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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Im currently building my first rune page (as im only lvl 20) and as I play support a lot im doing gold per 10, armour and magic resist.

What would be good to replace the gold with for top lane / junglers?

Whats wrong with WW if I enjoy him and play him tanky?

WW has zero jungle presence until he hits 6. He's also not one of the faster ones, and not exactly along the top when it comes to dueling in case of counterjungling. His best scenario would be against a jungler who normally goes dangerously low HP. His passive gives him more options though, like machete wards.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Many supports run armor yellows instead of gp/10s to trade better.

This is me telling you to buy armor yellows because you can run them on everything.


WW has zero jungle presence until he hits 6. He's also not one of the faster ones, and not exactly along the top when it comes to dueling in case of counterjungling. His best scenario would be against a jungler who normally goes dangerously low HP. His passive gives him more options though, like machete wards.

i'd buy that ward skin

what if there was a champion who drops machetes on the ground and they act like teemo shrooms but instead of an explosion darius comes from the sky and dunks them

Many supports run armor yellows instead of gp/10s to trade better.

This is me telling you to buy armor yellows because you can run them on everything.

i thought he was talking about quints

man i should run a full armor page on thresh
WW has zero jungle presence until he hits 6. He's also not one of the faster ones, and not exactly along the top when it comes to dueling in case of counterjungling. His best scenario would be against a jungler who normally goes dangerously low HP. His passive gives him more options though, like machete wards.

I wasn't planning on maining jungle ever. I pretty much find support my main role. I just thought I would learn the role at some point incase im forced into it. I play WW top at the moment.

Any tips on Alister when I play him support. Should I just build the normal support stuff with him or go tanky (although his ult covers that pretty well) or even AP so all his abilites are better? Unlike my other supports he gets into the thick of the fight to disrupt so I could imagine taking certain support items but it might be better to build other things with him.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Building support items inherently makes you tanky. Buy a Locket. Buy Ruby Sightstone. Consider Aegis/Bulwark. Consider Shurelya's. Buy what makes sense.


something i found in lol is that unless you're always playing with a premade party or are on some pro ranked team, you never have such a thing as main role.

unelss you're one of those support or feed people

philo stone > sightstone > boots of lucidity > locket > turn philo stone into shureliyas > hope we win

my general support build for thresh/lulu because i hate remembering things

also 1000 wards
something i found in lol is that unless you're always playing with a premade party or are on some pro ranked team, you never have such a thing as main role.

unelss you're one of those support or feed people

philo stone > sightstone > boots of lucidity > locket > turn philo stone into shureliyas > hope we win

my general support build for thresh/lulu because i hate remembering things

also 1000 wards

yeah those are pretty much my go to support things as well.


You can make a game without bots and just run tests on your routes. Warwick is not super viable and you shouldn't really look into him very hard even as a beginner jungler. He doesn't really teach great habits either.

Standard jungle page is attack speed reds, flat armor yellows, scaling MR blues. Quints are choice. Lots of people used to (and still) run movespeed but you can get more out of something like flat armor to be honest.

Armor yellows are ubiquitous. Scaling MR blues can also be used in any situation.

warwick such a good duelist in the jungle

gotta invade the shit out of them


something i found in lol is that unless you're always playing with a premade party or are on some pro ranked team, you never have such a thing as main role.

unelss you're one of those support or feed people

philo stone > sightstone > boots of lucidity > locket > turn philo stone into shureliyas > hope we win

my general support build for thresh/lulu because i hate remembering things

also 1000 wards

I have a main role, it's jungle/support.


Building support items inherently makes you tanky. Buy a Locket. Buy Ruby Sightstone. Consider Aegis/Bulwark. Consider Shurelya's. Buy what makes sense.
S2 yellow red armor used to be amazing, but now attack damage red on support is better (especially range).
is there seriously an outcry that quinn should look different because she would have to heavy/bright gear for a ranger in the woods? like seriously?
is there seriously an outcry that quinn should look different because she would have to heavy/bright gear for a ranger in the woods? like seriously?

yeah its kinda perplexed me as well.

Thatw who they made.... if you don't like her then don't use her. That or wait for a skin to come out which might have that look you are after.
yeah its kinda perplexed me as well.

That who the made.... if you dont like her then dont use her. That or wait for a skin to come out which might have that look you are after.

i don't even get the complaint that she looks like vayne or swain, don't really see it. i hope she's really unpopular so i can pick her everytime :)


What nerf? they scale at precisely the same level. Using the old rune page, you'd have the same magic% and svamp%. roughly.

Oh man, you're absolutely right. The 20 ap you would have needed gives you the difference (maybe even a little more?? 6ap for 1% = 9% total).

I didn't think that all the way through. How awesome. It's like I have a new rune page! Maybe try to run her with movespeed quints and hybrid marks.

On a completely different note, why did I wait so long to start playing Eve. I got it in my head to start jungling her last night and after a near 10 game losing streak, I broke it with 3 straight wins. She is so much fun. And with this new meta of stacking health, she bursts down those bruisers like they are AD carries. ult->DFG->E->QQQQQQQQQQ DEAD.

Just the ult + DFG is 40% of their health. Then those Qs (with 400ap) are doing 360 damage a pop. Holy crap. A 4k health bruiser with less than 100MR will die in less than 6 seconds just to Eve.

I got in one long ass game where the opponent Jarvan stacked health like crazy and every teamfight he'd initiate with his ult. Every time he did it, I'd blow him up almost instantly (helped that our support Ryze and Swain were pretty fed too).

I love roaming around at light speed only worrying about pink wards. Even without CC, I can scare the crap out of every lane and counter jungle really well. And at my MMR normal games, it doesn't seem like anyone knows what the heck a pink ward even is. There is nothing more satisfying than a surprise counter gank.

She's never banned and people rarely fight over jungle. Maybe I'll just start doing that for awhile. Get better at the role in general.


Wouldn't you DFG then ult for more damage?

I guess I'd have to crunch the numbers. It's possible the 20% bonus from DFG would make up for the reduced 15% health of the enemy from the DFG hit but from first glance I figured the ult first would be more damage since it's % of current health. The DFG is % of max health.

Might as well do some numbers.

Wow cool. It's almost dead on. The paste is kinda hard to read but the first value is their max health, second is going ult->DFG, third is going DFG->ult. Guess you could go either way. DFG first might be better in a teamfight as others will be casting at the same time.

health health after R->DFG health after DFG->R
1000 600 595
1500 900 892.5
2000 1200 1190
2500 1500 1487.5
3000 1800 1785
3500 2100 2082.5
4000 2400 2380

edit2: The above is with no MR. Not really curious enough to see if MR changes the numbers much.


It depends on a lot of factors but the easy math to crunch is %HP = 90 / (100 + MR); that is, at-or-above that HP%, you would DFG and then Ult, otherwise Ult and then DFG.

Edit: Whoa, all them new posts, I'll just move this ;_;
I'm not quite as annoyed by Quinn's design as everyone else, but I do have a bit of a problem with it, in that it just looks... boring.

It's a problem I tend to have with quite a few of IronStylus' designs. They make a lot of sense in terms of lore et al, but I don't give a shit about their lore when I'm playing in-game. The champions he designs tend to be bland in visuals, but great in terms of gameplay.

Diana is a perfect example. She's really plain visually, but her mechanics are brilliant. Leona too, really plain visually but mechanically excellent. Again, both with really good lore, especially Diana.

I think it's the same problem I have with Quinn. Her concept is excellent and her lore is brilliant, so far anyway. Her visual design is just quite boring and bland though. Sure, her clothing makes sense for her role in the Demacian army or whatever, but It's just not as interesting to look at when playing.

I don't "OMG BOOBS" or anything, just a design that;s a bit more interesting.


Am I doing something wrong if I am level 12 and still havent bought a single Rune? All the IP Im earning Im using for unlocking the characters I want to use. Its such a hard earn "money" to just use in a rune that gives so little instead of buying a whole new character... I was thinking about waiting till I have acess to the Tier 3 (level 20 right?) ones before starting to buy them.
Am I doing something wrong if I am level 12 and still havent bought a single Rune? All the IP Im earning Im using for unlocking the characters I want to use. Its such a hard earn "money" to just use in a rune that gives so little instead of buying a whole new character... I was thinking about waiting till I have acess to the Tier 3 (level 20 right?) ones before starting to buy them.

no you are doing everything right. runes are worthless before you hit level 20, you can buy the good ones then.

you can start saving up IP right around 15-17.


The Riven change is interesting, to say the least. It improved her Cloth5 or Rejuv6-1 or 9-2/11-1 start, slightly weakened her Longsword2 early game (that is, her Level 2 all-in) but improved her 3+. She's slightly weaker when she hits BT but should be stronger with an early BC than before.


I'm not quite as annoyed by Quinn's design as everyone else, but I do have a bit of a problem with it, in that it just looks... boring

I'll wait until I see it in action. Without Valor there, she'd honestly look just like random_footsolider_01 though.


Oh man, you're absolutely right. The 20 ap you would have needed gives you the difference (maybe even a little more?? 6ap for 1% = 9% total).

I didn't think that all the way through. How awesome. It's like I have a new rune page! Maybe try to run her with movespeed quints and hybrid marks.

On a completely different note, why did I wait so long to start playing Eve. I got it in my head to start jungling her last night and after a near 10 game losing streak, I broke it with 3 straight wins. She is so much fun. And with this new meta of stacking health, she bursts down those bruisers like they are AD carries. ult->DFG->E->QQQQQQQQQQ DEAD.

Just the ult + DFG is 40% of their health. Then those Qs (with 400ap) are doing 360 damage a pop. Holy crap. A 4k health bruiser with less than 100MR will die in less than 6 seconds just to Eve.

I got in one long ass game where the opponent Jarvan stacked health like crazy and every teamfight he'd initiate with his ult. Every time he did it, I'd blow him up almost instantly (helped that our support Ryze and Swain were pretty fed too).

I love roaming around at light speed only worrying about pink wards. Even without CC, I can scare the crap out of every lane and counter jungle really well. And at my MMR normal games, it doesn't seem like anyone knows what the heck a pink ward even is. There is nothing more satisfying than a surprise counter gank.

She's never banned and people rarely fight over jungle. Maybe I'll just start doing that for awhile. Get better at the role in general.

How do you find her first clear? I remember when the new jungle first hit, I couldn't even first clear, but that was still in the day when people would autoattack blue once or twice and then peace. Runes? Build (Seekers Armguard seems like a good pickup)?

I've always been a big fan of Eve (I jungled her after the remake when everyone thought she was weak still) and am always looking for new ways to play her. I actually don't mind the ultimate nerf and think it wasn't as bad as many people thought it was.
I am best pony:


Using League Replays and have that one recorded. Going to get it recorded via Fraps and plopped on to Youtube.

If you want to watch the replay file, here's the link. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2790821/

Want to see how this all works out. Also feedback would be appreciated. I'll post the Youtube link when I can be bothered to record and edit and whatnot.


How do you find her first clear? I remember when the new jungle first hit, I couldn't even first clear, but that was still in the day when people would autoattack blue once or twice and then peace. Runes? Build (Seekers Armguard seems like a good pickup)?

I've always been a big fan of Eve (I jungled her after the remake when everyone thought she was weak still) and am always looking for new ways to play her. I actually don't mind the ultimate nerf and think it wasn't as bad as many people thought it was.

My first game was a throwaway figuring that out, but the 3 others I started butchers knife + pots. Her first clear isn't painful at all. Start Q, then E. With a butchers knife she clears pretty quick. I'd start wolves and smite blue then go for a quick level 2 gank top or mid then continue to clear.

First back I'd finish spirit stone and hopefully boots. From there my build is DFG, sorc shoes, Spirit of the Spectral wraith, morrellonomicon. DFG is key though. First item after spirit stone.

I'll have to try seeker's armguard but DFG is just so valuable for Eve I couldn't see doing anything but rushing that.

My masteries are 21/9/0 with AD and AP in Offense and Health with tough skin and Bladed armor in defense (and one point armor). Runes are movespeed quints, magic pen marks, armor seals, MR glyphs.

I watched Dan Dinh jungle her a bit today and he took a different approach. He started flask and pots and still cleared fast. Then he skipped the spirit stone entirely and went straight to sorc shoes and DFG. Might be a good idea. I'm going to try it. His masteries are roughly the same as mine except he doesn't put any into AD offense tree and he uses health regen and more armor instead of flat health in his defense tree. His runes are the same as mine except AP quints instead of movespeed quints.

I typically jungle Diana, Nocturne or Zed and I find Eve's clears to be comparable with the Q spam.


I guess I'd have to crunch the numbers. It's possible the 20% bonus from DFG would make up for the reduced 15% health of the enemy from the DFG hit but from first glance I figured the ult first would be more damage since it's % of current health. The DFG is % of max health.

Might as well do some numbers.

Wow cool. It's almost dead on. The paste is kinda hard to read but the first value is their max health, second is going ult->DFG, third is going DFG->ult. Guess you could go either way. DFG first might be better in a teamfight as others will be casting at the same time.

health health after R->DFG health after DFG->R
1000 600 595
1500 900 892.5
2000 1200 1190
2500 1500 1487.5
3000 1800 1785
3500 2100 2082.5
4000 2400 2380

edit2: The above is with no MR. Not really curious enough to see if MR changes the numbers much.

In case anyone is curious, I played with the numbers a little more on my spreadsheet and the less health someone has from their max, the more damage ult first does. I threw in MR for the fun of it and it didn't change.

So basically ult first is better except in the case of 100% max health and even then it's a very small difference.


In case anyone is curious, I played with the numbers a little more on my spreadsheet and the less health someone has from their max, the more damage ult first does. I threw in MR for the fun of it and it didn't change.

So basically ult first is better except in the case of 100% max health and even then it's a very small difference.


It depends on a lot of factors but the easy math to crunch is %HP = 90 / (100 + MR); that is, at-or-above that HP%, you would DFG and then Ult, otherwise Ult and then DFG.

As (Effective) MR rises, the HP% threshold goes down.

That said, the easy way to go about is Ult then DFG unless they're full Health. The damage difference is small enough at every other gap that it's essentially irrelevant.


I am best pony:


Using League Replays and have that one recorded. Going to get it recorded via Fraps and plopped on to Youtube.

If you want to watch the replay file, here's the link. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2790821/

Want to see how this all works out. Also feedback would be appreciated. I'll post the Youtube link when I can be bothered to record and edit and whatnot.
Nice. I kinda wish they had officially support the LeagueReplays dude since I don't want to have to browse my replays in the shitty Air launcher but eh, what can you do...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nice. I kinda wish they had officially support the LeagueReplays dude since I don't want to have to browse my replays in the shitty Air launcher but eh, what can you do...
What...LeagueReplay is so bad. Why would anyone want to use it except for out of necessity?


My girlfriend who barely plays LoL, occasional bot games and watches me play sometimes, said immediately upon me showing her Quinn .... that she looked like Swain (bird) and Vayne (crossbow on her arm).

So yeah. Kind've boring Riot.


What...LeagueReplay is so bad. Why would anyone want to use it except for out of necessity?
Nah, I'm not saying the LeagueReplays dude shouldn't roll out a new replays program entirely, I just don't want it to be on the LoL client and I'm betting that guy could do some real awesome work if he was payed for it.

I also think it's kinda shitty for Riot to step in and shut down a guy that's been giving everyone free replays forever, which helps promote the game and helps us all have fun with it, which is I wish they had brought him on board at least.


You think League will ever get an engine overhaul? I mean, it's not broken, but there has to be a reason why all these features are taking forever to get implemented. It's not a lack of talent, ideas, or employees, I think it's the engine.


I've noticed recently that when I don't call a position I end up getting jungle even more than support, which is fine because I played support a lot last year so I don't mind doing something else.

Anyway, in this one game we have Zed top. After clearing blue buff I figure hey the enemy has pushed a bit, I'll go gank top. Cause that's like, what you do, right? I get up there and we get a few hits on their top laner but then he flashes out and gets away. At least we got a flash, I figure, then I had towards mid.

Zed: wtf
me: ?
Zed: if i wanted a gank i'd ask for it

Whaaaaat the fudge? In half the games I play I get constant bitching because I don't simultaneously gank all three lanes even though our team has pushed to their turret and also not warded anything. Now I'm supposed to know that Zed thinks he can order ganks off the menu when he's in the mood.

I can't wait until they make that change to allow pings to work for people you've muted because I'm going back to muting both sides in every game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If there was a big wave pushing you could have lost him more gold than you gained by blowing the Flash. Not sure if that was the case obviously...but there are multiple factors when it comes to whether or not you should gank.


I've noticed recently that when I don't call a position I end up getting jungle even more than support, which is fine because I played support a lot last year so I don't mind doing something else.

Anyway, in this one game we have Zed top. After clearing blue buff I figure hey the enemy has pushed a bit, I'll go gank top. Cause that's like, what you do, right? I get up there and we get a few hits on their top laner but then he flashes out and gets away. At least we got a flash, I figure, then I had towards mid.

Zed: wtf
me: ?
Zed: if i wanted a gank i'd ask for it

Whaaaaat the fudge? In half the games I play I get constant bitching because I don't simultaneously gank all three lanes even though our team has pushed to their turret and also not warded anything. Now I'm supposed to know that Zed thinks he can order ganks off the menu when he's in the mood.

I can't wait until they make that change to allow pings to work for people you've muted because I'm going back to muting both sides in every game.

I think you just detailed out why people don't like to jungle. :p
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