Out of the thousands I've played, this is now my best of them all. We were 2-10 at eight minutes. Middle inhib down at 20. We had no towers AT ALL by 35 minutes. My Tresh was bad, gave Trist three kills early. I was 2-1-2 for a long, long time. No wards on the map.
We were FUCKED. On top of that, Lux was 1-6 early, feeding Morde, the one guy who could pose a giant threat to me in team fights.
What did I do?
I WENT BEASTMODE. I got a triple kill off a cocky dragon rush by the enemy team, bought wards, was polite as hell to everyone despite them feeding, and just played as safe as possible.
We caught them a few more times, getting baron twice in a row with two of our inhibs down.
The last part of the game was an epic base race. Diana got caught by Trist bot while we were all retreating to defend their last desperate push against our nexus. I flashed over the wall and Q-R-ignited her for the kill, just barely getting her with the last tick of my ignite.
At that point, we had three in the base defending against a four man push with no inhibs and just the nexus turrets. I had to make the call. I picked up my giant balls, threw them over my shoulder, and went for the win.
Pushed the bot lane in entirely. Their Taric that died during their last rush respawned and came right at me, stunned, exhausted, wasted lots of time. But I got him and continued, taking the middle inhib.
Then when I was at 50%, Trist SOLD HER ORIGINAL BOOTS, bought new boots, AND enchanted them with homeguard just to get to me in time to stop me. She jumped right on me, ulted me into both nexus turrets, and we dueled. I won by maybe two auto-attacks since I was fed to hell and had warmogs. The push on our base failed when Diana got up and aced their team. Lux met me in their base at this point.
Both turrets fell, and right as the rest of the team was getting up, their nexus fell.
I carried the FUCK out of this ranked game. Lux went legendary by the end, but she was 1-6 at one point.
Also, if someone wants to go Diana top and takes heal and ignite, just save yourself the trouble and dodge. JESUS.