I generally agree with this but take exception to the bolded, which I feel is too much of a generalization. To take an extreme example, if you have 2 or 3 people who are afk the entire game, I think you are unlikely to win no matter how good you are, and I think it's fair to say it is not your fault in that case.
Of course it's a generalization. What else could it be? There's always going to be some outlier case (e.g., AFKs, people feeding intentionally, etc.). I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about those games where it just comes down to people making mistakes.
I agree that in most cases there are things each player can personally do to improve, and that's a good thing to focus on. What is not a good thing is to tear oneself up about each game, stress about how everything happens is one's own fault, and so forth. I do this, it's unhealthy, and it hurts performance. I think it would be better to focus on personal improvement, but also remember it's just a videogame, and try to improve while also not stressing over it.
Which is a different problem entirely. I'm saying to focus more on what you could have done better. This isn't "It's all my fault, I'm the worst player" kind of thing. This is "I spent too long in top lane instead of just taking it." "I didn't roam enough as mid." "I could have cs'd better and had an extra item."
I'm saying to not go "If not for this mid, we would have won." "Our ADC is bad." "Is it Darius free week?" Don't care about what mistakes they made. You won't fix it. You have no control over them. You can control yourself and can control what you do in the game to influence it. Focus on that. Focusing on everyone else is how you be a bad player. Don't do that.
Yep, especially if you main ADC. Are you supposed to be ganking other lanes? Leaving bot to ward mid because they absolutely refuse to do so?
You push your tower and rotate to another lane. You force situations where you get a Dragon. You may not roam to gank but you can still cause pressure on the flow of the game.
Granted, as ADC, you do have the least amount of roaming options. You're basically just trying to force the game to move forward.
Yes, you could always have done something better. But losing is not always your fault. It's a silly mentality to have. You do need to constantly improve but sometimes that means learning how to compensate for having completely shit players on your team.
That's exactly what I was saying. I guess I should have worded it better but my entire point was to just look at your own play, not everyone else. If there's someone to blame, blame yourself so you can find how to improve. You won't be improving the other players. Who cares about them?
I just find the whole "I get nothing but bad players" is an excuse. Don't do that.
Sorry dude but that is just plain wrong.
Its a five man team, even if one guy played the best game he's ever going to have, if the others do badly he is not going to win.
It's up to the person who gets fed to carry the game. That's kind of their role. Sometimes you get a team that literally cannot function together but you can still do things to win the game. Don't make the excuse of "This team is so bad there's nothing I can do."
If you consistently win your lane AND lose the game then, yes, you are most likely doing something wrong.
Edit: Basically, your takeaway from a lost game should immediately be, "How could I have done better?" rather than, "dis team right here elo hell amirite?"
I don't really agree. I see no downside to always blaming yourself unless you take LoL seriously and attach your skill in a silly little game to your quality as a person.
My Win:Loss record is my entire being.