i decided to try Warwick out again in top lane and had a really good run with him. Also found him really fun. Built him tanky with magic resist boots, wiggles, wits end, frozen heart and spirit visage and then the last item will be game dependant. Either more damage or more defence depending on the game. Really enjoyed playing him as well. Can get some great ganks with his ult and he has great chase and the ability to finish. He life steel is fantastic as well and can totally screw over people who try to turret dive you (was on basically no health and melphite dived to get the kill. Ran around the tower for a bit and then hunger striked him when her was close and then tower finished him off). Even without tons of damage items you can ignite, ult then hunger them and do a pretty decent burst. Thing is now that I like him I wanna get the hyena skin..... but i cant spend any more on this game this month lol.
Might have to try and learn to jungle as well as I still havnt bothered.
Would it be worth making a game with bots and practising a jungle route? I know With people you would often get a leash on blue first but I get the feeling you cant do that with bots lol.