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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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WHY DO I GET MATCHED WITH PEOPLE LIKE THIS: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/35271481#ranked-stats

dat creep score


WHY DO I GET MATCHED WITH PEOPLE LIKE THIS: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/35271481#ranked-stats

dat creep score
Well it makes sense if youre bronze too.

Reddit tells me that Quinn is a dart based champion, and Valor is her avian bird mount. Apparently, anyway. (heh, as if thats true)

the European League of Legends Championship Series begins in 10 HRS 20 mins.

It'll feature fun events like Fnatic v SK and GBG v EG (formerly m5 and clg.eu respectively)

Join us at the LCS thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=512106

EU LCS trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GDL984aLP0


Close enough right =p

Maybe he's on a win streak atm (or you're on a losing one)
Nope to both.

In my team I had three silvers (counting me), two bronze. The other team had three silver, one bronze and a placement dude.

I have the feeling the placement dude was duoing with someone else and so were one of my silvers and that Bronze III dude, since both had unbelievably stupid names and didn't speak a word in the whole match, and LoL matchmaking just derped and matched us up.

Not gonna say I was doing great, but the guy sure made his earnest to ruin all lanes and just almost-throw every chance he got. Plus I hate people that just don't communicate and do whatever they want.


Is Annie viable at all anymore? something smething flash nerf something pandas
There are better choices for what she does but I've been playing her again recently and FLASH TIBBERS MOTHERFUCKERS works like it always did.

edit: if the flash nerf worries you about using Annie as an initiator you're right, she's not very good at it and longer cooldowns just hurt her more for it. Don't run her into a comp where you don't have an Amumu or Jarvan or Xin Zhao or whatever, or you'll have trouble engaging due to the low ult range (it's 600 but the actual AoE area makes it about 750 range). She's better off chaining AoE CC together or catching people with her Q.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There are better choices for what she does but I've been playing her again recently and FLASH TIBBERS MOTHERFUCKERS works like it always did.

edit: if the flash nerf worries you about using Annie as an initiator you're right, she's not very good at it and longer cooldowns just hurt her more for it. Don't run her into a comp where you don't have an Amumu or Jarvan or Xin Zhao or whatever, or you'll have trouble engaging due to the low ult range (it's 600 but the actual AoE area makes it about 750 range). She's better off chaining AoE CC together or catching people with her Q.
Xin Zhao does the opposite of what she wants...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
C'mon man, clearly I wasn't referring to his ult. He can engage without it.
Oh. I thought you were specifically talking about champions she combos well with when it comes to ult initiating. Xin is still all about team separation when it comes to team fights though...


Oh. I thought you were specifically talking about champions she combos well with when it comes to ult initiating. Xin is still all about team separation when it comes to team fights though...
It was just meant to show that Annie's not the best initiate when it comes to teamfights, specially if her flash's on cd, so you're better off having another initiator and having her chain her ult stun with theirs.

Xin may be a bad example, just use the other two.

For some reason, lolking doesnt include jungle monsters in your creep score, I've noticed.
Ah that makes sense. Still no excuse for TF unless he really liked that wraith camp :p


It was just meant to show that Annie's not the best initiate when it comes to teamfights, specially if her flash's on cd, so you're better off having another initiator and having her chain her ult stun with theirs.

Xin may be a bad example, just use the other two.

Ah that makes sense. Still no excuse for TF unless he really liked that wraith camp :p

me in s2

maybe he roamed a lot


Neo Member
Does anyone know if you automatically rank down if you don't play? I got placed into Silver I, but I haven't been playing recently, and I haven't done a single ranked game yet. I guess my question is, does your rank... decay if you haven't played a single ranked game yet?


Does anyone know if you automatically rank down if you don't play? I got placed into Silver I, but I haven't been playing recently, and I haven't done a single ranked game yet. I guess my question is, does your rank... decay if you haven't played a single ranked game yet?



The odds are actually in your favour.

4 randoms on your team vs 5 on theirs. So this is a gamble you should eventually win

I like your way of thinking.

Just played a ranked now.
Mundo jungle, did really well, only died three times, tons of assists.

We still lost, crap Ezreal carry, tons of flaming all game.



gambling aside, bad blood is a thing I actively try to control

Things like, it's ok guys, im sure he knows he made a mistake lets focus on winning the game

or like

we still got this, we are 2 towers and 1 drag ahead, we're still in the lead


Because once the flaming and anger starts, even if he's an amazing player, being constantly blamed doesn't make playing easy
I like your way of thinking.

Just played a ranked now.
Mundo jungle, did really well, only died three times, tons of assists.

We still lost, crap Ezreal carry, tons of flaming all game.


The key to solo queue, that I learned just recently, is to not flame. Try and calm your team mates down. If you make a mistake, put your hand up and apologise. I'm on a 6 game win streak in ranked solo queue, started in Bronze 3 and am now in Bronze 1.

Seriously, every ranked game I played where there was flaming and where I was getting pissed off, we lost. There's no point to it.

If someone's flaming on your team and you can't calm them down, don;t engage them. Just hit the ignore button and concentrate on your game. Two team mates flaming each other has a negative effect on other team mates as well.


I still stand by my theory

- You have a 50% chance of winning or losing.
- You will typically win-lose-win-lose-win-lose
- Because of this, you'll stay in the same elo forever unless:
1. You can carry yourself enough to win enough of the losing games and;
2. You don't screw up the winning games


I still stand by my theory

- You have a 50% chance of winning or losing.
- You will typically win-lose-win-lose-win-lose
- Because of this, you'll stay in the same elo forever unless:
1. You can carry yourself enough to win enough of the losing games and;
2. You don't screw up the winning games

Theory assumes that you are at the "elo equilibrium"

staying up late, rex mate?


Theory assumes that you are at the "elo equilibrium"

staying up late, rex mate?

YLA Rex (2:39): well fuck
YLA Rex (2:39): i slept at 10pm
YLA Rex (2:39): woke up at 11;30pm
YLA Rex (2:39): tried to go back to sleep for 3hours and it didnt work
Huh. Tried my first ranked game and our top DC'd. Still managed to carry the game though, Hecarim does a lot of damage with just iceborn fist and lizard stone.
Jerman 4 is so fucking fun. Really satisfying to play and his ganks are godlike.

Lu Bu J4 is so awesome too. Wish it had a recall animation though ;_;

Dragonwing Corki too good.


The odds are actually in your favour.

4 randoms on your team vs 5 on theirs. So this is a gamble you should eventually win

This is a really good way to put it, as long as you are better than where you are at, the odds are in your favor and your elo/rank should increase (even if you have to play a lot of games for it to average out)


Is it possible to rank up if I play well personally in pretty much every game, but still lose about 50% due to circumstances beyond my control.

If not I am going nowhere.


Is it possible to rank up if I play well personally in pretty much every game, but still lose about 50% due to circumstances beyond my control.

If not I am going nowhere.
In theory, over many games it will average out to have bad players on the opposing team, so if you are way better than the people you play with, then you will slowly gain rank. It can take a long time, however.


In theory, over many games it will average out to have bad players on the opposing team, so if you are way better than the people you play with, then you will slowly gain rank. It can take a long time, however.

Thanks its pretty much as I thought.
I wouldn't even mind so much, but every team I've been on lately has had people flaming and abusing each other. (sometimes before the game even starts!)

Makes me not want to play a lot of the time. Teamwork is almost a joke.


Is it possible to rank up if I play well personally in pretty much every game, but still lose about 50% due to circumstances beyond my control.

If not I am going nowhere.

From experience, a few keys to winning games:

Play jungle = camp one lane. Keep a pink on you at all times. ALL TIMES. If you ever kill bot lane, get dragon with your pink ward.

Play mid = Play a person with mobility/wave clear. Watch wards and roam.

Play top = beg for jungle ganks and/or snowball

Play support = Learn how to support. Don't go into this blind and hope to win. Always have lane presence. Don't ever let your adc get hit for free. Punish bad plays. Pink wards and communication with the jungler is the key to winning.

Play ADC = Win lane, snowball, duo dragons with support, carry mid game solo no wait this isn't season 2 where adc were actually useful.
Season 3 - hope to fucking god that your team knows how to peel. No matter how well you do, you are nothing without your team


No matter how well you do, you are nothing without your team

Lol that is so true.
I usually do surprisingly well in lane as adc.
When it comes to late game team fights however...shit gets tough.

There is a strange paradox where you need to be in the middle of the action, because you are the damage dealer. But at the same time you want to be as far away as possible, because the enemy team is gunning for you first.


Honestly, stop thinking it's out of your control. If you lose the game, then it's your fault. There's always something you could have done to better your chances of winning. Just winning the lane isn't everything. Do something when you get ahead.

Basically, focus on improving your play rather than being angry at bad teammates. Focus less on the Elo gains and more on just getting better yourself.


Honestly, stop thinking it's out of your control. If you lose the game, then it's your fault. There's always something you could have done to better your chances of winning. Just winning the lane isn't everything. Do something when you get ahead.

Basically, focus on improving your play rather than being angry at bad teammates. Focus less on the Elo gains and more on just getting better yourself.
I generally agree with this but take exception to the bolded, which I feel is too much of a generalization. To take an extreme example, if you have 2 or 3 people who are afk the entire game, I think you are unlikely to win no matter how good you are, and I think it's fair to say it is not your fault in that case.

I agree that in most cases there are things each player can personally do to improve, and that's a good thing to focus on. What is not a good thing is to tear oneself up about each game, stress about how everything happens is one's own fault, and so forth. I do this, it's unhealthy, and it hurts performance. I think it would be better to focus on personal improvement, but also remember it's just a videogame, and try to improve while also not stressing over it.
I generally agree with this but take exception to the bolded, which I feel is too much of a generalization.

Yep, especially if you main ADC. Are you supposed to be ganking other lanes? Leaving bot to ward mid because they absolutely refuse to do so?

Yes, you could always have done something better. But losing is not always your fault. It's a silly mentality to have. You do need to constantly improve but sometimes that means learning how to compensate for having completely shit players on your team.

In those situations, I've found the best thing you can do is be polite, make recommendations and hope they listen, ask your jungler to do what they can, and farm as selfishly as possible to carry late game if they didn't feed to the point where that is no longer possible.
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