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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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While still leveling are you usually paired with/against people your level? Just finished a game where I was the only person in the teens (15), everyone else was 20-22.

Usually yes, but the player distribution at lower levels often means that you're paired with people 3 levels under or above you. Otherwise you'd have to wait +5 minutes to get in a game.

And the majority are probably smurfs?


While still leveling are you usually paired with/against people your level? Just finished a game where I was the only person in the teens (15), everyone else was 20-22.
Yeah, but it's weird. I get matched with people with 1k wins all the time and I'm like 450.

I was also just matched with a Teemo (carry, I guess) that built Wriggle's Lantern for whatever reason.


Yeah, but it's weird. I get matched with people with 1k wins all the time and I'm like 450.

I was also just matched with a Teemo (carry, I guess) that built Wriggle's Lantern for whatever reason.
Riot mentioned that number of wins loses significance the more wins people have. The difference between someone with 50 wins to someone with 150 is a lot more than the difference between 500 - 1000 i'd guess.


Vi + Orianna combo is borderline insane. It's a bit like the unstoppable shockwave except it can't miss
unless you get out of range
I'm thinking of buying Jarvan after I'm bored with Pantheon. He seems cool. Panth is actually pretty fun and I think is my first really offensive top laner, and it's really changing my views of that lane (even tho for some reason I'm always playing pushed top), so I want more top laners.

I've been playing him jungle and he's awesome. Really satisfying to play. Love the thump of his passive when he hits something.

He's incredibly easy to CS with.


It's because shes OP isnt it?!

I wish they'd hurry up and show us Quinn already. I need to decide whether I want to wait for her or buy Vi while shes still godly


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Vi + Orianna combo is borderline insane. It's a bit like the unstoppable shockwave except it can't miss
unless you get out of range
Lulu + Vi > Orianna + Vi
Imagine having all three though.


In my last ranked game our top decided to go afk after he lost the lane.
Much merriment was had by all.
In my ranked lobby I was the only one with a ribbon, one player harassed players, basically said/admitted they were trolling before the game "because i can", and another player harassed a teammate in all chat.

But, because of the league point penalty, no one dodges anymore! D:


i refuse to play with anyone who doesn't have a ribbon.
TheeObscene: W,e
TheeObscene: FTrollololooll
TheeObscene: lololol
SummonsInTrouble: So why not play normal instead of trolling in ranked?
TheeObscene: lololololllll trolllollol
TheeObscene: why? because i can/
TheeObscene: thats why

Our Vayne also harassed teammates in caps in the lobby and ingame, TheeObscene (the jungler) used a racial slur and disconnected late game, and the best part was, the client crashed midgame, so I wasn't even allowed to report anyone! System not working as intended? D:


Riot mentioned that number of wins loses significance the more wins people have. The difference between someone with 50 wins to someone with 150 is a lot more than the difference between 500 - 1000 i'd guess.
Makes sense, I just don't understand why I'm always matched with people with twice as many games as I have. Don't they have enough 400 win players?

I've been playing him jungle and he's awesome. Really satisfying to play. Love the thump of his passive when he hits something.

He's incredibly easy to CS with.
Cool, I want another non-autoattacker jungler/top laner and he seems right up my alley.

Oh man Annie is so fun. Love her visual redesign and Panda Annie is like the best thing. So cute.
She's a lot of fun, been playing her more since her redesign and her damage's ridiculous and she farms crazy easy.

i refuse to play with anyone who doesn't have a ribbon.
I lost mine when they changed the honor stuff T_T


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Took me awhile to notice teemo in the foreground. Pretty good art.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Oh instantIP, your gallery is still as NSFW as ever.
When I saw that image, I didn't think it came from InstantIP.

Thought I could recognize his style at a glance by now.

I've been thinking of playing again but since I nuked my account I'd have to start from scratch again.

Maybe if a new champion release piques my curiosity.


lol Im lttp to LoL but anyway bye Lux, as much as I liked you at first, Im maining Sona now. She is SO good when well equiped (late game), and her support is awesome with the healing + defense + speed up or whatever, won 6 matches in a row or something just spamming the songs alternatively in the end, no one died. Very nice. Im loving learning how to play all this characters.


Shen needs to be banned not to keep the enemy team from getting him, but to keep your team from picking him out of panic over the other team getting him.


I'm in the upper teens in levels now.

You think people at this range in PvP would learn to stay in their fucking lanes and not go try to gank and fail miserably. (People from top and bottom, I know mid's "duty" is to occasionally gank). I mean who cares about towers as long as you have the highest kills?



Hurricane Ashe + Anivia E so good :D

my cs is embarassing

lol Im lttp to LoL but anyway bye Lux, as much as I liked you at first, Im maining Sona now. She is SO good when well equiped (late game), and her support is awesome with the healing + defense + speed up or whatever, won 6 matches in a row or something just spamming the songs alternatively in the end, no one died. Very nice. Im loving learning how to play all this characters.
Sona's so much fun, her early harass is soo good, I almost got a triple kill with her today, she's so fucking nuts. She's ridiculously frail now though, it's kinda sad.

I'm in the upper teens in levels now.

You think people at this range in PvP would learn to stay in their fucking lanes and not go try to gank and fail miserably. (People from top and bottom, I know mid's "duty" is to occasionally gank). I mean who cares about towers as long as you have the highest kills?

That won't probably ever change, from level 1 to 30 to ranked diamond. I got the weirdest of matches last night, the enemy team and mine just went crazy and started switching lanes like every 2 minutes. It was like what bots do after you take down their tower and just start doing whatever and you find yourself against Wukong Akali mid for whatever reason.
Someone FP'd Tryn. I counterpicked with Teemo and felt bad about it.


Actually I didn't. I spammed laugh the entire game. I hate Trondomer. :D


Hello everyone! For the past several months I've seen a ton of posts that basically go like this: "I wish I had all the time in the world to play this game to see how far I would make it". So I thought to myself, with the beginning of Season 3, why not try an experiment on those lines of thought.
This is what I did: saved some money for a new streaming PC, set myself a strict schedule for playing league and stopped college for a period of one year in order to do this.
I call it Project Challenger and I will be starting it today at 11:00AM (GMT). http://www.twitch.tv/woundarbloodcleave
At the moment I'm not high rated, just your average joe trying to succeed at what he loves most. I mostly play jungle ... and mostly suck at the rest of the roles xD. I hope this will make at least an entertaining story to tell at the end of Season 3. So let the experiment begin!
tl;dr - crazy guy puts life on hold for one year in order to play league like a champ.


Might as well just take up easy classes for that year to gain credits while having time for LoL instead of stopping college for an entire year.
i'm closing in on 40k IP and thinking about buying a new champ. is jayce viable? seems like the only champ i'm interested in. waiting for that new adc tho.
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