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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I keep waffling on using my second refund to get my IP back for Nami. But I'm really wondering if I'd ever play her again when she's up against Leona, Sona, Zyra and Thresh. I don't really main support and even if I did, Nami just doesn't seem to have a place.
Every time I watch a Nami game I see her miss the bubble and think about how much differently the fight might have went otherwise. People are really bad about taking advantage of the bubble even when it hits though.


Every time I watch a Nami game I see her miss the bubble and think about how much differently the fight might have went otherwise. People are really bad about taking advantage of the bubble even when it hits though.

Yeah, to be fair it's really hard to land that stupid thing. It's like a slo-mo attack. Really easy to dodge. I wouldn't be anticipating following up a success either.

Best Nami I ever played with hardly landed the bubble either. She was all about the W poke. It hit like a truck and healed her from any retaliation.


So I bought hybrid penetration marks last night for Annie. Haven't played with them yet. Also want to run 9/0/21 with pick pocket+gold masteries for mad monies & regen in the form of extra pots/biscuit early game.


I asked this in the Championship Series thread, but figured I'd get more responses here:

I'm really on and off with LoL and I don't really keep up with the scene at all, but I do have a question for you guys!

My favorite champ to play is LeBlanc. I like to catch people out of position and kill them before they realized they made a mistake. Plus her W and R make her super mobile, which is something I value highly in any champion I play.

Do any of these high level players use LeBlanc in these tourney matches? Or is she too volatile to be a safe pick? I'd imagine she counters a few specific champs quite well.

Leblanc is trash. If you want to blow people up players just use assassins like Zed or Kha'Zix. Or just pick Lux and have the same burst with more utility from twice as far away. If you want a style like that Kassadin does everything Leblanc does and more while being a better pick.

What about Diana? I always felt like she was basically an AOE LeBlanc with less mobility (for escaping and positioning anyway)

Is Diana viable at that level?


Thresh has so much power baked into his kit he's going to get nerfed for ages.

Low cd aoe displace, mini pull (1.5s stun), shield, long ranged friendly pull, aoe slow, free stats, harass encouraging ability.

Jesus. I refuse to play such an op champion!
I asked this in the Championship Series thread, but figured I'd get more responses here:

I'm really on and off with LoL and I don't really keep up with the scene at all, but I do have a question for you guys!

My favorite champ to play is LeBlanc . I like to catch people out of position and kill them before they realized they made a mistake. Plus her W and R make her super mobile, which is something I value highly in any champion I play.

Do any of these high level players use LeBlanc in these tourney matches? Or is she too volatile to be a safe pick? I'd imagine she counters a few specific champs quite well.

What about Diana? I always felt like she was basically an AOE LeBlanc with less mobility (for escaping and positioning anyway)

Is Diana viable at that level?
Diana is much much tanker than LeBlanc, has less burst, but deals more sustained damage.

LeBlanc used to be picked rarely. She's a very very niche pick (early game+single target burst)
Yeah, Thresh is absolutely incredible. One of the reasons I'm so excited for the LCS is to see him being played.

Putting my bets on Krepo playing him on Saturday. He's been playing him A LOT. Really likes him.

By the way, I haz Mumble now. I'll be on to chat about the games and whatnot later. You get to hear my glorious Irish accent. Try not to melt.


I asked this in the Championship Series thread, but figured I'd get more responses here:

I'm really on and off with LoL and I don't really keep up with the scene at all, but I do have a question for you guys!

My favorite champ to play is LeBlanc. I like to catch people out of position and kill them before they realized they made a mistake. Plus her W and R make her super mobile, which is something I value highly in any champion I play.

Do any of these high level players use LeBlanc in these tourney matches? Or is she too volatile to be a safe pick? I'd imagine she counters a few specific champs quite well.
Leblanc falls off late game and isn't very viable in the current meta. I wouldn't expect someone to pick her in a tournament, but I have seen some of the pro-players pick her in solo queue.


So I bought hybrid penetration marks last night for Annie. Haven't played with them yet. Also want to run 9/0/21 with pick pocket+gold masteries for mad monies & regen in the form of extra pots/biscuit early game.

ohboy ohboy ohboy?

I asked this in the Championship Series thread, but figured I'd get more responses here:

I'm really on and off with LoL and I don't really keep up with the scene at all, but I do have a question for you guys!

My favorite champ to play is LeBlanc. I like to catch people out of position and kill them before they realized they made a mistake. Plus her W and R make her super mobile, which is something I value highly in any champion I play.

Do any of these high level players use LeBlanc in these tourney matches? Or is she too volatile to be a safe pick? I'd imagine she counters a few specific champs quite well.

Anything she counters, other assassin picks counter (or at least do well against) as well. LeBlanc is just too one-and-done right now to fit when there's better picks. On top of that, she has mediocre-at-best wave clear which really keeps her contained as a mid lane pick.

What about Diana? I always felt like she was basically an AOE LeBlanc with less mobility (for escaping and positioning anyway)

Is Diana viable at that level?

Diana was one of the broken-tier "must pick/ban" champs for awhile. She's been brought down a bit but she's still good right now. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see her in a few games.

Thresh has so much power baked into his kit he's going to get nerfed for ages.

Low cd aoe displace, mini pull (1.5s stun), shield, long ranged friendly pull, aoe slow, free stats, harass encouraging ability.

Jesus. I refuse to play such an op champion!

I only play OP champs.


I asked this in the Championship Series thread, but figured I'd get more responses here:

I'm really on and off with LoL and I don't really keep up with the scene at all, but I do have a question for you guys!

My favorite champ to play is LeBlanc. I like to catch people out of position and kill them before they realized they made a mistake. Plus her W and R make her super mobile, which is something I value highly in any champion I play.

Do any of these high level players use LeBlanc in these tourney matches? Or is she too volatile to be a safe pick? I'd imagine she counters a few specific champs quite well.

What about Diana? I always felt like she was basically an AOE LeBlanc with less mobility (for escaping and positioning anyway)

Is Diana viable at that level?

LeBlanc is a good pub stomp champ. Dominate lane early and roam to get kills. However, dimb is right. She's really poor compared to other assassins in the same role. She isn't picked in tournies because she has limited wave clear, is harder to CS than other champs and doesn't scale well into the late game. Her power decreases as the game develops. She's strongest early game. His suggestion of Kassadin is spot on. I originally loved LeBlanc and played the crap out of her. Kassadin is even more fun if you value mobility. He is a little less bursty but can still wreck. Q->R->E->W->Auto can kill or maim pretty easily, especially if he's fed. Or just walk out after the E and you're chunking them down with no retaliation because of his silence.

Diana is a little tougher to play since she's not mobile at all. She is a tanky assassin. She generally dives in and stays there.

If you like mobility and bursty champs (which I do as well :p) there's a bunch of good ones to learn:



ohboy ohboy ohboy?

I dunno. I played a few more normals with her the past couple of days and I realized I auto attack for about 50% of the damage I deal levels 1-5. The masteries I have now as AP carry really only help for beyond that part of the game because my runes don't support the +AP since I get +MS and MR instead.

I figure with support masteries I get even more MS and 6% CDR, with extra regen to help me harass and stay in lane more. The armor pen should make up for the missing +3 AD damage masteries so that part will more or less stay the same.

Just wanting to try things out and maybe I'm losing too much damage on her, but with this setup maybe I can farm up faster and get a big ticket item earlier and not even worry about that.

I have Talon, but haven't learned him yet. I'm just sad that LeBlanc seems to be obsolete. She's my gal :(

I would say she's the same as ever, just that people have realized that if they stick it through to late game she will fall off.


I dunno. I played a few more normals with her the past couple of days and I realized I auto attack for about 50% of the damage I deal levels 1-5. The masteries I have now as AP carry really only help for beyond that part of the game because my runes don't support the +AP since I get +MS and MR instead.

It's more about the discussion here on Hybrid runes and someone going through with it. Now I just have to hope it works out for you :x


About as good a chance as me getting mid.

Actually, wait, I played mid last night!


That game was dumb

Seems I rarely get mid anymore also. Except last night. I got it 3x in a row.

and lost all 3 games.. -_-

Kayle mid is stupid. Faced her all 3 times. Did the best with Katarina and Akali. My diana game was rough. All 3 times it was a Xin jungle too. Those 2 combined are really strong :(


Seems I rarely get mid anymore also. Except last night. I got it 3x in a row.

To be fair, I basically just play premade with GAF so I basically always get top. I miss mid at times since I roam better there compared to when I play top.

Kayle mid is stupid.

I was playing Kayle mid :(

It was vs a Ryze and it was basically a complete stomp. I'm familiar with the match-up now (/played better Ryzes; I even gave up a free uncontested Rune Prison under his tower and he just ran away ;_;) and his jungler had predictable timings (+ I ward constantly) so it was basically just entirely under my control.

Poor guy. It's a rough Kayle lane and he never tried to contest it at any point during the game.

We won so its not dumb.

Right. But, at the same time, we were so far in control that it was kind of absurd.

It's also proof of why I hate it when an early counterjungle is done since the snowball off that is ridiculous. That failed red steal by their Hecarim ;_;


To be fair, I basically just play premade with GAF so I basically always get top. I miss mid at times since I roam better there compared to when I play top.

I was playing Kayle mid :(

It was vs a Ryze and it was basically a complete stomp. I'm familiar with the match-up now (/played better Ryzes; I even gave up a free uncontested Rune Prison under his tower and he just ran away ;_;) and his jungler had predictable timings (+ I ward constantly) so it was basically just entirely under my control.

Poor guy. It's a rough Kayle lane and he never tried to contest it at any point during the game.

It's almost always a rough lane against Kayle. I don't even know what to do to counter other than what I do. Poke, play passive, burst her to force the ult then call for ganks. I thought diana would stand up pretty well but that didn't work too well.


It's almost always a rough lane against Kayle. I don't even know what to do to counter other than what I do. Poke, play passive, burst her to force the ult then call for ganks. I thought diana would stand up pretty well but that didn't work too well.

Your window of best harass is when her E is on cooldown. Keep that up early before she can get her CDR and you should be golden.


It's almost always a rough lane against Kayle.

I meant for Kayle. Ryze does fairly well against her. Wait for E to be down, go in and WQEQ. Kayle needs to be aggressive early and take advantage of the better Level 6 but Ryze is just kind of a dirty lane eventually.

I don't even know what to do to counter other than what I do. Poke, play passive, burst her to force the ult then call for ganks. I thought diana would stand up pretty well but that didn't work too well.

Her E cooldown is 16s while only lasting 10s. Watch for when her E falls off and then go in. You have ~3-4 seconds of time to stay on her, giving you ~1s to engage and ~1s to disengage. Her W is mana hungry so forcing her to use it a lot will eat into her rather limited mana pool*. This is especially notable now that her build path lost free Mana Regen.

*While Diana has less mana (25) and barely better Regen (+.1 base, +.075/level), Diana's Q is cheaper than Kayle's Q (55 vs 70 + 5/Rank) and you don't have the constant 45 Mana cost for the E. You'll eventually win the Mana war even if you shield every Kayle Q.


Thresh always gets through bans and I don't know why. I should probably play him more. So much fun.
Fuck you too :D

Really, the thing I'm basing that on is that Thresh is disgustingly safe and by now clearly OP and almost game breaking in the hands of a good player. The day they nerf him he'll probably around Sona/Blitz/Zyra.

I asked this in the Championship Series thread, but figured I'd get more responses here:

I'm really on and off with LoL and I don't really keep up with the scene at all, but I do have a question for you guys!

My favorite champ to play is LeBlanc. I like to catch people out of position and kill them before they realized they made a mistake. Plus her W and R make her super mobile, which is something I value highly in any champion I play.

Do any of these high level players use LeBlanc in these tourney matches? Or is she too volatile to be a safe pick? I'd imagine she counters a few specific champs quite well.

What about Diana? I always felt like she was basically an AOE LeBlanc with less mobility (for escaping and positioning anyway)

Is Diana viable at that level?
Diana is pretty great, but unlike LB her early game is pretty abysmal. I mean, it's not that bad, since her Q is actually really good, but that is a big advantage for the enemy mid. She also has no reliable CC which I don't like and I dunno, ever since the nerf (and even after the rollback) I can't seem to do well with her. I wonder how well she'd do top these days...

She's still very good and has very fun mechanics, so I'd definitely recommend trying her out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nothing in those says that he is terrible. Just that I don't think he's fun and don't really like playing him. Maybe the matchup predictions wound up being way off. I don't know what's good versus Thresh bot lane. I still think there are much stronger supports than Thresh, but obviously there is a place for him in the game.


Your window of best harass is when her E is on cooldown. Keep that up early before she can get her CDR and you should be golden.

I meant for Kayle. Ryze does fairly well against her. Wait for E to be down, go in and WQEQ. Kayle needs to be aggressive early and take advantage of the better Level 6 but Ryze is just kind of a dirty lane eventually.

Her E cooldown is 16s while only lasting 10s. Watch for when her E falls off and then go in. You have ~3-4 seconds of time to stay on her, giving you ~1s to engage and ~1s to disengage. Her W is mana hungry so forcing her to use it a lot will eat into her rather limited mana pool. This is especially notable now that her build path lost free Mana Regen.

Yeah, I do my best to harass when the E is down but that's a small window that I'm getting zoned :(

Guess I need a strong early game poke champ against Kayle. I don't really like Ryze too much but he's so strong now I should probably start playing him again anyways.


Nothing in those says that he is terrible. Just that I don't think he's fun and don't really like playing him. Maybe the matchup predictions wound up being way off. I don't know what's good versus Thresh bot lane. I still think there are much stronger supports than Thresh, but obviously there is a place for him in the game.

Not bring fun is the same thing as being terrible.


I don't know why anyone watches ExcusesOfDeath when they could be watching good guy Voyboy.

my thoughts exactly....

I can't finish watching one of wings' games cause he falls apart and blames everyone when the game goes south. Anyone can sound helpful and give insight when they are snowballing the crap out of people but the good streamers keep doing that even if they lose


Zyra is only fun if you can get some farm like Krepo often manages to do. Otherwise she's quite fragile and insignificant in team fights.


Really, the thing I'm basing that on is that Thresh is disgustingly safe and by now clearly OP and almost game breaking in the hands of a good player. The day they nerf him he'll probably around Sona/Blitz/Zyra.

He has a relatively easy to land hook (despite the 38057218057 minute long wind-up) and it's a big deal when it hits. The displacement is enough, the stun is long enough, and the gap close part of it makes for interesting Thresh all-ins. Thresh has a relatively smooth auto-attack animation and his Q passive scales really well with points and stats (+ souls) AND it works well with how you'd play him in lane anyway. The reset timer on it is short enough that it doesn't end up being wasted in a solo lane (for those fuckwits who play him top) and the full stack passive is big enough to actually do damage in lane.

His ult works really well with his kit and makes use of basically every natural bottleneck in the game and it's really good offensively.

He punishes most the all-in supports by trapping them with his ult and by just being a better tank than most of them. Likewise, he punishes most the squishy ranged supports by just landing a hook and chunking them (if not outright killing them) with the ADC's help.

He's a playmaker. If you're bad mechanically, he'll be clunky at best (since a lot of his kit is landing hooks and his displacements) but his kit offers a lot and is just powerful all-game. Hell, to be honest, the weakest part of his kit (laning wise) is the lantern.

I'll be so sad when he's nerfed ;_;

my thoughts exactly....

I can't finish watching one of wings' games cause he falls apart and blames everyone when the game goes south. Anyone can sound helpful and give insight when they are snowballing the crap out of people but the good streamers keep doing that even if they lose

I don't really see him do this too often; he does tend to point out his team doing dumb things but ... they're usually dumb things. Then again, I tend to have the stream for background noise rather than staring at them so I dunno. He gives good advice, is entertaining to listen to, and plays the same lane as me. Good enough in the end for me.


Zyra is only fun if you can get some farm like Krepo often manages to do. Otherwise she's quite fragile and insignificant in team fights.

her cc's are quite useful in teamfights and they don't need items....

on another note, what patch is LCS played on? latest?


her cc's are quite useful in teamfights and they don't need items....

Not really. Her E is better for locking someone down in the lane or smaller skirmishes and her ultimate will only cut them off unless you throw yourself into their team - in that case you'll need to be just a bit tanky (Hourglass).


Not really. Her E is better for locking someone down in the lane or smaller skirmishes and her ultimate will only cut them off unless you throw yourself into their team - in that case you'll need to be just a bit tanky (Hourglass).

The ultimate is also a huge deterrent for an opposing dive comp. It's also really good paired with an amumu/galio/MF. I wouldn't expect Zyra to use her ult to start a teamfight unless someone got caught out of position and I'd expect normal use (or threat of use) to force tough choices from the enemy.


Nothing in those says that he is terrible. Just that I don't think he's fun and don't really like playing him. Maybe the matchup predictions wound up being way off. I don't know what's good versus Thresh bot lane. I still think there are much stronger supports than Thresh, but obviously there is a place for him in the game.

Thresh is an initiator -and- a counter-initiator in one package so he has a lot of versatility in the way you can play him. Add in that his autoattack poke is heavy and has just enough range to come into play against most matchups and he's just a well rounded champion with lots of free stats.

When analyzing the way to play against him you need to go into the lane with a gameplan. You can be successful against Thresh with Janna, Zyra, Lulu, Taric, Lux. Janna and Zyra are the strongest pure counter-initiators right now, with Zyra giving you more of a zoning/harass game and Janna giving you more of a sustain/pure displacement kit depending on overall team needs and the ADC you're facing. Much of bottom lane success is about understanding the abilities of supports/adc's in tandem and giving yourself a concrete plan to deal with them in the safest, most efficient way possible before you even enter the lane. Don't go in with Janna trying to tornado aggress against a thresh at level 2; use your tools to create a zone of control where your ADC can get his CS, ward reactively to the situation and deny your opponent blind harass spots when necessary, and understand when your opponent makes positional mistakes and apply your harass while hoping your ADC knows the 'in, 1, 2, out" concept of incremental advantages as opposed to wanting to all in on a heavy counter-initiator.

That said his ult does wayyyyyy too much damage early. Don't get hit by it.


I wish I could take my support scores out of my LoLking KDA.

They really kill the "K" stat in my line while not really effecting my death stat.


Neo Member
Anyone who wants to play LB can freely do so in Dominion (blasphemy I know). She stomps hard in there.

But then so does Kassasin.


Not really. Her E is better for locking someone down in the lane or smaller skirmishes and her ultimate will only cut them off unless you throw yourself into their team - in that case you'll need to be just a bit tanky (Hourglass).

Not sure I understand. Her ult is ranged so why would you need to jump into them? If you throw the ult down as the teamfight breaks out, the enemy team will either have to scatter or get caught and get CC'd.... seems quite useful to me

and as merc said, using E and R to peel against dive comps is far from insignificant


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Lulu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taric > Alistar > Blitz > Janna

Sorry, bro.

You, I like you.

uhhhh is that u sweetooth?

Sweetooth was 2th and pretty sure he got a perm sometime back.

Janna / Draven makes for some disgusting scary laning bottom. At least in my experiences.

I find Lulu to be better lane partner to Draven because of her steroid and ult can make a good Draven unstoppable.


As support? Lulu. Soraka. Janna. Fiddlesticks. Probably a few others like Leona and Zyra but I don't play them.
I love how you can't help yourself and just go against the current in every and each possible argument that ever existed.

Also I don't get why people don't think Sona's fun.... she is :3

He has a relatively easy to land hook (despite the 38057218057 minute long wind-up) and it's a big deal when it hits. The displacement is enough, the stun is long enough, and the gap close part of it makes for interesting Thresh all-ins. Thresh has a relatively smooth auto-attack animation and his Q passive scales really well with points and stats (+ souls) AND it works well with how you'd play him in lane anyway. The reset timer on it is short enough that it doesn't end up being wasted in a solo lane (for those fuckwits who play him top) and the full stack passive is big enough to actually do damage in lane.

His ult works really well with his kit and makes use of basically every natural bottleneck in the game and it's really good offensively.

He punishes most the all-in supports by trapping them with his ult and by just being a better tank than most of them. Likewise, he punishes most the squishy ranged supports by just landing a hook and chunking them (if not outright killing them) with the ADC's help.

He's a playmaker. If you're bad mechanically, he'll be clunky at best (since a lot of his kit is landing hooks and his displacements) but his kit offers a lot and is just powerful all-game. Hell, to be honest, the weakest part of his kit (laning wise) is the lantern.

I'll be so sad when he's nerfed ;_;
I'm banning him instead of Blitz now on ranked. Him and Katarina so I can play Lux without fear lol. Maybe Nunu too, though after the nerfs he's not that common...

The thing for me about Thresh for me is that:
a) I consider my dodging/baiting skillshots to be one of my strong suits and he hits me ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I don't know how but he does.
b) The lantern is just bringing the Riven kind of top lane snowballing to bot lane. Free towerdiving with an AOE shield? Riot pls
c) You'd think that grabbing souls would be a risk/reward thing but really the guy just shrugs off my Caitlyn harass whenever I try to punish him.


Not really. Her E is better for locking someone down in the lane or smaller skirmishes and her ultimate will only cut them off unless you throw yourself into their team - in that case you'll need to be just a bit tanky (Hourglass).

The ultimate is also a huge deterrent for an opposing dive comp. It's also really good paired with an amumu/galio/MF. I wouldn't expect Zyra to use her ult to start a teamfight unless someone got caught out of position and I'd expect normal use (or threat of use) to force tough choices from the enemy.

Not sure I understand. Her ult is ranged so why would you need to jump into them? If you throw the ult down as the teamfight breaks out, the enemy team will either have to scatter or get caught and get CC'd.... seems quite useful to me

and as merc said, using E and R to peel against dive comps is far from insignificant

Yeah, her ult isn't as much of an initiator but her E can be. The range is huge. Then after your tank goes in, follow up with the ult to scatter or lock down most of them. Plus if you have some plants in there, they go super.

She can be strong without farm but get some assists early. With magic pen marks she should be able to zone pretty well in lane. Her E is a constant threat and her plants are strong harass. Just have to watch her mana.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I love how you can't help yourself and just go against the current in every and each possible argument that ever existed.

Also I don't get why people don't think Sona's fun.... she is :3

They don't know the joy of launching a powerchord at an ADC and chunking them for 1/3 of their HP, or launching a W powerchord right before an enemy launches their ult making it worthless.

Feels good man.
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