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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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watch me gank from running down one of my own lanes.
Oh, well that's a fair point. You should be playing cautiously anyway if he isn't visible in your map and has ult up. Keeping track of his ult cooldown (2½ minutes at level 6) helps you to assess whether or not you can play aggressive.

Putting wards near the mid-lane river junctions also helps, as most TF's usually cross those spots to quickly get in ult- range.


I tried Fizz against Twisted Fate last night since Fizz was voted as the top counter. I'm a terrible Fizz, and this was presumably a terrible Twisted Fate, so it worked out...I went 4/0/4, I think I got first blood with the help of the jungler, and my answer to the ganking thing was taking his tower when he ulted top to kill someone.

I don't know if Fizz is always a good answer to Twisted Fate though, and I didn't take teleport so I can't answer as to that aspect either.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Even if you get a bad matchup in lane as TF you can farm pretty safely from long distance and still ability spam.

The whole point of picking Fizz into TF is to outburst him. Run ignite in that case.


Speaking of support, I'm thinking of buying Taric. I don't like men in a woman's job (LOL) but he seems to me like the #1 solo queue support champion.

I love Taric as a soloqueue support because it's always very obvious to communicate what you're trying to do without verbally saying anything. If you see Taric land a stun, it means go the fuck in.

I don't know how many times I've seen 13/400 ADs go balls to wall in on an enemy because I poked the AD with a Q as Sona or Lulu. With those champions, it can be difficult to telegraph whether you're just poking or actually trying to engage. Or like as Alistar, headbutt can either be used to deny an engage or to initiate an engage. This can lead to some confusion with ADs.

Taric has none of that biz. Same with Leona. You see them land a skill, that means they wanna eff shit up.


I love Taric as a soloqueue support because it's always very obvious to communicate what you're trying to do without verbally saying anything. If you see Taric land a stun, it means go the fuck in.

I don't know how many times I've seen 13/400 ADs go balls to wall in on an enemy because I poked the AD with a Q as Sona or Lulu. With those champions, it can be difficult to telegraph whether you're just poking or actually trying to engage. Or like as Alistar, headbutt can either be used to deny an engage or to initiate an engage. This can lead to some confusion with ADs.

Taric has none of that biz. Same with Leona. You see them land a skill, that means they wanna eff shit up.

Yep. It's also why I like playing Nami (even if she's considered UP). Bubble landed? Punish 'em!
What's your build?

Usually Bezerker's if I'm doing well like I was in that game, Spirit of the Lizard Elder, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver (can switch these two around depending on whether you want more dmage or tankiness, I wanted tankiness in that game), Ravenous Hydra (an experiment, but Bloodthirster is probably a better option on her) and finish it off with either a Warmog's if you want more tankiness or a Trinity Force for damage.

There's still a few things I want to change around, such as T Force that late probably isn't worth it or something.


Usually Bezerker's if I'm doing well like I was in that game, Spirit of the Lizard Elder, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver (can switch these two around depending on whether you want more dmage or tankiness, I wanted tankiness in that game), Ravenous Hydra (an experiment, but Bloodthirster is probably a better option on her) and finish it off with either a Warmog's if you want more tankiness or a Trinity Force for damage.

There's still a few things I want to change around, such as T Force that late probably isn't worth it or something.

I'd recommend just go Spirit of the Lizard Elder -> Warmogs as a general template on Vi and build appropriately against their team afterwards
I'd recommend just go Spirit of the Lizard Elder -> Warmogs as a general template on Vi and build appropriately against their team afterwards

Well I'd go Brutalizer before a health item generally to take advantage of her crazy good mid game. I like getting Mallet first because of the Phage proc over Warmog's to be extra sticky in fights. Getting the FM gives me a lot of health in fights and the stickiness to make sure their carries can't do anything other than try and kill me first. Warmog's is a nice round-off at the end because her late game isn't amazing, having that extra health and tankiness boost helps when you're pounding on people.

I suppose going Warmog's and Randuin's would be a good option too.
so broken she is stuck in the jungle because she can't win lane.

Her kit doesn't lend itself to lane, and I've said that all along. She pushes too hard with her harass and her Q is too easily telegraphed in lane.

In the jungle, however, she clears camps in seconds with her E and her Q is a great banking tool when then enemy doesn't see you fly out from behind a wall. Her damage in ganks is insane. I don't know why you'd ever play her top. Mid, sure, she can work mid, if played very well. But I've always said I consider her a jungle champion and at the moment she's get incredible damage and tank power.

She's not even underpowered in lane, just too easy to read pre-6 when she's right in front of you.

She's not "stuck in the jungle", she just thrives there.


Her kit doesn't lend itself to lane, and I've said that all along. She pushes too hard with her harass and her Q is too easily telegraphed in lane.

In the jungle, however, she clears camps in seconds with her E and her Q is a great banking tool when then enemy doesn't see you fly out from behind a wall. Her damage in ganks is insane. I don't know why you'd ever play her top. Mid, sure, she can work mid, if played very well. But I've always said I consider her a jungle champion and at the moment she's get incredible damage and tank power.

She's not even underpowered in lane, just too easy to read pre-6 when she's right in front of you.

She's not "stuck in the jungle", she just thrives there.

The only advantage she has in lane is her E is pretty big and fast. It's not really possible to dodge, just hope she angled it wrong. And her Q gets her out of tanks pretty easily. Wings was playing her to great success mid.
The only advantage she has in lane is her E is pretty big and fast. It's not really possible to dodge, just hope she angled it wrong. And her Q gets her out of tanks pretty easily. Wings was playing her to great success mid.

Yeah it's why she works much better in mid than top. The lane is much shorter, so she can effectively push it, escape ganks really easily and she can farm well under the turret with her E. Top lane just isn't her spot, IMO.

I still think she works best in jungle.


I love Taric as a soloqueue support because it's always very obvious to communicate what you're trying to do without verbally saying anything. If you see Taric land a stun, it means go the fuck in.

I don't know how many times I've seen 13/400 ADs go balls to wall in on an enemy because I poked the AD with a Q as Sona or Lulu. With those champions, it can be difficult to telegraph whether you're just poking or actually trying to engage. Or like as Alistar, headbutt can either be used to deny an engage or to initiate an engage. This can lead to some confusion with ADs.

Taric has none of that biz. Same with Leona. You see them land a skill, that means they wanna eff shit up.

Blitzcrank and Thresh are the same way. If I land my grab it's a very clear invitation to attack. I've started playing Thresh more than Taric in soloqueue because his kit is more fun, but they excel in soloqueue for the same reason.


honestly getting up in leagues is more about time than skill

bash your head against the wall enough and eventually you'll be diamond


Who says NA isn't innovative? Cloud 9 just beat Curse Academy with top Lee Sin, Jungle AP Yi, Mid Malzahar, ADC Ezreal and Support Nasus.



My lord. This last Vlad game of mine.

I had nearly 5k hp and 600ap without a red pot at the end of that game.

The other team STILL focused me in fights ...

Was pretty fun.


I love Taric as a soloqueue support because it's always very obvious to communicate what you're trying to do without verbally saying anything. If you see Taric land a stun, it means go the fuck in.

I don't know how many times I've seen 13/400 ADs go balls to wall in on an enemy because I poked the AD with a Q as Sona or Lulu. With those champions, it can be difficult to telegraph whether you're just poking or actually trying to engage. Or like as Alistar, headbutt can either be used to deny an engage or to initiate an engage. This can lead to some confusion with ADs.

Taric has none of that biz. Same with Leona. You see them land a skill, that means they wanna eff shit up.
Totally, he also requires a lot less skill than Leona and is twice as safe.

I'm realizing more and more that solo q is 90% about winning in the first 10 minutes, so really why bother with late game champs. Just play Taric, make ganks simple for your jungler/mid and just go through them on mid game.

Usually Bezerker's if I'm doing well like I was in that game, Spirit of the Lizard Elder, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver (can switch these two around depending on whether you want more dmage or tankiness, I wanted tankiness in that game), Ravenous Hydra (an experiment, but Bloodthirster is probably a better option on her) and finish it off with either a Warmog's if you want more tankiness or a Trinity Force for damage.

There's still a few things I want to change around, such as T Force that late probably isn't worth it or something.
Hmm, Bloodthirster as a late game item doesn't sound so good either, but thanks.


I love Taric. SUCK IT ERRAGAL!

6 Game win streak with Taric soooo OP. I literally get people so scared of being stunned I can keep them from farming lol and i just build tanky and just go in headfirst lol

Also kayle, shes awesome I always pick her vs Garen. Go Attack Speed reds, AD quints. 21/9. And build the AP I want in the game. Its soo good.


promo matches; get the ww who doesnt know how to jungle :(
next game: get the same guy, ask him politely what he can actually do, he says support
builds warden's mail first on taric

goodbye promo matches :(
You're forgetting the games you lost urself

Yeah it's weird but I'm also finding myself being most successful with support lately. There's just way too many bad support players out there.
Support players are terrible up until plat. Conclusion: easiest way to hit plat is to support

Even if you get a bad matchup in lane as TF you can farm pretty safely from long distance and still ability spam.

The whole point of picking Fizz into TF is to outburst him. Run ignite in that case.
Fizz would still outburst TF without ign

honestly getting up in leagues is more about time than skill

bash your head against the wall enough and eventually you'll be diamond
You either need both, or an incredible skill gap (duh). you either have slightly more skill than your ranking, then it takes time - or youre so good you just get out of every division in 5 games.

Anyway I think youre misinterpreting your result. The way the system works is that it's less punishing to fluctuations in elo - that is why you feel like its time and not skill. But that's merely because the time you invested proved to the system that you were better than X ranking. You still need an elo gap over your ranking. If you gain 10 LP and lose 10 LP because youre winning 50% of your games, time will never take you to diamond. But you can consistently win 55% of your games, you will reach diamond eventually - that still meant that your skill is higher than your ranking everytime, even if it takes a while.

Also, vi is still disgusting. Nerf pls
10% hp shield every 8s? While in combat too!? . % HP damage, armor reduction, attack speed increase? Two dashes with CC? what the fuck is this champion.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
You're forgetting the games you lost urself

Support players are terrible up until plat. Conclusion: easiest way to hit plat is to support

I'm finding duoing with an equally skilled friend as ADC is doing wonders for destroying early game morale and eventually leading up to us winning. Like someone said earlier, winning solo queue is all about winning that early game and getting the enemy team to squabble amongst themselves..


You're forgetting the games you lost urself

nah man never forget, but if i had to post everytime for "dang we lost cuz i suck" id be spamming lots

im in ur league bro

oh i was talking about promo matches from yesterday not this morning though


I can't understand why people go support if they're not gonna buy wards. I mean if you don't wanna support just say it, I'll trade places with you, just don't make me waste half an hour.


sparkle this bitch
Nerf Vlad.

I still have that marco'd

I can't understand why people go support if they're not gonna buy wards. I mean if you don't wanna support just say it, I'll trade places with you, just don't make me waste half an hour.

Shit, I buy wards regardless of who I go. Throwing down an extra ward here or there has never once not helped a team. It's has the best cost to effective use in the game. Sometimes that support just can't get all over the map(This big reason why certain parts may not be warded when I play support).


Shit, I buy wards regardless of who I go. Throwing down an extra ward here or there has never once not helped a team. It's has the best cost to effective use in the game. Sometimes that support just can't get all over the map(This big reason why certain parts may not be warded when I play support).
I ward the jungle entrances nearest my lane, always, and usually just buy 2 wards as a general practice because it's useful ('cept as ADC). I just hate that you're unable to get dragon over and over again because the dude who's role is basically to ward dragon for the first half of the game just decided not to.

You can build full AP and still buy wards, fuckheads :/



yeah what i mean is the skill involved isn't really interesting to me and playing 10 ranked games today probably hurt my soul irreversibly
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