I'm trying to think hard what to do against Kassadin. I ward both sides so I can announce his ganks and push him but I simply cannot be in the lane if he is because I'll end up dead or forced to base, depending if I bought MR/health. I haven't ever ran into him in ranked but I dunno what to do to win the lane, other than getting my jungler camp mid pre-6, buying defensive shit and punishing his roaming by taking his tower.
Also, who to pick...
I got these mids: Ahri, Akali, Anivia, Annie, Cho'Gath, Diana, Katarina, Kayle, LeBlanc (LOL) Lux, Morgana, Pantheon, Orianna, Vlad.
I'm guessing I should pick Cho or Morg and just play safe, or just make him hate his life with Lux early game and just play super safe 6+ (maybe do RoA or something).
The rupture animation for cho is far wider than the actual width for it to knock up people. Same for his silence. Annoying as hell when playing him imo.
Not so much on his W, but definitely on his Q. You wouldn't believe how many people escaped my stomach because of it.
I find that strange. Do you not want to support the developers of the game? I believe that if you're enjoying the game they provide for free that it's worth supporting. Plus you'll get more enjoyment out of it with a wider and more varied champion pool.
I can understand not paying for Pay2Win crap, I'm the same, but I'll gladly support Riot considering how much enjoyment (and anger) I've gotten out if this game.
I like playing Barbies with my champions
I personally prefer bruiser Cho. AoE full procs of Liandry too stronk. He doesn't really need mana, and Frozen Heart should be more than enough.
- Merc/Sorc/Mobility
- Wits End
- Frozen Heart
- Rylai
- Liandry
- Bulwark/Visage/Shurelya
Then again you can build anything because he's Cho.
I usually go mostly AP bruiser RoA, Abyssal, Zhonya's, Frozen Fist (I think it applies on his E but I buy it mostly because it's really too fucking good not to
). I stick a Giant Belt somewhere as to be a bit tankier.
Pretty much the same I'm doing with Diana these days, though I go Haunting Guise (and a couple doran's if needed) instead of RoA with her.