll just feed off them.

I'll try, thanks.


I'll try, thanks.
Some other tips:
* She has 3 stacks on her ult but she gets an extra stack if she gets a kill/assist, so if you're counting them take that into account. Stacks also take time to recharge so it's not over the second she gets to 6, but shortly after.
* She has almost no way of killing you pre-6 unless you messed up real bad. You're super safe there, act like it >:D
* Harass her as much as you can pre-6 since that'll mean that if she wants to trade she'll have to waste her Q and that'll cost her cs.
* Her Q leaves a mark on you that triggers extra damage on autoattacks or her E, so if you see a mark on you just back down for a couple seconds. Good Akalis won't jump you right away but wait about second to ult you so really wait until the mark wears off.
* Buy a pink ward on your first or second base, and place it in her shroud when going for the kill. You don't know how much that shuts her down.
* Get someone tanky to buy an oracles and she'll suffer a lot in teamfights.
* Remember she can ult to your minions too, so she can catch up with you in very long distances if she can see your minions.



Not really sure what I could have done better here. Was hitting multiple people every team fight with everything but nothing was going down. Their front line was too scary though and ours was...warmogs.
15 game losing streak finally broken by Vayne. ;_; Our lane was ass (Ashe + support Pantheon) but I started to snowball after our lux and Yi ganked. Just killed people over and over, then went back to buy a PD + BF Sword.

On the downside, my W/L ratio is only +7 now. :( I can't seem to break +25.


15 game losing streak finally broken by Vayne. ;_; Our lane was ass (Ashe + support Pantheon) but I started to snowball after our lux and Yi ganked. Just killed people over and over, then went back to buy a PD + BF Sword.

On the downside, my W/L ratio is only +7 now. :( I can't seem to break +25.
15 losing streak? Ouch. You should play ranked for a fresh start :p

Ps. Whoever was thinking of making a new account so that they don't have to carry out of bronze shouldn't do it. It's a terrible idea.
currently on a 5 game loosing streak. Hopefully will break that tonight.

Only had 2 game last night. Lost first as once again our team comp was a mess but what ever. It happens. Second game I think maybe it will go better.

Me - support

Select Janna

Someone calls jungle as shacko.... ok thats fine.

other people selects darius, Graves and then Warwick.....

Graves calls top and so does Darius....... but we already have a jungle and what? Warwick is bot with me????

Boy I knew it was gonna be another loss.

Took a while to convinced Jayce to go mid because it was him or me (I did go there as he didnt look like he was gonna but then he did so I went bottom).

So that left me and Warwick bottom..... where he is useless as the enemy has ranged champions there.

needless to say the game was a total mess with no coordination and my team dying a LOT. Jayce was actually doing OK until he got bored and AFK'd. Games like that kinda take the wind out of your sales because you just have a team of people doing there own thing and as a support you kinda just have to pick someone to go around with because other wise your useless. Still got a bunch of assists, couple of kills and few deaths so I was fine with my own performance.

Its these blind pick games I think that have it worse. I prefer draft but it can take ages to get a game because of the amount of people that drop out if there fav champ gets banned.


How is it at all fair that I win 5 games in a row, then lose 1, and I'm back to where I started in LP?

Like... just... what?


currently on a 5 game loosing streak. Hopefully will break that tonight.

Only had 2 game last night. Lost first as once again our team comp was a mess but what ever. It happens. Second game I think maybe it will go better.

Me - support

Select Janna

Someone calls jungle as shacko.... ok thats fine.

other people selects darius, Graves and then Warwick.....

Graves calls top and so does Darius....... but we already have a jungle and what? Warwick is bot with me????

Boy I knew it was gonna be another loss.

Took a while to convinced Jayce to go mid because it was him or me (I did go there as he didnt look like he was gonna but then he did so I went bottom).

So that left me and Warwick bottom..... where he is useless as the enemy has ranged champions there.

needless to say the game was a total mess with no coordination and my team dying a LOT. Jayce was actually doing OK until he got bored and AFK'd. Games like that kinda take the wind out of your sales because you just have a team of people doing there own thing and as a support you kinda just have to pick someone to go around with because other wise your useless. Still got a bunch of assists, couple of kills and few deaths so I was fine with my own performance.

Its these blind pick games I think that have it worse. I prefer draft but it can take ages to get a game because of the amount of people that drop out if there fav champ gets banned.

that's why you play ranked

carried boken on my first game as zyra, npnp


How is it at all fair that I win 5 games in a row, then lose 1, and I'm back to where I started in LP?

Like... just... what?
I think that's going to be something funky with the matchmaking system then, there's like hidden elo and matchmaking rating (MMR)? The only thing I could suggest would be that the matchmaking system thought the games should have been easy wins, so you wouldn't get many points for winning them, but losing one gives you a huge penalty.

Also if you're in division V and you lose a bunch, my understanding is that it will take forever to get back up to IV.
15 losing streak? Ouch. You should play ranked for a fresh start :p
I played a few bot games in between to keep my pride. ;_; I didnt want a completely red match history, plus dat first win of the day.

Not feeling ranked right now because I ALWAYS end up jungling. :( No one likes to jungle. Still have an 80% win rate though.


Uh, I'm not sure that's possible.

It just happened. I was getting around 4 points for a win, 17 for a loss.

I went on a losing streak due to 5 games in row with DCs (awful, awful luck, but whatever) right out of my failed placement matches (won 2/5). Won 4 out of the next 5 games after I hit 0 LP, and ended up around 75 points. Won my next 5 games which put me just short of a placement mach, lost and lost 17 points with it.

I'm in Silver... whatever the top of Silver is. I or V, forgot.


How is it at all fair that I win 5 games in a row, then lose 1, and I'm back to where I started in LP?

Like... just... what?

The most likely scenario is you're in Division 1 and your current matchmaking rating (MMR, Hidden Elo basically) is lower than your current ranking (e.g., in Silver 1 but MMR has you against Bronze 1/Silver 5). Since going up tiers is permanent, the system clamps down LP gains to make sure you're not on a lucky streak.

To be honest, I'm not sure why it does this since I thought that was the point of the Bo5 series games in the first place.


Some other tips:
* She has 3 stacks on her ult but she gets an extra stack if she gets a kill/assist, so if you're counting them take that into account. Stacks also take time to recharge so it's not over the second she gets to 6, but shortly after.
* She has almost no way of killing you pre-6 unless you messed up real bad. You're super safe there, act like it >:D
* Harass her as much as you can pre-6 since that'll mean that if she wants to trade she'll have to waste her Q and that'll cost her cs.
* Her Q leaves a mark on you that triggers extra damage on autoattacks or her E, so if you see a mark on you just back down for a couple seconds. Good Akalis won't jump you right away but wait about second to ult you so really wait until the mark wears off.
* Buy a pink ward on your first or second base, and place it in her shroud when going for the kill. You don't know how much that shuts her down.
* Get someone tanky to buy an oracles and she'll suffer a lot in teamfights.
* Remember she can ult to your minions too, so she can catch up with you in very long distances if she can see your minions.


Pretty much what Zyklon said.

Don't stand in her shroud if you have no vision. It's a good way to die pre-6. Shroud has a long cooldown (20 seconds) so be sure to punish her while it's down. She needs to snowball a bit so try to deny her xp and farm early. She only has the Q to farm, other than that needs to be in melee range. If you are a ranged champ, hit her with a spell then auto attack. Chunk her down so she can't CS.

Another thing I don't see done nearly enough is to buy early magic resist. If you deny her pre-6 so she hasn't even completed an item, then you can continue to farm even after she hits 6 with some MR. Too often I'm playing Akali and I get denied until 6 and instead of buying any MR, my opponent just starts his normal build path and I kill him and get right back in it.
that's why you play ranked

carried boken on my first game as zyra, npnp

lvl 18. got a while before i can play ranked as much as i want to.


quick question

does armour stop auto attacks and magic resist stop ability attacks or are some ability physical damage based and there for armour is needed not magic resist?


The most likely scenario is you're in Division 1 and your current matchmaking rating (MMR, Hidden Elo basically) is lower than your current ranking (e.g., in Silver 1 but MMR has you against Bronze 1/Silver 5). Since going up tiers is permanent, the system clamps down LP gains to make sure you're not on a lucky streak.

To be honest, I'm not sure why it does this since I thought that was the point of the Bo5 series games in the first place.

While everything said here is correct, the fact that there are two different mechanisms here isn't that obvious.

When your MMR is less than division ranking you will receive less LP gains and more LP losses until MMR = ranking. Similiarly, MMR > ranking, you will gain more LP and lose less.

MMR is also taken into account on promotion up divisions, it'll promote you so that MMR = ranking. So it is possible to make big division jumps (i.e. V to II) if you go on a huge win streak.

Clamping is the LP gain reduction near your tier promotion matches.

Anyway to summarise,

wins/losses control hidden elo
hidden elo vs ranking controls LP
LP controls ranking

lvl 18. got a while before i can play ranked as much as i want to.


quick question

does armour stop auto attacks and magic resist stop ability attacks or are some ability physical damage based and there for armour is needed not magic resist?
Generally, auto attacks are physical (armor) - abilities can be both physical or magical. The floating damage text is red for physical damage and purple for magical damage. Also, you can check the death recap to see what sort of damage hit you from which abilities also.

V - that item thingy is nice too


Yes, some abilities use physical damage. Characters like Pantheon, Vi and Talon's deal a lot of physical damage through abilities.

The best way to tell what kind of damage someone does is just looking at their item build. if they have stuff like items that build off of BF Sword, build armor for them. Magic Resist likewise if they have items based of Needlessly Large Rod and Blasting Wand.
Yes, some abilities use physical damage. Characters like Pantheon, Vi and Talon's deal a lot of physical damage through abilities.

The best way to tell what kind of damage someone does is just looking at their item build. if they have stuff like items that build off of BF Sword, build armor for them. Magic Resist likewise if they have items based of Needlessly Large Rod and Blasting Wand.

Ah yes good point. Thanks for the info.
First game success! Lane phase was tough because my Graves was awful and support Shen is nasty, but I made some clutch plays in mid game to stop Shen's ult tp a few times and then got their MF out of team fights straight away with some clutch pulls.

I'll play the next one later when I'm not so stressed :L




Pretty much what Zyklon said.
Why can't anyone ever get my name right T_T

Another thing I don't see done nearly enough is to buy early magic resist. If you deny her pre-6 so she hasn't even completed an item, then you can continue to farm even after she hits 6 with some MR. Too often I'm playing Akali and I get denied until 6 and instead of buying any MR, my opponent just starts his normal build path and I kill him and get right back in it.
Ah, yeah, that's not a bad idea...

I usually get a chalice on my first way back so that gives me a bit of MR and infinite mana (so I can push her forever and deny her cs by having to last hit under her turret) because it's part of my core build, but I never thought about that.

It's also a good idea to exploit the other way around, most players suck and won't buy any survivabillity items. When you see an Akali or Rengar or whatever assassin do that, just hard CC them and watch them blow up in a blip.


Two more Quinn pages have gone up.

The designers for Quinn seem to be Runaan, Volty, and IronStylus. Collectively, they would be responsible for Diana. I'm expecting a skin with a stupid hat that gets removed when the next champion gets released due to a similar stupid hat.


Two more Quinn pages have gone up.

The designers for Quinn seem to be Runaan, Volty, and IronStylus. Collectively, they would be responsible for Diana. I'm expecting a skin with a stupid hat that gets removed when the next champion gets released due to a similar stupid hat.

I'm hoping her skin is more akin to Outback Renekton seeing as how she scouts the woods and shit


Two more Quinn pages have gone up.

The designers for Quinn seem to be Runaan, Volty, and IronStylus. Collectively, they would be responsible for Diana. I'm expecting a skin with a stupid hat that gets removed when the next champion gets released due to a similar stupid hat.

Well that's good. I like Diana. :) (though I'm mad she lost her stupid hat)

Looks like she has a hawk pet. So probably a bow hunter type with a hawk pet that might also be her global ultimate lol.

Almost guaranteed to buy her.
Promoted! :D Went straight from Bronze III to Bronze I!

Had to carry my team so hard though. Caitlyn was good, but I had to carry their asses, despite doing poorly at the start myself. Udyr was a lost cause, and Irelia was scary as hell. But we did it, and I got promoted :D Keep my 100% win rate with Diana and I've now got 6 wins in a row.

Now, to try for Silver... well, not now, but some time :p



Ok, I just downloaded the Mac beta for this game, and i'm trying to input my username and password to log into the game client, but it keeps saying my account is invalid. I have no idea what i'm doing wrong or how to fix this.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ok, I just downloaded the Mac beta for this game, and i'm trying to input my username and password to log into the game client, but it keeps saying my account is invalid. I have no idea what i'm doing wrong or how to fix this.
You probably have an account for the regular game and not the public beta.


You probably have an account for the regular game and not the public beta.

Quick google search for Public Beta sign up shows it ended back in November. Big fail on my part.

Thanks for the tip though, looks like i'll just have to wait for the full release.


Quick google search for Public Beta sign up shows it ended back in November. Big fail on my part.

Thanks for the tip though, looks like i'll just have to wait for the full release.

I think he meant you downloaded the PBE (Public Beta Environment) client and not the release one. They connect to different login servers etc.

Then again, you said mac client, and while riot has a public beta to work on an official mac client, you should be able to find an unofficial one here that will work with the latest patch. http://www.boompje.net/
I just had a great game as Nocturne. I was actually doing what I was supposed to as a jungler all game. And then we just suddenly lost because we didn't have any ward coverage. Support Jarvan "I'm saving for tank items" IV never bought wards. I totally would have bought a Sightstone (or offered to play support) if I had realised that earlier. Instead, we suddenly went from mediocre coverage to absolutely no coverage when everyone had full build, and then instantly lost because they got Baron and hid in a bush and aced us.

It was actually kind of funny.
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