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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Neo Member
I played normal zkylon, they surrender cos their parents $hf%ui&w!b8b WTF?


I think I'll try to get Xin then. I played him in free weeks before and it was quite enjoyable.

xin will be nerfed next patch.

Vi is quickly becoming the worst-kept secret.
The team is going to be touching this next patch

And what about j4 and Xin Zhao? They just dominate every game with only 1 warmogs and no damage items.
Likely here as well.
Was just about to post about the Vi nerfs incoming. It's so infuriating.

Generally I always recognise when a champion is powerful before the vast majority of people, and it's a waiting game for me until they become FotM and get nerfed. I get like 3 weeks out of a champion before everyone starts playing them and then a week before they're nerfed. It sucks.

Riot why you always nerf my champs!? ;_;

Xin nerf was expected for ages, honestly I thought it was gonna come like a month ago. J4 I don't think needs to be nerfed. He's pretty much all early game, he falls off late game. Nerfing him means just making him ok in early game and really underpowered late game.


Vi needs nerfs. She really does. She's tanky, massive armor shred, great base damage, can walk through walls and gap close like a beast. It was only a matter of time.

I think I've definitely given up on Nami ever being a support champ for me. I hate to use my second refund but I'd rather get Thresh with that IP. Or maybe jump on the hybrid pen bandwagon. Even if she gets a buff, there's so many other supports I'm better with.
Had a swain who auto locked without calling anywhere

ends up going support.

when they try to leash blue he goes afk. team invades, he dies standing there

goes 0/6

I don't understand how someone can die the same way over and over and never learn

Next game. Someone doesn't get teemo because someone else chooses him. So he wants to go Thresh mid when we already have a support


I've had enough fun with Vi in ranked. 71% win rate with 40ish games of jungling and got me to gold. Got really bored of her though and started banning her if in captain.

J4 nerfs are weird though. Never really thought he was a problem. He does not do that much damage with "just a Warmogs."
I've always believed Vi was just part of the power creep. Just look at her W alone. Passive 10% HP damage, 50% ASPD steroid that lasts forever and 20% armor shred? Who the hell thought was a good idea?

Not enough! Let's give her an on-demand Malphite passive, give her a way to harass at 600 range because she wasn't good enough at melee, plus a better WW ult too! OH YEAH I remember League of Wall Dashes so let's give her an excellent initiation and escape tool in one on a very low cooldown.


I've always believed Vi was just part of the power creep. Just look at her W alone. Passive 10% HP damage, 50% ASPD steroid that lasts forever and 20% armor shred? Who the hell thought was a good idea?

Not enough! Let's give her an on-demand Malphite passive, give her a way to harass at 600 range because she wasn't good enough at melee, plus a better WW ult too! OH YEAH I remember League of Wall Dashes so let's give her an excellent initiation and escape tool in one on a very low cooldown.

Her W isn't that ridiculous compared to Vayne's if only due to her limited time attacking (due to melee and all); besides, it's not even true damage. Her shield isn't really "on-demand" since you can't choose when to use it barring "don't use a skill." Though, I suppose it's more on-demand than Malphite's. It's definitely an upgraded version of Malphite's as far as jungling is concerned.

Vi's issue is her damage output with her mobility. She has a lot of tricky gank options due to her Q over walls but the same can be said for Jarvan. She has an extremely long range gap closer combo with Q and R (or Q, Flash, and R) and is essentially a guaranteed ~30%+ of their health. It's pretty hard to not force a Flash, or outright kill, with a Vi gank.

I wonder if clippity cloppity will get nerfed too. He just got around to actually earning that blue ribbon too ;_;
I swear when people don't know english all they say is noob and fuck and team

fuck noob team

thresh trolling me as support, I threaten to quit, ends up being my butler for the rest of the game
I swear when people don't know english all they say is noob and fuck and team

fuck noob team

thresh trolling me as support, I threaten to quit, ends up being my butler for the rest of the game

tons of people just like to call everyone noobs all the time.

Played a game. I got into room. Called support and bottom. Then locked in my char. Then Ashe says : bot with Panth.

I said sorry I called it already and im locked in.

Just replies: we are a team.

so game starts and they go bottom so lane stole.

What ever I go mid. I do fine and hold my lane.

Panth was a lvl 30 (i found at at the end) and did what I see so many panths do. Just run around going for kills without a care in the world for the teams position so they get a a good kill ratio. Didnt actually support his friend Ashe and farmed away. Then when we start loosing he just calls us all noobs and that we are a noob team.

Game ends and we go to lobby.

Again he just says "noob team"

Me: I assume you are including your friend Ashe in that with her 8/15/7 score right?

Ashe: yeah i kinda fed.

I just get to a point sometimes where I just lock in who I want to play and go to what ever lane is given to me because you get morons that ignore your calls anyway and also people that will pick crap team mates regardless. So I may as well just play who I enjoy being. I have played games with 4 supports when I was the only one who called it and locked in first. Just gotta roll with the crazy. At least im not in ranked games yet. 10 levels to go for that to start.



Get better at the game first. I did what you are planning to do and went down to 1000elo in a week. It wasn't pretty. Didn't touch it for half a year until i learnt the game properly and learnt about the meta and know what works and what doesn't. Once that happened, i rocketed up to 1500 within 2 weeks.
I would like to think that by the time you hit 30 you should at least know how to play some champions properly. It taken a good 80+ hours just to get to 20


Get better at the game first. I did what you are planning to do and went down to 1000elo in a week. It wasn't pretty. Didn't touch it for half a year until i learnt the game properly and learnt about the meta and know what works and what doesn't. Once that happened, i rocketed up to 1500 within 2 weeks.
I also went down when I started ranked too early, but I went down to 700 and then up to 1200.

Did you not play enough to get down to the +/- 11 elo level though? If you played long enough for your gains to get that low, that 500 elo gain would take 45 straight wins, which sounds kinda painful.

Also I liked Vi from the start and tried her in the jungle, but I never figured out how to do much anything besides damage jungle monsters with her. :( I feel like any sort of gank attempt means I will be kited by a ton of slows and stuns, and/or I will completely miss the Q.


There's quite the difference between learning a champion vs what you see at 1-30 and vs what you'll actually be playing against in a Ranked environment.

Essentially, don't think much about your 1-30 as experience with champions in the meta, just experience with the basics of the mechanics. At least play some Normals at 30 and see how that goes, especially if you're unfamiliar with draft pick in general.


I would like to think that by the time you hit 30 you should at least know how to play some champions properly. It taken a good 80+ hours just to get to 20

Truthfully, you've barely scratched the surface of the game by the time you get to 30. You don't just need to know the champions you play, but you need to know what the champions you would face will do too. Understanding matchups and what you can expect your teammates to do as well as your opponents are a big learning curve and the level 30 games are pretty different than the lower level games.

Start playing normal drafts and get used to the format before trying ranked. The early ranked games are so important as they dictate your placement. It's a lot harder to climb elo than it is to get placed higher initially.
I see what you are saying. However I already play draft games when I'm not pushed for time and isn't ranked also full of terrible players at all levels anyway? Unless you are dead serious about it (which im not) I would imagine your rank will settle where it should be over time.


You take that shit back zkylon, YOU TAKE THAT SHIT BACK.
I already said sorry :D

I played normal zkylon, they surrender cos their parents $hf%ui&w!b8b WTF?

lol wtf that's some Corgi shit right there

xin will be nerfed next patch.
Called it! J4's weird tho.

I would like to think that by the time you hit 30 you should at least know how to play some champions properly. It taken a good 80+ hours just to get to 20
You would like to think but you won't. You'll find tons of level 30 people to suck as hard as the level 20 do. To play ranked you should be able to carry from 2 or 3 roles, it's not easy, and you don't have anyone to count on but yourself.


Then do as you want, I guess. Was just a suggestion so you don't end up tanking your rating early on.

That said, since MMR is separate from your ranking (that is, you'll play roughly your skill level regardless of placement), it's more just advice so you don't start in a low tier and have an even longer grind.

Honestly, the primary reason is just because you won't be prepared for Ranked from 1-30. Not just what this means for you but what this means for the team you're with.
I already said sorry :D

lol wtf that's some Corgi shit right there

Called it! J4's weird tho.

You would like to think but you won't. You'll find tons of level 30 people to suck as hard as the level 20 do. To play ranked you should be able to carry from 2 or 3 roles, it's not easy, and you don't have anyone to count on but yourself.

To be honest I wont be playing ranked in a serious way. Just as a motivator (wonder if il rank up again soon etc). My first child will arrive in about 11 weeks and the last thing I will have time for is to go all out on a game. So as much as I understand what you mean, I will no doubt just go straight in to rank at 30 because im really not that fussed. However if I wanted to really get as high as possible and had the time to dedicate to the game..... then yes what you say makes perfect sense.


Then do as you want, I guess. Was just a suggestion so you don't end up tanking your rating early on.

That said, since MMR is separate from your ranking (that is, you'll play roughly your skill level regardless of placement), it's more just advice so you don't start in a low tier and have an even longer grind.

Honestly, the primary reason is just because you won't be prepared for Ranked from 1-30. Not just what this means for you but what this means for the team you're with.
i've been playing for more than 2.5years. I'm still awful at the game.

lol im sure many of us are. But if I play ranked and am awful then il end up against awful people and might get a fair game.

Like I said if you take this more seriously and really want to get a great rank then I would agree.

However playing normals is a pretty big mess and for what im after I would prob learn more going into ranked once I hit 30. however I have a while before that happens.


Just realized that "Grieta del Invocador" is a very literal and ridiculously misinterpretable spanish translation of Summoner's Rift.

Also my 400 RP scam failed because I wasn't friends with myself lol... you win this one Riot...
I would like to think that by the time you hit 30 you should at least know how to play some champions properly. It taken a good 80+ hours just to get to 20

No. I was terribad at 30. Considering I carried the fuck out of games from like 10-30. Yeah you are only doing yourself a diservice if you are jumping right in.


i mean if i understand correctly
the guy doesn't care if his rank is shit, like all he is doing is playing draft with a meaningless number attached, but a number that might be fun for him to track


Tragic victim of fan death
lol im sure many of us are. But if I play ranked and am awful then il end up against awful people and might get a fair game.

Like I said if you take this more seriously and really want to get a great rank then I would agree.

However playing normals is a pretty big mess and for what im after I would prob learn more going into ranked once I hit 30. however I have a while before that happens.

I can see that. This is actually what my friend did. He learned a lot and ended up in 1800 in a really really short time. lol.

Then again, he has good game sense.


Which is fine. I still say to avoid Ranked for a bit until you're comfortable with the way the games operate merely so you're not hindering your team. Especially since they might care a lot more than he does.

To each their own, I suppose.


if matchmaking works right he should be with like-skilled and like-minded people I think, but I don't know the algoryhtmzez


if matchmaking works right he should be with like-skilled and like-minded people I think, but I don't know the algoryhtmzez


But, yes, theoretically matchmaking should be placing him with other people in their placements with a similar amount of wins. Theoretically, should, etc.



I still have a hard imagining a separation between people who "take it seriously" and people who don't I guess, like everyone wants to win


For the longest time, I thought boken was in the UK. I'm not sure why, actually.

Now that I know he's just like Rex, all the charm is gone.
i mean if i understand correctly
the guy doesn't care if his rank is shit, like all he is doing is playing draft with a meaningless number attached, but a number that might be fun for him to track

This is pretty close.

It's not like I wouldn't play to win and I would play characters and roles I'm not used to. I would just play to improve and going up in rank is part of the fun. I just feel playing in ranked would teach me more faster than the mess that is normals as long as I'm playing roles and champions I'm used to playing.

My aim wouldn't be (and never is) to purely dick about and troll.


boken could probably visit my house if i told him my address. Probably a 20minute drive. You're an east sydney sider, aren't you?


Played J4 top .... I think I'll stick to jungling with him.

I ended the game going 6-2 as Dunkmaster J ... but laning was extremely unfun especially against Kayle.

I go on like a 5 game ranked win streak ... get to the division series ... lose the first 2 ... this always happens.

It's so aggravating.


Tragic victim of fan death
boken could probably visit my house if i told him my address. Probably a 20minute drive. You're an east sydney sider, aren't you?

You can't do this to me. I don't need two spider riders in LoLGAF. Next thing you know you'll have an army dammit!
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