Really, the thing I'm basing that on is that Thresh is disgustingly safe and by now clearly OP and almost game breaking in the hands of a good player. The day they nerf him he'll probably around Sona/Blitz/Zyra.
He has a relatively easy to land hook (despite the 38057218057 minute long wind-up) and it's a big deal when it hits. The displacement is enough, the stun is long enough, and the gap close part of it makes for interesting Thresh all-ins. Thresh has a relatively smooth auto-attack animation and his Q passive scales really well with points and stats (+ souls) AND it works well with how you'd play him in lane anyway. The reset timer on it is short enough that it doesn't end up being wasted in a solo lane (for those fuckwits who play him top) and the full stack passive is big enough to actually do damage in lane.
His ult works really well with his kit and makes use of basically every natural bottleneck in the game and it's really good offensively.
He punishes most the all-in supports by trapping them with his ult and by just being a better tank than most of them. Likewise, he punishes most the squishy ranged supports by just landing a hook and chunking them (if not outright killing them) with the ADC's help.
He's a playmaker. If you're bad mechanically, he'll be clunky at best (since a lot of his kit is landing hooks and his displacements) but his kit offers a lot and is just powerful all-game. Hell, to be honest, the weakest part of his kit (laning wise) is the lantern.
I'll be so sad when he's nerfed ;_;
my thoughts exactly....
I can't finish watching one of wings' games cause he falls apart and blames everyone when the game goes south. Anyone can sound helpful and give insight when they are snowballing the crap out of people but the good streamers keep doing that even if they lose
I don't really see him do this too often; he does tend to point out his team doing dumb things but ... they're usually dumb things. Then again, I tend to have the stream for background noise rather than staring at them so I dunno. He gives good advice, is entertaining to listen to, and plays the same lane as me. Good enough in the end for me.