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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I've noticed recently that when I don't call a position I end up getting jungle even more than support, which is fine because I played support a lot last year so I don't mind doing something else.

Anyway, in this one game we have Zed top. After clearing blue buff I figure hey the enemy has pushed a bit, I'll go gank top. Cause that's like, what you do, right? I get up there and we get a few hits on their top laner but then he flashes out and gets away. At least we got a flash, I figure, then I had towards mid.

Zed: wtf
me: ?
Zed: if i wanted a gank i'd ask for it

Whaaaaat the fudge? In half the games I play I get constant bitching because I don't simultaneously gank all three lanes even though our team has pushed to their turret and also not warded anything. Now I'm supposed to know that Zed thinks he can order ganks off the menu when he's in the mood.

I can't wait until they make that change to allow pings to work for people you've muted because I'm going back to muting both sides in every game.

That's when they stop getting ganks unless they ask for it. Easy.

Most intelligent laners will ping back if they don't like the position of the wave or feel like they are too far behind to get a gank off. If they give you shit afterwards, especially when it was successful then I simply reply:

"Ok". And that's the last they'll see of me.

Jungler gets the most shit of any role hands down. It's also one of the more challenging. You can execute a bunch of great ganks and counter-ganks and shut down the opponent jungle but one bad dive or a missed smite and you're a martyr for the rest of the game. It's probably why people get "stuck" with it more often than not.


You think League will ever get an engine overhaul? I mean, it's not broken, but there has to be a reason why all these features are taking forever to get implemented. It's not a lack of talent, ideas, or employees, I think it's the engine.
Probably ever.

Really the reason I think everything takes as long as it does is because any change you do affects millions and millions of people and so it requires crazy extensive testing.

I've noticed recently that when I don't call a position I end up getting jungle even more than support, which is fine because I played support a lot last year so I don't mind doing something else.

Anyway, in this one game we have Zed top. After clearing blue buff I figure hey the enemy has pushed a bit, I'll go gank top. Cause that's like, what you do, right? I get up there and we get a few hits on their top laner but then he flashes out and gets away. At least we got a flash, I figure, then I had towards mid.

Zed: wtf
me: ?
Zed: if i wanted a gank i'd ask for it

Whaaaaat the fudge? In half the games I play I get constant bitching because I don't simultaneously gank all three lanes even though our team has pushed to their turret and also not warded anything. Now I'm supposed to know that Zed thinks he can order ganks off the menu when he's in the mood.

I can't wait until they make that change to allow pings to work for people you've muted because I'm going back to muting both sides in every game.
lol that's pure gold.
That's when they stop getting ganks unless they ask for it. Easy.

Most intelligent laners will ping back if they don't like the position of the wave or feel like they are too far behind to get a gank off. If they give you shit afterwards, especially when it was successful then I simply reply:

"Ok". And that's the last they'll see of me.

Jungler gets the most shit of any role hands down. It's also one of the more challenging. You can execute a bunch of great ganks and counter-ganks and shut down the opponent jungle but one bad dive or a missed smite and you're a martyr for the rest of the game. It's probably why people get "stuck" with it more often than not.

Yeah I love how nobody wants to jungle these days, means I get to jungle whenever I want.

Carry from jungle np


I felt Support/Jungle were both equally the red-headed stepchild of the role choices in S2.

Yeah, that's true for the most part. I still saw a lot more people requesting jungle pre-change than I do now though. Since the jungle change it's been like no-mans land whereas support is getting more popular.

It's getting to the point where a good jungler absolutely breaks the game at my elo/mmr/whatever. Maybe with some work I can be one of those good junglers.


You think League will ever get an engine overhaul? I mean, it's not broken, but there has to be a reason why all these features are taking forever to get implemented. It's not a lack of talent, ideas, or employees, I think it's the engine.
If you're referring to stuff like replays, that feature has a lot of back-end features that need to be optimized for the adobe air- client. The in-game engine should not be a huge obstacle in that regard (especially since the engine itself was developed by Riot).
Yeah, that's true for the most part. I still saw a lot more people requesting jungle pre-change than I do now though. Since the jungle change it's been like no-mans land whereas support is getting more popular.

It's getting to the point where a good jungler absolutely breaks the game at my elo/mmr/whatever. Maybe with some work I can be one of those good junglers.

What elo level are you at roughly? I'm easily at silver 1 or 2 level elo/MMR at the mo and I'm doing exactly that. Just stomping solo queue because I can jungle well.


Yeah my recent ranked experience is duoing with a friend that always goes Xin/Kha'Zix jungle and he just feeds me all match long :D
Yeah my recent ranked experience is duoing with a friend that always goes Xin/Kha'Zix jungle and he just feeds me all match long :D

It's so easy to do if you even have a bit of ward coverage, especially if you're up against a jungle like Kha'Zix (like in my Hecarim game) who can fall pretty far behind if you shut him down. If I knew where he was I'd pressure other lanes to take pressure off my top lane which was pretty much exclusively where he was going.

I terrorized their Zyra mid, never let her get any rest. If she was getting low I'd dive her, get the kill and make sure she was so far behind. Caught Mundo a few times too, but the Kha'Zix I just made a mockery of. He tried to steal my red at level 2, I spotted him and I killed him and just made him pay from then on.

Whenever he went to a lane I would immediately punish him for it with counterganks and counter-jungling.

Especially if you are a jungler like Xin or Hecarim,where if someone tried to fight you you're generally going to beat them because of your sustained damage output and general beefiness.

It's something that I only started getting to grips with recently and it has improved my game immensely. I was always good at ganking and map awareness is one of my biggest strengths, but I never really capitalised on it until recently. Learning how to take my map vision and superior awareness and translate that into positioning, pressure and relief of pressure means my elo is just turning into a stomp for me when I play jungle.

I'm really very proud of how my game has transformed.



glitterlance op

PregnantMonkey: honor for lulu you sound like a nice guys
Garfunkle88: i like when people try to get honor at the end of the game haha
PregnantMonkey: i dont want to be honor
PregnantMonkey: idgaf he just deserved it

scumbag kz and nice guy enemy tf


What elo level are you at roughly? I'm easily at silver 1 or 2 level elo/MMR at the mo and I'm doing exactly that. Just stomping solo queue because I can jungle well.

I finished last season at 1275 or something. Haven't jumped into the placement matches yet but I've improved my game some. I'd probably be in the 1350 range.

There are not many good junglers in my games. Its time to switch roles. Guess I need to buy vi :)


lol corgi

It's so easy to do if you even have a bit of ward coverage, especially if you're up against a jungle like Kha'Zix (like in my Hecarim game) who can fall pretty far behind if you shut him down. If I knew where he was I'd pressure other lanes to take pressure off my top lane which was pretty much exclusively where he was going.

I terrorized their Zyra mid, never let her get any rest. If she was getting low I'd dive her, get the kill and make sure she was so far behind. Caught Mundo a few times too, but the Kha'Zix I just made a mockery of. He tried to steal my red at level 2, I spotted him and I killed him and just made him pay from then on.

Whenever he went to a lane I would immediately punish him for it with counterganks and counter-jungling.

Especially if you are a jungler like Xin or Hecarim,where if someone tried to fight you you're generally going to beat them because of your sustained damage output and general beefiness.

It's something that I only started getting to grips with recently and it has improved my game immensely. I was always good at ganking and map awareness is one of my biggest strengths, but I never really capitalised on it until recently. Learning how to take my map vision and superior awareness and translate that into positioning, pressure and relief of pressure means my elo is just turning into a stomp for me when I play jungle.

I'm really very proud of how my game has transformed.
Yeah basically that early game pressure is what makes or breaks ranked right now.

I play mid, ward their jungle entrances and we just countergank all day long.
glitterlance op

PregnantMonkey: honor for lulu you sound like a nice guys
Garfunkle88: i like when people try to get honor at the end of the game haha
PregnantMonkey: i dont want to be honor
PregnantMonkey: idgaf he just deserved it

scumbag kz and nice guy enemy tf

what way was that Fiora building?


Yeah I've noticed I haven't had to fight people over Jungle much in S3. It's good for me because I kind of hate laning.



Every lane loses. I'm the only one who actually keeps up in farm during laning.

Gets all the blame because I picked kha'zix into renekton and get trash talked from the first minute.

Best team.
Boots, Philo, Avarice, Sheen

Eventually becomes:
Infinity Edge
Last two are Shurelya/Bulwark/Atma/Visage/Maw/BT/GA/LW/another Warmog

Not a huge fan of GA these days though. It's expensive as hell.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
1-1 in my promotion series so far, Lulu is definitely a solo queue beast that will take me to silver and maybe gold. Been duoing with a friend and we've been destroying teams so far but god damn this game. Jungler no speak da english and mid/top were just idiotic. 4 man gank bot, blame bot for feeding.

Yay ranked.

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